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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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1. 'shroom Kingdom reporting, I got no special messages when I chose the stage.

Cool, thanks.

2. You just said that you're vanilla, and brought up the point that you might be able to block the kill. WHY?

Well, I always try to make my points as objective as possible, except when you guys force me to read people from their posts (and makes me look way too scummy every single game), so I wrote those points as if I was not confirmed as Town Vanilla, since it really isn't confirmed for all the readers. I posted my own subjective thoughts afterwards, where I wrote that either Strawman or Subieko is scum from my point of view.

3. Shinori claimed redirector, and was on Brinstar. Are you saying that Shinori somehow got from Brinstar to Fountain of Dreams and redirected Nags to himself? Or are you saying there might be another redirection role?

Well, I did bring up Naggy's designed role of forcing people to target themselves, which is a different role from Shinori's. That point was to introduce the possibility of a redirection, that may have come from Shinori or someone else. Also, Shinori mentioned that his stage might mess up his targets so that's still a possibility.

4. Another possibility which I don't think happened? Nags shot himself. I know he did in SSBM, but that was because he was disgusted with the game. However, I don't see why he'd do that here; it was N1, and that's a really weird time to give up on a game, especially when you're SK.

Well, okay, that's another possibility that I didn't mention. Though I doubt anyone else (including me) will disagree with your opinion that it's very unlikely.

5. And lastly, you are suspicious of Strawman/Subi, and then you unvote Subi.

My vote on Subieko was to get her to report something. Once she clearly said that she didn't do anything that night, and she never targeted me, Naggy, or Strawman, I got what I needed to hear from her. My vote for her has fulfilled its purpose. I have no reason to vote for her now except if I actually want to lynch her and I'm gonna need a whole lot more than just "she has a 33% chance of being scum if Mafia can't transcend stages" to convince any of you guys to vote for her. Besides, I don't want her lynched right now. I wanted to hear what other players think about what may have happened last night.

Proto, it's late, stop making my head hurt.

Sorry, I didn't think it'd be so late in your time zone.

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So, both my notes and memory suck and I'm about to go to church, so when I get back from that I'm going to re-read this entire thread and take better notes and share some opinions.

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Apparently same with BBM. Now, if anyone in any other area got this effect, please notify us now. Or if you were in Shinori's area and got this effect too, state it anyway. I'm not sure I trust what BBM said.

IIRC, Elieson said he had something like that in his role PM too. I can say that I do not and did not get any message related to my stage; my theory was that stages might affect night roles not day roles, since night roles are used while you're actually on the stage.

Proto/Subieko/Strawman. Even with Strawman proving his ability, and Subieko being able to, it doesn't mean that they can't be Mafia since Mafia members can usually use their own ability in addition to killing.

It is certainly true that I cannot prove my alignment, since my ability could be good for either alignment. However, Strawman's ability makes him more likely to be Town. If scum had the power to give someone two action uses, they wouldn't use it on a Townie; for him to be scum, I would have to be scum too. And having two scum on the same stage at this point in the game seems unlikely to me. Possible, but not likely. Plus the double action thing would be so OP for scum.

I think the likeliest scenario is that Naglfar idled; if the NK had been on another stage and he had killed someone on his stage, that would leave him and the two surviving people under heavy suspicion. It's also possible that dying cancels your night action but we have no way to tell at this point.

As for Proto's claim...well, I don't know. I doubt scum would fakeclaim vanilla unless there was at least one actual vanilla in the game, because a lone vanilla would be odd. But at the same time, Proto's D1 still seems very scummy to me.

I still Naglfar was killed either by Proto or an ability that ignores stages; if Proto's claim is true, then I would guess that scum sent no one to Fountain of Dreams and used the ability for the purpose of creating confusion. That's sort of a complicated plan though.

Aside from that, I would like Marth to say whether he was redirected to Iris, to prove Shinori's claim and also perhaps give us some idea what effect Brinstar had on Shinori's ability. I still have no idea about Bizz/Scorri and would like to see more opinions there; most of what I remember from Bizz is very long summary/reply posts that didn't have much actual content. Scorri, what do you think about people other than Proto and Prims?

