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Are you a pervert? D:

Such dirty thoguhts, but no, I have been informed that fighting without a shirt is far more convenient since the opponent won't be able to do grab your shirt and move you around (for lack of a better expression).

Of course I wasn't kidding. I wish people would finally start taking N0 seriously. Not having night results to work with doesn't mean that you can't prepare for D1 in order to maximize the town's efficiency.

I get what you mean, its just that its hard to do so IMO. Nobody is really taking anything seriously, because honestly there isn't many ways to threat people into being serious. In day 1, you have the we will lynch you excuse. Night 0 you really can't... Unless its like we will lynch you tomorrow, but i doubt that works. I'm all for being serious, however, there wasn't much in the way of things to discuss. There is a piece i would like to get out there is why did Iris claim? Honestly, night 0 and already claiming miller a little suspicious if you ask me. I don't remember anyone's post saying cop check iris. For her to just come out right away without anything on her except a simple vote by Raymond is rather iffy.

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raymond, please turn the asshole down. I don't tell you how to play the game and I didn't demand that you believe Iris's claim, I'm just taking it for what it is at the moment.

My god why don't you understand ): you're making everything unfun, stop being so mean

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oh and, slayer, your post makes me feel uncomfortable ): but it's hard getting out oall of my opinions when i'm not on my pc

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Such dirty thoguhts, but no, I have been informed that fighting without a shirt is far more convenient since the opponent won't be able to do grab your shirt and move you around (for lack of a better expression).

Well, I'm not gonna take off my shirt. We fight using danmaku and spellcards!

I get what you mean, its just that its hard to do so IMO. Nobody is really taking anything seriously, because honestly there isn't many ways to threat people into being serious. In day 1, you have the we will lynch you excuse. Night 0 you really can't... Unless its like we will lynch you tomorrow, but i doubt that works. I'm all for being serious, however, there wasn't much in the way of things to discuss. There is a piece i would like to get out there is why did Iris claim? Honestly, night 0 and already claiming miller a little suspicious if you ask me. I don't remember anyone's post saying cop check iris. For her to just come out right away without anything on her except a simple vote by Raymond is rather iffy.

That's what I'm saying. People need to start taking this seriously. Not just you, not just me, everyone.

You can't actually vote during N0, but you can threaten to put your vote on any given person the instant D1 begins. Also, and people seem to be forgetting about this, having info to work with allows you to make an informed decision about your N0 target instead of just picking someone at random.

Claiming miller now has both advantages and disadvantages. The most obvious advantage is that claiming this early improves the chance that people will accept the claim as legit, or at least not think of it as scummy. The most obvious drawback is that the mafia can often abuse this knowledge to mess the town up.

And then there's people like Life who make ridiculous fakeclaims as town in an attempt to mess up the mafia, but let's not get into that.

@Bizz: You just did tell me how I should play the game. Your argument is invalid.

That said, there's a difference between "taking a claim for what it is" and calling it "legit" for no reason. You were doing the latter, which is stupid.

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Also, ##Fakevote: Levantamos because stop buddying

She's buddying for making then explaining that one statement regarding Iris' claim? I don't understand. Unless I'm missing something.

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She's buddying for making then explaining that one statement regarding Iris' claim? I don't understand. Unless I'm missing something.

It's Just a fakevote, and probably primarily scratching for a reaction from Bizz more than anything else.

Or it's his PR.

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Well Night 0 is just like 72 hours added to the Day 1 phase, like a quarter of us have been saying. Discussion is still discussion, not that I'm helping much.

There is a piece i would like to get out there is why did Iris claim? Honestly, night 0 and already claiming miller a little suspicious if you ask me. I don't remember anyone's post saying cop check iris. For her to just come out right away without anything on her except a simple vote by Raymond is rather iffy.

Raymond covered most of it - I didn't claim because of anyone saying that they should check me (no one said that), or because of one fake vote (because that would be dumb), but because I figured it would be more beneficial to state it N0 then when having to claim upon pressure / a cop revealing him or herself because they scanned me as mafia. IIRC, when I was reading SFMM, you played in it, so you probably saw what happened to Kevin. And obviously (or maybe not quite?) like in last SFMM, I'm not solely a Miller, I have another part, but not all of us just want to out our roles completely, you know, unless you guys think that is better.

On Bizz, apparently I heard it's in her nature to formulate opinions, and then think of reasoning later. But I suppose it would be hard for me to trust a Miller, simply because I heard it's a [clumsy] mafia-fake claim, and that they cannot be proven to be truly on the town side

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That said, there's a difference between "taking a claim for what it is" and calling it "legit" for no reason. You were doing the latter, which is stupid.

Please don't use the word 'stupid.' You're making me angry.

Also, I don't buddy with my teammates like that. I hate it when people make assumptions like this. I just don't see Iris putting herself out there like that as mafia, and Prims pulled a similar stunt in a recent game; I honestly don't see how it's suspicious, for now. I never said Iris was auto-clear, I just have a good feeling about her.

I get a surefire town read in games here usually and call them my anchor players. When my anchor dies, I get kind of lost, but when I can trust someone completely, I get able to form more accurate opinions and ideas. My anchor player this game may or may not become Iris. I wouldn't know, because I have no fucking idea what I'm doing N0-D1. I tend to get a little erratic.

