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... t's'a lot of videos. The Amber ones have already been on the official site for a few days, though.


... aaaand Divine Pulse confirmed.

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Was kinda hoping they would reveal two retainers at a time since we have gotten all their introductions already via the website already but whatever I guess.

Post battle exploration is cool.

Also not surprised to see the turnwheel/divine pulse is back. Is definitely gonna be a staple feature in future FE games and it’s very funny seeing people mad at it as if they don’t reset their games. Interested to see how it’s explained tho with ‘dragon crystals’.

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1 hour ago, Azz said:

Also not surprised to see the turnwheel/divine pulse is back. Is definitely gonna be a staple feature in future FE games and it’s very funny seeing people mad at it as if they don’t reset their games.

I've seen this sentiment a lot, and to be honest I think it's missing the point. I'm not particularly mad that the feature is back, but it and resetting put a completely different level of pressure on the player and affect the entire experience. Same for casual mode. And that's coming from someone who resets a ton; but with DP, there's no need to look at numbers, make calculations, plan carefully, avoid careless actions or banking on lowish hit rates... Or rather, there's much, much less of a need to do those. Believe it or not, doing it all over again is not something anyone wants but, that's the entire point. You don't want to, so you play more carefully. The pressure's on. And when you succeed under these conditions, it feels great. It's that simple at the end of the day, and it's a core part of the FE gameplay loop. Or rather, it used to be.

It's not particularly about it being "less noble" or some other idiocy. Its existence genuinely makes the game less enjoyable for me, because even if I ignore it, I know it's there(not to mention it auto-saving you in certain situations anyway). If I can't complain about the game being less fun, then what do I have authorization to complain about exactly?

With that being said, I completely recognize its positive aspects, too. I understand that it makes the experience much more smooth for many others, and I can't spit on that. I do wish it's an option this time, though. Doesn't seem to be.

... Anyway!

  • Offensive staff range seems to be displayed in orange. The only one that Hortensia has is the new Collapse staff. It has 10 range.
  • The options for the menu are:
    • Dragon Crystal
    • List of characters
    • Auto-battle
    • Fellow?
    • Save
    • System
    • Cancel
  • Celica has 40 possible partner rings just like Marth. Might be a standard. There's only 34 playable characters other than her in Echoes though, so I guess we can expect people like Berkut, Rudolf, Jedah, etc, to fill in the blanks. My mistake, it counts all four ranks for 10 characters. Thanks tipperthescales and kienquocsi.
    • She has Lukas, Saber and Conrad unlocked. She then gets Delthea.
    • No new character revealed for Marth (Katarina was in the chinese Somniel video)
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I hope they don't shoehorn the Time Crystal too much into the story. What worries me more is that Hortensia doesn't look... dead when she's defeated. I hope I'm wrong and she doesn't have plot armor. Making people retreat is lame and I kinda miss it when people die if they are killed. 

Oh, and both princesses being recruited already at chapter 17 is interesting. That's... pretty early methinks.

Framme doesn't look promoted when all other people (bar Seadall) are. I hope Monk does not stuck like that the whole game

Collapse staff seems to have 10 range. Wonder what it does.

Do you think if bond rings (rings of minor characters) are equippable on characters, or are they just for upgrading main rings?

2 hours ago, zuibangde said:

Is there a list of starting classes for the revealed characters somewhere?

It’s a bit contradictory but I feel like there are simultaneously not a lot of different starting classes but also not many characters in each class. I believe Chloe is the only Pegasus knight revealed so far? (Hortensia is on a Pegasus but she uses magic). Or how Rosado is the only wyvern rider so far. 