My answer would be either Subieko or BBM. Although with Subi's claim coming up I'm not too sure about that, BBM has been a little weird.

Care to elaborate on your BBM suspicions?

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I was on Castle Siege last night and my action went through without a hitch.

Also, while going off flavour is not a really a smart idea generally, I find it weird that there are two pokemon roles in the game. There are a lot of available characters and using the Pokemon Trainer basically twice seems odd.

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Also, someone (Proto?) said that it's unlikely that the mafia would have a stage-bypassing kill when the SK, who has a much harder job, didn't, but I don't think that's good logic. No matter what, it's very difficult for the SK to win. From what I've read about game balance, (and it was a thread that Paperblade, one of our hosts, linked to) you shouldn't try to balance your game so that the SK has a decent chance of winning. The SK is meant to just throw the game for a loop and make it harder for the town. So him not having the ability to bypass stages while the mafia does is not so far-fetched.

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Frankly I have no idea what to do about my ability because at the moment it would require some sort of proof from marth or iris or possibly the other person that was on our platform to see if my ability did anything at all on that platform. Sorry I haven't been around much was busy over the past few days. When I get back from work in a few hours I'll get a decent post based around my thoughts today.

Also so far I still don't like proto.

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sorry for badly formatted post, minimal time to write

Believe Shinori's claim if Redirector is a type of driver

Wait, Psych, what do you mean by this?

Also, I'm not keeping my vote on Elieson right now. Its time for a vote switch: ##Unvote ##Vote: iris

I'd really like to know what your thoughts are at this point. You and Elieson have both been tunneling different players, but I think it'd be wise to interrogate you first.

everyone i don't mention is either null, or i'm running low on time (will continue this after i get back)

basically, not interested in lynching / null reads:

(1) As stated earlier, not as interested in lynching Subieko, she looks lots better to me starting this phase (+ Strawman targeted her, wasting is ability, probs).

(2) Also, not feeling Imp lynch right now (she's still very disinterested, making me very sad).

(3) straw, bc him kind of proving his role


shinori: stated below

I might be feeling a scorri lynch, since she's not feeling too town, but esp. since like Prims pointed out, Bizz tends to sub out when she's disinterested (mostly when she's scum).

##Vote: scorri

And now is the time to explain yourself. You said you would, to be fair.
Hey Iris, you never explained yourself re:Shinori, so get on that please

Sorry, I was too tired to, last night. Basically, I was only intending to explain if Shinori couldn't prove his role; explaining it fully would require a Role Claim, (btw the exact words were 'slightly suspicious', so not too much), so I'm not sure how much I actually claim, since suspicion is very minor. I basically wasn't sure how my role would work if targeting Shinori after I had Paperblade explain about my role to me (btw, I did this), so I would have to wait on N2 for confirmation if he's actually redirector. If you guys want me to claim, I will, since to cite Subieko, I think it's one of those roles where it's good when you know what you're doing, but in my case, I'm not.

tl;dr: that didn't sound coherent, i'll probably claim if you guys want me to / don't mind, and in a more coherent (or maybe not), state of mind explain other things (this will happen regardless of whether i claim or not)

By the way, didn't get any indication that Marth targeted me last night.

@blitz: you realize i'm inactive (i prefer this term) almost every game, right? ;/

i'll be back in about 7 hours, i didn't have plans but idk how i got roped into going to an amusement park ;/

(tl;dr: the worst post iris has written in a long time)

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Ok then. So first of all: Blitz, I was unaware I had a so called "town" playstyle. I've only ever lived more than one day as town once... As for the people that are most suspicious of this player spot because of Bizz subbing out... really? Please give me a chance to interact with you guys before you lynch me off of that. I'm not saying that if you truly suspect me for how I'm playing you shouldn't lynch me today, but rl causes issues, and don't lynch a spot just because the original person needed to sub out.

Moving on, my thoughts on the game.

Townish reads:

I'm pretty sure Excellen is town, just based on his play now as compared to Homestuck mafia and just general townish play even if he was all yell-ey at the start.

I'm feeling a pretty strong town vibe on Manix because he's been actively scum hunting, holding people accountable for their actions, but also holding himself accountable too. He could have ignored the fact that we mislynched a role cop yesterday, but instead he pushed for people to explain their vote, and explained his own as well.

