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1 hour ago, Mysterique Sign said:

What even is this schedule

Not gonna lie, surprise post like this is kinda exciting in a way too, lol

33 minutes ago, Mysterique Sign said:

Since Sigurd gives Cavalry movement, I wonder if Celica and/or Micaiah give Mystical movement (which I assume is just Infantry but you can move freely in sand)

I don't think Sigurd gives Cavalry movement, he just gives Canto and +1 mov


Also, I notice that the fence Cramme destroyed with his magic stays destroyed in the overworld too, just like when Marth dodge. Insane level of detail.


Edit so I don't double post: I just rewatched past battle clips and found out that: 

- Infantry and Mage movement cost through bushes is 2. Calvary movement cost through bushes is 2 too

- Flier does not get bushes avoid bonues

Edited by kienquocsi
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1 hour ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

So do cavalry units already have Canto without Sigurd? If so, that ironically makes Sigurd better for infantry units.

All mounted characters we have seen do not have Canto skill, so... maybe not?

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4 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

Also, I notice that the fence Cramme destroyed with his magic stays destroyed in the overworld too, just like when Marth dodge. Insane level of detail.

Oh, I didn't notice that, wow! Thanks for pointing that out, Kien!!

5 hours ago, Mysterique Sign said:

What even is this schedule

I still hold to the theory that this should have been posted on Monday, and the account if panicking that NoA beat them to the Sigurd reveal.

Also, Sigurd grants Canto and +1 mov, huh? Awesome! That alone makes him a huge boon to have on hand pun unintended. I really hope we get other cavaliers among the Emblems though. I get wanting to keep those perks rare, but I don't think they're worth only having one source of.

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updated with tweets + translations, nothing to gather from her gameplay clip apart from her personal skill seeming like it has something to do with money or items

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That is a lot of attack for a level 4 unit with an iron bow. It's doubtful that it's from the bow, since she hits for only 23, and I doubt these earlygame pegs have 8 def or more. Either bows are fairly weak compared to recent games, or effectiveness is only x2. If it's the former, her Str is remarkable.

... and nothing else is. She's being weighed down by an iron bow so her Bld is bad, she has bad Def and bad Res. Actually her Lck is pretty good(8 or 9), her Spd is fine (but she'll be weighed down a lot), and her Skl should be fairly high as well unless Iron bows have 100 hit, which I doubt.

Either way, she seems quite lopsided.

Also, definite confirmation that bows are back at 2 range only, at least at the beginning. We kinda knew already, but here it's very clear.

56 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

The second part of her class means "Secret" or "Spy" ("Spy" seems to be an old meaning, so I'm not sure), so I don't think it is her movement type.

Could be the movement type for thieves and such, there's been a bit of overlap between the two throughout the series (Hunter and Thief being higher movement infantry classes, and Thief using bows in Fates mostly). Though at this point I just don't really see what else it could be to be honest. It is a bit suspect how many we are getting. Up until now we have:

Cavalry(Vander, Alfred)
Mage(Cramme, Céline)
Backup(That one Corrupted in the reveal trailer)

... that's almost one per unit, and who knows how many there are left. I doubt the axe guy falls under any of those, for example.

Edited by Cysx
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25 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

I'm conflicted about Etie's design. I like the clothing and hair and how they work together, but the overall moe thing is really throwing me off here. Hopefully it'll grow on me!

The moe thing is a big part of why I'm bugged by the design of the females in general in this game so far. especially with how the faces are being drawn.

Chloe in particular, whose face looks way younger than the rest of her body would indicate.

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With Arts beating Bow it really puts me on the fence for Close Counter. Sure Close Counter is great for enemy phase but it make the break feature all the more punishing. If your archer is broken without Close Counter you’re really not losing much, you couldn’t counter anyway. However with it now you're losing that potential.

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6 hours ago, Cysx said:

Though at this point I just don't really see what else it could be to be honest

It might be an indicator for the collection of classes that are available for an character. But given that this is nearly all of the beginning classes that were revealed, it's kind of hard to say if this these are actually an tag for movement types. Why would Alear need their own set of mobility restrictions if it shares it with most of the infantry classes?

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3 hours ago, Armchair General said:

It might be an indicator for the collection of classes that are available for an character. But given that this is nearly all of the beginning classes that were revealed, it's kind of hard to say if this these are actually an tag for movement types. Why would Alear need their own set of mobility restrictions if it shares it with most of the infantry classes?

There is a chance that Alear can water walk while other infantry cannot, since that's often a lord thing. Why not call such a movement type "lord" then? Idk. Spitballing. It doesn't seem like there's a huge variety of terrain (to justify so many types) thus far either...
The collection of classes I'm not too sure about, unless they've seriously simplified reclassing this time around. Or maybe you meant branching promotions ? Either way, not impossible, but why would they need to put such a weirtd emphasis on that, and why would enemies have it too... ?



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11 hours ago, Cysx said:

That is a lot of attack for a level 4 unit with an iron bow. It's doubtful that it's from the bow, since she hits for only 23, and I doubt these earlygame pegs have 8 def or more. Either bows are fairly weak compared to recent games, or effectiveness is only x2. If it's the former, her Str is remarkable.

