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Tempest Trials+: Nihility & Dream (Part 3)

Diovani Bressan

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A new Tempest Trials+ Series is coming, titled "Nihility & Dream"! 



The curtain rises on Nihility & Dream, a series of events focusing on the story of Peony and other álfar!

Plus, story elements that feature Special Heroes chatting will be released on the 4th day and 7th day after the event starts!

The bonus allies of this TT+ are:



Fuga's skills at 5★ Lv 40:


The chief of the Wind Tribe, who shares close ties with the kingdom of Hoshido. Though he
may be growing older, he's still in peak physical condition. Appears in Fire Emblem Fates.

N0Iz2Ca.png Wind Tribe Club (Might: 14 / Range: 1)
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants "if unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack" and【Null Panic】to unit for 1 turn.
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Def+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit and【Penalty】effects
active on foe, excluding stat bonuses and stat penalties, × 2, + 5).

Pt71kGW.png Bonfire (Cooldown: 3)
Boosts damage by 50% of unit's Def.

3MOaPz5.png Heavy Blade 3
If unit's Atk > foe's Atk, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per unit's attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

JQwVDkd.png Threat. Atk/Def 2
At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Def-4 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions.

And the Sacred Seals are:
* Description for the enchanted version of each sacred seal *

KdFHlXn.png Fortify Beasts
At start of turn, grants Def/Res+6 to adjacent beast allies for 1 turn.

sx1E55f.png Still Water
Grants Atk/Res+5. Inflicts Def-5.


You can also earn some Divine Codes: Ephemera 9 by reaching the 6,000 score, and a Fire Blessing by reaching the 12,500 score.

The next event in the series, titled Nihility & Dream 4, is scheduled for Ver. 7.10.0. Because the story of Nihility & Dream is told through a series of events,
you will be able to view the story on the Tempest Trials+ event page after the event is over, even if you didn't participate in it.

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I'm glad we're finally getting Still Water as a Sacred Seal. Now I no longer have to keep passing Life and Death back and forth between Ophelia and Duo Thorr.

I wish they would've given us Seal Def instead of Fortify Beasts, though. It bugs me that we still don't have Seal Def (mostly because it would've been really nice to have in Rokkr Sieges before we got more accessible ways to inflict Def penalties). (We're also still missing Seal Res, but that one wouldn't have been as useful to have.)

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"By the way, there might be a dream-eater!" (Probably originally called a "baku" which they could've kept, but whatever.) Also, Plumeria gets powered up "as though she drank the nectar that made her an Alfar again." Okay. Does that make her the nightmare heir, perhaps? Hmm not ascended, so probably not? That's an arcane unit, right? The description sounds ascended, though.

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2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

"By the way, there might be a dream-eater!" (Probably originally called a "baku" which they could've kept, but whatever.)

It's a "夢喰い" (yume-kui) in Japanese, so literally a "dream-eater".


2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Hmm not ascended, so probably not? That's an arcane unit, right? The description sounds ascended, though.

She has Arcane Euphoria as her weapon. She's definitely Rearmed.

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12 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Only just realised Plumeria doesn't have dance. >.>

Her base stat total is 168 (while CYL Gullveig has 178), so Rearmed Plumeria should get Sweet Dreams (or some buffed version of it) as a summonable unit.

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I'm surprised that Plumeria got the upgrade over Triandra, since the latter was pushed as the "main" Dokkalfar in Book IV: she was Peony's sister, was the one telling Plumeria what to do throughout and survived longer than her. Yet here we are. I guess being popular lets you cheat your way over all of that, huh? I'm not complaining or anything, don't worry, just surprised as I said before.

That said, her bio saying she's essentially been "born again" and dressing up as Freyja feels an awful lot like something that would happen to a CYL unit. I think the mashup is cool, but again: surprised! I imagine Ascended Peony will come next month.

On 9/9/2023 at 5:53 PM, Tybrosion said:

Her base stat total is 168 (while CYL Gullveig has 178), so Rearmed Plumeria should get Sweet Dreams (or some buffed version of it) as a summonable unit.

If past Ascended/ Rearmed Heroes are any indication, she'll get the default Sweet Dreams making it really awkward when og!Plumeria gets a remix two months or so later.

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7 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

If past Ascended/ Rearmed Heroes are any indication, she'll get the default Sweet Dreams making it really awkward when og!Plumeria gets a remix two months or so later.

Given Rearmed Plumeria's incredibly min-maxed stat spread and Arcane Euphoria's effects, she's clearly meant to be a combat unit, and not getting the remixed version of Sweet Dreams isn't really going to change anything about that.

That said, there's also no guarantee she'll get Sweet Dreams at all. The Rearmed versions of Grima and Chrom both got brand new exclusive skills despite Grima already having one and Chrom already having two.

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I've never paid attention to what Sweet Dreams actually does, but it looks like I wasn't missing out on anything. I don't have OG Plummi but have the NY version, who I have no real reason to ever use.

She remains a hard sell, but will find out more when the new calendar is published shortly I guess.

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4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

That said, there's also no guarantee she'll get Sweet Dreams at all. The Rearmed versions of Grima and Chrom both got brand new exclusive skills despite Grima already having one and Chrom already having two.

I didn't consider that, thanks! So it's possible she'll get something similar to an (upgraded?) Sweet Dreams and og!Plumeria will get Sweet Dreams+ later on. Fingers crossed!

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12 hours ago, Humanoid said:

I've never paid attention to what Sweet Dreams actually does, but it looks like I wasn't missing out on anything. I don't have OG Plummi but have the NY version, who I have no real reason to ever use.

She remains a hard sell, but will find out more when the new calendar is published shortly I guess.

Kind of same, actually. XD


And yeah, I was a bit surprised to see Plumeria get a new version here, but IS likes breaking their patterns, so just because Plumeria gets rearmed (and might actually be a dream eater, but based on the description, I don't think this one (at least) is - could be that the one with us is a dream eater and this new Plumeria comes in to save us or something) doesn't mean Triandra or Freyja won't get an ascended version too. Basically, I'm not counting any chickens until they're good and hatched.

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I confess I was surprised to see Plumeria getting an Alt during this TT story.

Last previous TT stories, I was expecting 4 units to release:

  • For Book 2, we got Ascended Fjorm, Ascended Laegjarn, Nifl and Múspell.
  • For Book 3, we got Ascended Eir, Rearmed Líf, Ymir and Ganglot.

So for Book 4, my guesses for this time were Peony and Triandra getting alts, and then 2 OCs (in this case being Eitr and Ginnungagap). So Plumeria was a surprise in my opinion. I still expect Peony to get an alt, unless they surprise me with Mirabilis instead.

I wonder if they didn't pick Triandra because she got a Spring Alt earlier this year.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Alright, Freyja showed up, but she was specifically looking for Plumeria, and Peony, Triandra, and Mirabilis were weirdly silent this time. It's as though they weren't around, but we know they were from the last bit. Also, Plumeria was upgraded by Eitr's hug. 'Kay. (Newly-arrived Freyja might be a dream eater. It feels weird that she was addressing only Plumeria.)

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