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Lol, Freohr, I was planning on making you and red-text Raven baddies in the beginning who later become good guys (or something like that). :P:

Oh yeah you told me that and I forgotted already

Horita, you dastard! Trying to recruit people into your side of evil with cookies!

He's doing a good job =o

Ohh do I switch to good because they tempted me with cookies? =D

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I believe you are missing my obvious charm and persuasion skills

You haven't been in a mafia game here, so therefore I rate your charm and persuasion a solid no.

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Hey, eclipse, did you ever read the stories Doku wrote with the Apoceclipse?

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Well, not everyone can be persuaded by shampoo and cookies.

We have cookies too!

They come in 27 flavours. You can't find out what they are unless you're on our side.

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New story!

The Folgore Rangers were back at Impy's upstairs, because Eliedon had some information for them. "Folgores, I called you here because I've decided to give you an upgrade to your powers. You barely made it out of the last fight and I'm sure that Horita's pretty mad that he was trounced, along with Zeddmare. But that's ok, now you can use your powers whenever, even when you aren't in Rangers mode." The lights flicked off for a moment, then everyone felt an awesome feeling.

Boron floated in the air and a periodic table of elements floated into her hands. She touched it and it glittered in a brilliant yellow light before being absorbed into her body. Bonsai floated up and a dictionary appeared in front of him. He touched it and black glitters sprayed everywhere. 13th floated into the air, and a smashed-up car appeared in front of him. When he touched it, the car drove into his chest and exploded in a bright flash of white light. Harpoon floated into the air and a four-leaf clover appeared in front of him. There was a brilliant explosion of all things considered lucky when he touched it. Darros floated into the air and a sequence of changing names appeared in front of him. He touched it and the entire room glowed blue. Impy floated into the air and a volume of Shonen Jump appeared in front of her. She grabbed it with both hands and a pink flurry of glitter floated around everywhere. Doku floated into the air, and the colors of the Folgore Rangers appeared in front of him. When he touched it, the colors turned into a tiny Folgore Zord.

"Was that a magical girl transformation sequence?" Darros asked. Impy looked happy, she finally got the magical girl transformation sequence she wanted.

"Rangers, I trust that you can use your powers without messing everything up." Eliedon said. "Oh and, before I forget...Impy, I've decided that the power of all things Shonen is too much for you. Therefore, you can only use whatever power you choose for 30 seconds at a time, with a 2-3 minute recharge time. Furthermore, if you use something really powerful, like going Super Saiyan or something like that, you only get 10 seconds with a 5 minute recharge time. Also, if you go into a fight, you can only use a power from one series for that entire fight. If you use a Jojo power, don't think you can switch to a Fist of the North Star power halfway through." He said. Impy looked shocked.

"I'm not really sure how namechanging power is going to help me for more than that fight with Zeddmare." Darros said, scratching his head. 13th nodded.

"Yeah, I don't know how bad driving skills will help me either."

"Nonsense! We're the Folgore Rangers, we make everything work." Doku said, looking at his mini Folgore Zord. He thought that it was rather lame.

"Anyway," Eliedon continued, "I just got word from Refa-5, who is keeping watch over Serenes Forest, that Zeddmare is up to his no-good tricks again. He's now targeting innocent Serenes Forestians, and this time he stole Saku's cookie. Refa-5 reports that it is the greatest cookie in the world and that Zeddmare smashed it to bits and took it for himself. We must right this wrong and retrieve the cookie bits before Zeddmare eats it." He said.

"I want Saku's cookie! ...I mean, oh no! Zeddmare took Saku's cookie! We must go and find the cookie so I can eat it-I mean, so we can mend Saku's broken heart because she doesn't have her cookie!" Doku said. Everyone shot him a look.

"Well, let's hurry up then. I have a lot of books to read because I am an English major." Bonsai said.

"Where do we even go to look?" Harpoon asked.

"Eliedon, do you have any information as to where Zeddmare is so we can get the cookie back?" Boron asked. Eliedon shook his head.

"Sadly, Refa-5 hasn't spotted where Zeddmare went, so you should head to the juice bar to talk to Saku and get some clues."

"All right power of bad driving, go! Everyone get to the Folgoremobile!" 13th said, eagerly, as he took the Folgoremobile's keys and headed for the stairs. Everyone started for the stairs, hoping that 13th wouldn't wreck it. They just bought it, AND got it a new paint job.

"Oh, Rangers. Refa-5 will be at the juice bar so be sure to take him to wherever Saku points you." Eliedon said. "Good luck!"


13th made it to the juice bar without getting into any serious accidents, but he did scratch up the new paint job. They all went inside. Crash and Marth were sitting at the bar, with several glasses of orange juice all around them. They were intoxicated...again. the Folgore Rangers hoped they wouldn't get to the karaoke machine again. Saku was sitting at a table, with a piece of paper that said "Lost cookie-There is a reward if you find it."

