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SF Mafia Mafia


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[spoiler=Rules taken from Smogon and TF2 mini-mafia and modified with a Duel Terminal joke thrown in]1. With Levity's reign of terror over and the OC limit lifted, this is now an OC game. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game unless you are in the same faction, in which case you may talk with members of your team only, and only for strategy purposes. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player.

2. Every user has a role PM. Role PMs may not be shown to other users on Night 0, but starting from Day 1 onwards they may be freely distributed. Screenshotting of all forms is banned. If anyone finds a person encouraging others to take screenshots or taking screenshots and showing other people, please be sure to report it.

3. You can paste things told to you by the host. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM one of the hosts for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way.

4. Each day will have a deadline of 48 hours. You may vote to lynch users during the day by posting "##Vote USER" in bold, or "##No lynch" if you don't want to lynch anyone (lynch votes will not count if they're not in the correct format!), and if you change your vote, you do not have to edit the old vote of yours out. Once there is a majority as determined by the host, there will be a grace period of 3 hours, and if the majority is still in place after said grace period, the day will end. Please don't ask about when a majority is reached - once it's time for the day to end, it'll end (provided a host is there to update). The game will start on Night 0, but deaths will not happen on Night 0.

5. If there's a tie, no lynch will take place.

6. Each night will have a deadline of 48 hours. This gives you 48 hours to send your night action. Remember that PMs are to be sent to Haze and Paperblade.

6.5. If you're not going to do anything at night, send a PM titled "Night X - idling". This makes keeping track of things easier and informs me that you're still playing the game.

7. Priorities have been decided beforehand and will not be revealed until after the game ends.

8. This game does not feature items.

9. Only sign up if you know you're going to be at least fairly active. If we notice that you seem to be idle, we reserve the right to have you forcefully subbed out if necessary. We'll most likely nudge first, though.

10. Be careful who you trust.

11. Death is certainly the end for everyone.

12. If you have any spreadsheets, please inform us and let us have access to them.

13. If anyone is modkilled, it will happen at the end of a phase. Additionally, if you are modkilled, you win condition will change to "You are allied with yourself. You win if you survive." So try not to piss off the mods with deadtalking this time, Obviam.

14. After death you are only allowed to make info-free posts. They could be simple "Fuck you all you guys suck" posts, or "Good luck guys" sort of posts. As long as they doesn't contain any information about the game, it's fine. That said, don't excessively deadtalk, if living players/the hosts ask you to be quiet, do it.

15. If your Role PM contradicts the rules, follow your role PM.

16. There are no hidden players.

[spoiler=Opening Flavour]"ATTENTION!" yelled a shrill voice from the opposing figure atop the podium. "WELCOME TO YOUR LAST DAYS OF FREEDOM, FROM THIS DAY FORWARD, YOU ALL WORK FOR ME."

The gathered citizens of Serenes Forest looked around, confused. Everyone had been called to Town Hall to hear an important announcement but once they had gathered, instead of their mayor the one addressing them was this strange hooded figure, and he/she/it wasn't making a bit of sense.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" asked a particularly foul-mouthed denizen of Serenes Forest.

"What's wrong, why aren't you BOWING DOWN TO ME?" demanded the petchulant figure as it slammed it's fist down on the podium, "YOU WILL BOW TO ME OR I WILL DESTROY THIS TOWN UNTIL YOU DO!"

The figure scanned the assorted faces of the gathered crowds, several of whom were visibly holding back laughter, after all, what could one person possibly do? This infuriated the figure who once more slammed it's fist down the podium, "Very well then, I see a DEMONSTRATION is in order..."

The figure reached inside it's stylish coat and pulled out an envelope and removed the contents, inside was a letter, which the figure quickly discarded. One of the citizens picked up the crumpled letter and read it aloud, "Can we implement bots on EM so it doesn't take as long to start games?"

While the town were scratching their heads over this confusing message, the figure was removing the rest of the contents of the envelope - a small controller with a big red button on it.. It giggled to itself as it slowly pushed the button, which incidently, was labeled "Launch Mafia Bots".

The first building to fall to the carnage was Old Man Raymond's Funeral Home, however, much to the chagrin of the would-be-Overlord, everyone seemed unsurprised by this sudden destruction and just shrugged it off.

Eclipse's Adult Book Store was the next to fall, which was met with mixed reactions of elation and horror from the gathered crowds, however it was shortly followed by the destruction of Excellen Browning's Tips and Tricks, which collapsed onto it's downstairs neighbour, Kaoz's Cheat Codes and Secrets as the horde of robots in black coats and hats swarmed through the town firing their tommy guns in every direction. Eventually they surrounded the citizens and took aim.

The terrified citizens turned to the figure, who was impatiently tapping it's foot, defeated, they knelt down before their new Overlord. The figure on the other hand, now victorious, laughed before the kneeling crowds, and rubbed it's hands together with glee.