I don't think there is, but it should be easy to list every known character's starting class as of now:

  • Alear: Dragon Child
  • Framme: Martial Monk
  • Clanne, Citrinne: Mage
  • Vander: Paladin
  • Alfred, Celine: Noble
  • Chloe: Lance Pegasus
  • Etie: Archer
  • Boucheron, Anna: Axe Fighter
  • Louis: Lance Armor
  • Diamant, Alcryst: Lord
  • Jade: Axe Armor
  • Amber: Lance Knight
  • Lapis: Sword Fighter
  • Timerra, Fogado: Sentinel
  • Bunet: Great Knight
  • Pandreo: High Priest
  • Panette: Berserker
  • Merrin: Wolf Knight
  • Ivy, Hortensia: Wing Tamer
  • Yunaka, Zelkov: Thief
  • Kagetsu: Swordmaster
  • Rosado: Dragon Knight
  • Goldmary: Hero
  • Seadall: Dancer
29 minutes ago, Cysx said:

I've seen this sentiment a lot, and to be honest I think it's missing the point. I'm not particularly mad that the feature is back, but it and resetting put a completely different level of pressure on the player and affect the entire experience. Same for casual mode. And that's coming from someone who resets a ton; but with DP, there's no need to look at numbers, make calculations, plan carefully, avoid careless actions or banking on lowish hit rates... Or rather, there's much, much less of a need to do those. Believe it or not, doing it all over again is not something anyone wants but, that's the entire point. You don't want to, so you play more carefully. The pressure's on. And when you succeed under these conditions, it feels great. It's that simple at the end of the day, and it's a core part of the FE gameplay loop. Or rather, it used to be.

Huh, I used to think if people don't like rewinding, they can just ignore the Divine Pulse too, but you have shown me a whole new perspective on the matter. I completely agree with you that there should be an option to disable the mechanics entirely; more options is always preferable after all

Edited by kienquocsi
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I know I complain about this stuff a lot, but I hope Celine doesn't get hit with the Master of None shtick that the likes of Roy, Lorenz, and Odin all got...

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29 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

I hope they don't shoehorn the Time Crystal too much into the story. What worries me more is that Hortensia doesn't look... dead when she's defeated. I hope I'm wrong and she doesn't have plot armor. Making people retreat is lame and I kinda miss it when people die if they are killed. 

Yeah, I'm afraid they're pulling that card again for plot relevant characters. And if a "lesser" royal sibling like Hortensia fits the bill, there's gonna be a bunch of people on that list.

Also something I forgot to say is that Dragon Crystal has infinite uses here. But the very fact that they display a count means that it doesn't always. Probably a difficulty level difference if I had to guess.

3 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

I know I complain about this stuff a lot, but I hope Celine doesn't get hit with the Master of None shtick that the likes of Roy, Lorenz, and Odin all got...

... Roy?

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5 minutes ago, Cysx said:

... Roy?

Yeah. He's supposed to be an all-rounder, but... that's hindered by shitty base stats and his growths mostly being concentrated in lesser stats. His case is especially egregious because one, he's the protagonist, and two, his stupidly late promotion all but ruins any chance he has to catch up.

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57 minutes ago, Cysx said:
  • The options for the menu are:
    • Dragon Crystal
    • List of characters
    • Auto-battle
    • Fellow?
    • Save
    • System
    • Cancel

Perhaps the character list covers all units on the field while the Allies option gives more detailed info on your party. Can't quite remember how the distinction was made in older games.


57 minutes ago, Cysx said:
  • Celica has 40 possible partner rings just like Marth. Might be a standard.

I believe the 40 rings is actually 10 Bond characters x 4 ring levels (C, B, A, S).


33 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

What worries me more is that Hortensia doesn't look... dead when she's defeated. I hope I'm wrong and she doesn't have plot armor. Making people retreat is lame and I kinda miss it when people die if they are killed.

I guess there's the possibility that the infinite Time Crystal uses is implying casual or low difficulty settings (as Cysx said above) and thus retreat instead of death; but yeah, I would be a bit disappointed if all royal siblings (I expect the #1s to have plot armor already) were retreat only.


