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54 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

It is indeed my team. Which reminds me I need to switch back to my 'get a defense win' team of Reinhardt/Bridelia/Azura+bonus as the bait.

I used to leave that 'standard' team at all times, but after getting tired of always encountering the same defense teams and seeing a thread on reddit encouraging people to switch up their team after getting a defense win, I decided to switch it to the team you faced, which is comprised of units that are specials for one reasons or another (Lucina is my highest merged 5* exclusive at +6, Nino is my first and only 5*+10, Sanaki is the first unit I planned out a build for after SI came out and Nowi was my first 5*).

Hopefully it didn't ruin your streak since its goal is not to score me defense wins. And it's interesting to know in what score ranges my team places on defense.

Nope, didn't ruin my streak.  Thanks!  :):  Since the arena is littered with Reinhardt and Bow Lyn right now, teams like yours are enjoyable to fight because they feel more fair and require a different kind of strategy.  It's like a breath of fresh air. 

You're a saint for running a fun team like that, and I think I'm going to start doing the same thing!

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@DehNutCase and @JSND Alter Dragon Boner, thanks to both of you, I got at least ten defense wins on my first day this week with triple Close Counter-Vantage Reinhardts. I think last week I only got seven or eight wins with triple BH!Lyns by around Friday or Saturday, and then I switched back to Reinhardt for the last few days and got a total of around nine or ten defense wins.

@Alkaid I am switching over to a generic triple cavalry defense team tonight. They are merged, so I am not sure if that will affect how easily they can score defense wins. If this lands me some kills by morning, maybe you can emulate some stuff from this team.

Position 1 (lead):
Kagero +Atk -Res 5*+5
Poison Dagger, Reposition, Moonbow
Life and Death, Swordbreaker, Savage Blow
Fortify Res 1 Sacred Seal

Position 2:
Cecilia +Spd -Res 4*+9
Gronnblade, Reposition, Moonbow
Life and Death, Desperation, Hone Cavalry
Quickened Pulse Sacred Seal

Position 3:
Olwen +Spd -Res 5*+7
Dire Thunder, Reposition, Luna
Life and Death, Desperation, Hone Cavalry
Fortify Def 1 Sacred Seal

Position 4:
Leo +Spd -HP 5*+5
Rauðrblade, Reposition, Moonbow
Life and Death, Swordbreaker, Hone Cavalry
Hardy Bearing Sacred Seal

Note to Self: [Nephenee タウロ 592] is the last opponent defeated with triple Reinhardt.

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Managed to get my deathless streak for the season finishing with a score of 4962 which leaves me at rank 728 in the tier. I've gotten 2 defense wins, but it was with a team with no bonus unit. 

My team was: Elincia, Azura +3, Lucina +6 and Nino+10.


@Rafiel's Aria

I might try out your defense team set-up to get wins, since I have all the units required for it, if I don't get a win with my standard set-up by the end of the day.

A Raigh, Nino,Ephraim, Jaffar team would be quite unique. Nino and Ephraim are somewhat popular, but I don't think I've ever seen Raigh and Jaffar in the arena.

 @Infinite Dreams

That's good to hear.

I've been getting more varied teams myself now that I increased my overall scoring and it is indeed refreshing. Full infantry teams with no dancers were a sight I hadn't witnessed in a long time, so hopefully more people are adopting the strategy of switching their team once they get their defense win.

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@Alkaid, good news! I woke up and got three defense wins this morning, so triple ranged cavalry definitely works. If you are not getting any, you can try changing your lead unit and/or adjust the skills on your cavalry units to be similar to mine. If that still does not work, then the only thing I can think of is to get more merges or use different natures, but both of those options are pretty expensive for most players.

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32 minutes ago, XRay said:

@Alkaid, good news! I woke up and got three defense wins this morning, so triple ranged cavalry definitely works. If you are not getting any, you can try changing your lead unit and/or adjust the skills on your cavalry units to be similar to mine. If that still does not work, then the only thing I can think of is to get more merges or use different natures, but both of those options are pretty expensive for most players.

