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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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Straw's role feels like it would be too strong in the hands of the mafia, and the report I got tilts my vote further towards Core. He hasn't managed to successfully protect anyone yet, and he could have been tailored by Tables to hide him from rolecop, whatever he actually is. Or he could just be a mafia doctor otherwise.

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I was not targeted by Elieson. I did target Elieson. But I did not empower him. I roleblocked him because I thought if anyone was doing the killing on Halberd, it would be him. Sorry that I was wrong.

And here is my full role PM.

Dear StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw,

You are Telly Vision.


A manager robot that comes with Chibi-Robo when you buy him. Telly can hover through the air using the propeller attached to his head. Unlike Chibi-Robo, Telly can speak the human language. In addition, Telly acts as a motivator of sorts, encouraging Chibi-Robo as he goes about working and gaining Happy Points.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Encourage USER". You will make USER feel good about themself, allowing them to use their action twice during the following day/night. However, USER will be exhausted the day/night after that, and will be unable to use any actions or switch to another Stage during the time. This doesn't affect killers, since seriously, who would let themselves get influenced by a talking TV?

Alternatively, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - After these messages, USER will be right back". USER will closely follow your broadcast tonight, resulting in them forgetting about what they wanted to do originally. This blocks USER's action.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

So yes, Psych is indeed always correct.

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I can confirm that I killed Elieson (and Scorri earlier), but even then, that does not clear SB because if Manix is scum they would have already known that I was the vigilante, and been able to fabricate that part of the report without actually having watched Elieson.

As for why I killed Elieson: To begin with, I was about 70% sure he was scum. This turned out to be wrong, but my thought process was that one of the people on Halberd had to be scum, because there was simply no way otherwise that the mafia would allow themselves to partitioned off in groups of one and two when they had lost their ability to kill across stages. The game would pretty much have been over for them. At the very least, more people would have argued against setting up the system as it was, because they wouldn't have had anything to lose anyways. And what I thought was that even if Elieson wasn't scum, as the scummiest looking person, if he was eliminated in the night, the town could narrow down the actual scum on the stage even further. I also did not expect that the entire Poketrio might die and leave us in MYLO if my shot ended up taking out a townie.

TBH, I honestly do not know which of Core and SB is our scum.

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Question though BBM: How would he have been able to fabricate Straw's visit when no one knew what Straw was going to do? Think about it.

But yes, it's still not a full clear because he could still be scum that still visited those people. :/

Also, I can claim if need be.

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That's the part about his report that I'm not quite sure how he might have been able to fabricate. Him and Strawman would have to be scumbuddies, but if they are then they might as well just have omitted that part out. It's still possible that Strawman might be scum, and he used his role on Subi N1 for town cred. However, if both SB and Core were town, Core would have to explain why he visited two people last night, one of whom died.

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At the moment I can't decide between two man scum team left or 3 man scum team left. However I feel our best choice is to lynch SB today, and then have BBM shoot Manix tonight. IF it's a 3 man mafia and SB flips town we would lose game tomorrow so the vig shot hitting manix would be our last choice really, and I'm positive he will flip scum.

@BBM: Do you have any bullets left?

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Shinori, just a question: Why do you think I'm scum? Because if it's by elimination, I will whack you upside the head.

If you've said it before, I apologize.

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That's the part about his report that I'm not quite sure how he might have been able to fabricate. Him and Strawman would have to be scumbuddies, but if they are then they might as well just have omitted that part out. It's still possible that Strawman might be scum, and he used his role on Subi N1 for town cred. However, if both SB and Core were town, Core would have to explain why he visited two people last night, one of whom died.

I think it's unlikely that both Core and SB are town, esp. with SB's report unless Strawman turns out to be some framer ????? (aka, no).


BBM's been softclaiming vigilante for a long time, at least to me, "no don't switch my role bad things will happen".

Manix, you should claim. Also, who do you think is scum?

