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Fire Emblem Heroes - Legendary Hero (Deirdre: Fated Saint)


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Yeah, I had a feeling we were getting Deirdre here. It's cool that they brought back her (and Julia's) original artist, who hadn't been seen in FEH since drawing base Deirdre.

Also, I called the lineup on Red. It's so bad lmao.

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Deirdre: Fated Saint most importantly got Slaying and guaranteed follow-up on Spirit Forest Writ, which is nice; there is also dragon effectiveness and Mystic Boost for taking down dragons. Circlet of Balance is basically Iceberg with a crappy Miracle built in. I do not think she is a game changer, but she does help with taking down bulky dragon foes who are Save tanks if the player is having issues with them.

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So Deirdre is getting:

  • A pretty hefty amount of Atk/Res debuffing, especially if her Res is higher (which let's be real here, it's gonna be higher)
  • Dragon effectiveness, guaranteed follow-up, and disabled adaptive damage (that is to say, dragons are gonna be superduper dead)
  • A 2-cooldown special combined with a Slaying prf weapon (okay seriously though I feel like they've been abusing the hell out of this combination) which adds 40% of her Res, which by itself would make it a noteworthy special...
  • ...but THEN it also triggers a Miracle effect once per map if the fairly lax conditions are met.

...at least her Def doesn't look to be that amazing, if the example made out of that Bow Cav is anything to go by. The rest of the banner:

  • Red is not looking good. LegSeliph is showing some amounts of age, Galzus is pretty much a SI fodder unit, an Hugh is... alright at best.
  • Blue is the focus color, with Fae and Myrrh tagging along (both defensive threats, and one of whom also coming with a unique version of Miracle. Coincidence, or...?)
  • Thorr is an Astra mythic hero, Gustav is a mobile nuke, and Triandra is a Dark mythic dancer. Green's value is pretty firmly rooted in offering Mythical heroes and also Gustav.
  • I feel like LegCorrin is also showing a fair amount of age, Fallen Rhea is a lighter Hegemon made to be a Save tank, and Ashe is an orphan-I mean good unit whose only curse is being a freebie unit.

Not gonna lie, aside from Deirdre's immense amount of perks being offered I don't feel this banner all that strongly.

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So since IS put the update out like twenty minutes after the trailer, here's Deirdre's stats already [SPOILERS]:



Super Asset(s): Atk
Super Flaw(s): HP, Res

IS are confirmed cowards for not giving her 44 or 45 Res. Now L!Deirdre has to settle for a tie with Niime, August, Mute Soren, Medeus and Feral Rhea.


Edited by Tybrosion
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Dierdre: To protect those I hold dear!

Also Dierdre: *has a tome that does effective damage against her son (Julius) and also has WTA against him*


Anyway, it's nice that she's getting some recognition. And dang, this is post memory loss Dierdre. I hope she's relatively okay after all that -- there's got to be some trauma there. (Also, I hope she can play nice with Arvis, especially if we get Emperor Arvis, who actually regrets his actions and admits he was wrong.) I wonder what this Dierdre thinks of Julius (since I'm sure she'd fawn over Seliph and probably loves Julia, too, despite the painful memories she might have associated with her.)

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guys guys guys guys guys i'm in panic mode; i have literally no orbs. WHY DID I SPENT SO MUCH ON THE THIEF BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm loving the art style; the resplendent art is great and her sigurd art looks great too but it was her original art that really got me into the game when i saw it and it's still one of my favorites (with this one now too). Ngl this was literally the thing i have been most looking forward to in the game, so glad she has a proper alt now; being the sidekick on a duo/harmonic doesn't count in my book, she'll never get a brave, and she's not likely to get a new year's, bridal, or winter alt anytime soon or at least not this decade. WHY DID I SPENT ALL MY ORBS!!!

ok serious question now just randomly does any one have a guess how many orbs i can get from clearing 55 paralogues on all difficulty modes and all story on hard and lunatic mode i don't expect i can +10 her but i want to get as close as i can; i'm going to farm every last orb i have in the game.


2 hours ago, XRay said:

Deirdre: Fated Saint most importantly got Slaying and guaranteed follow-up on Spirit Forest Writ, which is nice; there is also dragon effectiveness and Mystic Boost for taking down dragons. Circlet of Balance is basically Iceberg with a crappy Miracle built in. I do not think she is a game changer, but she does help with taking down bulky dragon foes who are Save tanks if the player is having issues with them.

bro that's literally all i have always wanted on base Deirdre, slaying, auto double ups, half-null follow up, a bigger combat bonus than her measly +3 to all stats from Naga's prehistoric refine and better combat viability vs non-dragons. I swear I'm not even asking for much given everything some of the recent refines are getting (but i'll take DR piercing as the cherry on top). I wish they hadn't decided to just give them to her on her legendary (and only a few at that), instead of some day doing something about those ancient, obsolete refines the older units are stuck with.


1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:


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IS are confirmed cowards for not giving her 44 or 45 Res. Now L!Deirdre has to settle for a tie with Niime, August, Mute Soren, Medeus and Feral Rhea.


And i will never forget this insult; they didn't even bother given her double boons but instead made her res a superflaw i love this series but the company is the worst i have had to put up with. If they treated us with just a bit of decency i would still be spending money on the game.


I just hope my banner pulls go well....