"We heard that you lost your cookie, and we're going to get it back!" Harpoon said, walking up to her. "but you see, we don't know where Zeddmare took it. do you know where he went?" He asked.

"I don't know. he was pretty strong. Magnificent too. I remember he said something about a buttlair, whatever that means." Saku replied.

"Curses! We have to go to Horita's buttlair!" Doku said, shaking his fist. Doku's watch beeped and Eliedon appeared on the screen.

"I forgot to tell you, Folgore Red, I also powered up the Folgore Zord, free of charge. You can easily get to Horita's buttlair with it, but you might need to give it a push to get it out of the atmosphere. Maybe a superpowered volcanic eruption? Haha, I'm just kidding. It runs on cursing energy, so have the Folgores think of things they hate and have them curse it, and it will be powered right up. Eliedon, out." the screen flicked off.

"Ok Folgore Red, when are we going to head off for the buttlair?" Boron asked.

"Right now! We must get the delicious cookie back for me-er, for Saku!" he said. "Folgore Rangers, assemble!" The Folgore Rangers jumped into the air and pulled off their transformation sequence. They walked outside and Doku held up the mini Folgore Zord he had, and the real thing appeared out of nowhere.

"I liked it when we made it ourselves." Bonsai said as everyone, including Refa-5, piled in. They all started cursing everything under the sun, and they were soon out of the atmosphere and headed for the moon.


In the buttlair, Lord Zeddmare was about to feast himself on Saku's cookie, when Camdar stumbled in.

"What are you doing here, Camdar?" Zeddmare asked, quite annoyed.

"Well, because Horita banned me from ever going into his room ever again, I was wondering if you needed anything? Maybe I could clean up your room? It's awfully dusty." He ran out and came back in a frilly maid outfit. "This will only take a moment!" He said, as he started swiping a feather duster over everything. Suddeny, Zeddmare didn't want to eat the cookie.

"Ugh. Fine. Make it quick, and don't. touch. anything. And so HELP me, if you eat the cookie, you won't like where I put that feather duster you're holding." Zeddmare said with a glare, then magnificently departed the room, with his cape swooshing behind him. Camdar continued to dust Zeddmare's room out, surprisingly not messing anything up. When he was done, everything was sparkly clean and he went out to get Zeddmare. When Zeddmare came back, he started sneezing like crazy.

"You incompetent lackey! You just spread all of the dust in the air and now I can't-ah...ah...ACHOO-breathe! Get out! get out right now! RAGH!" He screamed furiously. Camdar went running, but his wings got stuck in the doorframe and he took a few moments to get out.


Back in the Folgore Zord, the Rangers were halfway to the moon, and thusly, Horita's buttlair. Impy had her face pressed to the window, diligently looking for something outside, although nobody was quite sure what. Going off of what they knew about her though, it was probably a Jojo character, somehow floating in space.

"I still want to know how name changing power is going to work." Darros said, looking out of the window at earth.

"It's cold." Boron complained. "All of this cold air is making me sleepy." she started looking really tired.


Horita was alerted to the Rangers' presence, but he didn't do anything about it yet. Instead, he had another plan. He turned on the speaker to Zeddmare's room.

"Lord Zeddmare, they're on their way. don't send out any space troops though, let's wait until they come here, and we can give them a welcoming reception that they won't forget." He said.

"Don't tell your superior what to do," Zeddmare snapped, "but for once, I agree with you. I'll have the ground troops ready by the time they get here." And with that, he started assembling troops all through the halls of the buttlair.


The Folgores landed the Folgore Zord right outside of the buttlair. They didn't want to risk going inside with it, and damaging it in some way. They all looked out of the window.

"Yeah, I don't mean to be a drag, but how are we going to get from here to the door in the vacuum of space?" Harpoon asked. "I may be able to control luck, but how long can we last in space without spacesuits? 5 seconds?"

"Actually, the amount of time we can survive without a spacesuit is 15 seconds." Boron chimed in. "But you also have to remember that because space is a vaccum, any air in our lungs will expand and then rupture the air sacs in our lungs and pop our blood vessels, and that means we'd all die from asphyxiation at around maybe 5-6 seconds." the Rangers were all silent. "...What?" Impy shook her head.

"Well, let's see. There's a character from Jojo, his name is Weather Report, he had made spacesuits out of atmosphere before. Since my power only lasts for 30 seconds, let's use his power, Weather Report, to give us at least 36 seconds to make it to the door." She said.