8 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

I know I complain about this stuff a lot, but I hope Celine doesn't get hit with the Master of None shtick that the likes of Roy, Lorenz, and Odin all got...

Hopefully the fact that Celine gets Ignis counts for something then ;P

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57 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Celica has 40 possible partner rings just like Marth. Might be a standard. There's only 34 playable characters other than her in Echoes though, so I guess we can expect people like Berkut, Rudolf, Jedah, etc, to fill in the blanks.

I don't think that's 40 characters, just 10 characters with 4 rings each (rank from C to S)

5 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Also something I forgot to say is that Dragon Crystal has infinite uses here. But the very fact that they display a count means that it doesn't always. Probably a difficulty level difference if I had to guess.

Maybe that's for the best. People who want to use it won't be restricted, while people who don't won't touch it anyways.

... Or they could have reworked Casual mode and make it Classic, but with infinite time-rewinding. Just a silly idea of mine.

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14 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

I hope they don't shoehorn the Time Crystal too much into the story. What worries me more is that Hortensia doesn't look... dead when she's defeated. I hope I'm wrong and she doesn't have plot armor. Making people retreat is lame and I kinda miss it when people die if they are killed. 

Agree on both accounts. I want the rewind mechanic separate from the story, so that it doesn`t needlessly complicate things. 

Since Three Houses had most characters die when defeated after the timeskip, I have hope that Engage will do the same, but the Fates similarities does make me worry slightly.

31 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Do you think if bond rings (rings of minor characters) are equippable on characters, or are they just for upgrading main rings?

I think they will just upgrade the main rings, they don`t seem to have the skills and other mechanics of the equippable Emblems

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25 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Yeah. He's supposed to be an all-rounder, but... that's hindered by shitty base stats and his growths mostly being concentrated in lesser stats. His case is especially egregious because one, he's the protagonist, and two, his stupidly late promotion all but ruins any chance he has to catch up.

I thought you were referring to mixed offense units. There are a lot of characters that are great at everything(but magic) in the series. Roy is just a mediocre physical unit who promotes late.

23 minutes ago, tipperthescales said:

I believe the 40 rings is actually 10 Bond characters x 4 ring levels (C, B, A, S).

22 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

I don't think that's 40 characters, just 10 characters with 4 rings each (rank from C to S)

Oh, yup, that's what it is. The 13 on Marth's menu falsely confirmed my initial impression; guess that counts dupes/pulls.
... well that's considerably less exciting ! At the same time, 12 * 40 characters would probably have been a lot.
... also they really put in Legion over Jagen didn't they. They have the weirdest obsession with that guy.

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The objective of Chapter 17 being Defeat All 6 Commanders is pretty cool I guess

So is the idea with the bond rings like, you feed/gift not!Lilith or talk to allies after a map (you can walk around the map after beating it) to get bond fragments, and use that to pull bond rings which give additional stat boosts? I'm guessing the bond ring bonuses are tied to equipping the Emblem Ring (I don't see them doing 480 bond rings in the inventory for instance).

Also im guessing the time crystal allowed uses being displayed with the infinity symbol is a difficulty setting thing or depends on game progression b/c otherwise if its just infinite throughout there is no reason to display number of allowed uses.

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Okay so I tried a bit too hard not to focus on whatever the dlc showcased. There are few more things relevant to the main game.
- The Silver sword has 12 Mt, 90 Accuracy, and 0 Crit. It doesn't seem to weigh 6 Bld Alear down. The important part is that if there's nothing like Fates did to bring silver downs, this right there is 100% an upgrade over the Iron sword.

- More interestingly, the Steel greataxe +3 on Jade has...
... 30 mt, seemingly. It brings her unbuffed 25 Str to 55 Atk.  It also has 5 Crit(from what I'm seeing, that's a general thing with Steel weaponry in this game) and 60 Accuracy it seems. It doesn't seem to weigh her down, even though a Steel axe did in her spotlight on the main site. Weird.

