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I want to do some captures runs


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Since the eShop is shutting down, I'm reminded that I still need to pay $20 dollars for Revelations, but I hear from a reliable source that the best way to play the game is with captured units and generics. I've also been wanting to do a Conquest run with captured units, which would be a good excuse to go back and play Conquest again after a while away from it.

My question is pretty simple. What's the most effective way to persuade or bribe captured units to my side? I've heard that going to other player's castles is pretty effective, but I want to know a little more about the exact process, what to expect, etc. Also, let's say, hypothetically, that the online features for Conquest shut down. Aside from messing with emulator clocks, what could I do to make captured enemies join me then?

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43 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I hear from a reliable source that the best way to play the game is with captured units and generics.

The problem with that is that in Revelation, capture eventually becomes useless as you will only see enemies that you cannot capture after a certain point in the story. It doesn't help matters that both capture bots are lackluster... and worse yet, in Revelation, both of them come in underleveled (there's also the fact that one of them doesn't come until right before the game starts using promoted enemies exclusively).

Edited by Shadow Mir
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I love that you're actually following my advice. Of course, I play Fates in my completely legit Nintendo PC, in which I use a technique called "cheet cowds" to streamline the persuasion process.

I believe people on console use castle battles to force time to pass. Either that, or advance the console clock. Advancing the Nintendo PC clock worked before I discovered the cheet cowd, so I'd say there's no reason the same trick wouldn't work on console.

1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

The problem with that is that in Revelation, capture eventually becomes useless as you will only see enemies that you cannot capture after a certain point in the story. It doesn't help matters that both capture bots are lackluster... and worse yet, in Revelation, both of them come in underleveled (there's also the fact that one of them doesn't come until right before the game starts using promoted enemies exclusively).

Eh, I felt Orochi was fine. Her real problem is that she joins like three chapters after the prison becomes available, because Rev is well designed. What I did was buy an endgame Orochi off of the logbook and use her exclusively to capture for the first few chapters before the real Orochi joined.

As for enemies being uncapturable after a certain point... yeah, that's unfortunate, but still. Unless you're ironmanning, that doesn't really matter. Just build a full team before that. I've done it before, it wasn't hard. You can even get some good prepromotes in Hans and Iago's chapters to go into the lategame. It's not like Fates as a whole gives you many late joiners as it is, anyway.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I believe people on console use castle battles to force time to pass. Either that, or advance the console clock.

As an exclusively console player, I don't know if I just don't pay attention and this doesn't work in Conquest, but if you just download Before Awakening(which is free) right now you should be able to use that no matter what route you take to advance the time of day in your castle - time of day advances once for each map played of any variety unless I'm remembering wrong, I'm reasonably sure I got a whole bunch of prison people recruited in one Story Chapter by just spamming DLC maps on the side.

3 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I've also been wanting to do a Conquest run with captured units, which would be a good excuse to go back and play Conquest again after a while away from it.

Captured Units are fun, especially if you allow yourself to use the Museum Melee map since that one has like all the capturable Paralogue Bosses(Nichol, Gazak, Candace, etc.) though you can't capture Omozu, which still causes me rage.

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Just now, SoulWeaver said:

As an exclusively console player, I don't know if I just don't pay attention and this doesn't work in Conquest, but if you just download Before Awakening(which is free) right now you should be able to use that no matter what route you take to advance the time of day in your castle - time of day advances once for each map played of any variety unless I'm remembering wrong, I'm reasonably sure I got a whole bunch of prison people recruited in one Story Chapter by just spamming DLC maps on the side.

Ooohhh yeah! I can't believe I forgot that. You can totally just do DLC. I mean, it's what I do when I want to force a paralogue to appear!

@AnonymousSpeed if you have it, Ghostly Gold is the perfect DLC to grind supports or force time to pass. You can just idle for a few turns, and there you go. Easy.

Just now, SoulWeaver said:

Captured Units are fun, especially if you allow yourself to use the Museum Melee map since that one has like all the capturable Paralogue Bosses(Nichol, Gazak, Candace, etc.)

Everyone except Haitaka, Kumagera and Daniela. It's awesome, yeah.

Just now, SoulWeaver said:

though you can't capture Omozu, which still causes me rage.


He would've been cool to have. Seriously, two adventurers, four zerkers, but not the one ninja? C'mon, Fates.

