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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:

RH style FE would be sick, tho

Agreed, I would be totally up for it.

1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:
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My biggest problem with this one is that i found Stocke x Raynie kinda...outta nowhere iirc

I learned later that many people do ship them, which kinda blew my mind xD


I getcha. 


1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I am terrified about how that'd work.

3H in RH style?

Let me theory craft a little, using the game as it turned out as the base, not merely what we were told in before release, and with a small dose of Radiant Historia spoilers...


First, we turn Eagles, Lions, Deers into Histories, akin to Standard History and Alternate History. The question- how many?

  • Three, one for each house? 
  • Or, do we condense things into two Histories? Eagles vs. Lions, with the Deers available on both routes?
  • Four, to add another for Silver Snow?
    • How do the Church/Knight members fit in? As freelancers all or some of the two-three routes if this isn't one?

Second, how doth the villainy go?

  • I think we'll take Edelgard we'll take off the table.
  • Does Rhea stay evil perhaps she becomes a timespace traveler like Heiss, but as a long-lived dragon? The Church's perfect rule over the continent for centuries is no accident, every time she has lost it beforehand, Rhea jumped back to restore it?
    • Why does Heihea do this? Perhaps she's too haughty to think humanity can govern itself? Perhaps like with RH, ancient environmental catastrophe is her evidence?
      • In this case, Rhea introduces Stockleth to the powers of time travels.
        • Why? Because she is old and wants to give a powerful, hopefully loyal pawn a turn at all the busywork. Seeing what a mess humanity is should make Stockleth soon become amenable to what Heihea doesn't directly tell them to do.
  • What of the Things That Go Bump In The Night? Gone, or interested in timespace travel for their own selfish and evil ends, and Rhea won't tolerate timespace villains?
  • Nemesis is what now? Champion of humanity opposed to any form of timespace travel and believes time should be left to flow naturally?

Since Radiant Historia assigned Granorg as the primary enemy of Standard History, and Alistel as the primary enemy of Alternate History, maybe we do the same with Hypothetical 3H?

  • Eagles- We set this as the Standard History.
    • Rhea desires to have Byleth act unknowingly as her secret agent to cull the anti-Church Empire in this timeline, while she manipulates everyone else.
    • Instead, Edelgard persuades Byleth into going along with their anti-church stance.
    • The enemy remains Lions (and some Deer) + Church.
  • Lions- We set this Alternate History 1.
    • Heihea's goal here is to kill the Empire by having Byleth guide the pliable Kingdom to total victory.
    • Enemy remains the Empire, with a smaller dose of the Night Bumpers.
    • It works out... until Stockleth's knowledge and experience from the other timeline(s) compels them at the last minute to spare Edelgard and proposes to Dimitri that the Church is need of serious "reform" -but not abolishment- which means goodbye Heihea.
  • Deer- Alternate History 2 (If we need a third route).
    • We turn Nemesis into a full-fledged third evil faction unaffiliated with the Night Bumpers.
    • Here, Heihea gets to work trapping the Empire and Kingdom in unceasing warfare, unable to challenge to her supremacy. Heihea's plans for Stockleth become to eliminate the multiple threats in the shadows, which is trickier to deal with.
    • Although scuffles with the Empire and Kingdom remain on the surface, this becomes more the "non-espionage intelligence agency", featuring battles at a smaller narrative scale. Since the enemies usually lore-wise aren't so numerous. 
    • Nemesis's "Anti-Travelers" and the Night Bumpers are the primary enemies.
    • It's on this History that Stockleth acquires most of their information about how timespace travel works and the history of Fodlan, including the scope of Heihea's role.
  • Finale-
    • Each of the (two or three) Histories provides Stockleth with something they need to make their break with Heihea.:
      • Eagles- Edelgard and the Night Bumpers' passionate drives against Heihea gives Stockleth the motivation to betray.
      • Lions- Dimitri's story of a kingdom lost, yet against all odds reclaimed, teaches Stockleth about the power necessary to overcome the immaculate near-goddess that is Heihea.
      • Deer-  Learning about the past and its prior, failed & wrong attempts to overthrow Heihea gives Stockleth the wisdom necessary to defeat the timespace mastermind that is Heihea.
    • The defeat of Heihea over the three Histories:
      • Alternate History 2- This is where her multi-timeline downfall officially begins.
        • Claude is used to wily foes by this point, and after being persuaded by Stockleth into treason agains the Church, persuades certain Church coworkers to join them against Heihea.
        • Claude aims for a swift and simple coup. Assassinate Heihea.
        • With the Empire and Kingdom still at odds and exhausted, Heihea cannot bring either in to provide adequate support against the coup. To the contrary, the Deers leak information to the Kingdom about Heihea's influence, dissuade Dimitri from getting involved in the Alliance-Church "dispute" and to the contrary sending "observers". Edelgard is happy in any world to stand against Heihea, though she can only send token support to the Alliance given that even without Heihea, wounds remain open with Dimitri.
          • In the post-Heihea balance of powers, the Alliance stayed largely out of the prolonged Empire-Kingdom conflict, at Heihea's own insistence built on a belief the Night Bumpers and Nemesis are bigger threats than the internally-weak Alliance. This results in the Alliance emerging with accidental hegemony on the continent for the time being.
        • Heihea flees AH2, Claude fails to trap her. This, despite disarming her of the Kingdom, the Church, and taking precautions against her timespace & dragon powers. Oh well, two Histories remain. Stockleth pursues Heihea wherever she may go.
      • Alternate History 1- The great battle.
        • The Church has been in control here and the Empire and Night Bumpers and Nemesis fairly quiet. Hence Heihea's choice of regains the tides of fortune here. Heihea preemptively mobilizes the Church and attempts to bring the Kingdom to her side, declaring an anathema against Stockleth.
        • Dimitri refuses to turn against Stockleth however, and instead choses to defy the demands to hand in the traitor. Dimitri does not intend to betray the Church, only Heihea's one order, but as Stockleth is Heihea's greatest enemy now, this nonnegotiable.
        • Thus, Heihea makes an enemy of Dimitri on this History as well. Though she does manage to fracture off portions of the Kingdom and the Alliance, in addition to almost all of the Church.
        • Fortunately for the Lions, Edelgard and Claude provide support to compensate for their losses. They can't give everything, the Empire was militarily defeat and also agrees to finish off the Night Bumpers their former allies, while a great deal of the Alliance's forces that didn't join Heihea takes on Nemesis.
        • The Church is defeated despite the challenges, but Heihea isn't done yet! She flees again, Stockleth is confident in their success in the final timeline.
        • Kingdom hegemony is the final result of this History. 
      • Standard History- The final blow.
        • The Church's fortunes have faired the worst here with Dimitri's capture in the field of battle. But the Church and Kingdom are still intact despite great losses. And, Heihea has no other choice but to fight to the end in this world. She redirects their attention to overrunning Nemesis and the Night Bumpers, she steals their technology and powers to supplement her draconic might, which she brings out in full force. Her dragon rage is great.
        • As Dimitri and Claude have vague warm feelings toward Stockleth due to their adventures together in the other Histories, they more willingly join Edelgard and Stockleth in person as they pursue Heihea to some ancient secret Night Bumpers or Nabatean location, where they finally kill her in battle in Immaculate form. Bringing an end to Heihea's timespace puppeteering of Fodlan forever.
        • Empire hegemony in the aftermath.