"...Wait, his name AND the name of his power is Weather Report? How does that make any sense at all?" Bonsai asked, crossing his arms. His English Major senses were tingling, and something about what Impy said was rubbing him the wrong way.

"It's a long story, please don't ask. Better yet, just go and read Jojo and find out that way." Impy said, headed for the door. She opened it up and the moment she did, a spacesuit made out of clouds surrpunded everyone, and they all piled out of the Folgore Zord and headed for the door of the buttlair. "20 seconds." Impy reminded everyone as they all made it to the door. Doku tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

"The door is locked fast! How are we going to get in here?" He cursed, banging on the door, hoping that the incompetent Camdar would hear and let them in.

"15 seconds." Impy noted. Refa-5 pulled Doku away from the door.

"Allow me." He put both hands on the door and started pushing it in. The metal started groaning under the force, and it was clear that he was going to break through. The question was, could he do it before Impy's Weather Report ran out?

"10 seconds." Impy started counting down, as if there wasn't already enough pressure on Refa-5 to open the door. At the cound of two, he broke open the door and everyone scrambled inside, even though the hallway was depressurizing. "I can't hold onto Weather Report anymore! We need to seal the door shut or else we'll be blown out into space!" She said, as everyone's clouds were being blown out. Bonsai was already on it. He was reciting Lady Macbeth's famous soliloquy, and the words were filling in the hole and keeping the atmosphere in.

"...and THAT'S why I'm an English Major!" he finished, and the text wall held fast.

"That was some great thinking!" 13th said, congratulating Bonsai. their victory was shortlived, however, because Zeddmare's mooks surrounded the Rangers.

"Curse you, Zeddmare!" Doku shouted, shaking his fist at the sky. There was ominous clapping coming from the dark end of the hallway. It was Camdar, actually being menacing instead of incompetent.

"You fools actually tried the door. I'm surprised that you got in. Refa-5's super strength sure comes in handy for those kinds of situations, huh? Not to mention Folgore Pink's new Weather Report attack." He said.

"How in blazes did you know about our new attacks and stuff?" Harpoon asked.

"Because Horita has been spying on you, oh yes. I get to know everything, I do, since I'm ordered to scramble the ground troops."

"He spies on us for everything?" Boron asked.

"Yes, everything. And then he passes the information to me." Camdar replied.

"Does that mean, when we're showering and stuff...?" Boron asked, a little spooked. Camdar's face got red with both anger and embarrassment.

"How DARE you even SUGGEST that Horita spies on people when they are indecent! I should have you all shot for that comment!" camdar was furious. So furious, he rushed to Boron, but everyone started laughing at him. "What?! what's so funny?!" he roared.

"Dude, maid dress? Are you serious?" Darros asked. Bonsai was beside himself with laughter. Impy was laughing right along with him. Camdar looked down. He hadn't changed out of the maid dress when he was cleaning Zeddmare's room.

"Never mind that! Men, take them to Zeddmare! He'll know what to do! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go change..." He started walking off, when one of his foot soldiers dropped a banana peel on the floor, since it was his snack. Camdar didn't see it, stepped on it, then slid into a wall. "Oww..." He got up and walked away.the foot soldiers pointed laser blasters at the Folgores' backs, and ushered them up to Zeddmare's room.

Once there, they all saw the fragments of Saku's cookie, in a plastic bag, on a pedestal. It was as if it was placed there just to taunt the Rangers.

"There's the cookie! I can almost taste it-I mean, there's Saku's cookie! We must get it back so I can eat it-I mean, so we can do the right thing and give it back to her!" Doku said. Zeddmare just laughed with his low, menacing laugh. He got up, slowly, magnificently, and gracefully walked over to the Rangers. Impy clammed up. Her palms were sweaty and her face was getting hot. Why did Zeddmare have to be so magnificent?

"If you think that you can take that cookie, then go right ahead." He said, with a huge smile on his face. All of the Folgores huddled up to discuss a plan of action.

"I could distract him with text bricks of sonnets and soliloquies from famous works like Shakespeare." Bonsai said.

"I can use my power of luck to have that plan work out in our favor." Harpoon added.

"I'll supply the getaway car! My Zord is a car!" 13th chimed in happily.

"Hmm...I could use my power of science to blow holes in walls to give 13th the room that he needs to get his Zord through." Boron added as an afterthought.

"It's settled then! While you distract him, I will go and grab the cookie and then we can leave!" Doku said. "Impy, use your Shonen powers to clear a path through Candar's men, because there's going to be a lot of foot troops. Darros, assist her with that please."

"All right." Impy agreed.