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2 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

The problem with that is that in Revelation, capture eventually becomes useless as you will only see enemies that you cannot capture after a certain point in the story. It doesn't help matters that both capture bots are lackluster... and worse yet, in Revelation, both of them come in underleveled (there's also the fact that one of them doesn't come until right before the game starts using promoted enemies exclusively).

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As for enemies being uncapturable after a certain point... yeah, that's unfortunate, but still. Unless you're ironmanning, that doesn't really matter. Just build a full team before that. I've done it before, it wasn't hard. You can even get some good prepromotes in Hans and Iago's chapters to go into the lategame. It's not like Fates as a whole gives you many late joiners as it is, anyway.

Yeah, I'll just have to build my team before Chapter 18. Well, there's also paralogues, but, y'know. I'll try and get Gazak a little earlier.

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I love that you're actually following my advice. Of course, I play Fates in my completely legit Nintendo PC, in which I use a technique called "cheet cowds" to streamline the persuasion process.

I believe people on console use castle battles to force time to pass. Either that, or advance the console clock. Advancing the Nintendo PC clock worked before I discovered the cheet cowd, so I'd say there's no reason the same trick wouldn't work on console.

The legendary Nintendo BPoyGCame!

16 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

As an exclusively console player, I don't know if I just don't pay attention and this doesn't work in Conquest, but if you just download Before Awakening(which is free) right now you should be able to use that no matter what route you take to advance the time of day in your castle - time of day advances once for each map played of any variety unless I'm remembering wrong, I'm reasonably sure I got a whole bunch of prison people recruited in one Story Chapter by just spamming DLC maps on the side.

Captured Units are fun, especially if you allow yourself to use the Museum Melee map since that one has like all the capturable Paralogue Bosses(Nichol, Gazak, Candace, etc.) though you can't capture Omozu, which still causes me rage.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ooohhh yeah! I can't believe I forgot that. You can totally just do DLC. I mean, it's what I do when I want to force a paralogue to appear!

@AnonymousSpeed if you have it, Ghostly Gold is the perfect DLC to grind supports or force time to pass. You can just idle for a few turns, and there you go. Easy.

Ah, DLC maps. Perfect! Great advice guys, thanks.

But yeah, no ninja bosses to capture? C'mon. Oh well, I'll just make an exception for Shura because I like him. I think there are some pretty good Master Ninja generics to capture as well, right? Then some other enemies with Grisly Wound I might want to use.

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16 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

But yeah, no ninja bosses to capture? C'mon. Oh well, I'll just make an exception for Shura because I like him. I think there are some pretty good Master Ninja generics to capture as well, right? Then some other enemies with Grisly Wound I might want to use.

Ahh, I remember back when I started, I had all of these ideas for exceptions. Orochi so she could capture, Azura because Azura, Fuga because I wanted the funny bald man. Then I ended up killing off Orochi at Iago's map and benching Azura so I'd have room for my entire generic team. Generics are just more fun than regular units.

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25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eh, I felt Orochi was fine. Her real problem is that she joins like three chapters after the prison becomes available, because Rev is well designed. What I did was buy an endgame Orochi off of the logbook and use her exclusively to capture for the first few chapters before the real Orochi joined.

Her problem for me is that she's slow and feeble (mages in general are frail, so I'm not holding being fragile against her, but her being so goddamn slow is a problem because it kills the one thing that's good about her; which is to say, she is so slow is that she can't even double armors, aka the one thing that mages are supposed to be the bane of). Not helping her case is that unlike in Birthright, where her mage competition, namely Hayato, had issues, in Revelation, he's much better than she is because the issues that crippled him in Birthright are no more.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As for enemies being uncapturable after a certain point... yeah, that's unfortunate, but still. Unless you're ironmanning, that doesn't really matter. Just build a full team before that. I've done it before, it wasn't hard. You can even get some good prepromotes in Hans and Iago's chapters to go into the lategame. It's not like Fates as a whole gives you many late joiners as it is, anyway.

I'd care if the "payoff" wasn't utter doo-doo. Which is to say, I have no good reason to bother with capture when the trouble doesn't even pay off.

16 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Yeah, I'll just have to build my team before Chapter 18. Well, there's also paralogues, but, y'know. I'll try and get Gazak a little earlier.

