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To Become an Elitist [Playlogs FE1-5] [currently playing: Thracia 776]


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47 minutes ago, Revier said:

This was the most surprising bit to me. Nothing about this map "felt" like it was side content. Kaga sure do be smokin'.

Ced still gets a look in in Chapter 6 so you don't miss him as a plot point, though, only if you don't do this Gaiden. Mechanically, this chapter also provides the rewards of a Gaiden as, in addition to the brave sword and crusader scroll, the children you recuse here determine the rewards you can get in Chapter 6.

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FE5 Chapter 5: Mother and Daughter



pJfH8pT.png: "Little Lady! You're a sight for sore eyes!"
3SZ36AG.png: "Eyvel..."
pJfH8pT.png: "I can't tell you how glad I am that you're safe, Little Nan. Did that maggot Raydrik hurt you?"
3SZ36AG.png: "I-I'm fine, but... But Mareeta, she..."
pJfH8pT.png: "Mareeta?! What's happened to my Mareeta?!"
3SZ36AG.png: "I don't know if she's even alive... We were separated as soon as we got to the castle."


pJfH8pT.png: "Are you such an excuse of a man that even your word means nothing?"
dzX48aX.png: "I never lied. Of course you can see your daughter. I just made a small... omission."
3SZ36AG.png: "Look out, Eyvel! There's armed men coming toward us!"


pJfH8pT.png: "Tch!"
dzX48aX.png: "These are my terms: defeat my prized pitfighters, and you can see your daughter."
pJfH8pT.png: "....."
dzX48aX.png: "Ah, here they come now. Pitfighters, meet Eyvel. Eyvel, pitfighters. You've had your introductions - let it never be said that I'm a poor host."
3SZ36AG.png: "E-Eyvel..."
pJfH8pT.png: "...Little Lady, this is gonna get real dangerous, real quick. Stay clear and keep your head down."


The map! At first, this looks like a straightforward gauntlet: Move your everything counter-clockwise around the arena, freeing Eyvel and Nanna along the way, send a Thief (or maybe a horse unit with a Chest Key?) on an unnecessarily long diversion, and surely, the wall blocking the escape tile will be opened somehow along the way. But Kaga being Kaga, this obviously isn't all there is to it. Specifically, a cutscene will happen when happen when you open the door to the arena...


...in which, among other things, Leaf will cutscene-walk onto the tile that used to be the door. If you don't know that, and Leif already moved that turn...


...well, bad things happen.

rawFee7.png: "Everyone... I-I'm... sorry..."
3SZ36AG.png: "Aaah! Lord Leif, no...! You mustn't die here!


In this case, two false memories happened on top of each other - in addition to forgetting about Leif's little walk, I thought that Eyvel would stick around for a little bit longer, so she was supposed to protect Lifis from the promoted enemies. So yeah, there's a reset, luckily pretty early in the chapter.


So, back to turn 0, with a little look at some enemies.


The "real" boss, as I'm pretty sure we won't fight Reydrik or Veld, is the General at the top of the map - tanky, doesn't get doubled by Asbel unless he gets some Spd procs, but still fairly susceptible to magic.


This Bishop is another big threat, carrying a Meteor spell. I wonder how much use the player can realistically get out of that spell - it requires an A rank, which at least for Asbel seems entirely unreasonable.


And the treasure chests at the western side of the map are guarded by two Loptrians (a Dark Bishop and a Sorcerer), carrying the Jörmungandr spell, which now carries a Poison effect on top. Normally not the most scary status effect, but it might be when you've been hit by a 25-power magical attack before. And I can't quit rule out the possibility that Kaga decided to buff poison damage, since I'm typing this before starting my second attempt.


Finally, there's a Silver Bow Sniper in the bottom corner of the map; presumably the last guardian of the escape point, since all the mages surrounding him will run towards Leif's group right from turn 1. And as a note - while 5 Str seems to temper the menace of the term "Silver Bow Sniper" somewhat, this guy is also pretty darn fast. Leif, Dalsin (lol), Brighton, and Asbel all get doubled by him.


We also get a preview for Raydrik's stats. Big numbers, and a sword that has the ol' Medeus effect of halving an attacker's Atk, on top of boosting his Res past the usual cap. He also has 4 leadership stars, but since he shares his affiliation ("Raydrik's Unit") only with the three pitfighters, this might not be effective.


And finally, bigger numbers, foreshadowing in form of his choice of weapon, and some potential Dick Moves in his toolkit. Adept, which... OK, makes little sense at 0 AS. But he also has two movement stars, which certainly seems like it could really screw a player over when we actually have to fight him.

Fun Fact: Welkenrosen is German for "withered roses", although contrary to our reputation, we'd normally not turn that into a compound word (which really should've been "compoundword", if English speakers weren't cowards) in normal conversation.


[HP 30% | Str 15% | Mag 10% | Skl 15% | Spd 10% | Lck 25% | Def 5% | Con 5% | Mov 1%]

Gained 55 XP in Ch.3.

Since Eyvel makes her short return, we can take a peek at her growths. Very Jeigan-esque, although that really doesn't change much about her as a unit. The 10% Spd is very tragic, of course.


[HP 50% | Str 25% | Mag 10% | Skl 40% | Spd 35% | Lck 55% | Def 15% | Con 10% | Mov 1%]
Weapon Levels: Swords (C), Staves (E+30)
Skill: Charm

Nanna's growths are obviously better than Eyvel's, but still impossibly bad - literally, since her minor Hezul blood should guarantee her at least 55% Str growth even if her dad is one of the mage boys.

Although, to be honest, her low base rank in staves feels much more limiting. She's pretty far away from even just Physic usage, so I have to hope that she gets some extra WEXP from promoting. Still, she seems like a good utility unit, between basic heals, some Earth Sword chip (and self-heal), and her Charm skill, which like in Genealogy provies +10 hit/avoid in a 3-tile radius.

And with that, I will stop typing for now and restart the chapter...


And we're back.


Naturally, with another death - turns out that the boss in the middle of the path around the map doesn't move before the archers, as I had foolishly assumed.

(but really, that was my mistake. I don't think Thracia specifically has ever given the impression that bosses move first, I just took that assumption over from other FE games)


But turns out, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Boss Man doesn't go for a capture. Makes sense, I guess, since it would be kinda lame if you could trivialise bosses by halving their stats, but hindsight is 20/20 and all that.


But let's move on to a more successful attempt. I set up this first turn like this in all the attempts - Leaf to counter a Knight and a Mage, Asbel to counter another Mage. How successful this was differed, though, since enemy stat variety seems rather large.


As for Nanna and Eyvel, they just run east to allow Eyvel to shield Nanna in that little choke point by the door. I already made the experience that having Eyvel kill the initial pit fighters isn't actually advantageous.

But before the first enemy phase plays out, we get yet another cutscene:


TnACzwi.png: "Raydrik, you could not make one apology and mean it, much less a thousand. For the Baron of such a troubled area as Munster, you seem to have an abundance of free time. These theatrics are not what you promised you would spend your resources on."
dzX48aX.png: "I am... certain Your Eminence will enjoy the spectacle I've prepared."
TnACzwi.png: *Sigh* "Oh, very well. I could do with a moment's diversion."
dzX48aX.png: "Well, it's all in her hands now... That 'Swordmaster' better live up to her name. Ah, and now the star takes center stage! Heh, heh, heh..."

I like Veld's first line.


The initial group of enemies isn't too difficult to break through, but I do want to point out the 5 AS on that Knight.


Leif can dare to just capture the nearby Priest (who has a Pure Water to steal) because Lara can just bait the other Knight to capture her.


So, moving on, Leif doesn't move further up just yet to delay another cutscene - but here, we unfortunately must witness Eyvel's prowess:


Hm. Impressive and all, but not entirely desirable.


dzX48aX.png: "Heh... Bring the girl out!"



3SZ36AG.png: "Mareeta, Mareeta! Oh, you're safe after all! I can't tell you how worried I-"
pJfH8pT.png: "Little Nan, don't move a muscle!"
3SZ36AG.png: "Huh?"
TvL7spK.png: "....."
pJfH8pT.png: "Mareeta! Talk to me...!"
p2wpxfW.png: "...K-Kill..."
pJfH8pT.png: "What?!"
p2wpxfW.png: "...Kill... Kill... KILL... WITH THIS SWORD... ALL... ALL... ALL OF YOU... KILL ALL OF YOU!"
pJfH8pT.png: "...Mareeta... you..."


dzX48aX.png: "Me? I didn't do anything. Quite the contrary: she was trying to escape, so I gave her that sword to grant her a fighting chance. It's an exceptional blade, straight from the treasure vault inside this very castle. ...The Shadow Sword, I believe it's called."
pJfH8pT.png: "The Shadow Sword, a cursed blade... You trying to turn my Mareeta into one of your damned pitfighters with your little gift?"
dzX48aX.png: "My gift is cursed, you say? Well, this is the first time I'm hearing of it."
pJfH8pT.png: "I'll rip that lying tongue right out of your mouth! How... How dare you do this to Mar-"
dzX48aX.png: "Amusing as your threats are, shouldn't you be worrying about yourself right now? The Shadow Sword bears incredible power - an exceptional gift for an exceptional woman! Ahahaha...!"
pJfH8pT.png: "Raydrik...!"


So, Mareeta hits the field as an enemy. I'm not entirely sure how dire that is - Eyvel won't counterattack against her, but I'm not 100% sure if her own immortality is still intact. Although, considering the closing dialogue for the chapter... but we'll get there.