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1 hour ago, Aggro Incarnate said:

The objective of Chapter 17 being Defeat All 6 Commanders is pretty cool I guess

Oh, that is interesting. Can`t recall many FE maps (that I have played anyway) where you need to defeat a specific amount of bosses, rather than just one.

While I highly doubt they would do this, I would love if they had some of these commanders yellow/neutral units, so that they can fight each other. It would offer a interesting challenge to that map, I think at least.

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4 hours ago, Cysx said:

I've seen this sentiment a lot, and to be honest I think it's missing the point. I'm not particularly mad that the feature is back, but it and resetting put a completely different level of pressure on the player and affect the entire experience. Same for casual mode. And that's coming from someone who resets a ton; but with DP, there's no need to look at numbers, make calculations, plan carefully, avoid careless actions or banking on lowish hit rates... Or rather, there's much, much less of a need to do those. Believe it or not, doing it all over again is not something anyone wants but, that's the entire point. You don't want to, so you play more carefully. The pressure's on. And when you succeed under these conditions, it feels great. It's that simple at the end of the day, and it's a core part of the FE gameplay loop. Or rather, it used to be.

It's not particularly about it being "less noble" or some other idiocy. Its existence genuinely makes the game less enjoyable for me, because even if I ignore it, I know it's there(not to mention it auto-saving you in certain situations anyway). If I can't complain about the game being less fun, then what do I have authorization to complain about exactly?

With that being said, I completely recognize its positive aspects, too. I understand that it makes the experience much more smooth for many others, and I can't spit on that. I do wish it's an option this time, though. Doesn't seem to be.


This. Couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm not against the idea of a Turn Wheel per se. I just don't like how IntSys executes it.

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5 hours ago, Cysx said:

I've seen this sentiment a lot, and to be honest I think it's missing the point. I'm not particularly mad that the feature is back, but it and resetting put a completely different level of pressure on the player and affect the entire experience. Same for casual mode. And that's coming from someone who resets a ton; but with DP, there's no need to look at numbers, make calculations, plan carefully, avoid careless actions or banking on lowish hit rates... Or rather, there's much, much less of a need to do those. Believe it or not, doing it all over again is not something anyone wants but, that's the entire point. You don't want to, so you play more carefully. The pressure's on. And when you succeed under these conditions, it feels great.

I don't necessarily disagree with this, but there have been FAR too many times when I've played Fates* and I've gotten most of the way (or in a few cases, all of the way) through a level only to have a random 3% crit force me to restart. When I was younger, maybe restarting and succeeding would feel more thrilling. Sometimes for earlier games it still does. But for some games, restarting after going too far in just makes everything feel like I just wasted 30 minutes to an hour of my life. And nowadays with time being a rare commodity, I don't really have the luxury or the patience to waste it on replaying a level because of a random crit that statistically shouldn't have happened. 


*Usually this only applies to Fates, but since it's the most recent FE I've replayed, it's the one that is most on my mind. Awakening, FE7, FE8, and PoR don't really have this problem. 

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I'm very much pro-rewind. Most players reset levels rather than iron-manning anyway, and all rewinds do is change the death penalty from "lose 30+ minutes of your time" to "choose how much progress you lose." That's a good thing as far as I'm concerned. And unlike casual mode, you do still have to eventually make a proper play rather than Leeroy Jenkins units to progress.

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4 hours ago, Cysx said:

... also they really put in Legion over Jagen didn't they. They have the weirdest obsession with that guy.

Really weird, that.

4 hours ago, Cysx said:

I thought you were referring to mixed offense units. There are a lot of characters that are great at everything(but magic) in the series. Roy is just a mediocre physical units who promotes late.

