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Legendary and Mythic Heroes - Veronica and Embla


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Can we get the Veronica treatment for the Askr trio? How are they the only forced units in the game and basically shit?

Also, Veronica being legendary ......

Would've preferred her to be an ascended on the next banner if that had to happen. It feels silly to make her legendary when the Askr trio are, um, shit.

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Ugh... We didnt need another unit to make Dark Seasons even more annoying... Yune this month already made some damage to that season, now Embla too?

I am honestly thinking about demoting in every light Season from now on, because we dont have Mythics that counter those annoying foes. We need a Elimine for Light Season. Until there, we will have to deal with Catrias and Medeus and Yunes and Emblas, all protected by save units while all our units have -6 to all stats, panic, feud status effect and cannot be saved from triangle attacks.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Aether Raids is unpopular enough as it is. How nice of them to give players yet another reason to not want to play the game mode.

The problem with Severance isn't as much the fact that it introduces Undefended so much as it's the fact that it applies the effect with no condition and the fact that you can cover the entire map with only two copies of Embla. Meanwhile, the counter, False Start, only covers one column and is only found on a unit from the wrong season.

Also, there's nothing stopping players from putting Embla on their Anima defense teams because, unlike Upheaval, Severance isn't conditional on season.

But that doesn't mean Undefended isn't without problems of its own. It's a counter to Savior that completely ignores the reason why Savior is so popular to begin with. Defensive units in this game are still awful. They've certainly been trying to make better enemy-phase units with Brave Tiki, Ascended Tiki, and Ninja Camilla, but as a whole, they are nowhere near as strong as Save tanks, and Save tanks already have trouble dealing with how strong player-phase units have become.

Severance is a mistake. The developers are completely out of touch with the reality of how their game is played and why it is played that way.

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I never did end up getting any Dark mythics eligible for the last Mjolnir's Strike slot. And that's the only relevance Mythic units had for me beyond their use as a normal unit.

Anyway, Rockin' Ronnie looks good and fits my playstyle. Like really really fits my playstyle, not much more I could reasonably ask for. Can't reasonably get her now though with my crippled orb income due to inactivity, but one day.

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Well I guess making „Ascended Veronica“ the next free unmergable unit tied to the Askr-Trio and more involved in the Story was too much to ask.

Meanwhile lets leave Bruno and co. in the limbo of never releasing male chars!

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Pretending that I can put my criticism aside, here are the usual translation notes:


Veronica's epithet, "Princess Rising", is "変わりゆく皇女" (kawari-yuku kōjo), "Changing Imperial Princess".

Enclosing Dark is "絶闇エンブラ" (zetsuan enbura), "Absolute Darkness, Embla". This follows the same naming pattern as the Heroes Ascended Heroes' weapons.

Enclosure is "閉界" (heikai), "Closed Domain". Compare with Open the Future, which is "開世" (kaisei), "Open World". Transposing the characters in their names gives two standard compound words, "開閉" (kaihei), "opening and closing" (such as in "開閉器" (kaiheiki), "switch", literally "opening-and-closing device"), and "世界" (sekai), "the world".

Panic Smoke is "恐慌の幻煙" (kyōkō no gen'en), "Illusory Smoke of Panic". It's worth noting that the status effect Smoke skills use a different word for "smoke", "幻煙" (gen'en), "illusory smoke", than the stat reduction Smoke skills, "紫煙" (shien), "smoke", literally "purple smoke". I don't know why.

Foe Penalty Doubler is "敵弱化増幅" (teki jakka zōfuku), "Enemy Penalty Amplification". Compare with Bonus Doubler, which is "強化増幅" (kyōka zōfuku), "Bonus Amplification", using the localized translations for "弱化" (jakka), "weakening" → "Penalty", and "強化" (kyōka), "strengthening" → "Bonus".

Embla's epithet, "God of Closure", is "閉神" (heishin), "God of Closing".

Enclosing Claw is "絶闇の翼爪" (zetsuan no yokusō), "Wings and Claws of Absolute Darkness". "翼爪" (yokusō) could also translate as "wing-claw", i.e. claws that are on the wings, though that doesn't follow the pattern that other beast weapons use. The other two-character beast weapon-type names are "爪牙" (sōga), "claws and fangs", which is used for all mammalian beasts that aren't Nailah and don't attack with horns (interestingly, bats also use this weapon name), and "嘴爪" (shisō), "beak and claws", which is used for all non-heron birds, both of which indicate two distinct body parts as opposed to one body part.

