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In SFM, you were town trying not to do die. You are/were accusing Prims of scum trying to coast on a PGO claim- how are these things the same?

Trying not to die on a pgo claim = coast on a pgo claim. Either way, ppl claim pgo to survive and not present a harmful position to town. Survive because town wincon. Not look harmful to town because town wincon. It is indeed one in the same.


Pondering something.

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I was thinking about it being a slip, BBM might've panicked from the rising pressure on his teammate and defended him without thinking about it, in typical BBM fashion (no offence).

What? I've never played a game with you, unless you count Anonydraft, in which I was town. How would you know what typical scum!BBM fashion is? Are you mixing me up with somebody else?

@Manix- They're linked, yes, but the reason behind the post was to poke faulty reasoning, a side-effect of which happened to be defending Shinori. Elie, for example, voted Kay for more or less the same reason as I did, and you never poked at him for defending Shinori- is that just because he said "I'm not defending Shinori" in his post?

@Kay- Well, I wouldn't say I'm a good scumhunter, but when I see people make posts, I try to see the motivation behind them and think whether scum would make a post like that, or if they'd want to make a post like that. And then if I find something I think scum would do, I vote for that person (unless someone else is going something scummier). With you, it feels like a lot of small poking with not much conviction behind it because you don't back it up properly. Which is why my vote is on you. Plus, you still haven't explained the reason behind your vote for me.

On another note, I'm too lazy to link, but there was a post SB made a while back where he said a bunch of stuff about other people and at the end, just voted for Tyrant. Why?

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First off: Elie please stop doing that (breaking RVS) it's actually legit annoying and messes up everyone's scumdars (and I'm fairly sure you have been lynched for it before)

Okay now:

I'm honestly not feeling the case against Kay at all. People are saying she's not contributing, but yet there are statements like these:

If your role is that useless as town, why did you pick it? Since your role is already outed, no harm in you sharing your motivation, right?

(ps: I don't think Prims ever addressed this, correct me if I'm wrong though)

Maybe playing mafia while drinking wasn't as good a plan as you thought, eh? I expect an explanation for this next time you're online.

Sounds like you have something you want to share with the class, Psych. Who are all these "scummy looking people", besides Aere?

If you're going to tell me that's not trying to contribute, then I don't know what to say. I think by now there is some scum driven wagoning going on, because people are starting to twist this out of control, imo.

Something about Rapier's most recent post irks me; it feels very sheepish, but iunno

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@Manix- They're linked, yes, but the reason behind the post was to poke faulty reasoning, a side-effect of which happened to be defending Shinori. Elie, for example, voted Kay for more or less the same reason as I did, and you never poked at him for defending Shinori- is that just because he said "I'm not defending Shinori" in his post?

Let me help you with that:

So taking what he specifically said and applying it is sticking words in his mouth? Okay then. :/

Other note: That was a defense, and you saying otherwise doesn't stick with me. Statement followed by a contradiction? >_>

This was at an Elie quote. Good job missing that.

Statement ("I'm not defending Shinori") -> Contradiction (proceeds to defend anyway).

And also note who I'm currently voting for.

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First off: Elie please stop doing that (breaking RVS)

literally discouraging ending rvs and start serious discussion

I shiggyhiko tanegashima you guys don't do this.

haven't been reading sorry

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INCIDENTALLY i've fakeclaimed pgo as scum before and we all know how well that worked out ;/

i think we should let prims be (for now) and go after someone else

for example i don't like how hard elie's pushing so hard for a basically useless lynch (as well as other documented reasons that i agree with)

lynching prims now nets us basically no information except for his role (and the relevant interactions but we can get those by lynching other people, no?)


##vote elie

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If you're going to tell me that's not trying to contribute, then I don't know what to say. I think by now there is some scum driven wagoning going on, because people are starting to twist this out of control, imo.

But it isn't. She doesn't go anywhere with her questioning, and questions

It's one thing to be bad at scumhunting, another to not even try.

Also I answered her question before she even posted.

You're doing That Thing That Scum Doesâ„¢ btw.

Snike pressing BBM over questioning others then ignoring my post which was 99% questioning (basically necessary to make sense out of anything rn) is interesting enough for a gut read. Consider that I'm a much less likely mislynch than a theoretical town!BBM at this point. Also Snike pls explain why Kay's BBM vote was enough to make her worse, unless you seriously went "oh shit somebody is voting the same person as I am".

