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The Game Awards announced Fire Emblem Engage is getting an Expansion Pass

King Marth 64

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So today's Game Awards just revealed a new trailer for Fire Emblem Engage. They just announced an Expansion Pass is coming to Fire Emblem Engage. They just revealed the new Emblem Rings that are coming to DLC are the Three Houses leaders, Edelgard, Dimitri, & Claude (just showed off their pre-timeskip outfits) and Tiki (the younger version and currently the only Manakete Emblem Ring using Dragon Powers). Other type of content mentioned in the Wave 1 info are In-game Support Items, In-game accessories, and the Silver Card. The first wave is going to be on January 20th.

Nintendo just dropped the trailer right now.


Edited by King Marth 64
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Not a surprise, and I'm surprised so many people around the net are surprised.

Nintendo has been doing this for a while now. Even Three Houses had it's DLC announced around when it came out.

Though I do find the "continue your adventures" line hilariously ironic given it's coming the same day as the game. 😄

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And the floodgates have opened.

Something that immediately stood out to me was that Engage is getting four waves of DLC. If that's two rings per wave like this first one, that means at least an additional 8 rings total from the DLC, which would account for other missing main characters assuming that some of them are getting paired up like the house leaders. It'll probably be more than 8, but if we're lowballing, then it'll probably be Alm, Seliph, Eliwood+Hector, Ephraim, Kris, and Chrom+Robin.

Edit: Nvm, Ephraim is linked with Eirika.

Edited by indigoasis
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Totally called that we'd be getting DLC Emblems. It makes sense that they would add Young Tiki (their mascot, basically) and riding all the familiar of 3 Houses and 3 Hopes by including the 3 lords in the first wave of DLC. What I did not expect were that there would be a total of four waves. Have to wonder who all will be in these waves (since, while they won't necessarily all include new Emblems, I don't see why they would pass up that opportunity given the game's theme and mechanics.) I have my hopes, personally, but we'll see what happens.


- Eliwood (ties in with Roy and Lyn)

- Soren (this is more a hope than a guess, really, but he would look so cool in his arcsage robes in this format)

- Mist (especially her FE10 version, not only because this Ike is older, but also because I feel like Mist's FE10 version would be more marketable)

- Ephraim (to compliment his sister) (Ah, looks like he's actually in the same ring as Eirika. Cool. I hope we get to choose which one we get to use between the two of them and Eirika isn't just always the forced one. *flashbacks to FE7 wanting to use Nils but being forced to use Ninian* )

- Camilla (sales, plus Corrin connection)

- Azura (she's basically Fates' 2nd favorite character to use for promo stuff, she could have some neat combinations with the in-game characters, too. I wonder which wave she'll show up in... Must be the Grey Wave.)

- Julia (gives her some connection with her mom's first husband, plus she's a girl and they need that balance, even though Seliph would make more sense for connecting with Sigurd)

- Alm (to compliment Celica)

- Nanna (to compliment Leif)

- Lilina (she's a girl and there's a connection to Roy)

- Lyon (they could easily have him be an enemy Emblem you have to earn and then he helps out as his good self. This would be a great way to include both sides of him, I think)

- Hector (it would be hilarious if he and Lilina showed up in wave 3 or something if Eliwood showed up in wave 2, because then Eliwood could help act as a buffer between Hector and Roy)

- Robin (we already have Corrin and Byleth, so it makes sense to include Robin too, plus (s)he's a natural addition with all this fell dragon business and weapon/design potential)

- Chrom (usually, it seems, Lucina shows up first and Chrom follows)

- Alfonse (yep, from Heroes. He's from the bloodline that can open gates to other worlds, so it would be a fun twist if he actually showed up not as an Emblem, but as a recruitable character)

- Sharena (they could use her instead of her brother if they wanted to, but I'd personally prefer Alfonse)

- Veronica (they seem to like using her for their promo stuff)

On the flipside, we could get a bunch of villains, too, if they're not included in the main story. That would also be a fun dynamic. Anyway, these are ones I think have a fair chance of being included.

Edited by Mercakete
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13 hours ago, Maimishou said:

Eshop derscription of the DLC. Wave 2 includes additional Emblems, items, and accessories, Wave 3 includes additional Emblems, and Wave 4 includes a new story with new characters and maps. Wave 4 also includes new classes.

Huh, I am definitely wondering why Wave 4 excluded the Additional Emblems in that Wave unlike in Wave 1 to 3 does have them in and have to be the only content to show up the Additional Story & Additional Classes for the entire DLC content so far? Also, it made me curious on what is Intelligent Systems planning on Wave 4's story about for the Expansion Pass? (I definitely wondered if it might be similar to the Ashen Wolves story from Three Houses or Rise of the Deliverance story from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia?)

