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Everything posted by maninbluejumpsuit

  1. Wait to 20 to promote Alm. He should be in his high teens at that point, he should easily pass hero's base stats, and fear mountain is good exp.
  2. Aside from Alm, and Celica's personal weapons, I'm thinking it's: Ladyblade for melee priestess, and flamberge, if not using mage's ring/Brave sword for crit Rhomphaia for dragonhaze Killer bow for hunter's volley Is this about right?
  3. If you think that's lulz worthy, check out Mathilda and Clive's A support convo. Anyway, Clive is what you get if you were to make Gray a cavalier, and give him less levels to grow.
  4. Oh. Well welcome to advance wars. For tactical gameplay, all of the games except for Dual strike are good. Dual strike's power creep is silly between stealth fighters, and tag powers instantly crippling the enemy/outright winning. Eagle + Sami = 3 turns, and instant capture of any property. Stealth fighters were stupid for their ability to attack every unit in the game (except a submerged submarine) for effective damage, and only worry about their fuel, and being attacked by fighters, and stealth fighters if they're even found at all.
  5. Outside of random skirmishes, i'm pretty sure most of the worst cantors in game are encountered sitting on supplies for the +40 avo and heal. I had to assassinate them with excalibur mages.
  6. Before getting a killer bow, I think the archers are just a resounding 'meh' in most situations, and not much else you can do to fix it outside of dlc probably. I think Gray can make a good archer later on with a killer bow for the same reason Atlas would; the only decent growths he has is atk, and HP, hunter's volley ignores their bad speed, and helps their average/bad skill with bonus hitrate. The thing is, I wouldn't want to give up dreadfighter Gray for a playthrough. May as well use Python; his bases are similar to Gray's, atk and skill growth are similar, but speed growth is notably better. In a vacuum, Kliff would make a decent archer with slightly better growths in speed, and skill over Python, but lower atk growth. The issue is, *someone* needs to be a mage, and Kliff is pretty much the best candidate for it. In my latest playthrough, I made both Gray, and Tobin mercs. Carting one killer bow-less archer per side until midgame was enough for me.
  7. Another x-ray vision moment I forgot about. Once Celica and Co take the desert stronghold (the one full of Grieth's fking archers), a brigand reports to Grieth about whodunnit. He, or someone else somehow made out the mark on Celica's right hand, beneath her gloves, in the middle of the battle. I think they could have just left that out. Grieth didn't need more inspiration for taking on Celica outside of the fact she's attacking his fortress already, and the game could do with one less x-ray vision moment.
  8. I usually had the worst times with Libra, and Virgo shards. 15 spheres isn't enough!
  9. Might have to do with the creepy Duma-aura that engulf's Rudolph's body as he was going to kill Alm in Celica's dream. I'm replaying the game to see if I can make sense of some things I may have missed like that.
  10. Let's at least agree that it's a good thing that witches aren't very smart, otherwise we'd all have a bad time.
  11. Of the 3ds titles, my OST hierarchy goes like: 1: Fates 2: Awakening 3: Echoes Echoes OST isn't bad. Just not as tear-jerking, or hair-raising.
  12. I agree with the general responses here. Overall decently written story with some details that felt too forced, and sudden, but doesn't overall hurt the story and immersion the way Fates writing did. Also, I think Mycen offhandedly mentions that it was the king's plan to get the people to rise against him, but dying to his son's hand was a mercy, which sort of implies he didn't plan on it, but it worked out better than he expected.
  13. She barely exists outside of Alm's orbit, if at all. The yandere vibes in her C and B are downright creepy for displaying an eagerness/desperation to please via murder that birthright Camilla didn't stoop to. I honestly felt sorry for her in the A rank since it was like a long goodbye, and a desperate wish for something that she, Alm, and the player all knew was likely not going to happen. I'd like it if there was more to her.
  14. I beat Duma, so it's time for a little retrospective look at the story. The only things I noticed that bothered me on my first time playing through; -Celica not learning her lesson, and insists on martyring herself despite being told not to at least 3 times -Celica believing anything that super-obviously-evil guy told her -Alm going from military leader to everyone seeing him as an aspiring king (especially Luthier) felt unexplained, and sudden. Especially when there was only two people in the room with Alm as he held the Royal Sword, and Alm downplayed the significance of it from start to finish -At least twice people saw Alm's mark in a way that implies that have xray vision, or Alm just takes off his gauntlets without mention when the plot demands it (I'm not counting Silque since that scene implied she was told of it ahead of time, and asked to see his hand for confirmation) Anyone have any major gripes with the writing?
  15. Use invoke fodder to distract Dumah and his posse. Makes the last stretch so much more tolerable.
  16. And so I need to know 2 things. 1: what's the level cap of villagers? 20 i assume like anything else? 2: how is exp scaling handled? Is it based on unit rating?
  17. Of things that left a lasting impression on me? Hm... with Celica, you have... -Genny being so cute it hurts -everything about Mae -Catria and Est being amazing at what they are -The one possible entrap user, and interesting character, Sonya -More dread fighters than you'll ever likely need, or ask for -Excalibur AND seraphim on Celica Alm gets... -Alm -Mathilda the battle goddess (she's like Oboro on a horse) -Delthina the tactical magic nuke, while being almost as entertaining as Mae -Faye's cleric spellset likely forcing her into that role forever -Silque the dreadfighter whisperer -Clair growing into a competitive falcon knight if your luck is better than mine -Python's quotes I'll have to give it to Alm's side for Alm, and his swords, Mathilda being a goddess, and Delthina with a mage's ring blowing things up from 4 squares away, though it is mid-late game. Celica does have the more entertaining characters.
  18. Some animations are cool as hell, but class designs being generally over-the top kinda ruins it. I already have enough beef with myrmidons turning into gaudy ninjas as is.
  19. I know. Ironic considering they have a range of 1-5, but: -Their hit rates feel low unless you use curved shot, which stops them from double attacking -Their damage feels low unless they're shooting a flier -Their speed is low unless they're shooting a slightly slower enemy archer/arcanist Yeah, they were good for the few times I needed a straggler picked off (eg: Deen trying to retreat to the supplies after eating thunder spells), but Tobin, python, and Leon all ended up as very mediocre combat units. I guess it doesn't help that Tobin, and Leon have poor growths in everything but skill, while Python's bases in skill and speed suck, on top of his skill growth being horrible. Nonsensical terrain avoid bonus like the free 20% from tiles just make it worse. Basically, I want to bench archers, and turn Tobin into a merc next playthrough, since you quite literally cant go wrong with that class line. If I wanted ranged, I would rather have another Sonya instead of an archer. Anyone else feel the same, or notice this?
  20. Up til now, I didn't mind alot of the map design, even with the few occasions you could guard a choke and win... but... I finally got to doing Act 4 on Celica's side. Yeah... that's not a fun map at all. Not even difficult. It's just one of those maps you look at and say 'I don't want to deal with this today'. -forced through a chokepoint -the chokepoint is swamps that kill movement and drain HP -two cantors summoning reinforcements every other turn -an unholy amount of arcanists that hit with mire way more than half the time Made worse by the fact you only have one possible saint with the AOE heal every turn, and possible expel on celica's side unless you get that villager item, and grind a bit. Celica's first act 4 map is a cocktail of some of the worst, and most tedious mechanics and design the game had to offer so far. It's so bad, that aside from adding more enemies, and more damage, the only way I can think of this map being any worse is changing the ground to tiles on the other side to give arcanists free avoid they don't deserve.
  21. I just preordered, and went to gamestop within 30min of them opening on release day. Gave it to me for free. I don't remember asking.
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