I do have a problem with those too. Mixed offense classes are very seldom good. Theoretically, they're supposed to be versatile, but that falls flat on its ass when most units don't have the stats to make them work. Like Camilla and her initial Malig Knight class. Looking at her base stats, she has a 10-point (factoring in Strength +2) gap between her strength and magic. I'd be hard-pressed to find a situation where having her use magic or the Bolt Axe would be the better option than an axe, largely because most enemy units don't have defensive stats that lopsided. The might difference between axes and tomes doesn't help. Same for Oni Chieftain and Basara.

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Also a video from IGN as well:



I'll post some thoughts (probably edit this post) once I've watched both videos.



We get to see quite a few things for the first time in English:

Personal skills:


Vander - Alabaster Duty
Clanne - Verdant Faith
Etie - Energized
Boucheron - Moved to Tears
Louis - Admiration
Chloe - Fairy-Tale Folk

Class names: Lance Flier is the English for the lance pegasus, and Sword Fighter for the sword infantry

As kienquocsi mentioned already, Vander is an axe locked paladin, though of note is his axe weapon level is S (which is a cap as well)

Alfred's Self-Improver randomly triggers on waiting

Marth's Break Defenses triggers on successful Break, and deals an additional hit at 50% damage before combat proceeds as expected
- e.g. Alear + Marth initiates on an Axe Fighter and can double. First attack deals 6 and breaks. Break Defenses triggers dealing 3. The Axe Fighter loses their turn which would have been a counter. Alear follows up for another 6.
This can also stack with Divine Speed leading to 4 attacks instead of 2 when conditions are met for a double under normal circumstances. 

First vision of a Chain Attack in motion, with Boucheron supporting Chloe.

The boss of this indoor Firene map is an axe wielding character called Nelucce.

Chloe gained Bld in her level up, and this is compatible with Lapis gaining Bld in her Transcendence (which is a pseudo level up).


Additionally, the GameSpot narration suggests that Bond Rings are ring options instead of Emblem Rings. Which means they aren't going to be of much utility once you have all the Emblem Rings, but they may still have use in early missions where your Emblem Ring count is paltry.

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- Build has growth
- Alfred's personal skill, "Self Improver", seems to trigger on Wait
- Vander is a Paladin, yet can only use Axe. We have seen other Paladin with Lance or Sword, so looks like Paladin is a common name for Axe Paladin, Lance Paladin and Sword Paladin now
- Chloe's class is localized as "Lance Flier"
- Growth seems pretty high, with 5-7 stats per level up. Of course the presenter could be lucky
- Confirmed that "Break Defense" allow a second strike with half damage after the first hit, persumably when breaking the enemy
- Sword Fighter is just localized as... Sword Fighter now (in previous games, they are Myrmidon)



- Curiously, this enemy Archer (Covert type) only has 54 Avoid, even though they are standing on a +30 Avo terrain (remember, Covert gets double terrain bonus)

- Personal skills' names:

  • Alear: Divinely Inspiring
  • Vander: Alabaster Duty
  • Clanne: Verdant Faith
  • Framme: Crimson Cheer
  • Alfred: Self-Improver
  • Etie: Energized
  • Boucheron: Moved to Tears
  • Louis: Admiration
  • Chloe: Fairy-Tale Folk
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6 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

- Curiously, this enemy Archer (Covert type) only has 54 Avoid, even though they are standing on a +30 Avo terrain (remember, Covert gets double terrain bonus)

maybe its only active during battle? still dumb tho wish it showed

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1 minute ago, Crubat said:

maybe its only active during battle? still dumb tho wish it showed

I remember it was shown somewhere that Alcryst has 120 something Avoid in the fog (Avo +30 btw), so total avoid is most certainly shown on the UI. Not sure why this Archer has such low Avoid though

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Funny how they say "less social sim, more gameplay" and go on to list a dozen free-time activities you can do with the others at the hub.

Also to me 3H felt more "back to the roots" while this seems to continue that Fates/Awakening style, but maybe that's just me.

Great to hear it actually looks and plays beautifully on the actual hardware.

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