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Order of Heroes Clubs


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So, we know about C.H.O.P. (axe fighters), the as-of-yet-unnamed sword ladies training club (introduced in Larcei's supports in the Beyond Blood FB), Club des Reines (queens), and the Heavy Plate Corps (people who eat a lot), and it seems like these little clubs are only going to keep popping up. With that in mind, I began to wonder what other commonalities clubs might start up around. So, I began thinking of some, and thought that it could be fun to see what ideas other people had!

So, make a club! It can be about an interest (such as eating lots of food) or a fighting style (such as using axes) or any other commonalities the heroes have. Make sure that you include who would join this club!


Here's a sample of what I'm talking about, with my own idea.

Name: Brotherhood of Dragons

A place where men (of all ages) with dragon blood can gather and support one another, especially when they feel somewhat overshadowed by a female counterpart (who always seem to be preferred.) They also have a band!

Members: Nils (counterpart is Ninian), M!Kana (counterpart is F!Kana), Duma (counterpart is Mila), Fallen M!Corrin (counterpart is Fallen F!Corrin), Bantu (counterpart is any and all Tikis), PA!Shigure (he doesn't transform, but he still has dragon blood and his female counterpart is Azura)

Special! Band members: Nils (on flute), PA!Shigure (he was needed as the lead vocalist in the band and kind of counted even though he doesn't use a dragonstone), Lewyn (they needed a lute-player and he kind of has secret dragon blood so eh)

Nothing malicious, of course. Just a sort of "you're valid, too. Come on, let's train together" sort of deal, as well as discussing dragon-specific issues (like Fallen M!Corrin's rampaging.)


And another idea was this one!

Name: Parents' Support Group (joke name is "D(e)ad")

A support group for parents (especially ones who died before their children really came into their own.) Here, they express their struggles with parenting and both seek and offer advice from one another.

Members: Griel (Ike and Mist's dad), Rudolf (Alm's dad, Berkut's uncle and surrogate dad), Dierdre (Julia, Julius, and Seliph's mom), Mikoto (Corrin's mom), Hector (Lilina's dad), Chrom (Lucina's dad)

I imagine each person would have their own issues. Like,

Hector: Eliwood is my best friend, and I'd never dream of taking his son away from him. Roy's a good kid, really. It's just that whenever I see him getting close to Lilina, I feel this surge of protective aggression that's so strong I can hardly contain it!

Griel: It's only natural for a parent to want to protect his or her children. Now, my son, Ike, didn't know it at the time, but there was one time when he nearly touched a very dangerous medallion. I scolded him much more harshly than I'd ever intended to, but it was only because the thought of that thing affecting him frightened me so badly. It is because we love our children so much that we behave like that at times -- even to our own surprise!

Dierdre: ...

Mikoto: Dierdre? Was there something you wanted to say?

Chrom: We are all here to support one another, after all. Feel free to speak openly.

Dierdre: ... I fear that I have the opposite problem to Lord Hector. I can hardly remember anything... I know that Seliph, Julia, and Julius are my children...and yet...my connection to them feels so weak...

Chrom: I can relate, to a degree. I had only barely become a father when my daughter, Lucina, suddenly came to us from the future, already grown into a young woman. I hadn't had the time to build a relationship with her yet. In my own time, she was still just an infant... When she made it clear who she really was, I didn't know how to react. Even now, I haven't yet grown into the version of me she remembers. I really don't feel like I know what I'm doing as a father at all.

Rudolf: I, myself, was filled with doubts for years about my choices as a parent. I only got to hold my son once before I had to send him away. I know in my head that it was for his protection, and I did find a good man to raise him and keep him safe, but... Even now, as a father, I regret not having been able to watch my son grow. Worse, the boy who I could have been a father to, I needed to keep this secret from. In the end, I feel like I failed both my son and my nephew. I was never truly there for either one of them.

