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Special Heroes: Winds Offered

Fire Emblem Fan

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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Wind Tribe Club is "風の部族の金棒" (kaze no buzoku no kanabō), "Wind Tribe's Kanabo".

Added Fuga's weapon.

It's the same as Catria's weapon, but it grants Atk/Def instead of Atk/Spd and grants a guaranteed follow-up on player phase as a status effect instead of the Null Follow-Up status effect. All other effects are identical.

Easily now the best player-phase axe for units with low or middling Spd while we continue to wait for an Arcane axe with a guaranteed follow-up.


The Sacred Seals are Fortify Beasts at 10,000 points and Still Water at 20,000 points. Still Water is going to be nice for Bride Lilina and Duo Thorr, the former of which is now available from the Hall of Forms that just ended (and this was probably planned to line up like this).


6 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Kagero comes from the same game that has characters such as Camilla and Charlotte. They don't need to keep using Kagero specifically when Charlotte only has her musty bride alt from 2017.

Who's Charlotte?


6 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Rhajat (who is just alt Tharja) was also a perfectly valid option, with the bonus of her actually being from the Wind Tribe.

They probably want to avoid adding too many characters that are actually from the wind tribe because it's less interesting when characters are in an outfit that is similar to their usual outfit. I believe all of the seasonal themes based on an existing location have only ever gotten a maximum of two characters from that location. This time around, we have Fuga and Orochi.


30 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Uhh why are the hosts not the stars?


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I have no strong opinion for or against Kagero. I probably like her more than I don't.

Still I have to echo the question of ''why?'' Why Kagero? What exactly does she of all people get such preferential treatment. She's not really important or well connected to important characters. Even her Ryoma retainer status comes with the disclaimer that she's more distant to her lord than the likes of Oboro or Beruka. Nor does she have a personality like Camilla where it be really in character for her to partake in all sorts of festivities. At the same time her personality is neither so ill suited for festivals that her presence would be funny like it would be for Saizo. All around its just weird. 

The obvious answer is that Kagero has boobs but that in itself isn't a satisfying answer. She's hardly the only character with big asset yet she's getting chosen over all the others. 

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Either the devs have a preference for her(where they are told to use units from X or Y band of popularity to certain slots on a banner and pick her because she's eligible and they want to see more of her) or they have data that suggests that she is more popular among whales in particular, giving her an inherently higher value than other characters of similar overall popularity.

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I don't think Kagero needed another alt..at all, but i'm still rather positive about it. Despite her many alts, I found her alt track record to be amongst the worst in the game. You had a character who has a big chunk of her supports dedicating to a scary, incomprehensible art and...then you put that character in a maid outfit for halloween? After already gotten the fanservice treatment with a spring alt? Its still my least favourite alt in the game. A duo with Orochi on the other hand has the potential to be fun.

As for the rest. I like Claude, but don't feel like he needs another Alt, Don't care much for Catria and Dagr looks neat. Might go for her.

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Stats and skill info [SPOILERS]:



Wind Claude
Super Asset(s): Atk, Spd
Super Flaw(s): Res
*Atk/Spd Prime 4 cannot be inherited by Magic damage dealing units (Tome, Breath and Staff).

Wind Kagero & Orochi
Super Asset(s): Spd, Res
Super Flaw(s): none
*Disarm Trap 4, like its lower levels, is only available to Dagger units.

Wind Dagr
Super Asset(s): Spd, Res
Super Flaw(s): none

Wind Catria
Super Asset(s): Spd
Super Flaw(s): HP, Def
*Atk/Spd Catch 3 is the 4 star unlock.

Wind Fuga
Super Asset(s): Def
Super Flaw(s): Spd
*Threat. Atk/Def 2 is the 4 star unlock.
**For reference, this was Summer Donny's stat line: 46(+)/45/31/40(+)/30/192. IS is getting real bold with these Axe Infantry TT units, huh?
   (+) = Super Asset


Edited by Tybrosion
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2 hours ago, Valolaire said:

Is this the highest for axe infantry in the grail pool, or even in general?

It's the highest for any non-armour unit in the game except Spring Michalis, who has 47.

Fuga overtakes NY Ash, Halloween M Corrin and Flame Rinkah's 44 to be the new highest defense infantry in general.

The previous highest axe infantry in general was OG Rinkah at 41, followed by two grail units in Summer Donnel and Groom Hinata at 40 each.

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On 9/4/2023 at 11:31 PM, Ice Dragon said:

Plumeria's epithet, "Rapturous Dream", is "恍惚の夢" (kōkotsu no yume), "Dream of Ecstasy".

