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Xenoblade Mafia - Game Over


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ah okay, well he normally does talk and is more enthusiastic but he hasn't really said anything scummy either

that's fair, i guess i thought i might throw that out there

but i must have missed the part where he claimed generic townie for no reason /:

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What I've noticed is you first get suspicious, but you don't act on your suspicions immediately. You did that with Prims, you've done that with me, and you just may do that to Ether's sub too.

And yeah I haven't let you off the hook, what makes you think I have? I see no point, just like you saw no point in keeping your vote on Prims, and just like you thought I looked scummier, I thought someone on the Aerewagon could be scum. THat doesn't mean you've forgotten about Prims, nor does it mean I've let you off.

Also look I'm naturally scummy so I care two hoots about it.

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that's fair, i guess i thought i might throw that out there

but i must have missed the part where he claimed generic townie for no reason /:

but didn't you say stuff about not claiming vanilla? That's where that entire thing came from (Ether's remark) in the first place.

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You shouldn't lynch me because I'm town, even if I'm not useful town, as generic a reason as that is. As for who to lynch in my stead, I honestly couldn't tell you, I suck at this game and don't have any reads.

It was this post, to be specific.

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i suppose

proof that i shouldn't be mafia'ing at 3am

where did prims go, by the way? /:

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I haven't been paying attention to Mafia today because a friend extracted videos from Super Danganronpa 2 and spoiling myself + talking about it on irc + maybe doing some other non-mafiers things too is a lot more interesting.

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(oh i forgot it got a sequel

i kinda accidentally spoiled myself a little for both games oops)

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Marth, seeing as we don't know Aere's alignment, there's little reason to use associative tells even if he looked like the most obvtown player in the game. So I'm not getting your point about one of the people on Aere's wagon being likely scum just because he built a wagon that wasn't even similar to this one in SFM.

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Look all I'm saying is its pretty normal for Aere to jump to hasty conclusions- in SFM he thought I was scum just because of stuff Manix pointed out, and I was doc in that. So I don't get why he suddenly has four votes on him because he made a hasty statement- at least that's the gist of it, I think. I also find Snike's vote suspicious as it looks like an excuse to hop on to the wagon.

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Snike's 7 posts, with only 4 of them having any substance, don't sit right with me. He states his only reads are Ether, Bizz, and me. Ether, imo, had something going on, and that's not enough to base any votes or feelings off of. I think that leaves her null until her sub comes in. You think Bizz is obvtown, why? He voted Prims (RVS), then shot a hypocritical-prod vote on Rapier for being inactive. Then he votes me, with nothing more to back it up then 'lol your jokeline means something'. No, I've still never been mafia. Sue me for throwing a joke in like half the other players do in their posts. So I find Snike pretty scummy.

Marth looked kinda sketchy in the beginning, because he was so focused on getting all of the votes in that little wagon off of him. I wouldn't exactly take that as scummy, though, I think he was just a bit annoyed at the hastiness of the wagon, but he's been looking better lately. I think BBM is town too, even with his early tunneling on me. I find most earlygame wagons (the one on me now included) somewhat scummy, as I think 1+ wagoners are looking to push a mislynch.

So, ##Vote: Snike. You gotta have a bit more substance than that.

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Snike's 7 posts, with only 4 of them having any substance, don't sit right with me. He states his only reads are Ether, Bizz, and me. Ether, imo, had something going on, and that's not enough to base any votes or feelings off of. I think that leaves her null until her sub comes in. You think Bizz is obvtown, why? Snike voted Prims (RVS), then shot a hypocritical-prod vote on Rapier for being inactive. Then he votes me, with nothing more to back it up then 'lol your jokeline means something'. No, I've still never been mafia. Sue me for throwing a joke in like half the other players do in their posts. So I find Snike pretty scummy.

Clarification in bold.

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Shinori has subbed in for Ether. Please don't make me sub in anyone else.


