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What we know of Engage's mechanics so far.


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54 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

And this is amazing, thank you very much! It must have taken ages to compile all of this together!!! Can someone who's more savvy about classes have a look and tell which ones are promoted/ if there seem to be 3rd-tier or higher promotions, please? Thank you in advance!

I did watch the reclassing video nearly frame by frame for the part where we see all the classes (from Céline's viewpoint) and I think I could add some details to the list. Maybe. For what I saw, no 3rd tier class. I think all base class can evolve into two advanced classes, with all weapons variations if available. No differences between two weapons for a same class (like Hero Lance or Hero Axe. Same stats and skills).

I did note that we don't see the dancer class. The thief is here, labeled as Special. But not the dancer. Is it exclusive to Seadall only?

7 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Yes it is! It's been retooled into martial arts, but you'll still be able to punch and kick your way through armored enemies~

I may have missed it, but the brawling here works nearly the same as in 3H. Instead of gloves, you have scrolls. But I don't think you can fight without a scroll, when in 3H you could have a skill to fight unarmed. I didn't see it. Maybe I missed this info on another media.

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I did this based on the video showing all the classes on Céline :



Each Base Class is tied to two Advanced Classes, except for the Unique Classes and the special Thief.

Looking at the stats, Martial Master is the only Advanced class that lose a point in a stat compare to its Base class (-1 Res). Why they decided to do this is a mystery to me.
Edit : Just saw that Wyvern Knight also lose Res point (-2 even) compare to Flier and I'd like to add that Griffin Knight stats are a bit bonkers with the highest Rating.

Another thing is that Strength seems to be much higher than Magic.

Edited by Tharne
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Sword/Lance/Axe Fighter (B Sword/Lance/Axe) Backup type

Swordmaster (S Sword) Backup type (2nd tier of Sword Fighter)
Skill: Run Through - Use to attack an adjacent foe, then move to the space opposite that foe.

Hero (A Sword, B Lance/Axe) Backup type (2nd tier of Sword Fighter)
Skill: Brave Assist - If unit's HP is at max while unit makes a chain attack, unit attacks twice.

Halberdier (S Lance) Backup type (2nd tier of Lance Fighter)
Skill: Pincer Attack - If unit initiates combat while an ally is on the opposite side of the foe, always follow up (if weapon allows).

Royal Knight (A Lance, C Staff) Cavalry type (2nd tier of Lance Fighter)
Skill: Reforge - If unit's HP is 11 or more and an adjacent ally is broken after combat, sacrifices 10 HP and removes the break status from ally.

Berserker (S Axe) Backup type (2nd tier of Axe Fighter)
Skill: Smash+ - When making a smash attack, push the target 2 spaces instead of 1.

Warrior (A Axe, C Bow) (2nd tier of Axe Fighter)
Skill: Merciless - Units deals +50 % damage against broken foes.


Archer (B Bow) Covert type

Sniper (S Bow) Covert type (2nd tier of Archer)
Skill: No Distractions - Grants Crit+10 during a combat with a foe that can't counter.

Bow Knight (C Sword/Lance/Axe, A Bow) Cavalry type (2nd tier of Archer)
Skill: Careful Aim - If unit initiates combat without moving first, grants Hit+40 during combat.


Sword/Lance/Axe Armour (B Sword/Lance/Axe) Armored type

General (A Sword/Lance/Axe) Armored type (2nd tier of Sword/Lance/Axe Armor)
Skill: Swap - Use to switch places with an adjacent ally.

Great Knight (B Sword/Lance/Axe - Uses combo of two weapon types) Cavalry type (2nd tier of Sword/Lance/Axe Armor)
Skill: Allied Defense - If unit is between an ally and a foe, reduces damage to unit by 3 during combat with that foe.


Sword/Lance/Axe Cavalier (B Sword/Lance/Axe) Cavalry type

Paladin (A Sword/Lance/Axe) Cavalry type (2nd tier of Sword/Lance/Axe Cavalier)
Skill: Pivot - Use to move to the opposite side of and adjacent ally.

Wolf Knight (B Sword/Lance/Axe, A Knife) Cavalry type (2nd tier of Sword/Lance/Axe Cavalier)
Skill: Hobble - If unit initiates comat with a knife, inflicts Mov-2 on foe for 1 turn.


