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FFtF topic quality


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Not everyone is on the chat at the same time. A chatroom is not a forum.

I hate to flip your phrase, but part of the point is that a forum is not a chatroom. People are expected to make posts that are at least somewhat useful, as opposed to.. whatever I am not repeating myself. Also since you have read my first post, I would recommend one more go, because you have brought things up that were never suggested. I also expected a little more than sarcasm from a staff member, but oh well.

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I hate to flip your phrase, but part of the point is that a forum is not a chatroom. People are expected to make posts that are at least somewhat useful, as opposed to.. whatever I am not repeating myself. Also since you have read my first post, I would recommend one more go, because you have brought things up that were never suggested. I also expected a little more than sarcasm from a staff member, but oh well.

Your flip works as well. And I'm commenting on what's been said. Not every post in a thread will relate directly to the first post. And where as I being sarcastic? I meant everything I said.

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A chat room actually makes things quicker, so I don't see why not to use it really.

A chatroom is more chaotic. Much more chaotic. I hate being there when a ton of people are actively messaging there.

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Red Fox,

They/we are not complaining about spam, but general fucking idiocy. I mean, spam is okay in FFtF, but do we really need the amount of retarded bullshit we get now? I'd call it a fucking crime. Spam is one thing, but two hundred "im over 9000!!!1111!!!!111" and "i rickrolld u so i haev a big penis" Or someshit, just gets to be a pain in the ass. You might want to not just read our posts, but try to understand them, and what we/they are trying to say. Take this from a regular member, and a poster with over 60% of his posts are in FFtF, this is ridiculous.

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Your flip works as well. And I'm commenting on what's been said. Not every post in a thread will relate directly to the first post. And where as I being sarcastic? I meant everything I said.

What is being said is slowly drifting away from what the topic is about, I would just really expect the opposite from someone in your position. And if "I'm sorry my posts don't meet your standards. Maybe I should just go to FFtF" is not sarcasm I do not know what is.

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It would be so much easier to find offensive topics for the staff as well if the really pointless ones didn't show up as often. So that issues are dealt with quicker.

It also would make it easier for members to navigate the forum.

It also encourages better posting habits.

I can go on and on about the positive effects, while the only negative effect is that people can't post random topics in the forum anymore, and they can still speak randomly on the chat room, or on profiles, or in PMs or instant messengers.

God forbid people have to learn to review their posts before posting them, and actually add to conversation...

Edited by Cynthia
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I agree. Spam is one thing but the level of idiocy in FFtF is too much. It's some of the worst I've ever seen. And the bad thing about idiocy is that it tends to bleed into other areas. If members can get away with being totally idiotic and then watch the moderators try to ignore the problem and let it continue is very encouraging. Especially since this forum has a track record of not fulfilling punishments. It will bleed into other areas and thus render intelligent discussion difficult to obtain. Then you and the rest of the mod crew will have a huge mess to clean up and you will have to try to force good posting habits on your out of control members (which doesn't work). If you stop the idiocy now you will not only not have a huge mess to clean up, you will create a slew of new members with great posting habits, who doesn't want that? Now the cleanup of FFtF will be a good sized job, but it's nothing a team of decent moderators shouldn't be able to handle.

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Why do you guys think I generally avoid FFtF? I know this stuff is there, and I want no part in it, so I leave it alone. I suggest you all just do the same.

You don't care so nobody else should? I'm afraid the world doesn't work that way.

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Why do you guys think I generally avoid FFtF? I know this stuff is there, and I want no part in it, so I leave it alone. I suggest you all just do the same.

It's your JOB to address these problems though... You shouldn't be avoiding a forum because it's a problem area, if anything that is more of a reason to go there more often. To make sure disorderly conduct doesn't happen.

This is why it's gotten so bad, because staff members avoid it, so people know they can get away with it.

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Half the fights that happen in the section aren't even addressed by staff members until they are contacted from another member, more than likely because other staff members avoid the section as well.

Don't even try to tell me they are all handling it privately, because I've seen staff members online for a good hour while a fight is still happening, and they are either completely unaware of it, or ignoring it.

It's not even handled at all sometimes. I know SOME matters are handled privately, but not all.

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You don't care so nobody else should? I'm afraid the world doesn't work that way.

Suggestion. Take it or leave it.

It's your JOB to address these problems though... You shouldn't be avoiding a forum because it's a problem area, if anything that is more of a reason to go there more often. To make sure disorderly conduct doesn't happen.

This is why it's gotten so bad, because staff members avoid it, so people know they can get away with it.

I don't see problems. I see spam happening in a place where it's meant to happen. I once tried to halt the spam in FFtF (though in a slightly different way) and I failed miserably.

How does VASM even pick Staff members these days? I'm sorry RFoF, I mean, I like you, but that was the dumbest thing I've heard in a LONG time.

I could be literal here, but I'll leave you with what I understand as your honest opinion.

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I don't see problems. I see spam happening in a place where it's meant to happen. I once tried to halt the spam in FFtF (though in a slightly different way) and I failed miserably.

Then you must be as blind as a bat. Take a second look, it's a wasteland akin to GameFAQs.

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I don't see problems. I see spam happening in a place where it's meant to happen. I once tried to halt the spam in FFtF (though in a slightly different way) and I failed miserably.

I thought you were supposed to help the members, not yourself? Just because YOU don't see it as a problem doesn't mean it doesn't need to be addressed, as obviously some of us do. Staff members are supposed to take care of their members, and address their problems as a group.

Yes I know they aren't supposed to cater to our every demand, but if there is a problem bothering the memberbase, whether you see it as a problem or not doesn't mean it should not be considered.

The fact that you failed at it is a sign you should try and take it up with other staff members, and other members to find a solution. There's nothing wrong with admitted you can't do it alone, as I understand you alone can not do it.

If all you care about is what bothers you and not us, then you shouldn't have accepted the job.

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Then you must be as blind as a bat. Take a second look, it's a wasteland akin to GameFAQs.

I already said I generally avoid it. If I get a report that hasn't been resolved, I do my best. Otherwise, is it supposed to be a whole lot better than GFaqs?

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Then you must be as blind as a bat. Take a second look, it's a wasteland akin to GameFAQs.
Shit, the only thing we need is an actual userbase that can include more than fifteen active users, and some porn, and we're 4chan.
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I already said I generally avoid it. If I get a report that hasn't been resolved, I do my best. Otherwise, is it supposed to be a whole lot better than GFaqs?

You are a moderator, it is your job to look for things like this. You can't just sit back waiting for reports, that is just letting members do your job for you. And yes, it should be, being as GameFAQs is a running joke across the entire internet.

Edit, come on Sothe, too far off.

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