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Favorite designs so far?


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Still this two months later. Nothing has surpassed the three frames of Vandad way in the corner wearing a black jacket that only appeared in the first Japanese trailer.

...I do have a few others now, though. Timerra's neat, she has a distinct vibe from all the other dancers, I dig it. Alear has grown on me. The hair may be silly, but it's iconic, and they rock the white suit + cape. The one female armor knight whose name I don't think we know is pretty cool just because of how oddly ordinary she is among everyone else. I like Etie's color scheme. Seadall is fabulous. Lastly, I'm kinda fond of Hyacinth. He's the most generic evil old guy ever, but I like those, so... eh. I'll hope for some fun faces and voice lines before he inevitably dies anticlimatically.

Also, the engaged designs. I love the effort they put into making every character's appearance change based on their engagements. The mechanic left me feeling underwhelmed at first, but at this point I'm more hyped to see the aesthetics of each combo than anything else lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of the male designs aren't so bad (there are still some stinkers).

But God damn, every last women in this game is a runway disaster.  Lady Gaga would quirk a brow at some of these looks.

Also Alear is still just as awful as when I first saw them.  Ugh.

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With every 2nd character being a fashion disaster, Zelkov is refreshingly vanilla for a thief, and I like it.


I have yet to really praise any female designs, so I'mma rectify that. Citrine's fashion is on point. She's one of the classiest characters in this gaudy circus. And Merrin is a unique badass that gives me light Princess Mononoke vibes.

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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Now having seen the majority of the cast:

Vander is still one of my favourite designs. He's so dashing and just *chef kiss* and when they showed him with that earring, very DILF energy

The twins are also amazing I think.

Diamant is also up there as one of my favourites.

I do like Hortensia's designs, idc if its not very FE, I am a sucker for Harley Quinn types. Also Rosado and Goldmary are pretty cool too.

Overall I like the majority of the designs tbh. I think the only designs I'm like eh on are Lumera and Panette.

Lumera has a bit much going on and its like 'woah, I get you're a queen but calm down'

Panette's is just weird to me. I don't get the facial make-up. Hortensia's makes sense, she's pretty much a clown, but Panette's doesn't. Especially knowing that her and Pandreo are siblings and he has nothing like that it just confuses me.

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3 hours ago, EdeaCreamer said:

Most of the male designs aren't so bad (there are still some stinkers).

But God damn, every last women in this game is a runway disaster.  Lady Gaga would quirk a brow at some of these looks.

Also Alear is still just as awful as when I first saw them.  Ugh.

Agreed. It really feels like the women are the biggest eyesores.

The big ones for me are Hortensia and Celine. Hortensia is pretty self explanatory with her outfit.

For Celine, both her dress and hair are ridiculous to me. Both that poofy dress and long untamed hair that's almost as long as she is.



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Brodia is definetly winning in the design department for me.

Citrinne has become my favourite female design, with Goldmary as a close second.

Diamant remains undefeated among the males, but Amber is a close contender.

Edited by Metal Flash
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Timerra easily in first place and Ivy in a surprisingly close second place. I think the main reason - well, outside of more representation that is - is that Timerra looks good in the game and in her official artwork, while Ivy looks best in her official artwork, but I'm not entirely sold on her in-game looks. 

But this just really confirms that I like the official artwork of the characters more than the in-game portraits than most. Goldmary's design is really growing on me though. 

For the guys, Diamant is probably my favorite, but he's in third place. 

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Hello, this is me to remind everyone that Black Jacket Vandad is the best design in Engage. We've even got another angle now!


Honestly though, now that (90% of?) the cast is fully revealed, I've found a bunch I quite enjoy as well. None quite surpass Black Jacket Vandad, but hey!

Jade is amazing. Amidst the sea of wild, wild designs, Jade stands out because she's so weirdly normal. Just a regular armor without any dumb holes in it, a few hanging cloths here and there to spice things up, and that's it. Simple, to the point, practical. And then you see her in Somniel and she looks like she's about to depart for Oktoberfest. If Vandad didn't exist these would definitely be my favorite designs in the game.

Zelkov is badass. Back when Engage was revealed, I went back to the leaks and noticed what looked to be a grey-skinned, glowing-eyed fellow that immediately piqued my interested. He turned out to just be darkskinned with bright eyes lol, but I still love this design. If reclassing is a thing, I'm definitely making this man a mage, or dark mage if at all possible. He belongs there.

Aside from those three, I also enjoy Merrin (cravat and wolf pelt as a cape is a pretty unique and badass combo), Etie (the midriff hole is iffy but I love her color scheme, and her casual attire is just her regular attire minus the hole anyway), casual Ivy (the dress and veil are such improvements), casual Diamant (the suit makes him look far less generic), Timerra (a bit on the wild side, but in a good way - I don't really know how to describe it. Plus, I appreciate that she's full-on dark skinned, it's not too common in FE), casual Louis (hot DAMN he rocks that vest), casual Yunaka (yet another massive improvement over the base design), Seadall (MALE DANCER MALE DANCER) and Pandorro (white and red is such a great combination on magely robes), to name a few. Er, a few few, haha.