Is this tremendously bloated for a single playthrough of a Fire Emblem game? Yes. But impossible and impractical fanficting is fun!😄

And, I suppose we can always disembowel 3H of its school-sim elements to make it less bloated.😏 They don't really fit into this scenario anyhow.

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  • Shrimpica


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  • Armagon


Oh nice Theory crafting time!

36 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I suppose we can always disembowel 3H of its school-sim elements to make it less bloated.

For sure, massively reduce those and we can focus the 'won' time there somewhere else!

36 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

First, we turn Eagles, Lions, Deers into Histories, akin to Standard History and Alternate History. The question- how many?

  • Three, one for each house? 
  • Or, do we condense things into two Histories? Eagles vs. Lions, with the Deers available on both routes?
  • Four, to add another for Silver Snow?
    • How do the Church/Knight members fit in? As freelancers all or some of the two-three routes if this isn't one?

I would say either 2 or 3 routes/Diaries.

In case of 2 routes we have one for Church+Eagles and the other for Edel. Who the deer will join can depend on Stockeleth actions in the Story/Sidequests or depending on personality.

36 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think we'll take Edelgard  off the table

I kinda disagree with this. In case of ''Church'' History, in that timeline Edel should go full deep and Stockeleth would fail to convince her or the church.

36 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why does Heihea do this? Perhaps she's too haughty to think humanity can govern itself? Perhaps like with RH, ancient environmental catastrophe is her evidence?

We can use the lore in 3H for why Rhea does that, and maybe experience 'flashback bad ends' from her prespective in a way. No need to add environmental catastrophe^^

For example

  • One time when she failed, Fodlan got nuked
  • Other time she failed, her remaining family got turned into crest weapons...again
  • Her followers died defending her
  • Getting invaded
  • etc.

She kept losing em over and over and thus came to the conclusion she most control. I don't think Rhea should be completely 'Heihea', for example. Or following RH's structure to  T, for that matter.

36 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • What of the Things That Go Bump In The Night? Gone, or interested in timespace travel for their own selfish and evil ends, and Rhea won't tolerate timespace villains?
  • Nemesis is what now? Champion of humanity opposed to any form of timespace travel and believes time should be left to flow naturally?