Right now, Eyvel goes ahead and kills the third pitfighter, after which Nanna uses Heal, misses it, but gets a double-cast to heal Eyvel anyway. Thracia is a funny game.


And here's the next wave of Pitfighters. If I read the situation correctly, they will fill up to three enemies, so because Eyvel killed two on enemy phase, those two generics would've spawned anyway, and Mareeta blocked a third one from appearing.


However, these reinforcing fighters are bastards. We only have a single scroll to avoid crit, but even with that, the Berserker is just silly.


As a result, I don't open the door to the arena right away, so that Eyvel can help out a little longer.


Note the approaching mage squad in the top center: These start all the way at the escape point and immediately run towards you. They make the first few turns somewhat urgent, since you wouldn't want to fight the stationary squad near the arena entrance and these mages at the same time. Anyway, back to the cutscene...

TnACzwi.png: "Hmm... The blade does not appear to rule over her completely."
dzX48aX.png: "That's absurd! As if that mere child could... could-"
TnACzwi.png: "The memories of her mother make her falter and hesitate. Her emotions dull the sword's strength the same as running its edge across stone. She's like a caged animal, desperately throwing herself against her binds. Or have you not even noticed her tears, you imbecile?"

Veld sure has a very pictorial way of talking.


One less pitfighter...


...and here's why I know that Eyvel won't counterattack vs. Mareeta.


But wait, who's this?



This run was the first one where I delayed opening the door to Nanna and Eyvel, so Galzus (who I'm pretty sure is a lategame recruitable) appearing here was news to me, as well as a big "did I screw up again?" moment. But once you open the door, he retreats through the same stairs that the pitfighters spawn from. Not sure if he'd attack anybody in his range, since I luckily didn't have to test that.


So, Lifis opens the door, which causes Leif to cutscene-walk to its tile:

rawFee7.png: "Nanna! You're safe!"
3SZ36AG.png: "L-Lord Leif! Please, you have to help Eyvel! I don't know how much more of this she can take!"
rawFee7.png: "Leave it to us - but stay behind me, Nanna! ... Commander, are you all right?"
pJfH8pT.png: "Little Lord! Everyone! Heh, good to see you all made it."
rawFee7.png: "I can't begin to thank you for protecting Nanna in this ghastly place."
pJfH8pT.png: "Would that I could've done the same for my own kin..."
rawFee7.png: "No... What's happened to Mareeta?"

dzX48aX.png: "H-How did you escape from the dungeon?! Men, seize them! No, wait, kill them! Kill all of them! If that whelp gets free of the castle, it'll be on my head! All hands, enter the arena an stain the ground with their blood!"
TnACzwi.png: "Panicking already, Raydrik? Fear not. I'll clean up your mess for you."
pJfH8pT.png: "Wh-What...?!"


Veld warps Eyvel over towards him and Raydrik (#KagaDidEntrapFirst) and then casts this magic spell...:


dzX48aX.png: "A-And now I have a perfect statue of the proud warrior of Fiana - an eternal monument to the price of defiance! Ahahaha! We've nothing to fear now! There's no rescuing a block of stone! Now, kill them all! Don't let any of them get away!"


So, because Raydrik and Veld entering the fray would result in an unwinnable battle, they warp away and - for reasons, I'm sure - take Mareeta with them. Not Galzus, though, so I suppose this is more accurately the moment I thought I might've screwed up.


And that's the moment of relief after seeing him leave, although I'm pretty sure I was still worried about the approaching group of mages.


But, with the usual Lara sacrifice, nobody gets unduly ganged up upon...


...and with a bit of Planning Ahead (rare for me), in particular to make the most use of the Steel Sword, the entire squad can be eliminated on player phase.


Unfortunately, from this point on, the map becomes a bit stupid, as with the exception of a single mage, every remaining enemy will politely stay in place until you move into his range. It's not quite as dumb as 5x in SacSto, since at least there's the occasional overlapping range, but it's still dumb and rather tedious.


Bandale gets baited and removed without too much problem...


...oh, wait, I almost forgot. A guy with Meteor, so that's about as overlapping as an attack range can get. It gets a bit easier by him not moving, though.



For this, Asbel drinks the Pure Water that we got near the start of the map.


But while this certainly makes this group more tricky to approach, it's still not terribly dangerous, I don't think. Dalsin drawing away the Meteor spell is appreciated, but not entirely necessary...


...and Asbel goes in for the kill on the next turn. And Present Me, who's typing this, feels a bit silly for using the Pure Water, to be honest. It would have been necessary to reliably one-round the Bishop... if it wasn't for that little thing called "Follow-up Critical Modifier", which for Asbel is x3.


To make the following enemy phase less suspect, both Lara and Lifis get in position to be captured...


...and the remaining enemies are being a bit stupid on top of that.


If you've been paying attention, you might've noticed that I was down one fighter this entire time - because Brighton grabbed the Chest Key and went on a little side trip to grab what turns out to be a Magic Ring. Since this is a blind playthrough, I'm rather tempted to take the boring option and give it to Asbel.


Last "normal" enemies...


(well, one is promoted, but still)


...and all that remains is the two Loptyrians guarding the other two treasure chests.


They do hit quite hard and have that added poison effect, but since they're trapped in their room, you can just bumrush them...


...and even though this is Thracia, it seems that "poison" is still code for "unlimited healing XP". I didn't pay that much attention about the exact damage numbers, but they weren't very high.

The rewards for beating te Loptyrians are a Skill Ring (I probably can't not save that one for Marty) and a fresh lockpick.


And there we go.

To be honest, even disregarding the uselessly out-of-the-way Magic Ring, this map is about twice as long as it really needed to be. Starting with the mini-boss's squad, the map really dragged on, after an interesting start where you try to keep the Mages and the squad guarding the arena seperated, without delaying opening the door for too long. I'm not complaining that Kaga didn't add any ambush spawns or Dalsin rooms, of course, I'd rather have the stupid bullshit at the start of the map, but the previous gaiden map was honestly just better paced than this one.


rawFee7.png: "I'll... I'll grow strong enough to storm this whole city if I have to! No force in all the heavens can stop me! So just... Just... ....."


And that's why I assume that Eyvel still was immortal during this chapter. Returning to Munster in order to save Eyvel seems too large a motivation for Leaf to just skip, especially because I checked next chapter's intro already and it'll come up again there.

Overall, the plot of this map is another good, hard hit. For anybody who has played Genealogy, it's obviously not a secret that Kaga won't hesitate to kill off playable characters in the story, but it's still well-executed how the player is given back their OP sword-jagen for just a small moment before she's taken away again. I can't say for certain, because I already know that it's possible to de-stone Eyvel, but I think that at this point, it would appear perfectly possible that Leif's efforts are doomed fo fail and Eyvel is practically just dead.

I'll also say that I liked Raydrik's faux courtoisie better here than in the previous instances. It really helps that he dialed down le satyre by a decent degree.

The Team:

	  Lv.	    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con  XP
Leif	  12.67	    36   7   0   5   8  12   5   9  +335
Fergus	  9.88	    32   7   0   9  10   8   6   8  +264
Karin	  7.93	    20   5   9   9  19  17   4   4  +261
Brighton  8.75	    31   6   0   7   7   3   7  12  +11

Dalsin	  7.43	    31  10   0   3   2   1  11  15  +81
Macha	  6.85	    26   5   1  12  12   9   5   6  +106
Lifis	  7.17	    22   5   1   4  12   2   2   6  +22
Lara	  2.82	    14   0   0   1  10   6   0   3  --

Nanna	  4.84	    20   3   6   8   9  10   3   4  +384
Asbel	  8.69	    26   0   7   9  14   6   2   4  +634
  • You've already seen it in action against the Loptyrians, but it's worth noting that Leif joined Fergus in the B-Swords- Haver club. In similar news, Karin managed to get to Swords (C), although she'll need a whole other rank to get to the Flame Sword, I believe.


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2 hours ago, ping said:

pJfH8pT.png: "Little Lady! You're a sight for sore eyes!"

Eyvel giving cutesy nicknames to nobility still feels really weird.

2 hours ago, ping said:

And the treasure chests at the western side of the map are guarded by two Loptrians (a Dark Bishop and a Sorcerer), carrying the Jörmungandr spell, which now carries a Poison effect on top. Normally not the most scary status effect, but it might be when you've been hit by a 25-power magical attack before. And I can't quit rule out the possibility that Kaga decided to buff poison damage, since I'm typing this before starting my second attempt.

This is the first game with poison, so I suppose it's not exactly buffing the damage. But poison, like any status, is permanent now until cured.

2 hours ago, ping said:

Finally, there's a Silver Bow Sniper in the bottom corner of the map; presumably the last guardian of the escape point, since all the mages surrounding him will run towards Leif's group right from turn 1. And as a note - while 5 Str seems to temper the menace of the term "Silver Bow Sniper" somewhat, this guy is also pretty darn fast. Leif, Dalsin (lol), Brighton, and Asbel all get doubled by him.

He might have just gotten lucky. Generic enemies do have heavily randomized stats. They can even have extra movement.
Glad this wasn't kept in Tear Ring Saga and beyond.

2 hours ago, ping said:

Fun Fact: Welkenrosen is German for "withered roses", although contrary to our reputation, we'd normally not turn that into a compound word (which really should've been "compoundword", if English speakers weren't cowards) in normal conversation.

Should be Schwarze Rosen anyway.

2 hours ago, ping said:

pJfH8pT.png: "Little Nan, don't move a muscle!"

How many nicknames does she have for Nanna? Seriously?

2 hours ago, ping said:

So, Mareeta hits the field as an enemy. I'm not entirely sure how dire that is - Eyvel won't counterattack against her, but I'm not 100% sure if her own immortality is still intact. Although, considering the closing dialogue for the chapter... but we'll get there.