Sword/Lance/Axe Flier (B Sword/Lance/Axe) Flying type

Griffin Knight (A Sword/Lance/Axe, C Staff) Flying type (2nd tier of Sword/Lance/Axe Flier)
Skill: Clear the Way - Unit's space and adjacent spaces have a movement cost of 1 for allies.

Wyvern Knight (B Sword/Lance/Axe - Uses combo of two weapon types) Flying type (2nd tier of Sword/Lance/Axe Flier)
Skill: Air Raid - If unit initiates combat from a space a foe cannot enter, grants Spd+5 during combat.


Mage (B Tomes) Mystical type

Sage (S Tomes, B Staff) Mystical type (2nd tier of Mage)
Skill: Spell Harmony - If unit initiates combat with a tome, grants Atk equal to the number of adjacent allies with tome.

Mage Knight (B Sword/Lance/Axe, A Tomes) Cavalry type (2nd tier of Mage)
Skill: Chaos Style - if unit intiates combat with a physical attack against a foe armed with magic or vice versa, grants Spd+3 during combat.


Martial Monk (B Staff, C Arts) Qi Adept

Martial Master (A Staff, S Arts) Qi Adept (2nd tier of Martial Monk)
Skill: Diffuse Healer - hen unit is healed by a staff, all adjacent allies also recover 50 % of the HP that the unit recovered.

High Priest (B Tomes, S Staff, C Arts) Qi Adept (2nd tier of Martial Monk)
Skill: Self-Heling - Unit can target itself with healing staves.


Thief (S Knife) Covert type
Skill: Pass - Foes do not block this unit's movement.


I did take the work done by @Azz
It seems @Tharne was faster than me, ahah. And it's better looking hehe. But I leave my list because of the skill list. Maybe it could be of some help.

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Went through the video again to take note of class skills and descriptions ISTG if I do this and get ninja'd I will cry lol


Note about skills. Only Advanced classes have class skills and they learn them at level 5. Exception is Thief (and presumably Dancer) who are Special classes and learn skills and level 25

Divine Dragon - Divine Spirit

Unit's engage meter is shortened by one step

Avenir - Golden Lotus

During combat, may prevent 50% of physical damage taken. Trigger %=Dex

Vidame - Ignis

During combat, may add half of Str to magic damage or half of Mag to all other damage. Trigger %=Dex

Swordmaster - Run Through

Use to attack an adjacent foe, then move to the space opposite of that foe.

Hero - Brave Assist

If unit's HP is at max while unit makes a chain attack, unit attacks twice.

Halberdier - Pincer Attack

If unit initiates combat while an ally is on the opposite side of the foe,  always follow up (if weapon allows).

Royal Knight - Reforge

If unit's HP is 11 or more and an adjacent ally is broken after combat, sacrifice 10 HP and removes the break status from the ally.

Berserker - Smash+

When making a smash attack, push the target 2 spaces instead of 1.

Warrior - Merciless

Unit deals +50% damage against broken foes.

Sniper - No Distractions

Grants Crit +10 during combat with a foe that can't counter.

Bow Knight - Careful Aim

If unit initiates combat without moving first, grants Hit +40 during combat.

General - Swap

Use to switch places with an adjacent ally.

Greta Knight - Allied Defence

If unit is between an ally and a foe, reduces damage to unit by 3 during combat with that foe.

Paladin - Pivot

Use to move to the opposite side of an adjacent ally.

Wolf Knight - Hobble

If unit initiates combat with a knife, inflicts Mov -2 on foe for 1 turn.

Griffon Knight - Clear The Way

Unit's space and adjacent spaces have a movement cost of 1 for allies.

Wyvern Knight - Air Raid

If unit initiates combat from a space a foe cannot enter, grants Spd +5 during combat.

Sage - Spell Harmony

If unit initiates combat with a tome, grants Atk equal to the number of adjacent allies with tomes.

Mage Knight - Chaos Style

If unit  initiates combat with a physical attack against a foe armed with magic or vice versa, grants Spd +3 during combat.