With Wave 4 excluded the Additional Emblem Rings, I definitely wondered if Wave 2 & 3 might stick with the Three Rings of the Legacy Main Characters+ One Ring from another game similar to like we saw from Wave 1 Trailer so far? I do like to see the rest of the previous main characters that wasn't featured in the 12 Murals like Alm, Seliph, Ephriam, Elincia, Chrom, Robin, Azura, etc. like how the Three House leaders were added in as three of a pair.

Edit from 12/9: Apparently Ephriam is shown in the screenshot with Eirika. I guess the DLC theory of Ephriam is now dropped.

Edited by King Marth 64
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While I am not surprised, I do wish they would stop advertising DLC before a game is even out. It can negatively impact the sales and turn away interest. I just hope this DLC won`t eclipse the base game in price.

Wave 4 sounds like the Cindered Shadows wave from Three Houses. Hope this "new story" is more related to the main game and not just some unrelated side content.

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23 minutes ago, Metal Flash said:

While I am not surprised, I do wish they would stop advertising DLC before a game is even out. It can negatively impact the sales and turn away interest. I just hope this DLC won`t eclipse the base game in price.

Wave 4 sounds like the Cindered Shadows wave from Three Houses. Hope this "new story" is more related to the main game and not just some unrelated side content.

Agree with the first statement.

Wave 4 might actually be something akin to echoes where we see events that take place before the main story, which can deepen the story even more if done right. We could also get something like Heirs of Fate or Awakening's future past dlc where it's an AU, which I wouldn't really prefer but would be fine overall.

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I can't say I'm surprised, but I am disappointed. I don't like the "pay now before we even tell you what exactly you're buying" nature of expansion passes. I'm also somewhat concerned by the inclusion of the Silver Card as a DLC item. If the item works the same as it has in previous games (not guaranteed, but seems probable) and if the DLC items are just given to you immediately at the start of the game (also not guaranteed but also seems probable) then this would immediately kill any semblance of balance to money management in the game. What I'm really hoping we don't get is a situation where you have more than enough money if you have the DLC, but need to grind incessantly if you don't. We'll have to wait and see how this turns out, but I am not feeling optimistic.

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13 minutes ago, lenticular said:

I can't say I'm surprised, but I am disappointed. I don't like the "pay now before we even tell you what exactly you're buying" nature of expansion passes. I'm also somewhat concerned by the inclusion of the Silver Card as a DLC item. If the item works the same as it has in previous games (not guaranteed, but seems probable) and if the DLC items are just given to you immediately at the start of the game (also not guaranteed but also seems probable) then this would immediately kill any semblance of balance to money management in the game. What I'm really hoping we don't get is a situation where you have more than enough money if you have the DLC, but need to grind incessantly if you don't. We'll have to wait and see how this turns out, but I am not feeling optimistic.

Its most likely its the replacement for the money map which all recent FE games have. This is aided to the fact that three houses bracelet have increased exp gain and tiki has aptitude as a skill. Its like the beginner pack. 

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53 minutes ago, lenticular said:

If the item works the same as it has in previous games (not guaranteed, but seems probable) and if the DLC items are just given to you immediately at the start of the game (also not guaranteed but also seems probable) then this would immediately kill any semblance of balance to money management in the game

I kind of doubt if gold would actually play that big of an role, anyways. Especially when there's at least 3 or 4 rings that can kill off whatever the game throws at you. 

Plus, it's kind of implied that you can fight the monsters in the areas you've already visited

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7 hours ago, Crubat said:

Its most likely its the replacement for the money map which all recent FE games have. This is aided to the fact that three houses bracelet have increased exp gain and tiki has aptitude as a skill. Its like the beginner pack. 

Of course the problem whenever any game gets Day One DLC meant to make it easier you immediately have to ask if the game's balance was made unfair on purpose to sell the pack. Of course, FE's been pretty good on that front except for Echoes, which I think had a pretty egregious DLC overall, so the Day One pack alone wasn't a big deal.

But yeah, even with a reasonable track record it's still a bad look to sell an "easy mode" before the actual game even comes out. It is clever to tie the EXP/ stat boosts to characters though, since that makes them more enticing to pick up (and only having one of each obviously keeps you from TOO overpowered). I may get the DLC pack if the final story looks good or the Wave 2 and 3 characters are interesting, but I definitely don't want to ruin my first run by making it too easy (the Silver Card seems to be permanently applied without a way to turn it off, for example).

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3 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I may get the DLC pack if the final story looks good or the Wave 2 and 3 characters are interesting, but I definitely don't want to ruin my first run by making it too easy (the Silver Card seems to be permanently applied without a way to turn it off, for example).

That last comment might actually turn me off from getting the DLC lmao, I hope you can turn it off cause it would be neat to have tiki and house leaders early game to give to characters who wouldn't normally have rings yet.

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Finally home from work so I can have thoughts about this now.