[4] Aere: BBM, Rapier, Core, Snike

[2] Marth: Levity, Manix

[2] Snike: Marth, Aere

[1] Manix: Kaoz

[1] Core: Prims

[1] Rapier: Blitz

Not Voting: Camtech, Shinori, Xin Li

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Dem's fighting words Aere. Here's a breakdown of your post regarding me.

Snike's 7 posts, with only 4 of them having any substance, don't sit right with me. He states his only reads are Ether, Bizz, and me.

5 out of 7 were relevant, so please recount correctly. Also, nly relevant reads, as in, reads that are strong enough to act on IMO. I'm not about to clutter the thread with weak tells and null tells.

Ether, imo, had something going on, and that's not enough to base any votes or feelings off of. I think that leaves her null until her sub comes in.
Maybe if you realized that he essentially just suggested that all vanillas claim, which hands the mafia a hitlist at worst and wastes our time at best, you'd place a vote.

Also, Ether's a guy.

You think Bizz is obvtown, why?

I see Bizz as a bit of a skeptical but decisive townie, especially here. I might be a few months behind, but the thing I note in general is that scum tend to act indecisive, and with Bizz, you just don't see that. I don't really find a problem with her arguments either, just I'm not being convinced enough to go and pressure Prims right now when there are other options about that I find to be better lynches.

He voted Prims (RVS), then shot a hypocritical-prod vote on Rapier for being inactive.

Thank you for missing the Ether vote after just mentioning it in the previous few lines. Thank you for ignoring the timestamps between my vote and Rapier's first post. Thank you for calling me a hypocrite, as it makes it blatant that you're misrepresenting my actions.

Then he votes me, with nothing more to back it up then 'lol your jokeline means something'. No, I've still never been mafia. Sue me for throwing a joke in like half the other players do in their posts. So I find Snike pretty scummy.

Let's talk about this for a bit. First of all, I didn't say that, I said that the line itself bothered me, and I also mentioned the fact that your newbie pressure strategy or whatever is of questionable use IMO, which made it suspicious. Please don't ridicule my gut, it is easily offended. If it's a 'joke', then why continue to bring it up? It seems to me that you're propagating the myth that you're town just because you've always been town for the games you've played here, which is 7for7 fallacy (which I was trying to remember in my post that apparently drew flak). Just because you've been town in the past doesn't mean that you're town this time.

But, yeah, I almost want to say that post was an OMGUS, but I'm pretty sure a few people will disagree.

Now, onto previous shit you've done.

Guys, I've still never been mafia haha.

I've been concentrating on Jedi (I guess now Manix?) because, as I've said before, I found him the scummiest. I'd rather mislynch a newer player over a more experienced one, call me what you want for that.

Now, I want to wait for Manix to post. I can't use my feelings from noob!Jedi on Manix, their play styles are completely different.

Core, wtf, now you're voting for me? This is a complete 180.

Already addressed the first line.

Bold: Irony aside, how about mislynching the scummiest? I don't particularly care if the player is a new player or a vet, if they act scummy, I'd like to see them lynched. This sort of looks like you're going for the easier lynches (new people).

Italics: Resetting the reads on someone because of a sub is foolish, considering that that might give scum a clean slate or allow scum to misrepresent the incoming player more easily.

Underline: Yes, how dare he change his mind because of the reasons he stated when he changed votes. Incidentally, that brings up a point from the original quote.

Marth looked kinda sketchy in the beginning, because he was so focused on getting all of the votes in that little wagon off of him. I wouldn't exactly take that as scummy, though, I think he was just a bit annoyed at the hastiness of the wagon, but he's been looking better lately. I think BBM is town too, even with his early tunneling on me. I find most earlygame wagons (the one on me now included) somewhat scummy, as I think 1+ wagoners are looking to push a mislynch.

Bold: Isn't that basically what you're trying to do right here?