Martial Master - Diffuse Healer

When unit is healed by a staff, all adjacent allies also recover 50% of the HP that the unit recovered.

High Priest - Self-Healing

Unit can target itself with healing staves.

Thief - Pass

Foes does not block this unit's movement. 

Also, to add to the class list:

Dragon Child - B Sword

Divine Dragon - A Sword, B Arts

Noble (Alfred) - B Lance

Avenir - B Sword, A Lance

Noble (Céline) - B Sword, B Tome

Vidame - B Sword, A Tome, B Staff


Alas I have been ninja'd.... Whatever, the info for Alear's, Alfred's and Céline's classes can also be added to the list

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It bothers me a bit to notice than in some advanced classes, mounted unit seems to have and advantage in term of weapon choice (I'm not counting staves). Like Great Knight, Bow Knight, Mage Knight all are mounted and have two weapons choice. While their counterpart General, Sniper and Sage have only one (S rank). Are mounted units really at disadvantage in the game and giving them two weapons is a solution to even things? Or S Rank weapons is a big advantage? And I don't think stats are really relevant here.

I don't know, yet, but it seems a bit unfair to me (I was kind of wanting a General with many weapons...) Maybe, it's all thanks to emblem's mechanics, as we can have weapons proficiencies normally not available for our units? But even that way, mounted units could go up to 3 weapons proficiencies (not counting Leif).


1 hour ago, Azz said:

Went through the video again to take note of class skills and descriptions ISTG if I do this and get ninja'd I will cry lol

Alas I have been ninja'd.... Whatever, the info for Alear's, Alfred's and Céline's classes can also be added to the list

Sorry for that, ahah. I was in the same situation, fearing that someone would ninja me, and Tharne kind of did it.

Edited by Hiroki
Wanted to reply to Azz as well
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5 minutes ago, Hiroki said:

It bothers me a bit to notice than in some advanced classes, mounted unit seems to have and advantage in term of weapon choice (I'm not counting staves). Like Great Knight, Bow Knight, Mage Knight all are mounted and have two weapons choice. While their counterpart General, Sniper and Sage have only one (S rank). Are mounted units really at disadvantage in the game and giving them two weapons is a solution to even things? Or S Rank weapons is a big advantage? And I don't think stats are really relevant here.

I don't know, yet, but it seems a bit unfair to me (I was kind of wanting a General with many weapons...) Maybe, it's all thanks to emblem's mechanics, as we can have weapons proficiencies normally not available for our units? But even that way, mounted units could go up to 3 weapons proficiencies (not counting Leif).


Sorry for that, ahah. I was in the same situation, fearing that someone would ninja me, and Tharne kind of did it.

It's good lol, I kind of expected it to happen tbh haha

But I agree, I do think it certainly raises some eyebrows to see so many of the mounted promos of infantry classes getting multiple weapon types. I am hoping types will balance this tho. We know that mystical units negate terrain when using magic, coverts double terrain bonuses and armours negate break, so hopefully these aspects (plus whatever type bonuses engaging may grant depending on type) will outweigh the movement boost from being cavalry

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Weapon thingie updated with all I've found so far (staves were just added and are WIP) :

Something seems to be up with martial arts, the numbers don't match, I think they may not use Str for damage, but Mag is unlikely too... Might be 1/2 Str... Will be looking into it.

Also we're shown what the emblem infusion, or at least some more of them, do to weapons. I had Marth mostly right, pat on the back :

Marth : +1 Mt, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, +5 Avo, +5 Ddg

Sigurd : +1 Mt, -1 Wt, +20 Avo (no +move, you may point at me and laugh, kiencoqusi:))

Celica : -1 Mt, -1 Wt, +50 Ddg

Micaiah : -3 Mt, -1 Wt, +40 Avo, +20 Crit Avo

None of those make any sense (well, Marth as an all rounder is fine), but hey.

Also Micaiah's staff skill is replaced by another when it comes to inheritance, confirming that that's a thing

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35 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Wait, where is that? Isn't it just removed from inheritance completely?

That also took a while to find again





But yes, I was wrong, it's not replaced by the green one as I thought.