Eyvel is in fact still immortal. And since Mareeta doesn't have the Con to capture Eyvel, Eyvel can stall Mareeta all day long.
Mareeta is also moving before the other gladiators. So it's easy to use her to prevent the others from getting into melee range if you hole up at the door.

2 hours ago, ping said:

However, these reinforcing fighters are bastards. We only have a single scroll to avoid crit, but even with that, the Berserker is just silly.

They have Wrath as a class skill too. Very much a purposely unbalanced NPC class.

2 hours ago, ping said:

...and here's why I know that Eyvel won't counterattack vs. Mareeta.

This works both ways too, btw. So Eyvel can actually go safely for a capture herself. Not very practical given how it leaves Nanna vulnerable. But it is fun seeing Leidrick wet his pants as Eyvel swears vengeance on him. “S-Someone! Do something about that woman! She will kill us all!”
...although if I recall, this patch gives him a very downplayed reaction. Which is a shame.

In any case, the rule seems to be that a unit won't retaliate against someone that they support (or was it the other way around?). Though I don't know if that holds true in case of Berserk.

2 hours ago, ping said:

This run was the first one where I delayed opening the door to Nanna and Eyvel, so Galzus (who I'm pretty sure is a lategame recruitable) appearing here was news to me, as well as a big "did I screw up again?" moment. But once you open the door, he retreats through the same stairs that the pitfighters spawn from. Not sure if he'd attack anybody in his range, since I luckily didn't have to test that.

Gotta love how he enters the battle with a toothpick.

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7 hours ago, ping said:


The "real" boss, as I'm pretty sure we won't fight Reydrik or Veld, is the General at the top of the map - tanky, doesn't get doubled by Asbel unless he gets some Spd procs, but still fairly susceptible to magic.

And he is the first of Thracia's proud tradition of having bosses with zero dialogue that are never referenced by other characters. Just who are you Bandole? What makes you tick? What motivates you? We may never know.

7 hours ago, ping said:

And I can't quit rule out the possibility that Kaga decided to buff poison damage, since I'm typing this before starting my second attempt

The damage isn't necessarily buffed, but poison does get a big buff in that it never wears off by itself. Which in a game with limited restore staffs and other competing status effects actually makes it rather dangerous on long maps. Poison is mostly a joke in other games because it probably won't deal any more damage than it would take a vulnerary to heal, but here it's damage potential is infinite.

7 hours ago, ping said:

Veld sure has a very pictorial way of talking

Yeah, that might just be the good parts of the controversial translation. I don't think he was particularly loquatius in the previous translation.

7 hours ago, ping said:

But wait, who's this?


Yeah he doesn't get any fanfare here in his first appearance. It's actually easy to miss him being here at all. But it's actually plot relevant as him seeing Mareeta here influences his later actions.

7 hours ago, ping said:

Veld warps Eyvel over towards him and Raydrik (#KagaDidEntrapFirst) and then casts this magic spell

He warps her over and gets her stoned in one turn. I guess that's what his movement stars are for.

7 hours ago, ping said:

Overall, the plot of this map is another good, hard hit. For anybody who has played Genealogy, it's obviously not a secret that Kaga won't hesitate to kill off playable characters in the story, but it's still well-executed how the player is given back their OP sword-jagen for just a small moment before she's taken away again. I can't say for certain, because I already know that it's possible to de-stone Eyvel, but I think that at this point, it would appear perfectly possible that Leif's efforts are doomed fo fail and Eyvel is practically just dead.

I think this might genuinely be my favourite chapter for plot in the series. At least for gameplay and story integration. You're right that it does drag slightly. Might have been better if the escape point was to the north west and the south west area was for reinforcements to pressure you to escape.



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10 hours ago, BrightBow said:

This is the first game with poison, so I suppose it's not exactly buffing the damage. But poison, like any status, is permanent now until cured.

Ha, it didn't even register with me that poison was absent for the first four games. Shows how much of an impact it has when it's present, I suppose.

10 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Eyvel is in fact still immortal. And since Mareeta doesn't have the Con to capture Eyvel, Eyvel can stall Mareeta all day long.
Mareeta is also moving before the other gladiators. So it's easy to use her to prevent the others from getting into melee range if you hole up at the door.

Interesting. Depending on how Galzus behaves (namely if he will attack anyone in range after opening the door), that could make that part of the map very cheesable, since the generic pitfighters are going to line up against the wall for Asbel to shoot over.

10 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Gotta love how he enters the battle with a toothpick.

To be fair, with those stats, he'd still be able to shove that toothpick through full plate armour.

5 hours ago, Jotari said:

Just who are you Bandole? What makes you tick?

He does have the same class as Tick. And hardly any less characterisation than him, too.

5 hours ago, Jotari said:

Yeah he doesn't get any fanfare here in his first appearance. It's actually easy to miss him being here at all. But it's actually plot relevant as him seeing Mareeta here influences his later actions.

It's honestly insane just how much important stuff is entirely missable, and how it's increasingly easy to miss it, too. 2x is no problem to unlock, but it seems very easy to lose a prisoner in ch.4 to the random ambush reinforcements. And Galzus I only even saw in that fourth attempt at ch.5.


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1 hour ago, ping said:

It's honestly insane just how much important stuff is entirely missable, and how it's increasingly easy to miss it, too. 2x is no problem to unlock, but it seems very easy to lose a prisoner in ch.4 to the random ambush reinforcements. And Galzus I only even saw in that fourth attempt at ch.5.

Well, as I think I did mention before, Ced actually does show up in the next chapter if you missed the Gaiden. So there is some insurance so to speak. And while his appearance here is plot important, Galzus does still show up next chapter too, with quite a bit more fanfare. Also, you can make the two of them fight.

The only truly important missable piece of dialogue so far I would say would actually be Safy talking about Tara, which is pretty important later and would probably otherwise come out of nowhere.

Edited by Jotari
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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Well, as I think I did mention before, Ced actually does show up in the next chapter if you missed the Gaiden. So there is some insurance so to speak. And while his appearance here is plot important, Galzus does still show up next chapter too, with quite a bit more fanfare. Also, you can make the two of them fight.


I'm surprised that Galzus didn't go for the capture here.

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On 7/20/2024 at 7:26 PM, ping said:

send a Thief (or maybe a horse unit with a Chest Key?) on an unnecessarily long diversion

Yeaaaah I've never understood the chest. There just doesn't seem to be an easy way to do it that doesn't take 15 extra turns. And if you leave without the thief you lose them and the items so, like... Why, Kaga?

On 7/20/2024 at 7:26 PM, ping said:

...in which, among other things, Leaf will cutscene-walk onto the tile that used to be the door. If you don't know that, and Leif already moved that turn...


...well, bad things happen.

...Oh, dear...

On 7/20/2024 at 7:26 PM, ping said:


The "real" boss, as I'm pretty sure we won't fight Reydrik or Veld, is the General at the top of the map - tanky, doesn't get doubled by Asbel unless he gets some Spd procs, but still fairly susceptible to magic.

No dialogue guy with the exact same portrait as the first bossman, not even a recolor. Fantastic.

On 7/20/2024 at 7:26 PM, ping said:

This Bishop is another big threat, carrying a Meteor spell. I wonder how much use the player can realistically get out of that spell - it requires an A rank, which at least for Asbel seems entirely unreasonable.

Siege tomes in general are a huge ordeal to get with Thracia's hideously slow-growing weapon ranks. There's only two mages that join with a good enough rank to use, one exists in the final three chapters (potentially) and the other is hilariously obscure to recruit and has opportunity cost.

On 7/20/2024 at 7:26 PM, ping said:

he also has two movement stars, which certainly seems like it could really screw a player over when we actually have to fight him.

...Huh, so he does. I never noticed.

On 7/20/2024 at 7:26 PM, ping said:


[HP 50% | Str 25% | Mag 10% | Skl 40% | Spd 35% | Lck 55% | Def 15% | Con 10% | Mov 1%]
Weapon Levels: Swords (C), Staves (E+30)
Skill: Charm

Nanna's growths are obviously better than Eyvel's, but still impossibly bad - literally, since her minor Hezul blood should guarantee her at least 55% Str growth even if her dad is one of the mage boys.

Although, to be honest, her low base rank in staves feels much more limiting. She's pretty far away from even just Physic usage, so I have to hope that she gets some extra WEXP from promoting. Still, she seems like a good utility unit, between basic heals, some Earth Sword chip (and self-heal), and her Charm skill, which like in Genealogy provies +10 hit/avoid in a 3-tile radius.

She's a very good unit just thanks to staves being insane in this game and her personal sword being very funny. But yeah, statistically she doens't really excell, not that she needs to.

On 7/20/2024 at 7:26 PM, ping said:

I like Veld's first line.

Despite the controversy surrounding Project Exile's bigger liberties, these goobers desperately needed some dialogue flourishes to make their scenes a little more impactful. I don't know if "the main villain is only mostly completely forgettable and boring instead of completely forgettable and boring" is really that big of an insult to the creator's original vision.

...all this to say that, yeah, that deliciously smarmy little exchange was the translators getting fancy. If this had been more directly translated you would've forgotten the entirety of their dialogue about five seconds after reading it.

On 7/20/2024 at 7:26 PM, ping said:


So, because Raydrik and Veld entering the fray would result in an unwinnable battle, they warp away and - for reasons, I'm sure - take Mareeta with them. Not Galzus, though, so I suppose this is more accurately the moment I thought I might've screwed up.