Anyways, the italics I read as you considering anyone who votes you or suspects you of being scum, scummy to some extent. This sort of goes nicely with the repetition of permutations of the line "I've still never been mafia", in that if someone accepts or misses the fallacy, the omgus reactions you've been releasing can be interpreted as indignant townie, and that can sort of shame people off of your lynch.

To conclude, thank you for misrepresenting my argument. It warms my cold black heart that you care enough to twist my words and risk standing between a dragon and its' wrath. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go crawl back into my dark, decrepit cardboard box along with my trusty knife for a little while. [/sarcasm]

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Don't have much time to post currently reading up on what I haven't already read in this forum. Heading back to work in about 30-40 minutes and I'll be back around 6 central or so, which is just under 4 hours from now.

Anywho screw you guys I'm not scum. I'm town, this is more or less focused at the few posts I saw that was saying Ether is scummy and using her scum meta or whatever. Don't remember off the top of my head but I know levy said something about it and supposedly snike/Aere. Let me read, get caught up, and I'll post tonight.

Not voting yet though anywho.

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I can do this before I go to work. Take of this what you will, I'm responding to what Ether has stated in the thread. Haven't read too much besides that so far.

Post #25, doesn't matter, not really relevant.

Post #31, also, does not matter. Ignoring.

You shouldn't lynch me because I'm town, even if I'm not useful town, as generic a reason as that is. As for who to lynch in my stead, I honestly couldn't tell you, I suck at this game and don't have any reads.

*Snicker* Won't say much other than that but I laughed at this. Also, PRIDE! Kay moving on.

Post #126 is, I'm pretty sure, the only post Ether posted that was really usable or something that I felt like I could comment on. Let me split this post up.

As a note, I can't believe you guys thought that was a softclaim. I was simply in a rather foul mood and thus I'm useless town because I'm me.

I laugh at the people who thought it was or was not a vanilla claim, I'm not saying anything else yet on this situation cause I'm cool.

On another note, it's kind of aggressive, but one potential option we have is to force vanilla claims now. This prevents scum from claiming vanilla unless they want to do it now, which could potentially shut them down or catch them in a lie later. There are downsides, since scum also see which players are less threatening to them during the night stage of our cycles, but it may be well worth it if you want to try. I'll let some others give some thoughts on this one.

No. I disagree with what Ether stated here. I don't like dealing with people claiming vanilla, it always annoys me and causes me to be overly paranoid about them. If you want proof of that please go look at SFM, if someone has already done this then I'll see that when i read when I'm back from work.

As for Kaoz, I can see where he is going with this, though usually directed as a general question, individual targeting is better for forcing a response, though I agree it is a tad early, a nervous scum could still slip up when confronted without a plan.

Have to wait till I read more cause I don't know what we are talking about kaoz for in this sentence.

Anyway, for now ##Vote: Rapier

Existing less than me, for shame~

If rapier seriously had less than Ether's posts at this point in time I am dissapoint. Will most likely ISO rapier later.

Post #137, Stop being so down on yourself Etherrrrrrrrrr =|

Post #234, this post makes me sad. =( Clicked on it and scrolled down a bit and noticed something though.

This post, #239, caught my eye and at the moment seems weird to me:

Are you going to sub out just because you "don't know what to say"? I mean, if you're busy or just overwhelmed by other stuff (or didn't want to participate in the first place) I can understand, but are you quitting just because you're at a loss for words?

I'm not quite sure at the moment but I don't like it.

Anywho I'm about to leave for work will actually read more and post more thoughts once i'm back in a few hours.

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Dem's fighting words Aere. Here's a breakdown of your post regarding me.

5 out of 7 were relevant, so please recount correctly. Also, nly relevant reads, as in, reads that are strong enough to act on IMO. I'm not about to clutter the thread with weak tells and null tells.

Can't really respond to this.

Maybe if you realized that he essentially just suggested that all vanillas claim, which hands the mafia a hitlist at worst and wastes our time at best, you'd place a vote.

Also, Ether's a guy.