Beast Agility is "絶対化身・敏捷" (zettai kashin: binshō), "Guaranteed Transformation: Agility". I'm guessing on the pronunciation of "化身" because there is a standard pronunciation of it, "keshin", but this refers to the Buddhist concept of the "avatar" as well as associated meanings derived from it, like "personification", which is decidedly not what this is referring to. "化" in this case means "to transform" ("化身" literally translates as "transforming one's body") and is normally pronounced "ka" in compounds when used this way.

Severance is "すべてが閉じた世界" (subete ga tojita sekai), "A World Where Everything Is Closed".

Undefended is "護られ不可" (mamorare fuka), "Unable to Be Protected".

Feud is "暗闘" (antō), "Secret Feud". This is the same as the Feud skill series.

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Veronica gets the offensive halves of Tempo and NFU, a Sweep effect if two of the targets allies are nearby, and a special that is a weaker Draconic Aura with faster charge and ignoring non-special damage reduction. The slaying effect means she only has a 1-charge special, and the Sweep effect means she can get it off almost guaranteed (assuming she outspeeds).
Panic Smoke 4 grants the ability to give allies the Foe Penalty Doubler effect. That can hurt, especially as penalties get easier to inflict with every other unit introduced or refined/remixed.

Embla's weapon isn't new, but Severence is. A way to disable the Savior effect is pretty rude. OmniFeud is rude as well.
Beast Agility honestly doesn't seem that impressive. The effect it enables is different for each Move type (either +7 special damage and unit!Tempo for new Infantry or Special Damage +10 for older ones, Distant Counter for armors, Impact effect on Cavs, and Movement +1 for fliers) and that in and of itself can determine how worth it the skill will be (some units don't particularly NEED the effects that badly, and the only two Armors we got are about as fast as a snail) The fact it reads off Spd comparisons immediately limits the units who can use it to only the ones who even have worth a damn Spd. The fact Embla already comes with it is neat for herself of course, but I can't imagine too many units who would be frothing at the mouth for this particular version of the skill. Maybe once more variants are brought out.

Seems silly to wonder if any color other than Red is worth pulling off of, but I guess your opinion will vary.

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Naga damn! Embla is really fucking up Save tanks. Light Season is going to be a massive pain in the ass. And back to super tanks is not the answer either because Feud disables all supports, period. I think enemy phase teams are just completely fucked. Summoner Duels is my least favorite mode, but I think having Embla there would actually be better since she matches my play style more, as I liked to play very aggressively. But yeah, I am glad I am not playing any more so I do not have to deal with Embla in Aether Raids.

Veronica: Princess Rising is good. She seems like a good nuke made to deal with Save tanks. I mean, she is no Embla, but if Embla was not around to overshadow her, I think Veronica: Princess Rising would be pretty well received and have more attention.

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Lmao Elm had to pay the price for Otr's sins. It was expected but I still wanted to laugh.

2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Aether Raids is unpopular enough as it is. How nice of them to give players yet another reason to not want to play the game mode.

Wait, people still try in Aether Raids? Even I'm not machoistic enough for that shit.

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4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Wait, people still try in Aether Raids? Even I'm not machoistic enough for that shit.

I'm not sure "try" is the correct verb to describe me throwing Valentine Lucina and Valentine Robin at everything and surrendering if they die.

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Wait, people still try in Aether Raids? Even I'm not machoistic enough for that shit.

Aether Raids honestly was not that bad, but you do need to invest in it if you want it to be easy. Having a Save tank team helps a lot in lowering the difficulty. And for Astra Season in particular, if you run three or four Elimines like I do, your Save tank team is nearly unkillable due to the extremely high damage reduction and insane Spd boost where no one on defense can double you. For Light Season though with Embla out soon, yeah, players on offense are pretty fucked.

In my opinion, Summoner Duels is worse than Aether Raids since a human player is far better than dumb AI.