Arcane Euphoria is "魔器・恍惚の花" (maki: kōkotsu no hana), "Arcane Weapon: Flower of Ecstasy".

Added translation notes for the Tempest Trials boss.

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Okay, actually, I really like Claude's art. It's neat that the artist made each pose different. And if you look at them in sequence, it really has a spinny/wooshy feel, which works really well for this theme!

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Regarding the story, I keep being all "but, she's totally able to be in your barracks" and kept waiting for Mikoto to show up in the story.

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On 9/8/2023 at 1:36 AM, Mercakete said:

Regarding the story, I keep being all "but, she's totally able to be in your barracks" and kept waiting for Mikoto to show up in the story.

Technically the only Mikoto we have in the game was the one that came from baby Azura's dream of what having a family would be like. Mikoto even admits that she isn't real in one of her quotes. The entire Adrift banner other than Azura is an illusion given form and life.

And there is an interesting disccusion to be had here about whether an "illusion made physical matter" is a human being or not, if they deserve rights or not (Limstella and Sonia can join the discussion since they are similarly artificial), if they are actually "things" or not.

But anyway, even if I'm 100% certain that the Order of Heroes treats all the artifically born Heroes right, "Mikoto" still isn't the actual Mikoto (a clone at best) and that's probably why she doesn't appear in this story.

Base Mikoto (and Sumeragi) when IS?


EDIT: And before someone suggests that they could have included Mikoto in the story anyway even as clone, it's important to remember that Adrift Camilla, the Adrift Corrins and Adrift Mikoto have different personalities than their real selves. This is especially evident with Camilla who is more proper than the real item and dislikes lewdness.

Edited by GrandeRampel
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Not to mention, the Mikoto of their own world would still be dead, and even meeting the Mikoto of a different world isn't going to change that. Granted, I do know some Heroes are summoned after their deaths, but well, we still don't have regular Mikoto in the game, and the dialogue isn't being written taking future additions into account.

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4 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:

EDIT: And before someone suggests that they could have included Mikoto in the story anyway even as clone, l

Should have just not done the adrift banner in the first place and gave us a proper Mikoto/Sumeragi/Arete banner. I guess the logic is that they want to save those characters for GHB, but Fates actually has an ample supply of GHB candidates. At least all the minor bosses from Fates are on CYL except for Omozu, which suggests to me that all of them are on the radar by virtue of being playable.

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I'm fine with Adrift, but these are still good insights. I couldn't quite remember where the Mikoto we have came from -- just that she was in Heroes. Also, yeah, IS still uses various forms of characters when said characters would be represented. (Seasonal variants, for example, when no other version is available but the character is needed in some bit of story.) And then you have things like ... Well, almost everyone from Gen 1 of FE4, or Griel. I know it's a point that was already brought up, but in Heroes, it doesn't matter much that characters aren't from the same version  of their own worlds (since that's actually basically everyone.) Heck, Eliwood still treats Roy as his kid even though Roy hadn't been born yet in Eliwood's own world. So, I find the "not the same Mikoto" thing to be kind of null...which is the main reason why I found the story of mourning Mikoto to be kind of awkward. If it was a conversation that happened specifically in Fates, that would be one thing, but we're in Askr.

Hmm if it were me, and we HAD to do a "too bad Mikoto is dead" theme... I'd do what IS has done a lot of: "I wonder if she'll ever be summoned here. Wouldn't that be nice? Because he's how we remember her." And so on. Just adding that makes it less awkward. Even better would be if they addressed the Adrift Mikoto thing. Like, "I've seen her around, but she was conjured up by Azura's dream, and she doesn't act the same. It's kind of weird... I just don't feel like I'm talking to Mikoto when I talk to her." Something like that. If these were included, it would just make the whole thing feel more natural to me.

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This banner knew I had no interest in it so it immediately gave me a 5-star Catria, along with one other blue orb I decided to pull on just because of the Catria it gave me. And that gave me a second Catria. Ha. Cool, now I can leave this banner having spent, like, nothing on it. I got the character I was most interested in immediately.

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13 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

This banner knew I had no interest in it so it immediately gave me a 5-star Catria, along with one other blue orb I decided to pull on just because of the Catria it gave me. And that gave me a second Catria. Ha. Cool, now I can leave this banner having spent, like, nothing on it. I got the character I was most interested in immediately.

Oh me too (kind of.) Was going to spend my free pull on Dagr, but didn't get any red nodes. So, decided to pull green. The first pull was a dud (4-star something), but I decided to just spend some orbs on this one wheel, and got some 5-star green unit I hadn't gotten before (Sue, I think), and the last node gave me Claude, who was the other unit I was interested in. So, only spent 8 orbs and I'm pretty happy with the results. 🙂

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