I feel like I tend to prefer the Somniel alternates we've seen over a lot of the base designs, though there are a good few of those I enjoy too. All in all, the designs and artstyle has been steadily growing in me. There are still some designs I dislike, of course, but that's not the topic.

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  • 1 month later...

Seadall is definitely a standout, as is Sfolgia, the whole kingdom of Solm is actually pretty great

The kingdom of Firene seems to be the most traditionally Fire Emblem-like and I'm quite fond of them because of that, though my favourite is Jean who looks like an outlier.


Edited by MercyWalk
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I made this tier list some time ago.


...Gotta say, I'm not sure what I was thinking, Mauvier is way too low. I'll probably have to revisit this when the game is out.

The monarchs weren't in the tier list, and Eve and Sfoglia hadn't been seen yet anyway. Now that we know what they look like, I'd add Sfoglia in the top 3 between Jade and Merrin, Morion and Hyacinth at the top of "good", and Eve in low "good". Sfoglia was blessed with such an incredible design, it's going to make me really sad when she appears in two cutscenes and promptly dies.

Also, honorable mentions to Mitan and Nelucce, who are really cool-looking throwaway bosses that made me cry that there's no Fates Capture again.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Honestly the only designs I can say I like are Diamant, Kagetsu, Merrin and Amber (at least his pre-promotion design), maybe Citrinne and



All the other designs range from meh to hot garbagio for me. (Any character with a cutie mark on their face will be taken out back and shot) Definitely leaning towards giving this game a pass, not solely for the design and art style but they definitely play a part.

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Diamant. Lapis (though she would be perfect if it wasn’t for the odd midriff window.) Jade ( holy crap a full armoured female armour knight!) Zelkov (looks like a thief, is a thief.) and ofc Vandad.

overall unlike probably a lot of people in this thread I don’t mind most of the designs with only a few making cringe (Male Alear for example, female Alear however has grown on me.)

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About the designs...in my opinion, the simpler the better.
Some NPCs (Anisse and the generic villagers) and boss (e.g. the armored knight woman with short, blond hair seen in some gameplay preview) honestly look better to me than some of the playable characters🙂

So far, I like Vander's design (Who doesn't), Citrinne's, Chloé, Amber's, Lapis' and Louis' the most.
Veyle looks good too, I assume she's some kind of dragon or shapeshifter.
Zelkov's design is just what you expect for a thief. Not "great" but it does the job.
Fogado is Claude's lost cousin😁 His design is nice.
Timerra...she's pretty but I'd prefer normal eyes and fewer balls on her hair.
Panette would be perfect without all these marks on her face (see my signature and tell me she doesn't look a 100% prettier)
Idk about Mauvier, his design is OK but he looks a bit too generic for a playable character.

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It's funny, because one day after I posted that tier list and the updates, the last couple of playable characters got revealed.

One of them has my new favorite female design in the entire series.


Saphir in S. Top of S, specifically. She beats even Vandad. Just, I love her. Her design is so fucking badass. Unique, too, how often do you see old dark-skinned knight women in... really, any fiction at all? What an absolutely magnificent design. 10/10

Lindon in A, around Mauvier I think. I have a fondness for older priest dudes, so I like this guy. He's not remarkable in the least, but that's cool in its own right. In a cast filled with colorful, wild designs, it's nice to have somebody who is no more than a simple old man who just wants to help.

Jean in B. If he actually wore the glasses he might've gotten up to A. I like all the green, green's my favorite color, but he's still just another child. Meh. Seriously would've prefered his father. Now there's a design.


1 hour ago, Yatagarasu said:

About the designs...in my opinion, the simpler the better.
Some NPCs (Anisse and the generic villagers) and boss (e.g. the armored knight woman with short, blond hair seen in some gameplay preview) honestly look better to me than some of the playable characters🙂

While the designs in this game have been growing on me, I have to agree. Usually I tend to prefer more mundane designs.

1 hour ago, Yatagarasu said:

I like Vander's design (Who doesn't)

People without taste

I must say, good choices all around, but with your preferences I'm surprised you haven't mentioned Jade. I was positively shocked to see a female armor with an actually sensible, practical armor design.

Also, I'm not sure if you've seen them yet, but if you think Mauvier is a bit generic-looking, wait till you see one of the unrevealed playable characters. It's actually hilarious how unremarkable that one is. Putting them in a spoiler box in case you don't want to see, though... to be completely honest, these mystery characters are hardly a spoiler. They're just three random joes, no more relevant than any of the retainers. I'm not quite sure why they have been excluded from the marketing.



Look at this guy. He looks like a friggin' generic priest NPC. But nope, that's totally playable. Amazing.

These are the other unrevealed characters, for the record:





Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Zelkov: Like the combo of dark wavy hair, dark skin, golden eyes and high cheekbones. He's handsome! And yeah, he does have the classic thief look, but in a good way.

Merrin: She has a cool outfit, I like her short hair and those claw gloves are wicked!

Ivy: I dig her purple goth look and face net.

Kagetsu: Cute face and I love the blue hair. His outfit looks also good and the red/blue combo he has is very pleasing to the eye.

Alcryst: His design is more flashy than his personality but it works well for him imo.

Rosado: He's right to be so arrogant, he is a cutie. XD

Chloe: Good color scheme and I like her overall look.

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