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3 hours ago, Xenomata said:

 (some units don't particularly NEED the effects that badly, and the only two Armors we got are about as fast as a snail) The fact it reads off Spd comparisons immediately limits the units who can use it to only the ones who even have worth a damn Spd.

We got a bunch of units that got extra effects only if they were transformed (F!Edelgard and S!Freyja come to mind), so I wouldn't be surprised if we got more transformation cheats. This version in particular seems tailor-made for a Freyja refine/ remix down the line especially.

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1 minute ago, DefyingFates said:

This version in particular seems tailor-made for a Freyja refine/ remix down the line especially.

I hope you mean adding the "removes beast transformation restrictions" effect to Freya, because Freya's Prf skill belongs in the same B slot that Beast Agility occupies. And while it's just a fancier Lull skill right now, it still provides benefits to Freya that she otherwise wouldn't have, and most definitely will provide amazing effects post-remix.

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14 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I hope you mean adding the "removes beast transformation restrictions" effect to Freya, because Freya's Prf skill belongs in the same B slot that Beast Agility occupies. And while it's just a fancier Lull skill right now, it still provides benefits to Freya that she otherwise wouldn't have, and most definitely will provide amazing effects post-remix.

That I did. It's unfortunate that you can't run Binding Necklace and Beast Agility at once but again: Freyja's a fast AND premium unit in both incarnations and a woman to boot, so I think we're guaranteed a great refine in either case and being able to shapeshift freely seems a pretty cool ability to have to me (especially for S!Freyja).

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7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Aether Raids is unpopular enough as it is. How nice of them to give players yet another reason to not want to play the game mode.

The problem with Severance isn't as much the fact that it introduces Undefended so much as it's the fact that it applies the effect with no condition and the fact that you can cover the entire map with only two copies of Embla. Meanwhile, the counter, False Start, only covers one column and is only found on a unit from the wrong season.

Also, there's nothing stopping players from putting Embla on their Anima defense teams because, unlike Upheaval, Severance isn't conditional on season.

But that doesn't mean Undefended isn't without problems of its own. It's a counter to Savior that completely ignores the reason why Savior is so popular to begin with. Defensive units in this game are still awful. They've certainly been trying to make better enemy-phase units with Brave Tiki, Ascended Tiki, and Ninja Camilla, but as a whole, they are nowhere near as strong as Save tanks, and Save tanks already have trouble dealing with how strong player-phase units have become.

Severance is a mistake. The developers are completely out of touch with the reality of how their game is played and why it is played that way.

I wonder if the idea is to push Save teams to pull for stronger Severance counters later. Still, that'll be a big disruption in the meantime.

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5 hours ago, Tybrosion said:


Wait, people still try in Aether Raids? Even I'm not machoistic enough for that shit.

I still do it. I just do well enough not to drop tiers but I hardly care about making optimized teams. For the most part I just let Autocreate make my teams.

I don’t think I have bothered to look at my defense teams in over a year, outside of maybe switching a couple of units.

Only mode I don’t care for is Summoner Duels. I’m still missing most of the fixed rewards there. 

Edited by Jave
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Whelp, there go my orbs. I'm definitely wantng both and I'll be sniping red all I can. But if I only get one, I'll probably splurge for the FEH pass for the month so I can get a free second pull on this banner as well as on the Ninja banner to pick up N!Camilla. Getting Embla will put me back on just missing Otr and Askr...again. 

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1 hour ago, Jave said:

Only mode I don’t care for is Summoner Duels. I’m still missing most of the fixed rewards there. 

You should do what I do with my friends: we find each other in Favor Battles, and surrender to each other so we can be max favor without really having to play Duels.

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13 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

You should do what I do with my friends: we find each other in Favor Battles, and surrender to each other so we can be max favor without really having to play Duels.

How hard is that to do?

And on topic: I was so sure Veronica would be an Ascended Hero, I really was, considering her power-up falls right in line with Fjorm, Laegjarn and Eir's. Making her a Legendary Hero is just nonsensical to me. As cool as her kit looks (and potentially meta-defining as Embla is) I'm going to just do a free Red pull and bounce from this banner. I've wasted far too many Orbs as of late already. I just hope the next NH banner doesn't have an Arcane Staff (or a Rearmed Hero with Close Counter)...

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