And that's the moment of relief after seeing him leave, although I'm pretty sure I was still worried about the approaching group of mages.

I did not recall Galzus appearing here, imma be honest. Huh.

On 7/20/2024 at 7:26 PM, ping said:

...and even though this is Thracia, it seems that "poison" is still code for "unlimited healing XP". I didn't pay that much attention about the exact damage numbers, but they weren't very high.

Poison's basically only ever dangerous in Berwick Saga, where the damage range is humongous. Something insane like 1-12, I swear. There's also something like Engage but that's a completely different thing that just got called "poison."

On 7/20/2024 at 7:26 PM, ping said:


And that's why I assume that Eyvel still was immortal during this chapter. Returning to Munster in order to save Eyvel seems too large a motivation for Leaf to just skip, especially because I checked next chapter's intro already and it'll come up again there.

This is a really, really funny sentence, considering factors that we'll get into way later down the line.

Anyway, yes, Eyvel is immortal. She can be captured by the pit fighters, but that just makes Veld warp her over and stone her sooner. More interestingly, if Nanna dies in this bit and then you open the door, a song plays that's only ever heard in this one obscure situation.

13 hours ago, ping said:

He does have the same class as Tick. And hardly any less characterisation than him, too.

How dare you insult my boy. @Shaky Jones They're insulting our boy!

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeaaaah I've never understood the chest. There just doesn't seem to be an easy way to do it that doesn't take 15 extra turns. And if you leave without the thief you lose them and the items so, like... Why, Kaga?

Seems pretty unoffinsive to me. Cavalry and chest key gets it pretty quickly, and it's not like you'll need your entire army in the somewhat closed space. The unit on chest duty will probably be back with your main army before you've even dealt with the meteor mage. At least it's not a village down there that only Leif can exclusively visit.

18 minutes ago, Revier said:

Finally, an actual cool level! Though, the encounters do make me wonder if Mareeta can actually die here, and if she is recruitable later.

Wouldn't that involve taking her out with Nana? Well, maybe Eyvel can initiate an attack  even if she can't counter. On that subject, characters not attacking other characters because of plot is introduced here, and I like that mechanic. I think the only time the series does it is Radiant Dawn. Oh wait, I guess Gaiden did it first with Rudolf.

Edited by Jotari
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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I did not recall Galzus appearing here, imma be honest. Huh.

I think he doesn't have to? IIRC, he only shows up if you have Eyvel kill enough gladiators. So depending on when/how you trigger her petrification, you can miss Galzus here.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think he doesn't have to? IIRC, he only shows up if you have Eyvel kill enough gladiators. So depending on when/how you trigger her petrification, you can miss Galzus here.

It seems there are three arena enemies to begin with. Once Eyvel (or Nana, haha) kills one of them, Mareeta appears. Kill one more, a swordmaster appears, kill a third another berserker appears and then kill another and Galzus will appear. So, in other words,  he'll appear if you manage to kill all the initial enemies. Depending on how you're playing this is pretty easy to achieve naturally. But Galzus doesn't get any dialogue, appears just like the generic enemies ie no scrolling camera, and, unlike the next chapter, no special music. So even if you spawn him, its very easy to just plain not notice that the latest reinforcement has a name and face. The wiki also says he only appears if you played 4x...which I have no mechanical or narrative explanation for.

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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Despite the controversy surrounding Project Exile's bigger liberties, these goobers desperately needed some dialogue flourishes to make their scenes a little more impactful. I don't know if "the main villain is only mostly completely forgettable and boring instead of completely forgettable and boring" is really that big of an insult to the creator's original vision.

...all this to say that, yeah, that deliciously smarmy little exchange was the translators getting fancy. If this had been more directly translated you would've forgotten the entirety of their dialogue about five seconds after reading it.

Hey, I'm a big enjoyer of English Shadow Dragon, you don't need to sell me on the benefit of creative liberties in localisations. But of course, doin' so's'g'nna open yer flank'f some decision ain't comin' over s'graetly, ya dig?

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, yes, Eyvel is immortal. She can be captured by the pit fighters, but that just makes Veld warp her over and stone her sooner. More interestingly, if Nanna dies in this bit and then you open the door, a song plays that's only ever heard in this one obscure situation.

It is oddly in-character for Kaga to put that much effort into fleshing out a bad outcome that really isn't all that difficult to avoid (and that's also explicitly non-canon, since Nanna appears in Genealogy).

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How dare you insult my boy. @Shaky Jones They're insulting our boy!

You mean that is ticking you off? Eh? Ehh??

7 hours ago, Revier said:

Finally, an actual cool level! Though, the encounters do make me wonder if Mareeta can actually die here, and if she is recruitable later.


7 hours ago, Jotari said:

Wouldn't that involve taking her out with Nana? Well, maybe Eyvel can initiate an attack  even if she can't counter. On that subject, characters not attacking other characters because of plot is introduced here, and I like that mechanic. I think the only time the series does it is Radiant Dawn. Oh wait, I guess Gaiden did it first with Rudolf.

Asbel would be able to kill her through the wall quite easily, too. It honestly feels a bit like an oversight, that you're able to intervene in the arena fight so easily, but I'm not going to complain that you can chip down or kill the Berserker safely that way.

RE: Mareeta being recruitable - I know that she is (a somewhat Est-y character, if I recall). Dunno if you can perma-kill her here, although I would expect so.

7 hours ago, Jotari said:

Seems pretty unoffinsive to me. Cavalry and chest key gets it pretty quickly, and it's not like you'll need your entire army in the somewhat closed space. The unit on chest duty will probably be back with your main army before you've even dealt with the meteor mage. At least it's not a village down there that only Leif can exclusively visit.

Eh, I think it still was half a dozen turns or so for me. What hurts that chest positioning for me is that it's entirely an annoyance and not a challenge. Unless there's some turn-36 reinforcements that I barely missed, there's no timed objective that's getting in the way of just delaying your progress until your chest-grabber returns from the trip, and even though I decided that to be too lame, I still had to wait those few extra turns for Brighton to catch up.

3 hours ago, Jotari said:

It seems there are three arena enemies to begin with. Once Eyvel (or Nana, haha) kills one of them, Mareeta appears. Kill one more, a swordmaster appears, kill a third another berserker appears and then kill another and Galzus will appear. So, in other words,  he'll appear if you manage to kill all the initial enemies. Depending on how you're playing this is pretty easy to achieve naturally. But Galzus doesn't get any dialogue, appears just like the generic enemies ie no scrolling camera, and, unlike the next chapter, no special music. So even if you spawn him, its very easy to just plain not notice that the latest reinforcement has a name and face. The wiki also says he only appears if you played 4x...which I have no mechanical or narrative explanation for.

I pretty sure Mareeta's appearance is zone-based, triggering when you move into the 2-tile wide corridor east of the arena. Actually, that's definitely how that works, since the scene triggered mid-player phase when I had Lara advance past that corner. But the SM, 'Zerker, and presumably Galzus should all appear as replacements for dead pitfighters, yeah.

I'll also say that because the Earth Sword has pretty meaty 2-range, getting a kill with Nanna really isn't that unlikely, if you want to. You just need Eyvel to not proc anything at an inopportune time.

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21 minutes ago, ping said:

Hey, I'm a big enjoyer of English Shadow Dragon, you don't need to sell me on the benefit of creative liberties in localisations. But of course, doin' so's'g'nna open yer flank'f some decision ain't comin' over s'graetly, ya dig?

It is oddly in-character for Kaga to put that much effort into fleshing out a bad outcome that really isn't all that difficult to avoid (and that's also explicitly non-canon, since Nanna appears in Genealogy).

You mean that is ticking you off? Eh? Ehh??


Asbel would be able to kill her through the wall quite easily, too. It honestly feels a bit like an oversight, that you're able to intervene in the arena fight so easily, but I'm not going to complain that you can chip down or kill the Berserker safely that way.

RE: Mareeta being recruitable - I know that she is (a somewhat Est-y character, if I recall). Dunno if you can perma-kill her here, although I would expect so.

Eh, I think it still was half a dozen turns or so for me. What hurts that chest positioning for me is that it's entirely an annoyance and not a challenge. Unless there's some turn-36 reinforcements that I barely missed, there's no timed objective that's getting in the way of just delaying your progress until your chest-grabber returns from the trip, and even though I decided that to be too lame, I still had to wait those few extra turns for Brighton to catch up.

I pretty sure Mareeta's appearance is zone-based, triggering when you move into the 2-tile wide corridor east of the arena. Actually, that's definitely how that works, since the scene triggered mid-player phase when I had Lara advance past that corner. But the SM, 'Zerker, and presumably Galzus should all appear as replacements for dead pitfighters, yeah.

I'll also say that because the Earth Sword has pretty meaty 2-range, getting a kill with Nanna really isn't that unlikely, if you want to. You just need Eyvel to not proc anything at an inopportune time.

Wiki says it's zone based and based on killing an enemy. So unless you intentionally camp on the right you'll probably kill an enemy first.

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11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, yes, Eyvel is immortal. She can be captured by the pit fighters, but that just makes Veld warp her over and stone her sooner. More interestingly, if Nanna dies in this bit and then you open the door, a song plays that's only ever heard in this one obscure situation.

Isn't Curse of the Emblem also only played during the ending of Book 1 if Shiida is dead? At least I'm pretty sure I never heard it in-game.


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8 hours ago, Jotari said:

Seems pretty unoffinsive to me. Cavalry and chest key gets it pretty quickly, and it's not like you'll need your entire army in the somewhat closed space. The unit on chest duty will probably be back with your main army before you've even dealt with the meteor mage. At least it's not a village down there that only Leif can exclusively visit.

