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(FE5) Draft


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I just noticed, the Lenster Knights in Chapter 13 incur a penalty? Seeing as they're not draftable and (I believe) impossible to keep out of combat, why penalize them? May as well make them free since everyone is going to eat the penalty.

It also raises the question about the status of certain other characters in certain chapters that are impossible to keep out of combat, like Dagda in 8x or Glade in 13. What does everyone think? It raises the value of these characters, but puts more emphasis on the actual drafting instead of how people use their draftees, which I'm not sure I like.

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I thought they were blue? So you could control them. I'll take the penalty off for them I suppose.

I let Lara be free in 4, because it's technically impossible to complete without her if you don't go to 2x and get Lifis.

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They're blue, but they're not a draftable and aren't actual characters (they disappear after the end of the chapter). The nature of the chapter has them surrounded on all sides with an area they need to defend.

In the same vein as Lara (who is necessary even if you recruit Lifis since he's in a cell with no items), it's impossible to complete 8x without Dagda entering combat, and I THINK it's impossible to beat 13 without Glade fighting.

I dunno, this is just how it makes the most sense to me since I prefer not to have to worry about how to not take penalties in chapters like those where characters are forced into the fray.

Also, gaidens are mandatory sauf 24x, correct? Your last post kinda made it sound like it wasn't.

Edited by Silvercrow
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I guess I should make those two free for those chapters then.

I just meant that Lara will have to be doing a lot more than opening Lifis's door and letting him doing everything unless you recruit him.

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