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raymond, seriously, I would advise that you don't push me anymore because it really is making me uncomfortable. At least sound a little less patronizing when you address me? You say that's telling you how to play the game, so really, I don't care if you don't want to, but it's merely my advice.

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Raymond covered most of it - I didn't claim because of anyone saying that they should check me (no one said that), or because of one fake vote (because that would be dumb), but because I figured it would be more beneficial to state it N0 then when having to claim upon pressure / a cop revealing him or herself because they scanned me as mafia. IIRC, when I was reading SFMM, you played in it, so you probably saw what happened to Kevin. And obviously (or maybe not quite?) like in last SFMM, I'm not solely a Miller, I have another part, but not all of us just want to out our roles completely, you know, unless you guys think that is better.

Which is what I figured...

It makes her less scummy than, say, if cop actually were to scan her and she copped out of it by using the miller claim. Scum generally don't claim this early unless you're 13th or Life, or they really want to take the gamble. I can't always explain the feelings that I get or why I'm doing something, but when I trust my instincts like this it usually helps.

Another thing, I kind of expect there to be some sort of miller role this game anyway. She hasn't gotten any ccs yet.

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Edited by Levantamos
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oh and, slayer, your post makes me feel uncomfortable ): but it's hard getting out oall of my opinions when i'm not on my pc

I was fully aware a response like this would pop up.

That's what I'm saying. People need to start taking this seriously. Not just you, not just me, everyone.

You can't actually vote during N0, but you can threaten to put your vote on any given person the instant D1 begins. Also, and people seem to be forgetting about this, having info to work with allows you to make an informed decision about your N0 target instead of just picking someone at random.

Claiming miller now has both advantages and disadvantages. The most obvious advantage is that claiming this early improves the chance that people will accept the claim as legit, or at least not think of it as scummy. The most obvious drawback is that the mafia can often abuse this knowledge to mess the town up.

And then there's people like Life who make ridiculous fakeclaims as town in an attempt to mess up the mafia, but let's not get into that.

Oh i understand i was kind of wifoming myself, considering that mafia could easily know that and choose a member to do so.

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From Iris claiming so early i think she's townie. Scum would be taking a big chance just getting outright lynched. And i doubt they would do it unless they had lynch proof or if there was the possibility of a fool in this game. Either way we have no way of proving if she is a legit Miller or not, we could prove the fool but it could end up being a wasted inspect. For now though i say she looks town.

Also I agree shade, however it's hard to get into the swing of making N0 serious when other people don't take it as serious, also when you have zero info on a day 1 people tend to go into RVS or RQS, but RVS can't happen on N0 unless we make use of it ourselves and say our own votals and what not, which would be easy to do, but that doesn't stop people from just not caring about N0. They could easily use the excuse that they didn't really pay much attention to N0 while it was going on, or they only skimmed through it. All in all though, i agree.

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Please don't use the word 'stupid.' You're making me angry.

Also, I don't buddy with my teammates like that. I hate it when people make assumptions like this. I just don't see Iris putting herself out there like that as mafia, and Prims pulled a similar stunt in a recent game; I honestly don't see how it's suspicious, for now. I never said Iris was auto-clear, I just have a good feeling about her.

I get a surefire town read in games here usually and call them my anchor players. When my anchor dies, I get kind of lost, but when I can trust someone completely, I get able to form more accurate opinions and ideas. My anchor player this game may or may not become Iris. I wouldn't know, because I have no fucking idea what I'm doing N0-D1. I tend to get a little erratic.

Bizz, I see where you're coming from, but gameplay-wise, it's a terrible argument to just say this is how you are and it's not scummy even if it is. Kinda comes off as you telling people how to play the game, really, since you're basically requiring them to use meta. Or just blindly trust you but that would be dumb. Unless you're just saying that as a defense and don't really expect people to listen or something, I guess.

I don't think Iris would claim right off like that as mafia. I mean, it's not even that likely she would be inspected, being fairly new and all, why would she want to call attention to herself like that? I doubt that level of WIFOM would really be worthwhile. Furthermore, that takes guts to do and I wouldn't expect a quiet, unobtrusive player like Iris to try it anyway.

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Bizz, remember the RP thing I mentioned earlier? I have a hunch that Raykitty's doing it, too~! :wub:

Now the rest of you, play nice! I hate having to clean up someone's emotional mess.

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God damn, I go to sleep for 6 hours and miss 3 pages of this crap. I guess that means I'll have to pay more attention to these things.

I'll just set my alarm to go off every time there's a post. That way, I can keep up with this shit, and forego sleep.

I'll then know EVERYTHING! Sound good?

I had to read 7 pages, and I am still not done yet :(:

I won't even begin to go into how I fell asleep for twelve hours and missed deadline last game

my gut tells me I would really like to sleep that much

Bal's got Life, 100% guaranteed.


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Also, I don't buddy with my teammates like that. I hate it when people make assumptions like this.

I have a feeling you have team mates that you know of in this game.

Someone please remind me to put a vote on her D1 if I forget.

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