Months later, and the entire landscape of Serenes Forest had changed, a mandatory curfew had been put in place by the Overlord's regime. Town Hall had been leveled, and The Fortress of Hazitude™ was being renovated by hand-picked slaves into the new Overlord's castle.

The townspeople had had enough, their town had been taken from them, their rights had been stripped, their friends had been dragged away, never to be seen again, and they lived under the constant watchful eye of the Overlord, it's minions, and the legion of Mafia Bots that patrolled the streets night and day.

They began secretly holding meetings in the wine cellar of "The Leak", a popular bar, which hadn't served any alcohol since the new regime had taken over, and instead was only allowed to serve milk.

They elected two leaders, strangers who had only recently arrived at Serenes Forest, to organise their efforts, The duo were assigned the names "Haze" and "Paperblade", and they set to work assigning everyone codenames and a role to fulfil in the coming revolution.

However, the Overlord's minions had long been monitoring these "secret" meetings, having beaten the information out of the bar's owner, and began their work to eliminate the uprising before it could begin.

[spoiler=The Hosts]

Dear Haze,
Lies' date=' he totally offered the peaceful solution first. After tossing a couple of deadly objects at them[/quote']

You are Judo, Host. You don't even go to SF.

You're Paperblade's DM. It's probably your fault he's such a snarky bastard. Also, you killed Hope. Jerk.

At any point during the game, you may reply to your role PM with "Day/Night X - ~" The phase will end immediately, and an update will then be processed and posted. This action cannot be blocked.

You are allied with the Hosts. You win if you survive.

Dear Paperblade,
Goddamnit Haze. You are supposed to be MY deputy! What happend to that time? ;-;

You are Volla' date=' Co-Host. You don't even go to SF.[/b']

You're an egotistical Belgian Frenchie, and one of Haze's oldest friends.

At any point during the game you may reply to your role pm with "Day/Night X - USER shall become my slave!" USER shall be removed from the game to work on a golden statue of your glorious self. This action cannot be blocked.

Additionally, you cannot be killed, nor can you be lynched. You are also immune to all other actions.

You are allied with the Hosts. You win if you obtain enough slaves to complete your statue.


1. Kevin - Reinfleche, Town Miller Governor -> Town Governor. Lynched Day 2(Drowned in milk)

2. SlayerX

3. Darros Anouleth - Town Hunter, Killed Night 5(Death by papercuts)

4. Proto - General Spoon, Town Mayor. Killed Night 1(Shot repeatedly and tongue cut out)

5. Reinfleche, Kaoz, Town Tracker, Killed Night 6(Death by papercuts)

6. Psych - Snike, Town Safeguard, Killed Night 5(Sent to an alternate reality and used as a human bulletin board)

7. Snike Balcerzak - Nightmare, Mafia Kidnapper, Lynched Day 6(Spontaniously combusted)

8. WoMC - Life Admiral, Town Networker -> Town Role Cop, Killed Night 2(Sent to work on a golden statue of Paperblade, shot repeatedly and tongue cut out)

9. Excellen Core, Independent Survivor -> Mafia Driver, Lynched Day 5(Run over by a train)

10. Radiant Dragon

11. Raymond

12. Obviam - Kay, Town Universal Backup, Killed Night 3(Sent to work on a golden statue of Paperblade, shot repeatedly and tongue cut out)

13. BK-201 - Levity, Mafia NOC Enforcer, Lynched Day 4(Strung up like a pinatta and beaten with baseball bats.)

14. Eclipse

15. Levity Kay

16. Wen Yang - Haze, Mafia Tailor, Lynched Day 3(Drowned in milk because Paper is uncreative)

17. FearthePika Mikethfc - Eclipse, Mafia Hooker, Lynched Day 7(Thrown into the Bay by CLIPSEYKITTY!)

18. I Eat Tables

19. Strawman - Raymond, Town Martyr, Killed Night 4(Mauled by wild animals)



1. Sho. M.

2. Mikethfc

3. Anouleth

4. Kay


Edit -

Update 11th July:


SF Mafia Mafia: Now with Levity seal of approval.

Edited by Hazekitty
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So, Levity, is this our first game together? Regardless, this should be very fun. I must say, my character is rather amusing.

But hey, let's get down to business, Psych for obviam. Also, do we need town leaders in games like this?

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Oh god no. I wish I had someone cool like eclipse, I don't want Obviam.

Then what was:


for? Levity.

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Note: Days may be extended to 3 days if the town so wish.

Also, everyone has a post restriction, unless stated otherwise in the restriction, failing to adhere to the restriction will likely result in a modkill.


Edited by Hazekitty
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Also, do we need town leaders in games like this?

To be objective we don't "need" town leaders in any game.

To be subjective I think we should avoid having one.

This is not to say we should avoid having many.

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By the way I think Psych should probably be modkilled, because if his post restriction is what I think it is he should have posted the Ava Adore video by the Smashing Pumpkins and pasted the lyrics by now.


In you I see dirty

In you I count stars

In you I feel so pretty

In you I taste god

In you I feel so hungry

In you I crash cars

We must never be apart

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