Marth made what was probably not the smartest move early on in D1, but since then has been contributing, explained himself, and overall seems to be townish.

Blitz is doing the opposite of that thing he does when he's scum, aka he's posting a good amount. Yes, a lot of the posts are one liners, but a good amount of them are also useful and are giving me town reads. He's suspicious of me acting like my mafia self as opposed to my town self, but I was unaware I even had a town self posting style...

Straw: Slightly stronger than normal town read here, he's been posting a good bit more than the one time I played scum with him, and he seems to be pro-town from those posts.

Subi, I'm leaning slight town on but I could see him flipping either way. The day power claim is interesting, but I don't think he should claim any more right now because the more people who claim the more we help the mafia.

Neutral or other reads

Elieson has been, for me, forgettable. When I was reading through this as a sub, before I took over, I'd forgotten that he was playing. Going back and reading his posts, there might be a slight town vibe there, but honestly I don't have a read here.

Impy: Hasn't been around much, and what has been posted has mostly left me unsure. Some of it could be read as pro-town, some of it could be read as scum. I really don't have any clue here.


Prims is... ugh. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Prims ends up flipping town, but just the way he's been acting this game, especially towards me, has just been rubbing me the wrong way since before I joined in. Because of that, I do have a slight scum read on him, but ugh.

Proto hasn't been acting in a way that I've seen as helpful towards the town, even with his current claim of vanilla. Vanilla can be a fairly easy thing to claim. Also, I'm a little unsure why he claimed to have idled when he doesn't have a night action to perform or not perform. Maybe that's just his way of saying I didn't do anything, but that way of phrasing it seemed a little off to me. Dunno.

Bananas: Hasn't posted yet today... Beyond that, his posts haven't been reading very well, seems to have been active lurking, and sheeping during D1, and then hasn't posted since.

Ending this post here, will post more reads on people in a bit.

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basically, not interested in lynching / null reads:

(1) As stated earlier, not as interested in lynching Subieko, she looks lots better to me starting this phase (+ Strawman targeted her, wasting is ability, probs).

(2) Also, not feeling Imp lynch right now (she's still very disinterested, making me very sad).

(3) straw, bc him kind of proving his role

Couple problems here. 1) You said earlier as well that I look better this phase, while last phase you were very, very convinced I was scum. So this sudden opinion change comes out of nowhere and isn't really explained. This is the same problem I'm having with Proto, opinions are just happening with little reasoning. And Imp and Straw are both people who others are saying are clear because of role claims so this is not really new information.

I might be feeling a scorri lynch, since she's not feeling too town, but esp. since like Prims pointed out, Bizz tends to sub out when she's disinterested (mostly when she's scum).

##Vote: scorri

Again you think someone is scummy but don't provide reasoning. What makes her not seem Town, other than Prim's meta reason which you have echoed here? Perhaps this is just a difference of opinion but a single meta thing is not much reasoning for a lynch. This is like Proto's thing about Shinori being on IRC or whatever. And, again, this is a weak echo of what Prims already said.

I don't think you should claim yet; even if you're not sure how to use your role, I think it's still best to only claim if the claim would be useful in some way. It's not N2 yet either so you can't use your claim to confirm Shinori's role at this point anyway, if I'm understanding you.

SB, a lot of stuff has happened, multiple people have claimed, we had two flips, you should be able to find something to say.

Scorri, I need to iso Bizz/you because most of what I remember from Bizz was large wall-of-quotes posts that were out-of-date most of the time. So, not a particularly Town read based on memory. Your list of reads isn't that much of a contribution either because much of it is kind of vague.

I'm still suspicious of Iris and her posts so far D2 haven't improved my opinion. Proto is scummy but I need to think more about whether his claim makes sense.

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If all you're going to be doing is answering questions/defending yourself, that's not very helpful to the town. Because if you're town, then the only way the town can interact with you is by wasting their time on you, as opposed to spending it on hunting actual scum.

Who do you think is the scummiest? Who do you think is the towniest? What are your opinions on Proto? Who would you want to lynch at the moment?