I appreciate the help, though I don't think I can duplicate your success. My Cecilia is not heavily invested in yet, but mainly I have no red cav besides Xander. My only ranged cav options are my Olwen, which is the same as yours besides only LnD2 and +1 merge, the neutral free Lyn, and +atk -def 4*+3 Cecilia. And of course -atk Reinhardt which is worse than my Olwen.(I've pulled 3 Reinhardts, and all have been -atk)

I'll probably just dump on the 4*10 Celica idea and 5* her, since I've only gotten a couple more for merges, and I'll have to 5* one eventually anyway. I was waiting a long time hoping for a +spd one for the -blade build, but I haven't been able to pull any. And with +atk I was thinking TA + Raven, but I've had no TA3 fodder either, so that put me off on more investment too. If I run with the one I have, it'd be at least 60k for 5*, LnD3, and Gronnblade+.

I had been trying out an alternative of Lyn/Olwen/dancer/bonus unit last week for a while, as that's an annoying team to run into as well, but that wasn't panning out. Currently sitting at 0 still this season, trying out a bulky green team for the moment.

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19 hours ago, Hilda said:

Black knight isnt very strong in the 710+ tier. He suffers from haveing no merges and getting one shot by Lyn and Reinhardt, which are still prominent. Heck he got one shot by a +10 Gronnblade Soren in Arena Assault. Dont get me wrong he is a good unit, he just suffers bad match up against some of the most meta defining units in the Arena coupled with no source ot merge him higher then +1

I just use him for now so I can get more points (It's easier for me to get over 700 points per battle), as soon as I have better options with merges I can still change him out, because I already have Adult Tiki as a red unit which I really like to use. 
And thanks to panic ploy my Tiki can counter any Lyn as long as she has no Firesweep bow. For Reinhardt Sheena will do it, as long as there is no one with 3 Reinhardts this should not be a problem. So I don't dare to send Black Knight to the frontline. 

Sadly I invested too much in horse emblem at the beginning, so I have quite a late start with high points. Which is why I invest all merges into adult tiki for now, so I'm more free to use different units with her. 

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So after my defense team of Elinciea B!Ike Sonya + Ninian got their couple defense wins, i swaped out Elincea for my now +7 Amaza for the ultimate Infantery Pulse Sonya killer setup and i got a couple of wins wiht that one wut ¬.¬. instead of Distant Defense (for Reinhardt), Moonbow, G-Tome Breaker and Distant def Seal she runs Draconic Fang, Close Counter, Vantage,  and Quickened Pulse seal. Which means she can pretty much kill almost everyone if she touches them.

Azama runs Candle light Dazzling Staff Fortress Def (for a whooping 43 Defense). I am kinda surprised this team is also offensiv very strong due to Candle light elminating bad matchups for B!Ike and Sonya

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I think I messed badly. I am trying make uber Cecilia, but after I merged her to ´+4 yesterday it completelly messed my matchups and I am getting some freaky opponents. I fear unless I replace her I can say goodbye to 19-20 rank I kept until now...

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Again at 4914 points. (Black knight, Tiki +4, Sheena +2, Oscar)
I could try to aim higher now.
And Sheena has another merge, I still need some more so I can be more free in my choices of characters.

And I had the honor to meet "FearMyWrys" this week in the arena. Best Wrys player in FE heroes. 

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I'm struggling to get a defence win this week, so I decided to try an all green team after being inspired by seeing one in an AA run. I'm using F Robin, Hector, Nohr Azura, and Julia. There's some WoM thrown in there to try and catch someone off guard.

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4 hours ago, Kiran said:

Staying in Tier 20 is still impossible for me. Got kicked out today with a score of 4894. The score to stay in Tier 20 has risen quite a bit ever since CYL.

