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Because of the position I'm going to be in for most of the game N0 doesn't really matter to me

Don't have anything against people posting tonight though.

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I'm missing one action, phase ends in two hours and ten minutes or when I get that action in, whichever comes first.

Edited by Haze
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You all awake and make your way to the lobby, rested, but not satisifed, those fuckers are still in amongst you, and by god are they going to pay for making you watch that... that... thing.

Oh, and for taking all your money.

It is now Day 1, Day 1 will end on Tuesday the 22nd of May at 11:30 PM GMT.

Eclipse seems preoccupied, and as such is not interested in receiving any of your pms.

Have a nice day~

Edited by Haze
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Roleclaim: Kay, Town Mason

I'm basically confirmed town, send me your claims 8)

My buddy can corroborate if people don't believe me.

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##Vote Rein

Let's do something that could be useful today.

There's a lot of productive things to do, and that is most certainly not one of them.

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Oh right we can quote PMs in this game.

Dear Prims

Psych, write your rules with minimal contradictions, please.

You are Kay, Town White Knight.

You may or may not be in some sort of e-relationship with Proto. You both deny it but don't hesitate to white knight for each other at every opportunity. This can be quite frustrating because your play is normally quite good unless it involves Proto, in which case he is obviously town and everyone accusing him is scummy obvscum scum.

You have no night action, but you do know that Proto is <snip>. You may talk to him outside of the thread as much as you want, which is quite a lot. You are also sure he is town, clearly anybody who suggests otherwise would be lying scum.

Post Restriction: <snip>

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are removed.

My hasubando Proto (role, not player) and I share a conversation for our Role PMs, so if he's somehow NOT town then there's clearly some bastard mod craziness going on here.

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Also: the faster the claims are sent the better. Main reason I'm doing this is because I expect scum haven't had enough time to come up with good fakes yet.

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Huh. Right, then.

In the meantime, I want to make a few things clear that I wasn't able to make clear before. I'm on my PC now, so let me find that other post that I was planning. I lost it somewhere.

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Also: the faster the claims are sent the better. Main reason I'm doing this is because I expect scum haven't had enough time to come up with good fakes yet.

What's to say you didn't make that fake?

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Unless you're just saying that as a defense and don't really expect people to listen or something, I guess.

This is what I meant to highlight! I'm not asking people to trust me at all, nor am I asking others to agree with my opinions. I just don't like the "your opinions are stupid" vibe that I was getting, because I have reasons for my thoughts, and I don't go around calling other opinions idiotic.

That being said, I apologize for my tone earlier, and I also apologize for my confusing point since I should have expected that it would be misinterpreted.

Anouleth is on the player list, right? He's been as inactive as Proto /:

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Yeah, he has. He made a rude remark to me and has been lurking around since.

I've seen him in the thread, too, but I don't remember any meaningful posts out of him.

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What's to say you didn't make that fake?

'cause my fellow mason can back me up? Plus there are pretty blatant breadcrumbs everywhere N0 if you look hard enough.

I'd prefer to keep my buddy's identity secret so that he can take over by surprise if I get shot at night but he can claim if he wants.

Nobody's CCed me as masons so far, either.

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I mean yeah, I'm not CONFIRMED confirmed, but I'm very unlikely to be scum.

Also, part of my PR is that I can't vote my buddy. I don't know if this just means the vote get ignored or that I get modkilled, but if it's the former, then my role become provable.

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