"Let's do this!" Darros nodded. The Folgores turned to Zeddmare. He had an evil grin plastered to his face. It seemed like he had a plan, but he didn't know what the Rangers were planning, so they still had the advantage, or did they? Bonsai started spouting off short sonnets and soliloquies and making them into text bricks, which he started throwing at Zeddmare. Impy almost wanted him to stop, but she had to put her feelings aside for the cookie. Harpoon walked up next to Bonsai and all sorts of lucky things started appearing and floating around him. The lucky items floated around Bonsai and his text bricks got more substantial and they started to hit Zeddmare more often. Doku rushed up to the pedestal where the bag was, and took it, as Boron was putting everyday items up against the wall, She lit a match that she stole from the halls of the buttlair and blew a hole in the wall.

"Go, go, go!!!" Doku shouted as 13th summoned his Zord, and Doku got in. Darros and Impy rushed into the hall, where Horita's men were waiting for them. Darros started running ahead, spouting off names. Each time he said a name, an image of a new Darros appeared, rushing into the enemies shouting their new name.

"This is my power? Cool!" he said, still shouting names and creating images of different Darros's. The images were filling the hallway, and were confusing everything out of the troops. Impy had used Weather Report to get into the base, so she figured that she had to use a Jojo power to get out of it. She needed one that attacked a lot of people at one time. That was a lot of Stands, and she was starting to get indecisive. There were so many to choose from, but she had no time to go through the list.

"Magician's Red!" She said, and a big red, anthro eagle/hawk thing appeared next to her, although she was the only one that could see it. "Darros, it's about to get really hot in the hallway!" she said.

"Ok!" Darros shouted back. Magician's Red blew fire into the narrow hallway, striking most of the soldiers. Those that weren't hit by the fire, were but by 13th's car.

"Everybody hop on!" 13th shouted as he navigated the halls. Impy and Darros hopped onto either side of the car, almost getting smashed between the car and the wall, but they had no time to get inside, where everyone else was. All of the rest of the paper-like troops couldn't withstand the might of 13th's Zord, and were helpless to stop ir or run as they were getting mowed down. They were close to the door where Bonsai had shut it with Lady Macbeth's soliloquy. It was still there, keeping the atmosphere inside. Just as 13th was about to smash into the wall, Bonsai dispelled it, and Impy put up everyone's Weather Report atmosphere spacesuits. They noticed that something was missing though.

"The Folgore Zord! It's gone!" Doku shouted as 13th frantically tried to drive back into the buttlair. However, there was no traction in space. They were starting to float away.

"20 seconds!" Impy started her counting.

"13th, get rid of your Zord!" Darros shouted. He did what he was told, and now they were all floating farther away from the buttlair.

"10 seconds!" Impy said again. She was clearly scared.

"Doku, you're the leader! do something!" Boron shouted in a panic.

"What do I do?! Curse you, Zeddmare and Horita!!!" Doku was equally frightened. Lucky things started appearing around Doku. It was Harpoon, who was trying his hardest to keep his head, using his power of luck to try and get them out of that situation.

"4 seconds!" Impy looked like she was going to pass out from shock.

"Guys, if we lose our atmosphere suits, then you have to expel all of the air form your lungs or else you won't last!" Boron added as a warning. Doku's Folgore Zord miniature floated out of his pocket, a lucky thing, because he remembered what it could do. He grabbed it.

"Zord, come here!" He said, and just like that, Impy's Weather Report spacesuits ran out.

"OH DEAR GOD WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" She shouted, but nobody could hear her. they all were floating, wondering if they were going to die, when suddenly, the Folgore Zord appeared and got them all inside its body. Thankfully, they could breathe again.

"That was the absolute worst thing I have ever experienced." Bonsai said, gasping for air.

"It's a good thing that Boron knows about science though," 13th chimed in, "or else we all would have exploded before the Folgore Zord came to save us."

"Well, the fight is over, we got Saku's cookie, now let's eat it-I mean, let's give it back to her." Doku said, taking the controls. They went to leave, when the Zord's engine's sputtered out. "What? How come it's not working? Folgores, start cursing everything!" he commanded. Everyone did what they were told, but nothing happened. Zeddmare's Zord floated out of the buttlair, and with him, an armada of enemy ships followed.

"What's the matter, can't leave? You fools did something more incompetent than Camdar for once, you left your Folgore Zord out in the open! We took it and stripped it of its cursing engine! Hahahaha! you're dead in the water!" Zeddmare cackled.

"Doku, remember how you said that the fight was over? Well, I guess you're right, but now we've landed smack in the middle of a war." Harpoon said.

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Yeah, I did. . .but where did my arms go?

I have nooo idea. You'll have to ask Doku that.

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Rangers, at arms! To the armory, and make haste! You must arm yourselves with the Folgore Armor of Many Arms! Then, you must use your arms to disarm the armaments of Horita Repulsa's Armored Armed Army!

Edited by Elieson
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