... and nothing else is. She's being weighed down by an iron bow so her Bld is bad, she has bad Def and bad Res. Actually her Lck is pretty good(8 or 9), her Spd is fine (but she'll be weighed down a lot), and her Skl should be fairly high as well unless Iron bows have 100 hit, which I doubt.

Either way, she seems quite lopsided.

Also, definite confirmation that bows are back at 2 range only, at least at the beginning. We kinda knew already, but here it's very clear.

How good bows are will depend on how good javelins and hand axes are. Look at 3H. Bows are really good there, whereas hand axes and javelins are at their nadir in that game.

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2 hours ago, Cysx said:

but why would they need to put such a weirtd emphasis on that, and why would enemies have it too... ?

Well, non-boss enemies have always used standard classes, so it makes sense that they'd use the same categories too (since I'm guessing they're a part of classes this time).

6 hours ago, Armchair General said:

Why would Alear need their own set of mobility restrictions if it shares it with most of the infantry classes?

Maybe there are Falchion style weapons in the game, or Alear will indeed be able to turn into a dragon? Both of those would warrant specifying a unique type for them I think. But as you say, it could also be a blanket term for all the classes available to dragon characters.

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3 hours ago, Cysx said:

There is a chance that Alear can water walk while other infantry cannot, since that's often a lord thing

You know, that's something that I never really tried out in the 3DS games or in 3H. I know that it's possible in that early map in Awakening and SoV; I think that was too time consuming unless that the only bridge on the map was crowded (but Warp exists, so problem solved).


3 hours ago, Cysx said:

Why not call such a movement type "lord" then?


3 hours ago, Cysx said:

Or maybe you meant branching promotions ? Either way, not impossible, but why would they need to put such a weirtd emphasis on that, and why would enemies have it too... ?

Because, I think that some of these are mainly for identifying an groups of classes, which might have an certain combination of stat modifiers. And that each character is essentially locked into an groups of these classes. 


Of course, it's far too early to tell unless they showcase an myrmidon or an actual thief

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13 hours ago, Cysx said:

That is a lot of attack for a level 4 unit with an iron bow. It's doubtful that it's from the bow, since she hits for only 23, and I doubt these earlygame pegs have 8 def or more. Either bows are fairly weak compared to recent games, or effectiveness is only x2. If it's the former, her Str is remarkable.

... and nothing else is. She's being weighed down by an iron bow so her Bld is bad, she has bad Def and bad Res. Actually her Lck is pretty good(8 or 9), her Spd is fine (but she'll be weighed down a lot), and her Skl should be fairly high as well unless Iron bows have 100 hit, which I doubt.

Either way, she seems quite lopsided.

Also, definite confirmation that bows are back at 2 range only, at least at the beginning. We kinda knew already, but here it's very clear.

Could be the movement type for thieves and such, there's been a bit of overlap between the two throughout the series (Hunter and Thief being higher movement infantry classes, and Thief using bows in Fates mostly). Though at this point I just don't really see what else it could be to be honest. It is a bit suspect how many we are getting. Up until now we have:

Cavalry(Vander, Alfred)
Mage(Cramme, Céline)
Backup(That one Corrupted in the reveal trailer)

... that's almost one per unit, and who knows how many there are left. I doubt the axe guy falls under any of those, for example.

Ahhh, the thing I truly missed from the good ol' days of Fire Emblem, before the raising sims and baby dimensions truly made this series jump the shark!!

Terrible early-game archers...

I hope Etie have some good growths or that Spy movement type is actually handy. Such a lovely design wasted on such awful base stats... I also hope that bow ranges get longer, I've always hated the design of archers in "Classic" FE, they shouldn't JUST be Pick Classes. I actually do think Three Houses, ignoring the busted Combat Arts, gave them a cool niche with having them be Linked Attack kings.

Anyway, Etie is definitely cute, but her hands are...weird. Maybe an extent of her bodybuilding/muscle building practice? That's definitely some gap moe silliness right there, even if it does make a lot of sense (archery is a demanding sport!). Rather believe that than her model/lighting not doing her any favors.

Once we are pass axe guy this week/next week, that SHOULD be the last of the Firenesse crew (unless they want to Citrine). I think we would have trailer or gameplay explanation sometime this month, before they start covering characters from outside the country. Maybe not a full Direct, but definitely something that would provide more information akin to Xenoblade 3's trailers. I don't think the red dude we saw in the trailers comes from Firenesse or is Prince Alycot.

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Is the bodybuilding part actually true? Saw someone on twitter saying that it's a mistranslation.

Anyway, if it's true, then why does it once again have to be a toddler? A female unit being into bodybuilding was the perfect opportunity to have fit/muscular chick in this game (basically like Rinkah), but no, it has to be another petite moe-blobb.


17 minutes ago, KoriCongo said:

Once we are pass axe guy this week/next week, that SHOULD be the last of the Firenesse crew (unless they want to Citrine). I think we would have trailer or gameplay explanation sometime this month, before they start covering characters from outside the country. Maybe not a full Direct, but definitely something that would provide more information akin to Xenoblade 3's trailers. I don't think the red dude we saw in the trailers comes from Firenesse or is Prince Alycot.

Fair point, we'll definitely get a new trailer once we're done with axe guy. Axe guy this friday and then a new trailer tuesday next week, methinks.

Edited by Ziegenpeter
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