... and this is also a thing now when you game over :






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1 hour ago, Cysx said:

... and this is also a thing now when you game over :

That's sure to make a lot of people very angry! If EXP gain falls off against lower levelled enemies this won't be too broken an exploit, and if you're ever in a situation where you fall just short of clearing a map in one piece, getting to retain EXP on a game over is a nice cushion in my eyes. Besides, there's an option to reset EXP right there so it's not like you're forced to play the easy way~

55 minutes ago, Metal Flash said:

Wonder how that is handled for reclassing.

I hadn't thought about that! Huh... Well, you can only use the weapons allowed for your current class (+ Engage Weapons) so it shouldn't be an issue, right?

2 hours ago, Cysx said:

Thank you for this! I didn't notice Eirika and Marth's Rapiers had different stats. Could it be possible that Marth's boosts crit too? It seems weird that they have the same name, but I guess Ike's Hammer seems to have the same name as the generic hammers too...

(Also, was Luin always effective against fliers? That was added just for Engage right, like Blutgang having dual effectiveness?)

4 hours ago, Azz said:

Alas I have been ninja'd.... Whatever, the info for Alear's, Alfred's and Céline's classes can also be added to the list

Ah, that truly is a painful feeling, huh? Thank you for giving us a list to work off of in the first place!

@Tharne @Hiroki: Thank you for your class write-ups! I see I have to completely overhaul that part of the main post! I'll use Tharne's spreadsheet and Hiroki and Azz's skill descriptions below it. That should be fine, right?

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13 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

That's sure to make a lot of people very angry! If EXP gain falls off against lower levelled enemies this won't be too broken an exploit, and if you're ever in a situation where you fall just short of clearing a map in one piece, getting to retain EXP on a game over is a nice cushion in my eyes. Besides, there's an option to reset EXP right there so it's not like you're forced to play the easy way~

Nah, I think that's perfectly fine as an option.
... but you're right, it's definitely going to anger a lot of people regardless. Fortunately they may not notice right away.

13 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Thank you for this! I didn't notice Eirika and Marth's Rapiers had different stats. Could it be possible that Marth's boosts crit too? It seems weird that they have the same name, but I guess Ike's Hammer seems to have the same name as the generic hammers too...

(Also, was Luin always effective against fliers? That was added just for Engage right, like Blutgang having dual effectiveness?)

No, apparently they're just different. We've had Marth's for a while, but it was confirmed again today.

These weapons weren't effective but their unique combat arts were, so it seems they took inspiration from that. The Areadbhar doesn't seem to get universal effectiveness to reference Atrocity though. Probably for the better.

By the way, I think I've got the explanation for Martial Arts, but it's not 100%... they may use (Str+Mag)/2 as a formula. This matches for Jean's and Alear's stats, but there's a bunch of footage to look through for Framme and Seadas if anyone's motivated. At worst I'll probably do it tomorrow.

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34 minutes ago, Cysx said:

No, apparently they're just different. We've had Marth's for a while, but it was confirmed again today.

Interesting, thanks again! It feels weird that these two didn't get different names but Lucina's did though, unless her Rapier doesn't deal effective damage? Ike's Hammer being unique makes more sense now at least.

Also, I just updated the main post! ...after all my progress got wiped right before I was about to finish the first time... O_o

34 minutes ago, Cysx said:

These weapons weren't effective but their unique combat arts were, so it seems they took inspiration from that.

That makes more sense! I remember that being the case for Blutgang but didn't realize Luin's Combat Art had effectiveness too, thanks again!

P.S. I'm reluctant to watch the footage for fear of spoilers (sorry about that!) Did there seem to be any prerequisites to becoming a Thief, since it requires S Rank Daggers, or could Celine change into one right away?

In hindsight, Thieves having an S Rank in Daggers makes a lot of sense with them being a Special class! I looked at the class lists that were on the main page before I removed them, and you guys already got all of them!

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51 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

(Also, was Luin always effective against fliers? That was added just for Engage right, like Blutgang having dual effectiveness?)

Nope. Its unique combat art is only effective vs dragons. However, the Lance of Ruin's unique combat art is effective against flying units.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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55 minutes ago, Cysx said:

By the way, I think I've got the explanation for Martial Arts, but it's not 100%... they may use (Str+Mag)/2 as a formula. This matches for Jean's and Alear's stats, but there's a bunch of footage to look through for Framme and Seadas if anyone's motivated. At worst I'll probably do it tomorrow.