Mikoto: My own child was taken from me while still young, and raised by another. The circumstances aren't the same, but I do understand the pain of a child being absent from one's life. Always wondering what struggles you are unable to soothe, missing important phases of the child's life... It can create such an empty feeling. I was fortunate to be surrounded by my late husband's children, even though my own was gone. Just as you, Emperor Rudolf, had your nephew.

And so on.

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I think Oliver could be the type to set up an art club. Joining him would be fellow artistic figures such as Forrest, Kagero and Ignatz.

Lugh would set up a self help group for people with bad reputations. He'd put up various projects to prove the likes of Idunn, Raigh or Lif aren't as bad as everyone thinks they are. The group members would be annoyed but don't have the heart to say no to him. So far Lugh's mostly been right when seeing the good in people. 

Takumi is good with kids so it could be fun if he's forced to run a daycare. Complaining and grumbling about it the entire time while easily winning over the kids. 

Alfonse is a bookwork so setting up a book club would be very in character.

Sharena's friendship club: An organisation that has no gimmick. Everyone is always welcome all of the time. 

14 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Genuinely wondering how long until we get a pickup artists club (probably with Sain or Sylvain), and just how much fun the game will have in humiliating them and putting them in their place.

A fun idea could be Dorothea giving her fellow flirts some lessons in how to be a successful flirt. And then she instantly regrets it when seeing how hopeless they all are. 

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10 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Name: Parents' Support Group (joke name is "D(e)ad")

A support group for parents (especially ones who died before their children really came into their own.) Here, they express their struggles with parenting and both seek and offer advice from one another.

I wonder if Travant would be a morbidly hilarious one to add there - always was curious at what his dynamic with Altena was like before everything fell apart there.

Loving the art one with Oliver and the flirts one. :D  Brilliant unending well of humor there - imagine Oliver picking Narcian as the life drawing "model" and Narcian's just flattered enough to accept?

I can also see Rolf making / pestering Shinon in making an archer's competition club - bonus points if it's paired with the Takumi daycare one considering how many younger dears are archers?

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On 10/6/2020 at 12:04 PM, Fabulously Olivier said:

A club for those who love to hear themselves speak. Bastian, Virion, and Lorenz have a great tea party until Owain and Ophelia show up to frustrate them all. 

Don't forget Narcian, Oliver, and Ferdinand von Aegir!


Anyhow, my idea is a group of workaholics. People who either do or don't realize that they like to do chores around the castle in their spare time when they're not training or battling. In their FB supports, they'd probably try to set up schedules for cleaning up certain places, and they realize by the end that the people they're cleaning for are becoming lazy about it since this new group is doing it for them.

Not only do I think this is a cool idea for a group, but the supports would also help stress the importance of keeping your surroundings clean, but also stressing to not overdo it. Gods know we need that kind of lesson crammed in our brains right now...

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Lon'qu's Daycare

A place for Heroes to place thier children while they're off to battle. 


Lon'qu: Somehow decided as leader of the club due to him not fearing young girls as he does women and being good with children. He does not enjoy this. 

Nowi: Co-runs the club. Acts like a member until the need arrises or Nah is around to set an example.

All the young Tikis: Cause many arguements about why there are so many of them. 

Young Lilina: Always wears her cat costume for no obvious reason. 

Midori, Forrest, both Kanas, Kiragi: Children from the world of fates. 

Nah: Nowi's daughter and topic of constant debate.

Young Marth, Caeda, Minerva, and Whitewings: Children from Archenea.

Young/Pirate Veronica: Left by Xander and antagonizes the other children. 

Nils: Just wants to enjoy playing his flute and wants to be left alone.

Myrrh: Whines about where Ephriam is until she's played with. 

Ylgir: Worries about being replaced.

Maria: Wants to hang out with Young Marth and Minerva but worries it would be too wierd for them.

Fae: Acts the most like a child, much to the surprise of everyone there.

I'm pretty sure thats every child in Heroes, aside from Nowi and Nah, but I thought it would be funny to include them based on the appearance controversy alone. It was inspired by a comic I once saw that featured Lon'qu being mobbed you the dragon girls, much to his upset.

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