Yea but I'm dumb and tend to forget I can just send a cavalier with a chest key so I send the thief instead and take ten hours

1 hour ago, ping said:

Hey, I'm a big enjoyer of English Shadow Dragon, you don't need to sell me on the benefit of creative liberties in localisations. But of course, doin' so's'g'nna open yer flank'f some decision ain't comin' over s'graetly, ya dig?

Of course, of course. I'm just pointing it out because the villain dialogue is one of my favorite parts of the translation. While it doesn't quite save Raydrik or Veld from their massive issues, it was a valiant effort.

1 hour ago, ping said:

You mean that is ticking you off? Eh? Ehh??

I've done my share of Tick puns. It's just a fun name to pun with.

37 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Isn't Curse of the Emblem also only played during the ending of Book 1 if Shiida is dead? At least I'm pretty sure I never heard it in-game.


I have no idea, FE3 is not the game I'm most familiar with. Could certainly be.

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3 hours ago, ping said:

Hey, I'm a big enjoyer of English Shadow Dragon, you don't need to sell me on the benefit of creative liberties in localisations. But of course, doin' so's'g'nna open yer flank'f some decision ain't comin' over s'graetly, ya dig?


Me every time I read pseudo Shakesphearean needlessly inserted into an SRPG's script, honestly. The most famous offenders are of course PSP FFT and the Tactics Ogre remakes, but there are quite a few examples out there.

Edited by Revier
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FE5 Chapter 6: The Escape



er66B0F.png: "Planning your rescue, but it seems that was unnecessary. Clearly, you're safe and sound, but... you look as if your mind is in great turmoil."
rawFee7.png: "I've never hated the Empire more than I do in this moment, Augustus. My parents were snatched from this world because of the Empire's actions and now... now it has taken the only person I have known to be my mother. Raydrik is little more than their hand, committing untold evil at their behest! Augustus, show me how to wage war against them! I'll... I'll do anything to get her back! Just tell me what I need to do!"
er66B0F.png: "...Lady Eyvel was turned to stone by some foul magic, you say? If that is indeed the case, you... must accept that she is gone, Prince Leif."
rawFee7.png: "Wh-What kind of talk is that?! Isn't there some way to undo what's happened to her?!"
er66B0F.png: "Well... There is a sacred artifact, the Staff of Kia, that can reverse the process of petrification. Yet the enemy is one step ahead of us: long ago, Archbishop Manfroy of the Loptr Church placed a seal upon the staff that prevents anyone not of his bloodline from using it."
rawFee7.png: "Manfroy's bloodline... So then..."
er66B0F.png: "This is a mere rumor, but it is said that a hidden shrine to Loptous lies deep within the Aed Desert. Countless warriors who defied the Loptrians and were turned to stone are kept within its forbidden halls. Amonst them, some say you can even find the young rebels who fell in the Battle of Belhalla so many years ago. If true, I imagine Lady Eyvel's petrified form will also be taken there as a trophy."
rawFee7.png: "That... That's nonsense! Utter nonsense!"
er66B0F.png: "Is it? What you call 'utter nonsense' is the state of our world! Do you doubt how much power the Loptr Church holds? Look around you! In the Thracian Peninsula alone, thousands - no, tens of thousands of children have been seized and sent to Belhalla! In places where the Church's influence runs strong, places like your native Leonster or this very city, they possess near-total authority! In these areas, you'll see nary a single child still free!"
rawFee7.png: "Do parents feel nothing when their children are stolen from them?! Why aren't they fighting this?!"
er66B0F.png: "Of course the people fight this - they resist however they can, not just in Munster but everywhere the Empire has dominion. But they're simple folk with no real weapons! They could never match the might of the Imperial Army, let alone the Loptr Church! Any who do try are arrested and executed - at best! The Church's elite unit of sorcerers, the Welkenrosen, use methods that are the very definition of cruelty: they don't merely execute rebels, they burn everyone in their village at the stake! From all this, the men and women of Jugdral have lost their will to fight - they are little more than slaves now. Make no mistake: the Dark Age is upon us again."
rawFee7.png: "Is there no end to their heartlessness...?"
er66B0F.png: "North Thracia was once defined by its clear skies and lush, verdant fields - but the land is now beset by dark clouds that blot out the sun. ...Prince Leif, your loyalty to Lady Eyvel is admirable, but a more important task stands before you. North Thracia needs a hero to rally behind, someone who will reinvigorate the people's will to fight and assemble them into an army. Call such heroism whatever you like - whether through bravery or ingenuity, you must rise above the obstacles before you. Prince Leif, you carry the blood of both the loyal Quan and the just maiden Ethlyn. Their strengths, their deeds, live on in you. Do you realize what that means? If the heir to House Leonster were to raise an army, all those in North Thracia who oppose the Empire would unite behind him. If such a thing were to occur, perhaps - just perhaps - the Empire and the Loptrians could be driven from Thracia."
rawFee7.png: "I refuse to abandon the Commander, but... I understand you reasoning, Augustus. If I could become the rallying figure for the liberation of Thracia, if I could rebuild Leonster and lead its army to crush the Empire... It would be nothing short of what Finn and I have dreamed of for as long as I can remember. Augustus, if you would join me as my tactician and advisor, there is no hardship I would be unwilling to endure! But... is defeating the Empire even possible?"
er66B0F.png: "Yes, but leave the details for another time - for now, we must focus on our escape. Though I must say, Prince Leif, I am gladdened to hear such resolve from you."
rawFee7.png: "There's no shortage of soldiers emerging to pursue us... Is there any safe route out of here?"
er66B0F.png: "Going through the eastern side-gate would be ideal, but that would require making our way through the castle town... If anyone is spotted by the enemy, they'll call for reinforcements, making our escape that much more difficult."
rawFee7.png: "Not be seen by the enemy? I'm not sure how to avoid that..."
j6GWEqO.png: "If you want to avoid getting through the town, I've got your back! Hermes and I can fly everybody over the wall one by one - no chance of being seen that way!"
rawFee7.png: "That'll get us out of here without a fight, but will you be all right, Karin?"
j6GWEqO.png: "I can tell Hermes is willing to tough it out for everybody's sake. Normally, pegasi only let women so much as touch them - somethin' about men gets them spooked. Hermes is willing to give everyone a chance, though! He's a male pegasus, so he's plenty strong enough to carry me and one extra!"
er66B0F.png: "...Then it seems we have a viable means of escape. The question now becomes whether we should chance visiting the castle town."


...that was a lot. And it's difficult to discuss the Big Picture here without immediately running into the Nazi Germany aspects of the Loptyr (or Loptous, or Loptr) Empire, with its even less discriminatory genocide. Loptyr doesn't really beat the allegations of being an over-the-top Evil Empire - I don't want to open a discussion round about whether or not Julius is Worse Than Hitler, let's leave that to the Edelgard Discourse, but the self-devouring nature of the Loptyr Empire is frankly staggering.

But I'd still rather stick to more nitpicky comments than consider the economical implications of murdering an entire generation of children...:

  • Leif did not mention or imply Eyvel's petrification. From what Leif tells Augustus (Eyvel was "taken from him" and he wants to get her back), my immediate interpretation would've been that she has been abducted further.
  • The conversational thread from Eyvel's petrification to the child hunt feels very artificial. Leif has seen her get stoned - why is the "now she'll be put into Manfroy's trophy room" part so inconceivable to him? Why wouldn't the bastards who petrify people not gloat about it? It doesn't really make them any more evil.
  • That said, the idea that some of Sigurd's unfortunate companions might have met the same fate as Eyvel is intriguing, but I somehow doubt we'll be able to get an unstoned Arden as a lategame prepromote.
  • Leif seems rather enthusiastic about recruiting Augustus as an advisor and tactician, and I'm not entirely sure why. I really don't remember him doing anything particularly advisory or tactical, I believe his role thus far has been almost exclusively to point out to Leif how godawful Jugdral has become.
  • If Thracia had used GBAFE's rescue formula for mounted characters, do you think Karin would've used the male variant?


The Map! I see similarities to BinBla's Ch.7, although this one is far less crowded and your own starting position is at the opposite side of the map compared to BinBla. As a result, the best rout to take seems to be southeast first, to then use the 1-tile chokes around the villages. The enemies in the large block at the top all hit fairly hard, so not allowing them to gang up on anyone seems important.

Notably, all these enemies don't start the map aggressive. I'm pretty sure you can just move past the village following the eastern edge of the map and ignore every single enemy on the map that way - but of course that would deprive us from the rewards from the six red-roofed houses as well as any combat XP we would be able to collect.


Still, as I said, going east/south first seems much easier than facing the big blob of enemies head-on.


During this chapter, Asbel uses two stat boosters - the Magic Ring and the second Life Ring. Blind-ish run, thus boring decisions, etc. pp.


We also finally (re-)gain access to the convoy, confirming that Eyvel did manage to send her equipment there before the events of chapters 4-5.


One unfortunate thing is that between all our characters, nobody brought a lance for Karin to use. Because she starts with Lances (E), albeit close to reaching (D), she can't even use the Javelin that you find (iirc) in the first prison map, and because we're very broke, she can't simply fly over to the Armoury and get herself an Iron weapon. But her high mobility still allows her to do useful stuff, like grabbing villages.

vwqQU8e.png:" Yer the folk that helped me grandson Cliff, ain't ya? I'm mighty thankful that Sir Ced has friends like y'all to rely on. If anybody asks, ya didn't get this from me, but... I'd like ya to have this here Rapier. Don't be modest, now. Take it."