Do you have any idea as to whether they target defence or resistance?

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7 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

Nope. Its unique combat art is only effective vs dragons. However, the Lance of Ruin's unique combat art is effective against flying units.

Actually you're totally right, went off of memory there, but we see it deal effective damage versus a wyvern, so Luin is likely actually effective vs dragon instead of flying.

7 hours ago, EarthboundAddict said:

Do you have any idea as to whether they target defence or resistance?

Not sure at the moment(and still no time either), but that can probably be figured out.

7 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Interesting, thanks again! It feels weird that these two didn't get different names but Lucina's did though, unless her Rapier doesn't deal effective damage? Ike's Hammer being unique makes more sense now at least.

Well the Noble Rapier does exist in Awakening. I don't think they're changing any names.

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Would be kind of neat if it was dependent on weapon or also the average. Kind of unique at least.

Honestly kind of disappointed by classes but I guess I’m hoping for more variety than we usually get. I see patterns that aren’t covered and wish they were. Also concerned about balance but they are doing a lot different so hopefully it works out.

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2 hours ago, Mirron said:

Would be kind of neat if it was dependent on weapon or also the average. Kind of unique at least.

Honestly kind of disappointed by classes but I guess I’m hoping for more variety than we usually get. I see patterns that aren’t covered and wish they were. Also concerned about balance but they are doing a lot different so hopefully it works out.

At least we got an infantry lancer that wasn't Dimitri? I think this "back to basics" approach has a charm to it that makes me want to give them the benefit of the doubt for now. If future FEs are also like this or the current classes start feeling restrictive, naturally I'll have a different opinion.

2 hours ago, Cysx said:

Well the Noble Rapier does exist in Awakening. I don't think they're changing any names.

Ah, that explains it perfectly, thanks! My bad for forgetting about that!

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11 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

P.S. I'm reluctant to watch the footage for fear of spoilers (sorry about that!) Did there seem to be any prerequisites to becoming a Thief, since it requires S Rank Daggers, or could Celine change into one right away?

I was reading the topic in search of a particular question I have right now, and your answer could lead to this subject, ahah.

To answer simply, from what I saw in the video, no, Céline can't change to Thief since she don't have proficiencies with daggers. It seems classes don't need a particular level in weapons, but rather they provide a level to units. In the unit's "info", we just see Weapons colored or not, depending if she already have proficiencies with them or not.

In the video, she can't access thief, since the dagger and the second seal are red. She can't access an other class, even when weapons are white, (when she have proficiencies) because the player don't seem to have any seal left. For Swordmaster, even if she currently have a B rank in Sword, and the class is labeled as S, the sword icon on the class is white, like she have what you need to change class. But no master seal (and she's not a sword fighter, obviously another need).


It may be silly, but I was thinking about all this Weapon Proficiencies. I don't really get how it works. We saw character with "natural talent" in certain weapons (like Céline with Tome) and others possible weapons (she also have proficiencies in Swords and Staves). Those Natural talent are labeled as giving characters a "boost", but I don't really get it, since class change don't seem to take the weapon level into account.

I was wondering how can units gain Weapons Proficiencies? Did we see it already? I get a lot of them start the game having a natural talent, and sometimes one or two weapons proficiencies. I think they have it all the time, regardless of their class, and it permits them to reclass anytime in anything possible. But how can they gain new Proficiencies? If they want to reclass to anything else, or even go to their advanced class, they need new Weapon Prof. How do they gain them?

I think Emblems can give their Weapon Prof, but I don't really get the mechanism (except for Micaiah and her skill). Will it be skills for everyone? Or by having combat while engaged, and using weapons, our units could eventually gain a Weapon Prof? I think it's an interesting question, and I'm sorry if the answer is obvious and I just didn't see it already.

Or maybe it could be by having training, like in 3H? Or some items that can give Weapon Prof?

It's important, because as DefyingFates said, how can we access the Thief Class? You need to have a Prof in daggers, but I don't recall any Emblem having dagger. Are we bound to only two possible thieves? Same for Martial Monk (and Master and High Priest) since we need Prof in Brawling.

