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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, Dayni said:

Wrys S tier.

You know the worst part? For a moment I was legit hyped. Then I thought "no wait, it's Heroes, it might be a gacha on Switch, best keep expectations low."

Then I realized April Fools was yesterday.

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8 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

I'm going to go with all of the above.

I hate T-bagging as well. It just comes across as poor sportsmanship, IMHO.

Yup that's a good way to phrase it.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

I always feel like T-bagging is kinda like bragging in games where it’s an option. So T-bagging bad, rubs me the wrong way.

That’s very subjective though.

Nah it sounds accurate enough.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Also T-bagging is just taunts. Smash has literal taunts, it's not different.

Except it's not? This is exactly what i said when people have poor defences for it. If this were true, why do it in situations i named, then. People use it for stupid reasons, they use it for "disrespect" which is not only stupid when you aren't winning, like others stated above, it's just poor attitude. 

If you wanna screw around, do it somewhere else. People can't convince me that this kind of attitude is acceptable. 

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Also relevant to said complaint: 



Alot of these players have t bagged against me, and with a record like those, they aren't doing it cause they are winning, haha.

They do it cause they aren't good enough and it their sad attempt to convince themselves that they could actually compete with me.

If someone wants to play and have actually compete, i'm right here. I'm all for it, but when people act like they are "better" cause they can t bag me? Yeah, not really.

Edited by lightcosmo
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I have done it.


After some deliberation, I sold my soul to the anime gods by preordering the latest release of Pyra and Mythra's figures. Though they're not releasing until February 2023, so I have that amount of time to explain it to my parents and I can cancel it whenever I want (you don't get charged until your order ships). May the Architect have mercy on my soul...

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2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I have done it.


After some deliberation, I sold my soul to the anime gods by preordering the latest release of Pyra and Mythra's figures. Though they're not releasing until February 2023, so I have that amount of time to explain it to my parents and I can cancel it whenever I want (you don't get charged until your order ships). May the Architect have mercy on my soul...

Ah congrats on that!

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10 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I have done it.


After some deliberation, I sold my soul to the anime gods by preordering the latest release of Pyra and Mythra's figures. Though they're not releasing until February 2023, so I have that amount of time to explain it to my parents and I can cancel it whenever I want (you don't get charged until your order ships). May the Architect have mercy on my soul...

I like their swords.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

What the fuuuuuuuuck?

Even better is that this might've been one of my favorite maps in the game. It's quite fun with a neat central gimmick, and an opportunity to train up a new unit.

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Well, that which we all knew was going to happen has finally come to pass. The Lego game has been delayed once again. F

Funnily enough, it was the developers of the game, and not the marketing team, that announced the delay. The marketing team is still missing in action. What a mess...

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Y’know, I came to a thought yesterday. In the side quest I praised for having no clear good and evil route, I let the people keep their money which was more an instinctual thing I thought of before I even had the choice (your ENTIRE village just burned down and all your friends are dead and you want ME to have all your money? No way!) but I actually thought about what they could do with that money, and they might be able to at least somewhat remedy the actual dilemma with it. This game is really clever if that comes to pass.

The only bad part is that I forgot where they said they were going (if they did say that) so more than likely I’ll just stumble upon the results of that side quest then follow it.

Edit: Not that I want to know where they went though. I’ll find them in my travels, and I like that.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like their swords.

For some reason the thought of you liking big unrealistic anime swords is amusing to me.

57 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, that which we all knew was going to happen has finally come to pass. The Lego game has been delayed once again. F

Funnily enough, it was the developers of the game, and not the marketing team, that announced the delay. The marketing team is still missing in action. What a mess...


When is it delayed to?

4 hours ago, Dayni said:

Wrys S tier.

I mean, it was Gangrel...

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I have done it.


After some deliberation, I sold my soul to the anime gods by preordering the latest release of Pyra and Mythra's figures. Though they're not releasing until February 2023, so I have that amount of time to explain it to my parents and I can cancel it whenever I want (you don't get charged until your order ships). May the Architect have mercy on my soul...

Congratulations! I hope your explanation goes over well.

Edited by Sooks
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For some reason the thought of you liking big unrealistic anime swords is amusing to me.

I just wanted to say something positive about those two, for once, as opposed to starting the clothing argument for the billionth time.



When is it delayed to?

The future.

And count your lucky stars they finally broke the silence. If it was up to the marketing team, this small announcement wouldn't even have been a thing.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I just wanted to say something positive about those two, for once, as opposed to starting the clothing argument for the billionth time.

I wouldn’t since you don’t know like, the plot (I think).

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The future.


1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And count your lucky stars they finally broke the silence. If it was up to the marketing team, this small announcement wouldn't even have been a thing.

Was it not the marketing team who announced the delay before? Or is that not one of their roles?

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15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I wouldn’t since you don’t know like, the plot (I think).

I don't, no.

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:



15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Was it not the marketing team who announced the delay before? Or is that not one of their roles?

If I'm not mistaken, Warner Brothers Games is in charge of the marketing. Traveller's Tales Games are developing the actual game. It was TT's twitter account that announced the delay. WB is still silent as a tomb, instead of doing their job.

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5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Oh yeah Worm-kun!