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16 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

And i will never forget this insult; they didn't even bother given her double boons but instead made her res a superflaw i love this series but the company is the worst i have had to put up with. If they treated us with just a bit of decency i would still be spending money on the game


All those other characters I named also all have a super flaw on Res (and Medeus in particular has no super assets and has a super flaw on Atk), so I don’t think IS actually has anything against Deirdre if that makes you feel any better.

They just apparently are sacred of going beyond 46 Res for whatever reason.

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So basically just a stronger Julia. I'm a bit disappointed that she's another blue tome when she could have been a colorless tome or staff.

Uses an out-of-combat Res comparison instead of an out-of-combat Atk comparison, which gives them an excuse to give her Still Water, but we're still missing a Still Water Sacred Seal.

Despite the fact that she uses a Res comparison, she still gains more from an Atk Asset than a Res Asset. Her damage increases by 100% of her Atk per attack, 100% of her Res per attack if she activates her Special once, or 120% of her Res per attack if she activates her Special twice. However, the extra effective Atk from increasing her Res doesn't scale with effective damage (since it's a penalty to the opponent's Res and not an actual boost to her Atk), any increase in her Res past 15 points over her opponent's does nothing, and even though the rate of scaling is faster for Res than Atk if she activates her Special twice, it's subject to rounding down twice (since it's actually 80% + 40%) and the superboon in Atk still makes up the difference and then some. I don't think it's worth running her with a Res Asset at all unless you're giving her a Floret.

Tempo guarantees that her Special will be fully charged by the opponent's counterattack, which guarantees that she'll survive at least one round of combat as long as she's initiating combat.


And translation notes:

Deirdre's epithet, "Fated Saint", is "運命の聖女" (unmei no seijo), "Saint of Destiny" or "Saint of Fate".

Spirit Forest Writ is "精霊の森の秘本" (seirei no mori no hihon), "Treasured Book of the Spirit Forest".

Circlet of Balance is "聖神と暗黒神の冠" (seishin to ankokushin no kanmuri), "Crown of the Holy God and the Dark God" or, in context, "Crown of Naga and Loptous".

Atk/Res Tempo is "攻撃魔防の拍節" (kōgeki mabō no hakusetsu), "Atk/Res Tempo".

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5 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

ok serious question now just randomly does any one have a guess how many orbs i can get from clearing 55 paralogues on all difficulty modes and all story on hard and lunatic mode i don't expect i can +10 her but i want to get as close as i can; i'm going to farm every last orb i have in the game.

55 three-part Paralogues on Normal/Hard/Lunatic is 495 orbs, since they're 9 orbs each. A five-part story chapter on Hard/Lunatic is 10 orbs, so multiply that by however many you're missing.

In general, I recommend doing Lunatic mode for both Paralogue and main story chapters as soon as you can, to get additional orbs from the quests. You may also have additional orbs available from Lunatic Chain Challenges, Squad Assaults, and to a lesser extent, Tactics Drills.

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3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Obviously she doesn't love the little shit. And she has good reasons not to.

Is there a canon source saying that she doesn't love her own child who used to actually be really sweet until cultists corrupted him? If you ask me, she has just as much reason to not love Julia as Julius (they came from the same traumatic event, after all, and association can be tough to overcome.)

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3 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Is there a canon source saying that she doesn't love her own child who used to actually be really sweet until cultists corrupted him? If you ask me, she has just as much reason to not love Julia as Julius (they came from the same traumatic event, after all, and association can be tough to overcome.)

Don't know about the canon source part, but Julia wasn't the child who straight up killed Deirdre and wanted to kill their sibling too.

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There is no Julius, only Loptous. Deirdre is clearly protecting her son in the only way she can.

By slapping the giant evil demon dragon out of him.

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9 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Don't know about the canon source part, but Julia wasn't the child who straight up killed Deirdre and wanted to kill their sibling too.

2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Yeah, I mean, I kinda feel like "My daughter and I shared trauma" isn't just as much of a reason as "MY SON IS LITERALLY SATAN." One of these things is pretty clearly worse.

It's not really about what he did. The question is about when maternal love quits. There's not a lot to go on, but Dierdre seems like a very forgiving person in general, let alone toward her biological children. That drive to care for one's own kids is very powerful and often overrides rational sense. This is why I have trouble believing she stopped loving Julius, despite anything he did. The only thing I can think of that may drive her to resent him or Julia is how they came to be in the first place, since there are a lot of cases of women resenting their children if they resulted from a traumatic event.

6 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

There is no Julius, only Loptous. Deirdre is clearly protecting her son in the only way she can.

By slapping the giant evil demon dragon out of him.

This I could see, though. Not that she doesn't love Julius, but that she's trying to get him back by getting rid of the evil dragon who's more or less kidnapped him. Like, "I know you're still in there, Julius! I'll rescue you no matter what that thing makes you do!"

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Julius has been dead for years. She's just performing a mercy kill on what's left of him that's being used by Loptous. That's why Julia doesn't hesitate to kill Julius-the-final-boss in the game either, while telling you in FEH that her brother was a really sweet person.

I have no orbs but I'm glad to see Deirdre, especially with good art (though it's funny that they now have to go for made-up tomes from the spirit forest because they used Naga too soon). Now we wait to see if the next Jugdral one will be Forseti, or if they want to put an Ullr on Fjalar.

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