Elie instead of posting a vague list that lets you vote whoever later on, how about you give us actual priorities and vote now?

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Okay, Manix, I missed that post against Elieson and the fact that you were voting for him. My mistake. Also, Prims, I don't think it's the breaking RVS that Manix has a problem with, it's the breaking RVS in such a way so as to draw attention towards him every time and away from scum (when he is town), that is annoying. And then when Elie is scum he does the same thing and when he does scummy things early on he just cites that he always does it to "break RVS". As an example, I believe he did something of that sort in ICBINSFMM3.

Elieson, why are those your scumreads (you haven't said anything direct against any of those people except Prims) and why aren't you voting for any of them? And what suddenly happened to your suspicion against Kay, that she's not even in your list of scum reads any more?

My scumreads right now are Elie because his play is starting to feel really similar to how he was in ICBINSFMM3, and Kay, because while her post complaining about frequently getting mislynched for not scumhunting felt sort of sincere, she still didn't actually respond to anything against her in any way other than by saying she's not good at scumhunting.

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I am trying to iso on my phone. It's rather difficult though, as it only lists links to userposts, it doesn't open them up.

Wait. Hold the phone. Manix, did you just say stop tring to end RVS?

##Vote Manix

Do I need to explain this one any more?

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Also Rein, your post linking to your role doesn't work for me (and apparently the role in the flip is different from what's in postgame) so can you just say what post exactly it is in the thread?


so upon further review

scummy: everyone as no one else has claimed or been confirmed as town

this part of this post bothers me a lot. Yes it's good to have a certain level of disbelief, but "everyone is scummy" is very suspect. The post after this is terrible too because it feels like you're trying to detract blame

Trying not to die on a pgo claim = coast on a pgo claim. Either way, ppl claim pgo to survive and not present a harmful position to town. Survive because town wincon. Not look harmful to town because town wincon. It is indeed one in the same.

I really do not like this kind of post (there are a bunch of these). Yeah, he could be scum. At this point, anyone could be. But this seems like too much of a leap in logic. Lynching someone D1 over a PGO claim is stupid, since that's what this is boiling down to. You seem way too focused on this, as well. It rings bad with me.

I'll hold my vote for now because I don't like what Psych is doing (and what he isn't, I guess), but I think Elie is bad too.

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##Vote: Manix (L-8)

The white knighting in #303 was bad. Can buy town being against Kay-lynch, but calling several quotes that aren't conductive to scumhunting contributive reads like buddying. Sure, she's asking questions, but can you tell what her reads on anybody are from those posts? Also if the Kay wagon looks questionable to you then why's your focus on Elie instead of looking at the people interacting with her?

Not Kay's biggest fan but she's not bad enough that her just being town having a bad start is unreasonable. Additionally, reactions from people such as Manix and Snike make me wonder if scum is taking advantage of her wagon.

I don't want to lynch Elie. scum!Elie should've folded once people started calling the PGO push dumb, and I don't think he would have started it in the first place given that scum has little reason to doubt a townie's claim.

Rein that's a terrible reason to not vote anybody. You're literally saying "I think this guy is scummy, I also think this guy is scummy. I am going to support the lynch off neither".

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Prims, how does Manix's reaction make you feel that Kay is town and scum is trying to take advantage of her wagon? If that was the case, then wouldn't scum!Manix be voting for Kay instead of defending her?

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But it isn't. She doesn't go anywhere with her questioning, and questions

It's one thing to be bad at scumhunting, another to not even try.

Hmmm okay. I understand that. But personally I feel there are bigger fish to fry.

Also, Prims, I don't think it's the breaking RVS that Manix has a problem with, it's the breaking RVS in such a way so as to draw attention towards him every time and away from scum (when he is town), that is annoying. And then when Elie is scum he does the same thing and when he does scummy things early on he just cites that he always does it to "break RVS". As an example, I believe he did something of that sort in ICBINSFMM3.

Okay maybe a bit of clarity is needed, by "breaking" RVS I mean breaking the function of it not breaking it as in "stop RVS"

But yeah, this is a good summary of what I was trying to say.

Elie, wow that was opportunistic as all get out btw

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Prims, how does Manix's reaction make you feel that Kay is town and scum is trying to take advantage of her wagon? If that was the case, then wouldn't scum!Manix be voting for Kay instead of defending her?

You were voting Navo last game so I'm not sure why you would need to ask this.

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