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So there was a spider walking on my handses...



21 members have voted

  1. 1. Bugs and Small Lizard-like animals are:

    • Cool! I always play with them~!
    • Meh, they're just there...
    • Gah! I hate them cause they're ugly and gross!
    • I have an irrational fear for them

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and i wasn't scerd. i like spiders and little bugs, and i don't really mind their existence, unless they're cockroaches gross bug is gross or are annoying like flies and such.

but there are a lot of people who fear little bugs and reptiles like lizards lizards are cute, IMO!!!! <3

so, do you think bugs are gross looking, do you fear them, or do you like them, or are you indifferent, or what?

i think bugs and such are really cool, with the exception of the cockroach. and even the cockroach is really cool, cause they never die out!


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I hate bugs. Not afraid, just think they're foul creatures. The only things I hate more are snails and jellyfish.

I love spiders, on the other hand. And snakes and lizards. In Egypt, I held a baby crocodile. On my head. Adorable...

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Cockroaches are freakin' horrible. They're also really awesome at the same time because they're immortal (both individually and as a species).

But other than that...yeah, I love lizards and bugs (at least the harmless ones). I'm not used to them, though.

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I used to be afraid of bugs and spiders and crap. But having three spider nests hatch in my room helped me get over that. Now their existence just pisses me off and I wanna kill every last one of them.

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You're nasty X___X

I want to kill every insect in existance except for the ones that aren't completely nasty, disguisting and just plain repulsive.

well, to bugs you're nasty.


bugs are really cool, and many are important to nature and agriculture

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I used to be terrified of spiders and other creepy-crawlies when I was a kid. I'm not so scared of them now, though I admit to being a bit of a wimp around them. Lizards and other reptiles are another story. I used to catch them all the time.

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If they suddenly appear, I panic. But if I know they are there, I poke them with a pencil or something.


would you like to be poked with a pencil or something?


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Bugs are alright, I have nothing against any of them. I admit talking to flies and other bugs crawling on me, saying stuff like "hey, can you climb this mountain" and for the flies "does my food seem tasty to you". Then again, I tend to mutter just about anything at any time. I'm not obsessed with those tiny, fragile critters, though.

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and i wasn't scerd. i like spiders and little bugs, and i don't really mind their existence, unless they're cockroaches gross bug is gross or are annoying like flies and such.

but there are a lot of people who fear little bugs and reptiles like lizards lizards are cute, IMO!!!! <3

so, do you think bugs are gross looking, do you fear them, or do you like them, or are you indifferent, or what?

i think bugs and such are really cool, with the exception of the cockroach. and even the cockroach is really cool, cause they never die out!


Are you a liberal?

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Flies are annoying. Not rly afraid of bugs much, except for horseflies, wasps, and those huge spiders that can kill you or put you into intense pain. But I don't see many of those. It's not so much the bug I'm afraid of as the pain that comes with it.

This one time in band, before State Championships I think it was actually, we were lined up so the leaders could inspect our uniforms and this yellow jacket landed on one of the buttons of my uniform. I smacked it off and it landed on my uniform pants. I think it actually stung my uniform. Stupid bug.

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Are you a liberal?

i am Bianchi Ridell Crimea, Chaos Incarnate. Nice to meet you.

a human being


Flies are annoying. Not rly afraid of bugs much, except for horseflies, wasps, and those huge spiders that can kill you or put you into intense pain. But I don't see many of those. It's not so much the bug I'm afraid of as the pain that comes with it.

This one time in band, before State Championships I think it was actually, we were lined up so the leaders could inspect our uniforms and this yellow jacket landed on one of the buttons of my uniform. I smacked it off and it landed on my uniform pants. I think it actually stung my uniform. Stupid bug.

one time a wasp got inside my shirt and stung me like 4 or 5 times in my stomach.

and it hurt.

but i killed the wasp, who was causing me pain.

by squishing it.

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I can stand most bugs. What I cannot stand is bugs in my house, to an extend. If a spider is seen in the premises of my building, its life is forfeit; I simply cannot do anything else until I kill whatever spider is there. If I try to ignore it, I'll eventually exaggerate the size. "Jesus Christ, I have to kill it. LOOK at how big that thing is". Which usually amounts to me using some flat instrument to crush it multiple times.

...My attitude is so manly.

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I can stand most bugs. What I cannot stand is bugs in my house, to an extend. If a spider is seen in the premises of my building, its life is forfeit; I simply cannot do anything else until I kill whatever spider is there. If I try to ignore it, I'll eventually exaggerate the size. "Jesus Christ, I have to kill it. LOOK at how big that thing is". Which usually amounts to me using some flat instrument to crush it multiple times.

...My attitude is so manly.


you MURDERER!!!!!!

that poor, innocent bug!


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One time, there was a fly flying around the house. It went into the hamster tank and I smashed it there.

Being at a young age, meaning I wasn't thinking like a normal person, I grab my hamster and let it sniff the dead fly. The hamster ate the fly instead. I totally freaked out, I thought it was going to die. >_>

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you MURDERER!!!!!!

that poor, innocent bug!


You should'a been there to see its eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites ya.

I was just protecting myself by smashing it repeatedly and setting its dead body aflame.

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