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Weapon proficiencies seem to be gained by increasing Bond Level with Emblems, but as far as whether it's simply a trigger that enables them as soon as you cross the Bond Level threshold isn't super clear atm to me. Remember we saw Framme on the website have I believe bow and maybe also dagger proficiencies in addition to her starting arts (natural) and staves.

Remember that proficiency does not have a weapon level tied to it unlike most other games where that can be levelled up; in this regard the class dependent weapon ranks are more in line with Genealogy.

Class change weapon level boosts are always marked in blue when you go the class change, for the record.

The only obvious candidates I can think of for daggers atm are Corrin (whose game had daggers as a major weapon) and Micaiah (by virtue of Sothe, though I suppose it could also just be referencing daggers in Tellius, and Ike doesn't seem like the type).

Edit - on that note about Miccy and daggers... (seems to be Bond 6, see this video at the timestamp):


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1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

At least we got an infantry lancer that wasn't Dimitri? I think this "back to basics" approach has a charm to it that makes me want to give them the benefit of the doubt for now. If future FEs are also like this or the current classes start feeling restrictive, naturally I'll have a different opinion.

Ah, that explains it perfectly, thanks! My bad for forgetting about that!

Oh trust me. I’m glad we have an infantry lancer. I just am a bit sad at other stuff I wish to see. But hopefully the series gets better from here and explores more. Still have hopes for the return of a magic trinity, seems like the only way there would be more Mystical classes in this.

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1 hour ago, tipperthescales said:

Edit - on that note about Miccy and daggers... (seems to be Bond 6, see this video at the timestamp😞

Oh, so proficiencies aren't tied to the weapons the Emblem has in their inventory, that's huge! It opens up a ton more variety and flexibility in who could unlock what. Celica could grant Swords for example, while Eirika could give Tomes as a reference to Lyon? Thank you very much for this information!

1 hour ago, Mirron said:

seems like the only way there would be more Mystical classes in this.

Having Dark/Anima/Light or Fire/Thunder/Wind Mages would be a nice companion trio to the current Sword/Lance/Axe Fighter trio, it's true! Thanks for the suggestion! And we know we're getting classes via DLC, so hopefully we'll get something interesting there? But of course it's going to feel really cheap if the DLC classes are far more creative than the vanilla ones. I think mounted mages (both a generic flier and a cavalry one) are a given for example. It'd be nice to have an armored mage too, just for the novelty of it.

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1 hour ago, tipperthescales said:

Weapon proficiencies seem to be gained by increasing Bond Level with Emblems, but as far as whether it's simply a trigger that enables them as soon as you cross the Bond Level threshold isn't super clear atm to me. Remember we saw Framme on the website have I believe bow and maybe also dagger proficiencies in addition to her starting arts (natural) and staves.

Class change weapon level boosts are always marked in blue when you go the class change, for the record.

Edit - on that note about Miccy and daggers... (seems to be Bond 6, see this video at the timestamp😞

Oh! Thanks, that answer a lot of things for me!

At first, I thought it was kind of a Emblem skill, but it seems it's just an unlock from bonding with Emblem. Maybe they have multiple unlocks like that. We know Miccy can give access to staves, and now we know she kind of give access to dagger at bond level 6. It's really interesting, and suddenly I want to know the rewards for these bond levels. Sometimes it's new skills usable, sometimes proficiencies, etc. Really interesting.

And we now know all classes can be accessible, if you take the time to bond with certain Emblems. Will daggers (and other weapons) be given by multiple Emblem? We know a lot of them could give you Sword Prof. But a few candidates for Axe (Ike and maybe Leif?), Lance (Sigurd, Ephraim and maybe Leif? ahah. Even Lucina?), Bow (Lyn and maybe Leif? lol), Body Arts (Byleth?) and Magic (Celica and Micaiah?).

And thanks for the precision about natural talent. I understand the boost can give you one more level than the class give you. For example, If your unit has a talent in Sword, and become a Hero (A sword), that means the unit would have S Sword instead?