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BBM seems townish, was defending Bizz against Prims demands to lynch her, which of course I support, had some decent posts in D1, but hasn't posted much today. Would like to see some more from him today before I decide for sure on this read.

Psych seems like... psych. Slight town read here, but hasn't posted much today. A mostly town read here.


Iris: I'm reading neutralish here, inactivish, but that's usual. Suspicious of me but voting me mostly because of Bizz subbing out which I still view as a bad reason for a lynch. So yeah, don't really have a read on her beyond a slight frown for that lynch reasoning...

eclipse: Different playing style, could be because she's scum, or could be because trying to change how she plays. However, if I had to choose town or scum, I'd probably lean slightly more town, just because she does seem to be trying to help town.


Shinori: I... have a *slight* scum read here, mostly because of this misssing Night X in the role PM and because I just have a feeling. Also because Redirector is also just as easily scum as it is town.

On that note, my two current lynch targets would be either Proto or Bananas. Which is why I'm currently voting for Proto.

Also, Serious Bananas is now Serious Bababas for people who are trying to do ISO.

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Subi: yeah, I know that a list post like this isn't really ideal, but I wasn't paying super much attention due to not playing at first, and then when I tried to reread, it turned into a decent amount of skimming unfortunately due to like... there being 25 pages D1. So yes, my reads are not very specific right now, but I'm hoping that as D2 goes on, I'll be able to get more solid reads.

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The majority of the day 2 stuff happened while I was out, and I felt like saying it too late would make me seem like I was echoing. But I guess I have to say something, so I'll say what I'm thinking about the Nags kill. I think that the killer was likely on another stage, as they could likely make Proto and Subi seem scummy. At the same time, this could just all be paranoia, but if the mafia have this role, using it night one would definitely not be a waste (assuming it's limited charges, so the mafia can't just abuse it every night). If anyone on the stage was a mafia though, I'd lean towards Proto.

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I don't know why I'm arguing against myself, but even I can admit that my D1 play wasn't great. And me defending Bizz, even if you're town, is no reason to consider me town. If all the mafia did was go after all the people whom they knew were town, and defend all the mafia members, they'd be extremely to hunt down.

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Scorri, the problem is that posting a list where almost everyone on it is only a a slight read is that it's not very helpful. Your list would be great in like a notes file for you to refer to, but it's not that helpful for the Town to know that, say 'Psych seems like Psych' or 'Marth has been contributing'.

I realize that you are still catching up, but perhaps for your next post, iso your current suspicions or someone you're unsure on and see if anything jumps out at you.

Also, you're relying too much on people's reaction to you. If you're Town, Town might want to lynch you and scum might defend you to gain Town cred. Your BBM and Prims reads are weak because of that. Yeah, if someone makes a post towards/about you and it's really scummy, say it, but just because Prims suspects you doesn't necessarily mean he's scum. particularly since he say in your own post that you wouldn't be surprised if he flips Town. Do you suspect him or don't you?

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Subi: Yes, but no? My view on him is kinda all flipped around and such right now. I have a feeling he might be town, but the way he's been acting towards me specifically and also just in general is rubbing me the wrong way and that's making me doubt my suspicion that he might be town. Also, I did state who my top two scum reads are right now and who I'd be ok with seeing lynched.

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\Wait, Psych, what do you mean by this?\

I mean I don't know what a redirector is.

Also, guys, stop lynching Proto this instant. I can vouch for his claim. I 100% believe it okay he's probably clear just stop.

I just caught up with the topic and saw the claim and you need to stop lynching him.

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How can you vouch for a Vanilla claim?


Dear Psych,

You are Ivysaur.


A Seed Pokémon that is the evolved form of Bulbasaur. It has a flower bulb on its back, the weight of which has made it develop strong legs and hips. If the blossom gets too big, the Pokémon can't stand on two legs alone. At a certain level, it evolves into Venusaur. When this happens, the bulb absorbs nutrients and blossoms into a large-petaled flower.

You have no special abilities. Your goal is to make the bulb on your back sprout, so go to a place that has lots of sunlight and stay there for a while.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

Since we're both Pokemon and basically have the exact same "you're useless but you might gain a power" I'm inclined to believe Proto 100%

Squirtle could claim too and have all three of us relatively clear.

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