It's a good weapon, especially because it's not locked to the lord as it'll become custom, so I'll forgive the annoying written-out dialect, just this once.


As we approach the village guards (because of course we're going to fight them), a cutscene plays:


no6jcJK.png: "...Nobody."
e3CPwv7.png: "...Whatever you say, Galzus. I admit, this is a bit much to handle on my lonesome, but I'll manage. May the fortunes of war be generous to you, my good man.


And the mysterious bishop (although I know that this is Cyas or Saias or whatever; Arvis's brother) warps away a mysterious green Myrmidon (OK, it's pretty obvious that this is Mareeta) and then himself.

no6jcJK.png: "I barely recognized you, lass... Never expected to see that face of yours again."


After that, it's time to engage the enemy.


This does cause the big enemy blob to start moving. I'm not certain about the exact trigger, but I'd guess that it's contact with any enemy, not specifically those Soldiers or anything like that.


Not moving are the bossman (yet another one without any lines) and the two Meteor Bishops above him, and I don't make any attempt at fighting them, either.


But before we have to start fighting the blob, we can visit a village that Ruben would be very angry at me if I had missed it:


uWu58uQ.png: "Soon as he came home, I spirited him an' the other village kidds away to someplace real safe. I got y'all to thank fer even bein' able to see him again... Shucks, but I'm bein' awful impolite! I'm Hicks, proud Axe Knight of Munster! An' after what Raydrik's done, he's sure worn out his hospitality! Whaddaya say I team up with you an' we teach him some manners?!"

Aaaaand he's immediately... well, not "ruined", but I'll say "lessened" by being given that annoying accent.


[HP 80% | Str 35% | Mag 5% | Skl 40% | Spd 30% | Lck 55% | Def 30% | Con 30% | Mov 1%]
Weapon Levels: Axes (C), Swords (E)
Skills: --

It's also unfortunate that he didn't have the foresight to bring a regular old axe with him.

Hicks's base stats are... OK. Overall slightly better than Brighton's, although he had some time to improve, and his growths are actually better, too. Not by a lot, with the exception of Skl and Lck, but the only growth that Brighton wins in is Def... by 5%.

Of course, what Hicks lacks is any skill. Brighton has the powerful Wrath, so that should make sure that he's the stronger unit between the two, but it's a surprisingly balanced approach by Kaga to give Hicks these better stats to at least partly compensate.


8SvqiTk.png: "We're poorer'n dirt, so there ain't much I can give ye, but I do got somethin' I can part with. If it please ye, good folk, this here is a flask of Pure Water. There's enough in there fer ye to get a few uses outta it."

False advertising - like the one we grabbed last chapter, this Pure Water only has a single charge.


And it begins... although Asbel doesn't do any enemy phase work here because the Mage will get blocked from attacking him.


With the very chokey terrain, this all isn't too difficult, especially with Asbel and Leif being able to 1-2 range (although Leif hardly does anything this chapter) and our newfound horses giving us access to Jugdral Canter.


So I'll honestly just skip over the entire fight quickly. Meanwhile, the still lanceless Karin gets yet another village:

ZwPCVh2.png: "Y-Yer the ones what saved my daughter, Emily! Oh, I gotta find some way to thank ya proper... Ah, I know! Take a look at this: it's a medal fer chivalry an' knightly valor. Been an heirloom in the family fer generations, but it can be replaced. My Emily sure can't be, though! I'd like y'all to have it. If you ain't worthy of this medal, nobody is."


Well, at the start of the map, nobody was worthy of it. But at the end of it, Fergus and Asbel will be Lv.11 and 10, respectively, so one of them can promote next chapter, if I want to. And I probably do, considering Thracia's low stat caps - probably Asbel first, because I'm pretty sure I remember Sage promo gains being insane in this game, but I also checked the upcoming chapter a little bit and I know that there'll be a second Master Seal in a village near its starting location.


More fighting...


...and some capturing because "Elfire" sounds like it's expensive...


...and suddenly, we have a problem. Macha gets a crit, which opens her up to another attack on enemy phase...


...and the only reason this doesn't result in a reset is the enemy's tendency to capture when they have the chance. Phew! With a bit more HP or Def, Machua would've died here.


Of course, this means that we have to counter-capture the Knight to regain Machua's inventory (especially because she grabbed the Flame Sword from the Convoy), but Fergus is rather good at that task.


And that's that.


At this point, I get confirmation that the Meteor Bishops are entirely immobile - I wonder how far I'll get with the assumption that this is true for all siege tome users.


Next, Karin makes a quick trip to the Armoury while everybody else approaches the remaining guards, who did not become aggressive alongside the big enemy blob. No challenge there, and no inopportune crits, either.


Elfire is indeed a valuable tome, but simple Iron weapons are more expensive than they have any right to be. Still, Karin grabs an Axe for Hicks in addition to the Lance for her own use.


As a final "obstacle", I notice that our thieves cannot open the door to the escape point. "Maybe this is like in that one Gaiden chapter, where you can only open a door from the other side, to give your flyer more utility", I thought at that point...


...but as it turns out, you just had to end your turn with any character right next to it. Does make sense, since this is necessary to prevent a soft-lock if you manage to get both Lara and Lifis killed and don't have any door keys left. Although to be honest, Kaga could've just not put a closed door in that spot.

Before I figured that one out, I already visited the two villages in the western part of the village:

IW6Du1y.png: "The Magi helped me kid brother, Bowie, escape to another village. Y'all wouldn't know anything about that, wouldja...? Listen, I don't know how I can ever thank ya. Not a day'll go by when I don't remember yer kindness. But words are wind right? Look, this here is a set of writings that's been handed down in me family fer as long as there've been stars in the sky. Fok who read 'em get some kinda strange power, but shoot, we can hardly read, anyhow! It'll help you more'n it'll ever help us."


Something I really appreciate about Kaga's games is that he doesn't hesitate to give overpowered shit to the player, either.

I don't know who this is "optimal" to give to, considering that Asbel already reached promotion level. Maybe Staffi? Tina (that's the name of the Thief staff girl, right?)? But I have to say that I feel obligated to read this to Marty, considering my non-meme decisions for stat boosters thus far.

mGxKUTT.png: "Oh, I been waitin' fer ya! Bless ya fer helpin' me little sis, Leena! ...Oh, I know! Take this! I found it tryin' to uproot a tree from me backyard... Gods know how long it's been buried there, but it looks like a page outta some history book or somethin'. I figure it's gotta be somethin' good, but there's no way I deserve it more'n y'all!"


Speaking of Marty...


Right before I get the path to the escape point opened, reinforcements appear - eight Cavs in total, nothing special, but I don't fight them at all.

And (I believe) two turns after opening that door, a more special reinforcement arrives:


dzX48aX.png: "See those prisoners there? They're making their escape, and they've proven quite... resilient. Earn your keep, and use that sword-arm of yours to deal with them!"
no6jcJK.png: "Hah! Those whelps are hardly worth worryin' about. I'll show you just how weak they are..."


And apparently, Raydrik can use Warp magic. I suppose I never checked his weapon ranks, come to think of it, but I suppose Barons in Genealogy do have all the weapon ranks.

Galzus has swapped out his toothpick for a more threatening weapon - low hit (but what does 20-Skl Galzus care), but 14 Might, +10 crit, and a Brave effect make this weapon slightly unfair.


That would've been a big point in favour of Hicks... if it wasn't for that bloody accent.

Pretty decent map overall. Not nearly as tricky as the BinBla map it inspired, but quite fun to play. It could maybe do with slightly more pressure from reinforcements, although in that case, Galzus would probably need a bit of delay, maybe in a similar "only use half his movement" form as the BK in PoR / Blood Runs Red.


Oh great, it's Eichmann again. Fuckin' Kaga.

b47jgcU.png: "We... We offer our deepest apologies, sire! We're truly sorry!"
dzX48aX.png: "Your apologies are as empty as your brains! Clearly, this requires a man of greater intellect... Send for General Eisenhau and his knights immediately! He is to lead his troops in pursuit of these upstart rebels."

Eisenhau is a funny name. You could translate it as "iron-punch", with "hau" being a somewhat childish way to say punch. I imagine that he's a Pokémon with big metal fists, who evolves into Stahldresch when traded while holding a Metal Coat.

dzX48aX.png: "If they escape into Thracia proper, there's no end to the trouble they could cause..."
b47jgcU.png: "At once, milord!"
dzX48aX.png: "Hold! What became of that girl... Mareeta, was it? I've not seen her since this fiasco started..."
b47jgcU.png: "I'm aware of her fate, Baron Raydrik, but I... wished to inform you later, when you were in a better mood... Someone attacked the guards that were stationed, and made off with her. I... I cannot begin to express my apologies, sire!"
dzX48aX.png: "...I swear, I've never encountered a group of adults more incapable of being useful... Do you buffoons even have a clue who this assailant was?!"
b47jgcU.png: "There's no doubt they were quite skilled, based on what's left of the guards... But one of our claims to have seen that sellsword, Galzus, near the site of the attack. Are you certain we can trust him?"
dzX48aX.png: "No... Galzus...?"
b47jgcU.png: "What's more, another man is sure he's seen a Brand on Galzus's back: the mark of Od, to be specific. Though if that's true, it would mean he's part of the Isaachian royal family..."
dzX48aX.png: "Hmph. I'm already aware of his heritage. I'm not so foolish as to hire a sellsword without knowing everything about them. He is indeed Isaachian royalty - cousin to Prince Shannan, in fact. With the deaths of his kin, he's technically the Prince of Rivough, himself."
b47jgcU.png: "B-But Prince Shannan is one of the most influencial rebel leaders! Are we to open this castle to a man who shares his blood?"
dzX48aX.png: "...I can see I'll have to spell this out for you. Galzus' kin, the royal family of Rivough, betrayed their home kingdom of Isaach and were killed for it. The man leading the troops that defeated them was none other than Sannan's grandfather, King Mananan. Since then, Galzus has endured nothing but hardship from a very young age. Do you honestly think such a man would ever help the likes of Shannan and his rebels?"
b47jgcU.png: "I see your point..."
dzX48aX.png: "Ah... Then Galzus would have every reason to free that girl, wouldn't he? She bore the Brand of Od on her back as well... Heh, heh, heh..."
b47jgcU.png: "Uh, sire?"
dzX48aX.png: "Mm, it's nothing you need concern yourself with. We can't do anything about the girl now, but as for Galzus? Our position is too vulnerable to risk losing him. Don't act against him unless I say otherwise."

