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Things that don't make sense


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How Laura of FE5 loses stats when she promotes to Dancer.

Also, how the fuck Marth loses his Falicon between the events of FE1 and FE3?

Doesn't Nina take the sword?

or am i confused?

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Where did Brighton and Fergus pull their horses from after the Manster prison break? Their ass? At least Karin explained here pegasus would be out there somewhere, though it did find her very quickly.

Why do you have to buy your weapons during war? You're fighting for your own damn kingdom, they better give you some.

Horse is a common type of mount; I think it’s fairly easy for them to get one in the middle of war.

It’s what you called business.

Since it’s a war, you certainly need more weapons. Those blacksmiths/weapon dealers can take HUGE profit from there. Do you think they want to throw their opportunity to gain more money just like that? =3

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Here's another thing I don't get about rescuing: Why can't the rescued unit help fight with his or her partner?

Don’t we usually rescue someone, who is not in a proper condition to win a fight?

You want to force a dying unit to help their partner in a fight? Chance is…not only the dying unit will die, but they also tag their partner with them. =/

Edited by Tiltyu
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Don’t we usually rescue someone, who is not in a proper condition to win a fight?

You want to force a dying unit to help their partner in a fight? Chance is…not only the dying unit will die, but they also tag their partner with them. =/

Well, if it's two units I hate, I don't give a flying fuck if they die.

Another thing I don't get: Female knights and generals. I'm sure they were very few female knights, but female generals like Cecelia? Hmm . . .

Not that I got anything against it. I mean, I'm sick of the female bow user and mages in games.

Edited by Brown Fox of Earth
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Why has Mist's voice higher?! She reversed puberty!


How can you cross a mountain is a few seconds? (a turn probably represents a longer period of time, though)

How did Wolf and Zagaro get those crazy growth rates?!

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I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but there are issues with the transition from PoR to RD:

Why did Brom and Titania lose their ability to wield lances, Ilyana her ability to wield fire and wind, Tauroneo his ability to wield swords, Calill and Bastian their ability to wield knives, Jill her ability to wield lances, Geoffrey his ability to wield bows, plus more I'm probably forgetting? Some of them never even find that ability again. I can understand learning something new, but completely losing/forgetting?

Why is Nasir suddenly targeting resistance and not defense? Did his breath change?

Why did Rolf and Shinon pretty much switch their strength? Did Rolf lift weights while Shinon slept?

To add to that, why are certain characters weaker, slower, less accurate, etc. than they were 3 years ago? More steps back rather than forward.

How did Calill gain 1 move and 3 defense without growing a level?

And Haar. He got 1 HP, 3 strength, 6 magic, 5 skill, 3 speed, 1 luck, 3 defense, AND LOST 3 RESISTANCE and 1 con in 3 years without growing a level. What the hell?

Then there's Tauroneo. He lost 10 HP, gained 2 strength, 1 magic, 4 skill, 7 speed, 4 luck, lost 1 defense, gained 1 resistance, 1 con, and 6 weight, yet is the same level. What the fuck happened?

I could go on with misplaced stats, but those were just the ones that come back in RD at the same level. At least nobody lost a level in 3 years. Phew.

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How do they fight on water?

Ancient Japanese swim style allow the solder to fight even when he is swimming.

And, pegasus dont fly with their wings, they fly by walking (or running) in the air, Tana said that in her sup with Marisa. So, pegasus dont need to be a hollow-boned to carry ppl around. Pegsus is a magical horse at all.

Red fox: time change anybody. Laguz nor Human can escape their fate. Dont ask me why Niime, the legendary mountain hermit is weaker than a 11 years old kid or Dayan the silver wolf is a loser compare to his grandchild.

And how can the man that can control the rage of Armad is killed by Narsel...dont ask, please....T_T

Edited by Silver Fox of Metal
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To be fair, she sounded really stressed in FE10 and calm in FE9 whenever she talked.
How can you cross a mountain is a few seconds? (a turn probably represents a longer period of time, though)
Well a turn's more like... a day. I guess. Edited by Nathan Graves
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Great, while we're at it let's just include:

Pegasus Knights in FE1/3 getting Dragons when they promote

The villagers in FE2 when/if they promote to Knight

Kashim in FE3, and any other Hunters, when they promote to Horseman

Azel, Lachesis, Leaf, Arthur in FE4 when they promote

Miranda when she promotes in FE5

Raphin, Norton, Kate, Sharon, Raphin, and the pegasus knights when they promote in TRSYHS; this happens to Sasha _twice_.

Now we just need to wait for people to start nattering about the people who get different horses/pegasi when they promote.

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Why does Anna not age (or anyone else for that matter in FE4's castles) and somehow find a boyfriend in second Gen?

There are probably just a lot of random people in 2nd Gen who happen to look exactly like some castle people from 1st Gen. As for Anna, I think the "real" Anna travelled to Jugdral from Akeneia with Jake in 2nd Gen, while all of those storage ladies from the castles just happen to look like her.

What is Rahna doing in Verdane, playing in water? And why does she have three axes with her?

I always thought of that lady as just some water spirit who happens to share Rahna's sprite. I think she was referenced in FE5 as well.

Where did Clea pull that pegasus out of? Why do the enemies not take advantage of the thunder sword?

Maybe they were saving it for some other time/person but never got to opening the chest because you stole it first?

Speaking of Gaiden, why do the characters' game manual art give them completely different pallettes, even for the Pegasus Sisters from FE1?

How do skills get passed down in FE4 if almost all of the parents weren't around to teach them to their children? I don't think the ability to Bargain or Pray is genetic...

Also, Ronan's growths make no sense.

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Speaking of Gaiden, why do the characters' game manual art give them completely different pallettes, even for the Pegasus Sisters from FE1?

Early 90s. All games were like that.

How do skills get passed down in FE4 if almost all of the parents weren't around to teach them to their children? I don't think the ability to Bargain or Pray is genetic...

FE4 follows lamarckism.

That's all.

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I'm not sure if it was mentioned, but Wind magic doesn't make much sense in Thracia. Some magic-users start with an E in Wind, but the basic wind tome requires a D rank. Come to think of it, magic in general is sort of quirky in Thracia.

Another thing that doesn't make sense: Saphy's strength growth. She has a decent 30% growth in strength even though the stat is useless to her.

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