On my first runs he was always trouble and i used to think of him as the hardest one. Now he is more on the ez side imo

I'd say all the bosses so far have been fairly challenging for me but the centepied was just Moldorm from Zelda but worse.

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Except it's not? This is exactly what i said when people have poor defences for it. If this were true, why do it in situations i named, then. People use it for stupid reasons, they use it for "disrespect" which is not only stupid when you aren't winning, like others stated above, it's just poor attitude. 

If you wanna screw around, do it somewhere else. People can't convince me that this kind of attitude is acceptable. 

People do it literally because they can. Whatever reason they have, they do it. And i don't wanna sound rude but if someone t-bagging pisses you off, then you probably shouldn't be playing online. It's not that deep.

Heck, i've t-bagged in actual local tournaments and i've had people t-bag at me. Nobody involved has gotten mad.

3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I have done it.


After some deliberation, I sold my soul to the anime gods by preordering the latest release of Pyra and Mythra's figures. Though they're not releasing until February 2023, so I have that amount of time to explain it to my parents and I can cancel it whenever I want (you don't get charged until your order ships). May the Architect have mercy on my soul...

Very nice. Hopefully you'll still have the funds by the time it ships.

Damn though, 2023. We ain't even done with 2021 yet.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Funnily enough, it was the developers of the game, and not the marketing team, that announced the delay. The marketing team is still missing in action. What a mess...

It depends but the developers are usually the ones that announce delays anyway.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

People do it literally because they can. Whatever reason they have, they do it. And i don't wanna sound rude but if someone t-bagging pisses you off, then you probably shouldn't be playing online. It's not that deep.

Heck, i've t-bagged in actual local tournaments and i've had people t-bag at me. Nobody involved has gotten mad.

All right then, you tell me: what is the point? From the beggining of the game till the end, they do it. Why? They think it's funny to waste someone else who actually wants to learn to get better at the games time. This is stupid. 

You clearly dont know what your talking about, if you think that the issue is it pisses me off. It wastes both parties time. 

Go ahead and admit to me I'm the better player, ita not like it isnt obvious either way. That's what t bagging is to me, an admittance to defeat to the superior player. 

Just cause you think its okay to waste people's time doesnt mean everyone does.

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Congratulations! I hope your explanation goes over well.

Well I did get a bunch of Frozen merchandise a few years ago, which is basically the same thing right? Anna and Elsa are basically anime girls anyway.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Very nice. Hopefully you'll still have the funds by the time it ships.

Unless I make several bad investments and get thousands of dollars into debt, I think I should be fine. Even if something does happen, I can cancel my order whenever so it's not too big of an issue.

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

They think it's funny to waste someone else who actually wants to learn to get better at the games time. This is stupid. 

Answer me this: how does it actually waste time? T-bagging usually happens in-between stocks, especially if one was taken through a sick combo. In other words, t-bagging happens during that brief moment of rest where one player is waiting for the other to respawn and the act of t-bagging itself takes less than a second. 

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This Pythra figurines look good.

Mine still have laid on my sideboard for almost one year since I don't trust myself to bore holes in the feet to make them fit into the stand.

The obtained figures are a qualitative failure.


Also weather is driving me into madness.

a couple of days ago: 26°C

today: 6°C

And for next week snow might have a comeback.

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Character: asks for advice on how to be great like the guy she wants to be like

Dialogue option: Great is at great does

Me: Well, that’s the only one that sounds like real advice, so yeah, encourage her to go out and seize the day

Alexios: *starts berating her for not having done anything great*


I am so glad the game auto saves frequently.

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43 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Answer me this: how does it actually waste time? T-bagging usually happens in-between stocks, especially if one was taken through a sick combo. In other words, t-bagging happens during that brief moment of rest where one player is waiting for the other to respawn and the act of t-bagging itself takes less than a second. 

I've had about 50% of my games where they from -start to finish- t bag the entire game. If you want i can record some of em? Wont be that hard to prove it. And the worse they get beat the first game, the higher odds of it happening the next. 

So tell me what either side gains from this. Cause what I can tell, it wastes time of an entire game.

Edited by lightcosmo
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57 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'd say all the bosses so far have been fairly challenging for me but the centepied was just Moldorm from Zelda but worse

On my 2nd run (with Edgy Mage) that boss made me put the game on hold for like a year because i couldn't beat him xD

Once i beat Worm kun it was smooth sailing haha

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I forgot when I played through all those Neptunia games to have my list for em.

1st: Megadimension Neptunia VII. Self explanatory. Amazing story, gameplay, characters, music.

2nd: Hyperdimension Neptunia REbirth2.

Decent story, fun characters, alright music.

3rd: Hyperdimension Neptunia REbirth 3: the gameplay is alright, fine improvements from the other 2. But the story... what the hell were the devs smoking here? And wtf did they do to Nep? Yeah not much to say there.

4th Hyperdimension Neptunia REbirth. This game had a good story and such, but the gameplay was an issue for me. 

1st: why do all the boss enemies auto regenerative an absurd amount of HP? 2nd, they deal way to much damage on average.

5th: Super Neptunia RPG. Yeah this one didn't have the effort it needed, personal opinion.

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