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Let me ISO and pull up various posts, albeit part of it is process of elimination in my eyes along with the tailor that was in the game.

3. Iris - claimed role, partially proven, might still be scum<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">6. Helios Prims Delirium - claimed role, backed up supposedly by SB, weird thought process and day 2 stupid stuff. Depends on SB flip<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">7. Serious Bananas - Playing weirdly. Was inactive and not doing anything, suddenly active and smart, different than how he was in SFM, not really his fault I guess, feel like he was coached.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">8. eclipse - Proven claimed role, feel she's town.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">10. BigBangMeteor - I suspected him to be vig, he then claimed it, and manix didn't counter claim, Town.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">14. Shinori - I know I'm town fuck you guys.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">16. StrawSoththeSawSlothStraw - Feel he's more town, dunno his role could be pretty scummy, but he hasn't been roleblocking anyone that anyone has claimed, I need to think on this more, could be scum or town, nuetral at the moment.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">18. Manix - Unclaimed no info - will link posts and stuff from iso read later - tailor was in game, role hasn't been proven, feel like he's scum.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">

My point of view through process of elimination and various thoughts I have. Will show ISO'd posts that stick out with manix sometime later today.

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Let me ISO and pull up various posts, albeit part of it is process of elimination in my eyes along with the tailor that was in the game.

3. Iris - claimed role, partially proven, might still be scum

6. Helios Prims Delirium - claimed role, backed up supposedly by SB, weird thought process and day 2 stupid stuff. Depends on SB flip

7. Serious Bananas - Playing weirdly. Was inactive and not doing anything, suddenly active and smart, different than how he was in SFM, not really his fault I guess, feel like he was coached.

8. eclipse - Proven claimed role, feel she's town.

10. BigBangMeteor - I suspected him to be vig, he then claimed it, and manix didn't counter claim, Town.

14. Shinori - I know I'm town fuck you guys.

16. StrawSoththeSawSlothStraw - Feel he's more town, dunno his role could be pretty scummy, but he hasn't been roleblocking anyone that anyone has claimed, I need to think on this more, could be scum or town, nuetral at the moment.

18. Manix - Unclaimed no info - will link posts and stuff from iso read later - tailor was in game, role hasn't been proven, feel like he's scum.

My point of view through process of elimination and various thoughts I have. Will show ISO'd posts that stick out with manix sometime later today.

Stupid formatting.

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Dear Manix,

You are Olimar.


Veteran spacefarers in the employ of Hocotate Freight. After crash-landing on an enigmatic planet, Olimar met the mysterious beings known as Pikmin. He enlisted their aid to find his spaceship parts and help him escape. Once home, he found his employer on the verge of bankruptcy. He was sent back to the Pikmin world with his partner, Louie, to repay the company debt.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Attack USER with Red Pikmin." You will jump around trying to hit USER with Red Pikmin aerials, causing them to flee in terror. As a result, they will forget to perform their night action.

Alternatively, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Grab USER with a Blue Pikmin." You will grab USER with a Blue Pikmin and hold on to him, preventing him from moving Stages the following day.

Alternatively, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Spam smashes near USER with Yellow Pikmin." As Yellow Pikmin have the largest hitbox, anyone attempting to target USER will be unable to get in close enough to do so. However, killers are a bit more competent than that, and will thus be able to kill your pikmin and then their target.

Alternatively, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Pluck Purple Pikmin for USER!" You will pluck Purple Pikmin, which are the heavy hitters. As a result, USER will be able to barrel through any sorts of hooks or redirects that night.

Alternatively, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Throw White Pikmin near USER." You will toss a bunch of White Pikmin near USER, who will then follow USER during the night. They will see who USER visited that night.

You may use each of those abilities only once during the game.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

Hi there. For reference, I've been holding onto most of these. I used my Purple Pikmin on BBM last night, just in case (you never know what might be in the game). I'm still holding onto all the others. Before you yell at me for not using my White Pikmin, I felt over the past few days that the tracker and watcher claims were enough, but since the tracker was faked and the watcher was actually a trackerwatcher, I will be using it tonight unless I need to use something else.