Honestly I'm not very surprised  at the fact we already have DLC announced, this has always been the case with FE since Fates (not sure about FEA). It's only 30 quid which isn't the worst, especially considering previous FE DLC ventures, and at least we're gonna get probably around 6 or 7 new Emblems which will be nice.

I would say I'll wait to buy the DLC but I have no impulse control so it will probably be a day 1 purchase I make as soon as I collect my special edition from the store, though I will definitely not be touching the DLC's contents until after I finish my first playthrough, especially if the Silver Card is always applied rather than it being something you keep in your inventory.

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1 hour ago, Azz said:

It's only 30 quid which isn't the worst, especially considering previous FE DLC ventures, and at least we're gonna get probably around 6 or 7 new Emblems which will be nice.

I checked and it's a little more expensive than 3H's DLC. This seems to have way more content though (namely the Emblems) so that makes some sense (unless this is the result of the Tories destroying the UK economy so they could make a quick buck or three).

I'm also expecting two or three Emblems a Wave so the second half of that fits right with me too. To be more accurate, I'm expecting two sets of two and one pack having an extra Bracelet thrown in. Maybe a villains pack (yes, this is partially Lyon copium). If we're getting a random bonus Emblem though, I think Alfonse and/ or Sharena would fit too, since Heroes' shtick is also working with other "Heroes".

1 hour ago, Azz said:

though I will definitely not be touching the DLC's contents until after I finish my first playthrough,

1 hour ago, Crubat said:

That last comment might actually turn me off from getting the DLC lmao, I hope you can turn it off

This is my take on the Day 1 DLC too: I'd much rather have a "pure" first experience, then break the game in half for subsequent ones.

1 hour ago, Crubat said:

it would be neat to have tiki and house leaders early game to give to characters who wouldn't normally have rings yet.

These two specifically would go against my tastes in this instance since they're tailored to boosting growths, though I'd feel the same if they were Emblems without those perks. But that's just me and I only tacked this on because it went with what I was saying before. I think everything else about these two Bracelets is great and more power to you if you want to get them ASAP, Crubat! I think the Silver Ring has to be bought or earned from a paralogue, so there may be a way to avoid getting it even if you can't outright turn it off.

In hindsight, the 3H Lords having essentially three sets of Skills is probably to counter the fact that the boosted EXP is useless if applied to anyone already at max level. I wonder if Tiki having a dragon form is also to justify one of her skills becoming useless in the lategame.

I see lack of impulse control is a running theme for you by the way, Azz 😛

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1 hour ago, link16hit said:

not fucking DLC at the LAUNCH of the game... I hate that thing. didn't even paid a single dlc in fates/SoV/3H

I wish we could have bought packs separately, because buying Cindered Shadows for a fraction of the whole's price would have been a steal.

Speaking of 3H's DLC, as I said in another thread, 3H actually had some really strong free DLC released alongside the paid content (and I'd argue that all of it was better than the paid equivalents) so I'm really hoping we get something similar here as well.

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Honestly I don't mind the DLC making the game easier. If I could afford it, I'd definitely pick it up to use for my playthrough. I play games to have fun and I don't consider having to redo maps fun so if it makes the game easier I'm cool with that. Will probably wait for all the DLC to be out though  because while I'm interested in playing with Tiki I need to know more what the DLC has to offer.

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6 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

I wish we could have bought packs separately, because buying Cindered Shadows for a fraction of the whole's price would have been a steal.

Speaking of 3H's DLC, as I said in another thread, 3H actually had some really strong free DLC released alongside the paid content (and I'd argue that all of it was better than the paid equivalents) so I'm really hoping we get something similar here as well.

True, I would have buy Cindered Shadows if it was separate.

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7 hours ago, Maimishou said:

Honestly I don't mind the DLC making the game easier. If I could afford it, I'd definitely pick it up to use for my playthrough. I play games to have fun and I don't consider having to redo maps fun so if it makes the game easier I'm cool with that. Will probably wait for all the DLC to be out though  because while I'm interested in playing with Tiki I need to know more what the DLC has to offer.

Good call. Given the new Emblems are going to be tangible gameplay additions and be actual characters to boot, I can see an argument being made for buying the pack after Wave 3 or even 2, but overall waiting for the whole thing is definitely the most rational choice. And I said rational, not "what most people are going to do".

4 hours ago, link16hit said:

True, I would have buy Cindered Shadows if it was separate.

Yeah... I hate that Nintendo doesn't understand separating DLC even after 5 years of the Switch being out.

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Depending on what the other DLC content is, I might buy it. Right now,, I am unsure of if I find the purchase worth it. Only content I am interested in is the "new story" in the final wave. Speaking of, I am so annoyed that they went for the "waves of content" approach, instead of doing what the 3Ds games did and just sell it in separate parts.

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