Yeah, as to that, sadly, your hands are tied on that one, as Leo doesn't join until chapter 17 (also, chapter 16 and chapter 17 must be done back-to-back with no break in between). This means you HAVE to grind Leo's support up right after finishing chapter 17.

20 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

But yeah, no ninja bosses to capture? C'mon. Oh well, I'll just make an exception for Shura because I like him. I think there are some pretty good Master Ninja generics to capture as well, right? Then some other enemies with Grisly Wound I might want to use.

Speaking of Shura, he's pretty crazy upon joining, with stats that can put in work even lategame. In chapter 15.

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2 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

I'd care if the "payoff" wasn't utter doo-doo. Which is to say, I have no good reason to bother with capture when the trouble doesn't even pay off.

It's a gimmick run. You're missing the point.

2 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Speaking of Shura, he's pretty crazy upon joining, with stats that can put in work even lategame. In chapter 15.

Shura > Boots

Gotta use Shura every time.

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51 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I think there are some pretty good Master Ninja generics to capture as well, right? Then some other enemies with Grisly Wound I might want to use.

Most Revelation enemies have either no skills or only skills from their base class, so I wouldn't expect too much on that front. That being said, I will note that Orochi is in a position to get one-rounded in her joining chapter if you do not kill the ninja that starts near your starting position on your first player phase.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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5 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Since the eShop is shutting down, I'm reminded that I still need to pay $20 dollars for Revelations, but I hear from a reliable source that the best way to play the game is with captured units and generics. I've also been wanting to do a Conquest run with captured units, which would be a good excuse to go back and play Conquest again after a while away from it.

I am of the opinion that basically any challenge run you set for yourself is usually enough to make Revelations better. I know I had a lot of fun with my Lunatic Rev PMU LP, despite finding it an utter mess on my earlier run of it...


5 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:


My question is pretty simple. What's the most effective way to persuade or bribe captured units to my side? I've heard that going to other player's castles is pretty effective, but I want to know a little more about the exact process, what to expect, etc. Also, let's say, hypothetically, that the online features for Conquest shut down. Aside from messing with emulator clocks, what could I do to make captured enemies join me then?

I think a lot of people are referencing the instant recruit option. Each of them have some comically large number of useless resources you can spend (like 10 cabbage and 5 rubies, or something) that can easily be farmed by visiting castles for those resources...

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


He would've been cool to have. Seriously, two adventurers, four zerkers, but not the one ninja? C'mon, Fates.

The reason, as far as I can determine, is because Omozu is actually from the first five Chapters, before the route split, where it's impossible to get Capture. I assume they just coded him uncapturable and then added him into Museum Melee without thinking about that, though maybe with those "Cheet Cowds" you could check that.

I couldn't figure out who he was or why the stupid game wouldn't even let me try to capture him for over a year until I decided to play the pre-split maps for fun and he popped up at the map you lose Gunter in.

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11 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Since the eShop is shutting down, I'm reminded that I still need to pay $20 dollars for Revelations,

If your intent is unit builds in Rev and require grinding, the probably best map for supports and early leveling is chapter 13, since you have an easy chokepoint and control over whether or not it´s open or not. Also, enough space to take advantage of the 4 princesses support skills and other of the like.

I tend to play up until chapter 18 to get the relevant squadmembers and then the steroid intake skyrockets.

If using any of the DLC maps, at least Ghostly Gold, Museum Melee and the one for exp keep in mind the enemies on the map level up depending on your game progress; I think around chapter 13 and 18 are points where they become significantly stronger and at least Museum Melee becomes a real nuisance. 

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8 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

The reason, as far as I can determine, is because Omozu is actually from the first five Chapters, before the route split, where it's impossible to get Capture. I assume they just coded him uncapturable and then added him into Museum Melee without thinking about that, though maybe with those "Cheet Cowds" you could check that.

Yeah, that's probably it. In fact, I'm willing to bet that the oversight here was that the rest of the bosses are capturable. They're the only enemies who can be captured not just in this DLC, but in all DLCs. They probably just copypasted the enemy data from the paralogues and renamed them "visitor" without realizing they'd still be capturable. Still, I'm glad for it.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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On 3/22/2022 at 8:28 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:

Shura > Boots

Actually, his Killer Bow and Mend staff are the only reason he lives. For one chapter.
If there are no bow wielders on that campaign (but why would there not be one?!), Shura accepts his fate.



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