He also recognized the extremeness of his (my bad) actions, and was by no means pushing it. To be frank, he acknowledged that it was a terrible idea, and that was his last relevant post before subbing out.

I see Bizz as a bit of a skeptical but decisive townie, especially here. I might be a few months behind, but the thing I note in general is that scum tend to act indecisive, and with Bizz, you just don't see that. I don't really find a problem with her arguments either, just I'm not being convinced enough to go and pressure Prims right now when there are other options about that I find to be better lynches.

Bizz is also a very experienced mafia player, who doesn't act indecisive unless her mood strikes her. In the mafias I've witnessed her in, she's typically been decisive, if somewhat erratic. I don't think she is scummy either, but that's based on what she says, not how she says it.

Thank you for missing the Ether vote after just mentioning it in the previous few lines. Thank you for ignoring the timestamps between my vote and Rapier's first post. Thank you for calling me a hypocrite, as it makes it blatant that you're misrepresenting my actions.

Sorry for missing your 14 minute long Ether vote, after which you said the complete opposite of what you stated at the top of my post, and acknowledged that Ether realized his mistake. Make up your mind there. Is Ether scummy or not?

Let's talk about this for a bit. First of all, I didn't say that, I said that the line itself bothered me, and I also mentioned the fact that your newbie pressure strategy or whatever is of questionable use IMO, which made it suspicious. Please don't ridicule my gut, it is easily offended. If it's a 'joke', then why continue to bring it up? It seems to me that you're propagating the myth that you're town just because you've always been town for the games you've played here, which is 7for7 fallacy (which I was trying to remember in my post that apparently drew flak). Just because you've been town in the past doesn't mean that you're town this time.

I'm continuing to bring it up because you actually took it for more. I can't explain it more than that: It meant literally nothing at all. I'm town here because I'm town here, not because I've always been town.

But, yeah, I almost want to say that post was an OMGUS, but I'm pretty sure a few people will disagree.

Not only was I expecting you to say that, I was expecting others to, as well. First thing that comes to mind when one votes against someone who is voting him.

Now, onto previous shit you've done.

Bold: Irony aside, how about mislynching the scummiest? I don't particularly care if the player is a new player or a vet, if they act scummy, I'd like to see them lynched. This sort of looks like you're going for the easier lynches (new people).

Wow, I guess my votes on Jedi completely went over you? I clearly thought he was the scummiest because of how he was playing, and Manix has more or less rectified that. I'd like to get an easy scum lynch (Jedi, if he stayed and was scum), and if I'm wrong, I'd rather mislynch on a newer player.

Italics: Resetting the reads on someone because of a sub is foolish, considering that that might give scum a clean slate or allow scum to misrepresent the incoming player more easily.

I reset my reads because Jedi didn't exactly have the firmest grasp on the game. It IS his first game. I saw him as scummy, but it was more his manner of posting than what he said. Manix represents himself much differently.

Bold: Isn't that basically what you're trying to do right here?

Wrong. I'm fighting back and trying to look for scum (Never really scumhunted or anything before), Marth was solely trying to prove his innocence. This has since changed.

Anyways, the italics I read as you considering anyone who votes you or suspects you of being scum, scummy to some extent. This sort of goes nicely with the repetition of permutations of the line "I've still never been mafia", in that if someone accepts or misses the fallacy, the omgus reactions you've been releasing can be interpreted as indignant townie, and that can sort of shame people off of your lynch.

Haha, what? And you're saying I misrepresent you? I said that I believe early wagons, which form fast, have a scum member who wants to push a mislynch. Not that everybody in the wagon is scum.

To conclude, thank you for misrepresenting my argument. It warms my cold black heart that you care enough to twist my words and risk standing between a dragon and its' wrath. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go crawl back into my dark, decrepit cardboard box along with my trusty knife for a little while. [/sarcasm]

En garde.

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Reading Snike's side of the argument towards Aere is giving me bad feelings about him ): Something about it doesn't rub me the right way

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