Oh the idea with Nemesis sounds interesting, and could be the Deer's History if we go with 3 timelines

Those who dubstep until dawn belong to Nemesis. Or maybe the 'og' timeline they won against Sothis before Sothis timetraveled and erased them, hence Nemesis opposing time travel could 'bring them back'.

Could make Nemesis an interesting 'final boss', in that regard.

Now, in case Rhea doesn't take completely after Heiss, how could we still have a 'similiar' structure?

Rhea still sees Stockeleth as a way to revive her mother, the one she sees as the only way to fix the world. That's how Byleth get's time powers.

But that all marks the question: If Rhea had time powers...couldn't she prevent Byleth from being gone from the Church as a baby?

Also maybe the timeline mechanics need to change a bit hmmm

I feel now that some elements from Steins;Gate could be used hmmmm, but i am not sure how 3F230mo.png

Edit: a bit more Theorcrafting



what if we delete Nemesis and those who dubstep until dawn, and have both Edel and Rhea with time powers?

But without Dubstep, how would Edel get said powers? Experimentation by Empire Nobles?

And how much of a mess would it be with 3 users with time powers



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55 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

I don't mind them, honestly, but the way they are used in Series/anime/games/jrpg/whatever is usually pretty damn cringe

Oh yeah, most of the time it's just

But when it's done good, it's done good.

55 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

Forgiving Traitors is one sure way to make me hate your work

Shrimpy how do you feel about Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader?

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But when it's done good, it's done good

There's a reason why i love Berseria so much. That was one good revenge into redemption Story.

But more importantly, even after redemption and forgiveness, Velvet was still...ya know...

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Shrimpy how do you feel about Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader?

Now it's time for me to say...the first and only Star wars i watched was Star Wars 7?

Please don't kill me

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Chapter 6 of Sky SC complete...


Joshua is back, hooray! And he and Estelle didn't even wait until the end of the game to have a proper kiss.

It seems that Chapter 7 will be a tower/Enforcer gauntlet. Are there any suggestions as to who I should bring to fight who? I imagine Bleublanc/Kloe, Walter/Zin, Luciola/Schera, and Kylo Renne/Tita would have unique interactions. I would also bring Olivier to fight his nemesis Bleublanc, but he's away doing... something. Hopefully he brings reinforcements from Erebonia to fight Ouroboros and not us.

Wait a minute... using towers to unseal the Shining Ring? I can't believe Sauron will be the final boss.


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5 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Are there any suggestions as to who I should bring to fight who?

You will be forced to use certain members in those battles anyway

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28 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:


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It seems that Chapter 7 will be a tower/Enforcer gauntlet. Are there any suggestions as to who I should bring to fight who? I imagine Bleublanc/Kloe, Walter/Zin, Luciola/Schera, and Kylo Renne/Tita would have unique interactions.


The game will force you to bring the two that are super plot relevant when you need to, other than that though, I imagine those fights will have dialogue that acknowledges the presence of those characters but nothing major.


“Kylo Renne” is golden.

23 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

oh god





Fire Emblem moment

At least it’s honest.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Shrimpy how do you feel about Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader?

Armagon, how do you feel about Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader?

33 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I can't believe Sauron will be the final boss.

God, I wish the villain was anywhere near Sauron's level...

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Now that's a final dungeon.

1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:

There's a reason why i love Berseria so much. That was one good revenge into redemption Story.

True. Although that's a case where the protagonist needs to be redeemed, i was more thinking about when the protagonist forgives the bad guy. Like Rex's forgiveness speech at the end of Xenoblade 2, i like that one a lot.

What's not good is Alphen's forgiveness speech at the end of Arise lol lmao.

1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:

Now it's time for me to say...the first and only Star wars i watched was Star Wars 7?

Please don't kill me

Ok so the SparkNotes on Anakin Skywalker: He was a good kid who tended to get overattached to the people he cares about: his mother, his master, his apprentice but most importantly, his wife. Whenever people he cares about are put in dangerous situations, he would tend to tap in to the Dark Side but generally, he was a good person (though as the Clone Wars progressed, he inched ever closer to becoming Darth Vader). Then he started having visions of his wife Padme dying in childbirth. Palpatine a.k.a Darth Sidious, who had been secretly grooming Anakin to become his apprentice this whole time, reveals his identity and promises to teach him a way to save Padme. Anakin is conflicted and it culminates in the duel of Mace Windu vs Palpatine, where Palpatine fakes his loss so as to push Anakin into making a choice. Anakin cuts off Windu's hand, allowing Palpatine to finish the job and from this, there is no turning back. Palpatine names him Darth Vader and Anakin starts doing his bidding (Order 66 and all that). When Padme confronts him about it, it turns out Obi-Wan stowed aboard her ship and Anakin thinks Padme betrayed him, leading him to Force Choke her into unconsciousness (Dark Side is very corrupting). You know what happens after that. Anakin is crippled, he becomes Darth Vader for real and, upon learning of Padme's death, thinks his children died with her and for the next like 20 years, Darth Vader becomes an agent of evil, tormented by his past. Until he finds out about Luke and well, you know how that ends: he sacrifices himself to save him and he dies not as Darth Vader but as Anakin Skywalker.