I can prove something tonight, I'd like to use my White Pikmin tonight, tbh

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I feel that role is scumm as all hell. Purple pikmin with our poketrio bullshit that happened last night I just don't trust it or like it. BBM when you can please link your role pm. I want to see it.

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Dude, how do the Purple Pikmin link in any way to the poketrio? I think that's a bit of a stretch to make that connection.

And besides, since I targeted BBM, who apparently targeted Elie (and confirmed it), how the fuck does that even link? One of the people on the stage would have had to killed the poke-trio. HOW DOES THAT RELATE TO ME?

You're grasping at straws, and I don't like it.

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<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">If you managed to catch three Pokémon, the first time you would be killed, you will be able to fend off the attacker with their combined strength.

There was no mistake with their death. Make of that what you will.

THATS HOW ITS RELATED MANIX. We already have multiple other people who can target people not on stage, if your scum what's to say you can't visit your scum buddy on a different stage, especially considering you throw your pikmin.

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If your scum you could have editted part of your role.

If your scum you could be lying about what abilities you used.

Okay manix answer the other question that someone else asked. WHO DO YOU THINK IS SCUM?

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Sure, be glad to. (sorry, I was going to answer that in my claim post but then I forgot)

Right now, I think that Core or SB is scum (but not the other), and you, Shinori. You still seem so desperate to get people lynched without great reasoning for it, and you've been given a lot of free passes this game, which I don't really like. Heck, I gave you one D2/D3 (don't remember which), but I'm not convinced that it's a good idea.

I'm not completely set on clipsey, but she might be scum, might not be. I really can't tell this game.

BBM is very town to me, has been most of the game

Iris is probably town

Straw is probably town as well, because his role seems far too strong for maf (and it's pretty much been proven)

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My evaluation:

Either me or SB and either Manix or Shinori are scum.

Is there any reason to believe that the mafia has a role to frame me and make it look like I visited Proto? I don't think so, so ##Vote: SB

Obviously you guys have to choose who to believe, but, ugh this sucks. I wish we had more than 2 stages so that we could isolate some people.

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I say currently lynch SB depending on flip we have more info to play off of. I still want BBM's full role claim since we have everyone elses now.

Also I feel stage distrubution to be like this:

Brinstar: Shinori, eclipse, BBM, Strawman

Castle seige: Prims, Manix, Iris

Something along these lines, I might make a few adjustments.

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I don't understand.

Why would a mafia fakeclaim tracker then the mafia claiming watcher out themselves as watcher tracker?

I do find it weird that SB didn't counter-claim the tracker initially, but it seems weird for mafia to sabotage their own player like that.

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[19:08] <Shinori> Could you tell people in SSBU and MoMM that I am not mentally able to talk about mafia related stuff for at least a day. If it ends up being more than a day I will tell you and I will sub out

[19:08] <Shinori> but for now

[19:08] <Shinori> I am not able to think straight

[19:08] <Shinori> I am not in a proper mental state

[19:08] <Paperblade> um

[19:08] <Paperblade> how come

[19:08] <Shinori> to talk about anything mafia related

[19:08] <Paperblade> did something happen irl

[19:08] <Shinori> Personal life related issues

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Well, so much for my role being useful today. . .hope things work out, Shinori.

First, can we PLEASE not vote Core off? Our wonderful Piplup posted his role before he went down. I think the town benefits most from the doctor, and mafia doctors are bastardy as all hell.

Not quite sure what to think of Strawman's full claim. The double action looks useful, but I'm more interested in the "mired on the same stage and unable to act for the next night". I can see how that could be used as a "beneficial" hook - hit the doctor, and you're guaranteed an unprotected target the next night. First, I want answers from another source.

##Vote: Manix

Night actions, plox.

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