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Trainwreck Mafia - Game Over


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From what I can gather (this thread is worse reading than the kindergartener I'm teaching Latin to), I find Bluedoom and scorri pretty town. They've been promoting discussion and actually playing. I don't like Helios, because he's been posting loads of spam and avoiding questions. I have a gut feel on Shin, but that's not making a case. So, for now,



because I haven't seen his reads yet and he's been posting a lot.

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But when it's my time to shine, I will shine like the sun I am, and save the town from impending doom

Is this supposed to mean something.

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I'd try and find where I posted my reads Aere but this game has about 30 of 45 pages of pure spam and I don't feel like looking through. But I've been posting reads, it's just that there's so much spam clouding those posts that it's easy to miss.

Anyway Kay's vote on me is horrible. She hasn't scumhunt at all the entire game, and isn't even memorable. On top of that she's voting me off one post, with horrible weak reasoning at that. "Oh Helios is obviously scum since he just said that he's being lazy right now". Really now? Extremely opportunistic. Would vote for her if Rapier wasn't worse right now.

Also in regards to my "time to shine" comment:


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-Manix asks for reads

-Helios says he's busy, but will hopefully comment later along with a cryptic comment about his time to shine

-Kay votes him for not giving reads

-Helios claims Kay is scum, but not as bad as others.

-Aere votes Helios for posting but not posting reads (gives no reads but Helios and calling two people town)

-Boron asks about Helios's cryptic comment

-Helios says he's posted reads (while true, it was a while ago) and refuses to interpret his cryptic comment (as he should, we don't need more role claiming)

-you appear!

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From the past, once may assume that it was in reference to the mighty Sun King Helios, but of course, there could be something more.

As for Helios himself, I ponder. He and Madam Kay have both appeared out of nowhere, and seem to be arguing amongst eachother. One may consider that between the two, both are unlikely to be allied with scum.

I fail to see the actual case on Madam Kay, at this point anyhow. A single middling move does not make one evil incarnate.

The case on young BBM seems more plausible to me now, based on Shinori not only taunting him, but also claiming to be allied with himself. The only thing that threw me off young BBM was the quote from Shinori I pointed out earlier, but now that more had transpired, I'm inclined to reconsider. I cannot be positive, because while I no longer view Shinori and young BBM as a team, that Beloved role concerns me.

Everyone, let us agree on the two lynches before firing all of our votes! This is a rare opportunity, (a double lynch). We should narrow our options down to two or three candidates, and proceed from there (remembering Manix has claimed that a lynch on him would be a wasted one)

Thus, I submit to you, suggestions for a lynch, in order of urgency:



Young BBM

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did everyone actually forget the existence of ISO's

like seriously

and you can ISO yourself, you know that right

my brain is dead (just woke up) and I'll do stuff later

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Okay okay fine saying RVS hasn't ended yet is a bit of an exaggeration but come on now people there has barely been any serious play so far. But I'll try and make a mountain out of a mole hill for you all.

@Snike: Why do you not believe in the bastardness of this trainwreck? Oh and drop some wisdom when you come back because you haven't really said much so far either besides being an awesome bear.

@Shinori: As of now I don't think you're obvscum' date=' but your overreactions to some things are starting to lean that way. I'm wary of Marth because he normally doesn't dick around this much as town. However, as Boron stated, Marth is being Marth, and it's part of his personality to mess around more when people are messing around. I think Boron is just trying to make something happen to start up some conversation which looks town to me.

I think that Scorri was just in a bad mood because college, and as Eclipse taught us all "emotion is a null-tell".

@Psych: Why are you talking like that

Agree with Bizz that Eliedad looks a little strange atm. He normally posts more and is a little more serious about getting conversation going. This will probably change over time though.


This is the last post I can find by Helios that involves him giving reads beyond one lines posts and saying Mancer is just a noob.

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why would mafia steal the power of a miller though

regardless though bbm was giving me weird vibes last phase. tone of posts mostly. i know that snike also found boron and rapier scummy for what it's worth. i'll look at them later to see if there's a case to be made though i'm not reading boron as horribly scummy atm.

also what are we doing with regards to shinori?

I guess this (bold specifically) would technically be my last content/read post before the last post I made against Kay. Like I said though it's been hard to get solid reads on most people in this game due to lack of posts/so much fluff to sift through.

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Like I said though it's been hard to get solid reads on most people in this game due to lack of posts/so much fluff to sift through.

tip: ISO's are your friend

no really, my last content listpost whatever was all ISO, no proper reread (it's really trucking helpful) (and you get to skip over all my stuff, lol)

I may even draw up the entire ISO list for you all because I feel like it, later

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(4) Aere - Manix, Bluedoom, Levity, Boron

(2) BigBangMeteor - Cam, Penalty Priscilla

(2) Helios - Kay, Aere

(2) Rapier - Helios, scorri

(1) Levity - Shinori

(1) scorri - BigBangMeteor

Not Voting (4): Admiral Shin, Elieson, MancerNecro, Rapier

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to hammer. You have about 47 hours and 39 minutes left in the day.

Edited by Prims
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Helios, I'm surprised that you haven't considered those providing us with overwhelming amounts of fluff, to be privy of scumminess.

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Well two of the people who've been posting fluff (Shinori and Manix) are lolthirdparties so due to this game I'm not even sure if that's the best argument in the world at this point

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In games like it it can be harder to formulate reads because most players don't take the game as seriously and lol role shenanigans. this is the problem I've been having, to be honest, but this is an enjoyable game hahaha

I make a mistake and slept for six hours and now I feel really sick but at least I don't have a lot to catch up on

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