19 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Oh, so proficiencies aren't tied to the weapons the Emblem has in their inventory, that's huge! It opens up a ton more variety and flexibility in who could unlock what. Celica could grant Swords for example, while Eirika could give Tomes as a reference to Lyon? Thank you very much for this information!

Having Dark/Anima/Light or Fire/Thunder/Wind Mages would be a nice companion trio to the current Sword/Lance/Axe Fighter trio, it's true! Thanks for the suggestion! And we know we're getting classes via DLC, so hopefully we'll get something interesting there? But of course it's going to feel really cheap if the DLC classes are far more creative than the vanilla ones. I think mounted mages (both a generic flier and a cavalry one) are a given for example. It'd be nice to have an armored mage too, just for the novelty of it.

Yeah, it opens a lot of possibilities (or maybe it's just that Micaiah have a dagger weapon, not revealed yet).

But, I don't think it would be wise for IS to let Celica grants Sword, since we already have a lot of them. As for Tome, Eirika is already a shar Emblem with Ephraim, I would see her give Sword and Lance, but maybe not Tome. I have the feeling that would be too many weapons for one (share) Emblem to give. Plus, if she doesn't give magic, it leaves the possibility for a Lyon DLC Emblem, ahah!


Now, for the magic triangle, I don't know. It seems to me that it would just add complexity, as we already have the "grey weapons" (dagger, magic and bow) beaten up by body arts. Plus, I don't think there's a lot of magic users (but I may have missed something). In my opinion, it's cool because it gives magic a more mystical vibe, more mysterious.

But I'm not giving up on Dark Tome (for Lyon, ahah!). It could have an additional bonus of being super effective against magic ("anima" ones, like thunder etc.)


By the way, I would love an armored mage! It sounds so cool! But I think, in DLC, we could have the classic Dread Fighter (in addition to the mounted mages).

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10 minutes ago, Hiroki said:

Plus, if she doesn't give magic, it leaves the possibility for a Lyon DLC Emblem, ahah!


10 minutes ago, Hiroki said:

But I'm not giving up on Dark Tome (for Lyon, ahah!).


While I doubt a DLC Emblem would introduce a new weapon triangle (then again, the other Emblems have added some crazy stuff, so who knows), maybe he could just have a simple "effective against grey weapons" effect on his weapon instead? Or heck, just have his Tomes count as gold weapons! This goes for any mage Emblem, Lyon or otherwise of course.

13 minutes ago, Hiroki said:

At first, I thought it was kind of a Emblem skill, but it seems it's just an unlock from bonding with Emblem. Maybe they have multiple unlocks like that. We know Miccy can give access to staves, and now we know she kind of give access to dagger at bond level 6.

Micaiah's "Staff Access" is a Sync Skill, but proficiencies are part of another system altogether.

14 minutes ago, Hiroki said:

By the way, I would love an armored mage! It sounds so cool! But I think, in DLC, we could have the classic Dread Fighter (in addition to the mounted mages).

I hope it's better than Mortal Savant at least! If we assume they're adding a class for each movement type, I wonder if we'd get sword/lance/axe variants of a Dread Fighter.

Speaking of classes actually, I wonder if we'll get a new one for each style, or one for each promotion tree that were discovered yesterday? That's eight or nine classes which may be too much to ask, but considering we aren't getting any Emblems in Wave 4 and the DLC as a whole seems to be much meatier than 3H's... maybe?

I say that, but I don't think there are any old school classes they could bring back for archers for example, which would mean they'd have to invent one. Again, perfectly doable since that's how they operated for FE13 and 14, but we'll just have to see, I think.

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We do have a mounted mage, but armored and flying would be nice. I’ve always felt Armor should just mean “defensive” so you could have high Res/HP Armor mages or the like. 

And yeah I’m a bit worried that the DLC will be a bunch of quirky and creative combos. As far as things I wish to see other than more Mystical units generally, I do wish we had promotions for Thief/Dancer, though I don’t think either are possible. 

Bringing back the Trinity would push magic back on to an even playing ground for sure. While I don’t know that FE6-8 is the best setup it’s definitely one I like a lot of things the series has explored. Does make me want to give Bows some sort of utility stuff though, as they look like an odd counterpart to Staff without that.

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