Why do you know about any brands on Mareeta's back, Raydrik?

I don't know how much Galzus's heritage will come up in this story - that Mareeta is almost certainly his daughter almost certainly will, I assume that Mareeta will be able to recruit him eventually, but even if it was only to make their familiar ties visible, I'd still appreciate the little tie-in with Genealogy's story.

The Team:

	  Lv.	    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con  XP
Leif	  12.85	    36   7   0   5   8  12   5   9  +18   [+7 HP]
Fergus	  11.92	    34   8   0  10  11   8   7   9  +204
Karin	  8.47	    20   5   9  10  19  18   4   4  +50
Hicks	  6.66	    30   7   0   6   5   6   8  15  +66   (base)

Brighton  9.29	    31   7   0   7   7   3   7  13  +54
Macha	  7.75	    27   5   1  12  12  10   5   6  +90
Dalsin	  7.94	    31  10   0   3   2   1  11  15  +51

Lifis	  7.17	    22   5   1   4  12   2   2   6  --
Lara	  2.82	    14   0   0   1  10   6   0   3  --
Nanna	  7.16	    22   5   7  10  10  12   4   4  +232
Asbel	  10.22	    34   0   9  10  16   7   2   5  +153  [+7 HP, +2 Mag]



On 7/22/2024 at 11:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yea but I'm dumb and tend to forget I can just send a cavalier with a chest key so I send the thief instead and take ten hours

Considering that Cavalier With A Chest Key has two less movement points indoors than a thief, their advantage honestly isn't that big. My main reason to use Brighton for that job was mostly because Lifis and Lara's capture bait utility seemed more valuable than an additional sword arm.

On 7/22/2024 at 11:25 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I have no idea, FE3 is not the game I'm most familiar with. Could certainly be.

It is a bit out of character for you that there seems to be a non-Syrene pegasus knight that you didn't deliberately get killed.

Yes, yes, I know, Sheeda isn't as high on your shit list, but still.

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Wait, so the Evil Empire actually has preserved bodies of the victims of Bellhalla? That's interesting, if not also quite morbid.

Does Galzus do anything notable or is he there just to stand menacingly at the entrance of the evil castle? It seems like he spawns quite far away from the team.

Also, I finally have an answer to my dilemma:


I'm still conflicted on whether I should pick the SNES games or the GBA ones, the GBA games are certainly more polished, but they also feel a bit samey at times, if that makes any sense? Maybe watching/reading a Thracia LP could help me solidify my opinion(hurry up @ping!)

I voted for the GBA FEs, while I am no big fan of the animu portraits they definitely nail the mood and style quite well otherwise. Meanwhile, Thracia's art so far has mostly been a mediocre copy of Genealogy's, with the only noticeable change really being the portraits, which, while technically better, are not above the bar of animu slop enough to make up for the rest.

Edited by Revier
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8 hours ago, ping said:

That said, the idea that some of Sigurd's unfortunate companions might have met the same fate as Eyvel is intriguing, but I somehow doubt we'll be able to get an unstoned Arden as a lategame prepromote.

It's kind of an idea from Kaga's fantasy scenario that he never quite gave up on.

8 hours ago, ping said:

Leif seems rather enthusiastic about recruiting Augustus as an advisor and tactician, and I'm not entirely sure why. I really don't remember him doing anything particularly advisory or tactical, I believe his role thus far has been almost exclusively to point out to Leif how godawful Jugdral has become.

He also just sort of shows up out of nowhere here, right beside the enemy base. It's not like this is a rescue attempt with Finn and Dagdar. August just wandered in here himself in a way I think I'd find very suspicious if I were Leif.

8 hours ago, ping said:

that would deprive us from the rewards from the six red-roofed houses as well as any combat XP we would be able to collect.

Said red houses are only supplying rewards because you recused civilians in a previous chapter. Either the one where Leif got captured or the Gaiden.

8 hours ago, ping said:



I remember in the old translation this cutscene was messed up and showed Safy for some reason, which was very confusing...yeah, the old translation kind of sucked on some technical fronts.

8 hours ago, ping said:

...but as it turns out, you just had to end your turn with any character right next to it. Does make sense, since this is necessary to prevent a soft-lock if you manage to get both Lara and Lifis killed and don't have any door keys left. Although to be honest, Kaga could've just not put a closed door in that spot.

That is not something I knew could happen, as I've always escaped along the eastern path.

8 hours ago, ping said:

And apparently, Raydrik can use Warp magic. I suppose I never checked his weapon ranks, come to think of it, but I suppose Barons in Genealogy do have all the weapon ranks.

Not only does he have the weapon rank to use warp, but he actually has warp in his inventory! Sadly his warp charge doesn't go down by one which would have been chef's kiss levels of attention to detail.

8 hours ago, ping said:



Oh great, it's Eichmann again. Fuckin' Kaga.

In my no staffs Thracia playthrough I posted here a few months back I meticulously counted every time a reused face appeared and theorized on wether or not they were the same character. This guy might genuinely be Eichmann, as Eichmann is a Lopt Sect member (with no dialogue and never referred to in the text) and Raydrik has loot sect connections. There's also enough time for him to reasonably travel to where the Eichmann chapter happens...but he's almost certainly intended to be nothing more than a generic portrait as this face pops up everywhere.

I think I might have mentioned it already, but who this generic sounding board for Raydrik should have been is Farden, the minor boss you fight in Munster at the end of the game



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11 hours ago, ping said:

j6GWEqO.png: "I can tell Hermes is willing to tough it out for everybody's sake. Normally, pegasi only let women so much as touch them - somethin' about men gets them spooked. Hermes is willing to give everyone a chance, though! He's a male pegasus, so he's plenty strong enough to carry me and one extra!"

Weird for the translation to imply that Hermes being male makes him somehow more capable of rescuing. Was this some really awkward way to reference GBA rescuing mechanics?

11 hours ago, ping said:

Leif seems rather enthusiastic about recruiting Augustus as an advisor and tactician, and I'm not entirely sure why. I really don't remember him doing anything particularly advisory or tactical, I believe his role thus far has been almost exclusively to point out to Leif how godawful Jugdral has become.

He just wants his leadership star back, I suppose.

11 hours ago, ping said:


The Map! I see similarities to BinBla's Ch.7, although this one is far less crowded and your own starting position is at the opposite side of the map compared to BinBla. As a result, the best rout to take seems to be southeast first, to then use the 1-tile chokes around the villages. The enemies in the large block at the top all hit fairly hard, so not allowing them to gang up on anyone seems important.

It most certainly highlights how piss yellow the GBA games are.


Everything is yellow. The walls are yellow. The road is yellow. The grass is somehow strangely yellow. All those sprites that have very different colors from each other in Thracia are just yellow there.
One of the many reused sprites is the weapon shop. On the GBA it's practically the same color as the yellow floor.

11 hours ago, ping said:


We also finally (re-)gain access to the convoy, confirming that Eyvel did manage to send her equipment there before the events of chapters 4-5.

Would have expected to see like a million Iron Axes in there, after all those brigands using nothing else.

11 hours ago, ping said:

It's a good weapon, especially because it's not locked to the lord as it'll become custom, so I'll forgive the annoying written-out dialect, just this once.

It's a regular weapon in Berwick Saga, at least.

11 hours ago, ping said:

And the mysterious bishop (although I know that this is Cyas or Saias or whatever; Arvis's brother) warps away a mysterious green Myrmidon (OK, it's pretty obvious that this is Mareeta) and then himself.

He is Alvis' son.

11 hours ago, ping said:

Of course, what Hicks lacks is any skill. Brighton has the powerful Wrath, so that should make sure that he's the stronger unit between the two, but it's a surprisingly balanced approach by Kaga to give Hicks these better stats to at least partly compensate.

He is also another member in Leaf's pity support group.

11 hours ago, ping said:

...but as it turns out, you just had to end your turn with any character right next to it. Does make sense, since this is necessary to prevent a soft-lock if you manage to get both Lara and Lifis killed and don't have any door keys left. Although to be honest, Kaga could've just not put a closed door in that spot.

Huh, never knew that. I always go through the Eastern passage and try to mostly avoid fighting the central squadron. Karin can simply snatch the villages to the West when there is an opening.

2 hours ago, Jotari said:

I remember in the old translation this cutscene was messed up and showed Safy for some reason, which was very confusing...yeah, the old translation kind of sucked on some technical fronts.

I'm surprised the patch didn't cause the game to crash from trying to load a cutscene from a different map.

2 hours ago, Jotari said:

Said red houses are only supplying rewards because you recused civilians in a previous chapter. Either the one where Leif got captured or the Gaiden.

They are all from the Gaiden.
This makes it extra sadistic that Sety leads the Magi group against the central squadron if you skipped 4x.
That way it's really easy to visit all the houses. But all they do is call you out for being a useless bag of crap.