While the redemption is done well in the OT (which came out decades before), admittedly, the Prequels don't do a whole good job at showing Anakin's descent into the darkness. The context of Clone Wars and other material makes it very good but if you look at the movies themselves, it kinda looks like he just believed Palpatine with very little information to go on.

1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:


Oh boy







12 minutes ago, Awakened_06_ said:

Armagon, how do you feel about Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader?

One of my favorite characters in fiction.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

he sacrifices himself to save him and he dies not as Darth Vader but as Anakin Skywalker

that seems acceptable.

Although the whole dark force rubs me the wrong way, and how he was tempted...

Well, i am no SW so i won't talk anymore because i have no knowledge about the matter xD

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1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:

Oh nice Theory crafting time!

Indeed. I'm not very good at writing something from nothing, but I do like taking something and changing it into something new. I once did a full-on Fates rewrite after all.

1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:

In case of 2 routes we have one for Church+Lionsand the other for Edel. Who the deer will join can depend on Stockeleth actions in the Story/Sidequests or depending on personality.

True, two is easier than three or four. I ran with three merely b/c Three Houses.

1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:

I kinda disagree with this. In case of ''Church'' History, in that timeline Edel should go full deep and Stockeleth would fail to convince her or the church.

That works, for me, no qualms at all. I probably made my version of things a little too "golden".

1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:

I don't think Rhea should be completely 'Heihea', for example. Or following RH's structure to  T, for that matter.

Fair, I towed the RH line because it was the easiest thing to begin with when theorycrafting. Deviating off the beaten path would've meant I needed even longer to write that than I did.😅

1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:

I feel now that some elements from Steins;Gate could be used hmmmm, but i am not sure how 3F230mo.png

I can't help you there.😅 Just avoid overcomplicating things, time travel can too readily get too messy.

1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:


what if we delete Nemesis and those who dubstep until dawn, and have both Edel and Rhea with time powers?

But without Dubstep, how would Edel get said powers? Experimentation by Empire Nobles?

And how much of a mess would it be with 3 users with time powers


Well, it would let Rhea and Edelgard deadlock each other. One's temporal actions are undone by the other's, with Byleth capable of breaking this deadlock. Edel's white hair, if it must be deemed unnatural, can now be the result of premature aging from time travel overuse, as Heiss had aged badly for that reason. 

For the sake of making it easier for the player to tease out when something happened, I'd think about adding some kind of "time travel scent". Imagine if the White and Black Chronicles left behind "odors" at the scenes of actions altered through their power, that possessors of the other Chronicle can, if they sniff the timespace carefully, can pick up on. For the White Clouds portion of the story, make it so "Experimental Time" and "Dragon Time" have slightly different odors, so that Byleth can get an idea of what specifically each of Edel and Rhea did.


42 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:


Fire Emblem moment

Incest is sweet like the element lead is sweet. It might taste good and have been loved by some ancients, but its unhealthy as f***for you.🍷

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

once did a full-on Fates rewrite after all


Link? I could check that while trying to sleep on bed. Would be a fun read

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

For the White Clouds portion of the story, make it so "Experimental Time" and "Dragon Time" have slightly different odors, so that Byleth can get an idea of what specifically each of Edel and Rhea did.



White clouds but actually fun 😄 


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Story rewrites, huh. Can't say I've done many of them. What comes to mind is rewriting RD Part 3 so it's not over reliant on the Blood Pact for a thread heres on Serenes. Also once thought a way to merge the non-CF routes of TH. Still on TH, a different though minor (?) rewrite starting from White Clouds.

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I think the biggest thing TH needed was rotating you through the three classes throughout part 1, then choosing a class at the end when the conflict breaks out. Though it would mess up inter-class recruitment... perhaps cross-recruiting other students could be an NG+ thing.

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Since I haven't really though much of it yet... and don't really know if I'd ever actually fleshed it out, here it is that White Clouds ones:


The idea is that Byleth is a second too late, so Kostas manages to land a hit on Edelgard... and seemingly kills her. Kostas still is forced to flee, but takes the "corpse" due to reasons. Eventually when he's tracked out... surprise, they end up rescuing a still-alive Edelgard... or is she? Let's just say the main idea of this rewrite was "Kronya impersonating Edelgard" because the latter dun-goofed of expecting she could pull off the whole "hire Kostas to kill the other two lords" without a hitch. So for want of a thief, the battle is lost...

And that's it. Again, not really a big priority of mine.

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