Oof, I was wondering how high the cutoff was. It seems pretty impossible for someone who's F2P like me to reach the mark for staying in T20. Guess I'll be perpetually bouncing between T19 & T20 for a long while yet!

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Huh.  So I switched my defense team to something more fair and fun (characters I like & no dancer/cavalry) and I have gotten 8 defense wins with it so far... I wasn't even expecting any, really.  Odd.

The team is Laslow, Sharena, Summer Corrin (-Atk!), and Brave Ike.  Pretty easy team to beat!  Maybe some of my wins are from zoned out people or people who ran out of good characters to use in AA.  :lol:

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4 hours ago, Astellius said:

Oof, I was wondering how high the cutoff was. It seems pretty impossible for someone who's F2P like me to reach the mark for staying in T20. Guess I'll be perpetually bouncing between T19 & T20 for a long while yet!

It is not impossible, you are just more limited in your choices and of course some luck also plays a roll. In the last months I only invested feathers in Sheena +3 and (Adult) Tiki +4. They both have a quite high BST. And now I have about 4,936 points as a f2p player. And If I'm not wrong some players here are also f2p who did it.

So the best choices are characters who are reliable to get and have a high BST. At the beginning I played horse emblem and also struggled between Tier 19 and 20. If possible it is also good to have a Special which is a bit more impractical, but costs more SP. My Tiki has Aether which is not that compatible with her lightning breath+, because she gets a counter of 6. But I still can manage it, the good part is that if she counters a Brave Bow Lyn(Which is really satisfying), her special is triggered on her next attack.


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I have to say Azama with Candle light and Dazzling Staff + Panic Ploy Seal is a godsend in this limbo of units I am encountering. He nullyfies so many bad match ups at once due to his Panic Ploy Seal or when he gets his Candle light Debuff on a unit, i have taken out Ruby Sword or Triangle Adept units out like that with my Team only consisiting of Greens.
Ninos/Litrblade users are no problem due to his Panic Ploy with the right positioning at the start, same goes with Horse/Flyer Emblems. Distant Counters are no problem due to his candle light debuff and for Reinhardt i have B!Ike or Sonya.
And B!Ike with Bonfire + Steady Breath can just block the way with a Healer like Azama at his backbone against Blue and Green units (and some Reds).

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I found a couple interesting builds flicking through my Arena Defense list this morning...



The guy had Aegis inherited, so I guess that's what he was going for...though if he gets doubled, then it's activating on the 2nd, consecutive hit, which is already mitigated by Urvan.

Edit: Ignore the struck through bit, I forgot Urvan had cd -1.

And now I kinda want to know how those two things stack; is it Urvan → defensive special or defensive special → Urvan?


I was wondering if anyone would actually do something like this, given the lack of inheritance restrictions on the sing/dance B passives (well...Staff users can't get them, I guess). Kudos to you, sir (or madam), you have more guts than I ever will.


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I got a pretty god Arena Assault score this time of 4872.  I lead off with my Armor team, which bumps the score up a bit.

For regular Arena, I got 4846, which is way below the cut-off for staying in Tier 20.  I wonder at this point, if I'm getting closer or further away from ever being able to stay in Tier 20.

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I finally broke my personal record in Arena Assault. Before the best score I could manage was around 4801, but now I got a score of 4910 thanks to BK elevating my score. It took like 5 tries to get a deathless run but I managed it and I'm quite happy with my 1850 rank.


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So for fun I set Nephenee, Leon, Lucius, and Raven as my defense team. I'd LIKE to do a couples team, but I'd need either Valbar or Heather to make that happen. I guess I could always do Niles and M. Corrin or Ike and Soren. I'd kind of like to do a Laslow/Inigo x Xander team for next season. (Shameless fave Fates pairing. ;A;) It'd be pretty balanced with normal Xander, Bunny Xander, Laslow, and Dancer Inigo. It just requires actually building my Bunny Xander. *le sigh*

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