Edited by BrightBow
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5 hours ago, Revier said:

Does Galzus do anything notable or is he there just to stand menacingly at the entrance of the evil castle? It seems like he spawns quite far away from the team.

He immediately moves southward, and since the map isn't all that big, he should reach the southern gate within four turns (despite the wood tiles blocking the direct path).

2 hours ago, Jotari said:

It's kind of an idea from Kaga's fantasy scenario that he never quite gave up on.

It's definitely in-character for him to have more ideas that he could actually realise in the game.

2 hours ago, Jotari said:

I remember in the old translation this cutscene was messed up and showed Safy for some reason, which was very confusing...yeah, the old translation kind of sucked on some technical fronts.

Plot twist: Between herself and Lifis, Safy turns out to secretly be the more evil one, being an Empire agent this entire time!

Wait, no, that would require her to have an agency. Yes, I know this isn't fair to Kaga at this point anymore

2 hours ago, Jotari said:

Sadly his warp charge doesn't go down by one which would have been chef's kiss levels of attention to detail.

Literally unplayable.

2 hours ago, Jotari said:

In my no staffs Thracia playthrough I posted here a few months back I meticulously counted every time a reused face appeared and theorized on wether or not they were the same character. This guy might genuinely be Eichmann, as Eichmann is a Lopt Sect member (with no dialogue and never referred to in the text) and Raydrik has loot sect connections. There's also enough time for him to reasonably travel to where the Eichmann chapter happens...but he's almost certainly intended to be nothing more than a generic portrait as this face pops up everywhere.

Yeah, the Eichmann portrait is almost certainly just a generic guardsman, or maybe the captain of Raydrik's guard, considering he's personally reporting to Raydrik in this scene. His previous appearance was a single line to tell Karin and Leif to shut up in their prison cell, and "prison guard" seems a little mundane an occupation for a Loptyr cultist.

3 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

It most certainly highlights how piss yellow the GBA games are.


Everything is yellow. The walls are yellow. The road is yellow. The grass is somehow strangely yellow. All those sprites that have very different colors from each other in Thracia are just yellow there.
One of the many reused sprites is the weapon shop. On the GBA it's practically the same color as the yellow floor.

Didn't @Saint Rubenio have something to say about that? As in, the colour palette looks different when playing on an actual GBA and GBAFE looks a fair bit better on emulator when applying a filter to emulate that?

5 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Would have expected to see like a million Iron Axes in there, after all those brigands using nothing else.

Well, I never dropped anything in the Convoy, evidently :lol: We'll probably get a handful of Short Lances as the other earlygame characters rejoin, too, since iirc, I captured a decent number of soldiers for their vulneraries.

7 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

He is Alvis' son.

Oh, whoops. I remembered Arvis's dad being a regular manslut, so that's why I thought "brother". But Saias certainly does look much younger than Arvis would be in 776.

10 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Huh, never knew that. I always go through the Eastern passage and try to mostly avoid fighting the central squadron. Karin can simply snatch the villages to the West when there is an opening.

Can't believe both you and Jotari leave all that XP on the table. Fake FE players, smh my head.

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15 minutes ago, ping said:

Yeah, the Eichmann portrait is almost certainly just a generic guardsman, or maybe the captain of Raydrik's guard, considering he's personally reporting to Raydrik in this scene. His previous appearance was a single line to tell Karin and Leif to shut up in their prison cell, and "prison guard" seems a little mundane an occupation for a Loptyr cultist.

Well, bear in mind the guy directly across the corridor from where Leif is yapping is the grand high pope of the Lopt Sect itself, the regional cardinal, their actual dark god and his girl friend. If Eichmann is on guard duty for them then he's doing pretty well for himself as far as cult hierarchy goes.

15 minutes ago, ping said:

Can't believe both you and Jotari leave all that XP on the table. Fake FE players, smh my head.


Hey now, Galzus is scary 😢

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14 hours ago, ping said:

Leif seems rather enthusiastic about recruiting Augustus as an advisor and tactician, and I'm not entirely sure why. I really don't remember him doing anything particularly advisory or tactical, I believe his role thus far has been almost exclusively to point out to Leif how godawful Jugdral has become.

Well, his own short fling as a leader ended in spectacular failure, he's in a rather fragile state of mind and Augustus clearly knows his shit. Plus, think of that sweet, sweet leadership star! Gameplay-story integration dictates the star indicates Augustus's strategy chops!

14 hours ago, ping said:


During this chapter, Asbel uses two stat boosters - the Magic Ring and the second Life Ring. Blind-ish run, thus boring decisions, etc. pp.

I mean, I'd argue the magic ring on Asbel is if anything a waste, but hey, this is your run. You couldn't have known, nor should you fret over little things like this. I'm just here to tell you which units you must use to appease me in particular.

14 hours ago, ping said:


Not moving are the bossman (yet another one without any lines)

I always forget this face is technically the Truman face (or I guess Tolman) because he's the first to get it.

Yeah, see, Zyne may be more iconic because his face is very funny but this guy right here comes close to the septuplets' reign of terror. He loses to Zyne by having only 5 twins instead of 7, but unlike Zyne, only two of those are recolored. There's three dudes that are just, this. They're also the most plot-relevant of the five, which is... very strange, but hey, who am I to judge.

14 hours ago, ping said:

Aaaaand he's immediately... well, not "ruined", but I'll say "lessened" by being given that annoying accent.

His name is literally Hicks.

14 hours ago, ping said:


[HP 80% | Str 35% | Mag 5% | Skl 40% | Spd 30% | Lck 55% | Def 30% | Con 30% | Mov 1%]
Weapon Levels: Axes (C), Swords (E)
Skills: --

It's also unfortunate that he didn't have the foresight to bring a regular old axe with him.

Hicks's base stats are... OK. Overall slightly better than Brighton's, although he had some time to improve, and his growths are actually better, too. Not by a lot, with the exception of Skl and Lck, but the only growth that Brighton wins in is Def... by 5%.

Of course, what Hicks lacks is any skill. Brighton has the powerful Wrath, so that should make sure that he's the stronger unit between the two, but it's a surprisingly balanced approach by Kaga to give Hicks these better stats to at least partly compensate.

Nah yeah, Hicks is not amazing, but I love him anyway. In my first run he did a ton of work in the next chapter over, and then he popped off and capped every stat with barely any scroll interference. E swords is very annoying though.

14 hours ago, ping said:


...but as it turns out, you just had to end your turn with any character right next to it. Does make sense, since this is necessary to prevent a soft-lock if you manage to get both Lara and Lifis killed and don't have any door keys left. Although to be honest, Kaga could've just not put a closed door in that spot.

Imagine asking Kaga not to create problems for himself and then create contrived, unclear solutions for them.

14 hours ago, ping said:


Something I really appreciate about Kaga's games is that he doesn't hesitate to give overpowered shit to the player, either.

I don't know who this is "optimal" to give to, considering that Asbel already reached promotion level. Maybe Staffi? Tina (that's the name of the Thief staff girl, right?)? But I have to say that I feel obligated to read this to Marty, considering my non-meme decisions for stat boosters thus far.

I mean, legit, the only thing Asbel wants is a master seal. Giving this to him would be a complete waste. Staffi is even worse - the only thing she'll ever need is enough staff rank to use warp. Light magic in this game is extremely rare - I mean "rarer than FE1 axes" rare, and with universal 20 caps and pure waters that raise magic, promoting healers is tantamount to throwing a master seal away, let alone the paragon manual.

...It really would be best on Marty, to be honest.

14 hours ago, ping said:

Eisenhau is a funny name. You could translate it as "iron-punch", with "hau" being a somewhat childish way to say punch. I imagine that he's a Pokémon with big metal fists, who evolves into Stahldresch when traded while holding a Metal Coat.

It's just a corruption of Eisenhower. Just another part of Kaga's whole "name bossmen after figures of the World War II people" shindig that led to there being an irrelevant bossman named Goebbels in Berwick Saga.

14 hours ago, ping said:

It is a bit out of character for you that there seems to be a non-Syrene pegasus knight that you didn't deliberately get killed.

Yes, yes, I know, Sheeda isn't as high on your shit list, but still.

That and I have beat neither version of FE3, nor am I likely to in the near future.

9 hours ago, Revier said:

I voted for the GBA FEs, while I am no big fan of the animu portraits they definitely nail the mood and style quite well otherwise. Meanwhile, Thracia's art so far has mostly been a mediocre copy of Genealogy's, with the only noticeable change really being the portraits, which, while technically better, are not above the bar of animu slop enough to make up for the rest.

I wouldn't be quite as harsh, but honestly, they really should've kept the Archanea Chronicles artist on for the Jugdral duology.


Look at that delightful artstyle. Even with the very limited portrait space they managed to give each of them a different vibe. I truly appreciate when you can tell a character's personality just by looking at their portraits.


They even got Jesus Christ!

3 hours ago, ping said:

idn't @Saint Rubenio have something to say about that? As in, the colour palette looks different when playing on an actual GBA and GBAFE looks a fair bit better on emulator when applying a filter to emulate that?

Yeah, they had to do some color-correction to compensate for the lack of backlight on the GBA. If you look at the GBA library the games are majorly very bright - if they had used more drab colors like this game's, on the original hardware it would've been impossible to see anything outdoors.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That and I have beat neither version of FE3, nor am I likely to in the near future.

I guess you don't want to play a version of FE12 where Bantu is actually good.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


They even got Jesus Christ!

Big deal. The FE5 artist was also able to draw white Jesus.


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