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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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Manix does that kind of thing as scum tho and that's why I'm wary but I think that, after reading through his posts again, he makes a lot of good points even if his tone seems off so my read on him might be paranoia and I'm not going to focus on him today.

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Looking for a sub. First person on the sublist (or off it, I guess, as long as they're not an IO or already playing in the game) to message me gets to replace Objection.

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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@Manix: See, that's the thing about Shinori's role: You actually can't fake it. It only looks like you can because of its artificial similarity to a cop, which is really easy to fake. The role PoEs scum surprisingly quick. That's why I got vigged in Mitnala, something like two days of results was enough to prove my results were phony even though I was bussing everyone but myself. And then, if Shinori's scum and there are scum he doesn't know about, it just becomes 10x harder.

I'm kind of put off by your attitude, you're not giving any reason Shinori is scum, just "h-he might be guys"

##Unvote, ##Vote: Manix

@Bizz: I'm kind of extremely busy and on the verge of subbing out, so w/e

Also if we do do this I will claim first.

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Hey gays I'm playing now. Sure Bizz, sounds like a lot of fun.

+1 for massclaiming. Sensor is broken as fuck, see: Toonami. Also happy because that was the fakeclaim I gave Paper :)

Only been skimming through stuff. Let me reread more indepth before voting.

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@Manix: See, that's the thing about Shinori's role: You actually can't fake it. It only looks like you can because of its artificial similarity to a cop, which is really easy to fake. The role PoEs scum surprisingly quick. That's why I got vigged in Mitnala, something like two days of results was enough to prove my results were phony even though I was bussing everyone but myself. And then, if Shinori's scum and there are scum he doesn't know about, it just becomes 10x harder.

I'm kind of put off by your attitude, you're not giving any reason Shinori is scum, just "h-he might be guys"

##Unvote, ##Vote: Manix

@Bizz: I'm kind of extremely busy and on the verge of subbing out, so w/e

Also if we do do this I will claim first.

Shinori could be scum with that role. IMO the strongest argument for this is balance.

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Euklyd (1): Scorri

Polydeuces (1): Objection

Scorri (1): Euklyd

Grassbridger (1): Eclipse

Boron (1): Weapons

Refa (3): Elieson, Manix, Bearclaw

Weapons (2): Shinori, Refa

Bizz (1): Boron

Paperblade (2): Bizz, Grassbridger

Manix (1): Paperblade

Not Voting (3): Psych, Polydeuces, Kay

With 17 players alive, it takes 6 to lynch at deadline and 9 to hammer. Phase ends at 9 PM EDT on September 24th (1 AM GMT on September 25th). You have slightly over 49 hours left.

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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eclipse, why are you being so unhelpful? Now that you know Shinori's role, is it not obvious that having fewer people on the leading wagon is better?

GB's case on eclipse is not convincing. Someone being intrigued by having to defend themselves is not a reason to vote them. Overdefensiveness is a thing, but that most certainly isn't and seems like an overreaction.

But then eclipse votes him and it just screams OMGUS imo. She voted him for a contradiction that doesn't really make sense (being overdefensive is scummy and noone wants to be lynched) and even if it did she was basically going "your vote for me was dumb so I'm going to vote you".

I also ISO'd Manix.

"might be" implies that you don't have a concrete opinion on it, yet you're trying to push a ED1 case using it?

Out of interest, is there a better time to push that sort of case?

however, my main concern with hitting just minimum votes for a lynch is that there is a possibility (small, but) that someone unvotes or w/e and we lose the votes required for lynch. minor gripe, but it's still there.

Noone should unvote if we're close to deadline. If they do, lynch lynch lynch.

i really don't get the point of this post. at all. just because someone doesn't mention a particular scumread in each and every one of their posts, does not mean anything at all. yeah sure, i made a post which wasn't addressed until later, but there could be a multitude of reasons for that.

not to mention it doesn't actually provide anything toward a read itself: does this make via look scummier, or what?

Manix what is your eclipse read, you haven't outright said.

1) his claimed role, while strong as fuck, can easily be faked as scum (funny that) and can "clear" scum with the right result fake.

If he clears scum he must be painting other people as scum, so when they flip town we know he's lying and then we lynch lynch lynch.

Your Refa case just looks like a hard tunnel over something as small as making a bad suggestion. We're halfway into D1 yet you still have your vote on Refa for that and not having any reads (which obviously doesn't apply anymore) when there are people in the thread who have done worse and you have even addressed them doing worse but then throwing it off.

The only reason making a bad suggestion is scummy is that it can be used to try and manipulate town into doing something not pro-town. Can you see that kind of intent in Refa's suggestion? It reads more like curiosity on our choice of actions, and tbf "lynching town is worse than no lynch" looks true to someone inexperienced with the game. Even if there is slight anti-town motive, there's much worse in the thread you're not really pressing much.

Another issue I am have with you is that you seem to be trying to plant seeds of distrust in everyone. We need a voice of reason, but trying to be that voice for the sake of having one looks like scum trying to stop town from getting any organisation going. Your point 3 seems silly. Are you saying that Shinori is more likely to be scum because the people saying he's town are your scumreads? If not then the fact that your scumreads chose Shinori to defend doesn't really have any relation to believing in him. In fact that post makes it look like you're trying to get other people to distrust Shinori while not tying yourself to his lynch. You give a bunch of reasons why we shouldn't trust him then distance yourself by saying that he's a null read. Why is he a nullread if he's not very trustworthy?

##Vote: Manix

Manix > eclipse atm.

Like, I'm pretty much suggesting this because it means I can ignore you people and just rolespec my way to victory + I've always wanted to do this

This is a horrible reason for massclaiming and you saying this has made me more wary of doing it. Will think more about it before coming to a conclusion, but I'm still leaning "sure".

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With less people on the leading wagon we have the possibility of getting a lot of 'clears' at once, which forces the scum, frankly, to deal with all the clears before dealing with the rest of us. IDEALLY.

With a lot of people on the wagon we have a chance of getting a crap town of scum reports. If we had 9 people vote and we end up finding out through my role that 4 of those people are scum then we mainly have to worry about the people among that wagon before dealing with other people outside of the wagon. No one would be clear and no one would be definite scum but it shortens down who we definitely need to worry about.

The idea of mass claiming is that everyone mass claims then we take all of the scummiest people and we have the scummiest people all lynch someone we all want to lynch.

Then I use my ability and we see how many scum are amongst that group of people.

At least I believe those are the main possibilities.

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Hi, I exist. So, I currently agree with kirsche here. I think that roles have little to nothing to do with Shinori's role and in fact, don't think massclaiming will help very much either. The whole point of this game is that we're all fakeclaims. What are we going to do? Point at someone and say "Oh, they have a super common scum fakeclaim, gotta lynch them!" I think that massclaiming early is rarely helpful to town and in addition is dumb if it does indeed end up breaking the game.

As for reads... ugh, I don't know. I've been reading, but don't have a lot of thoughts. Some things that have stood out:

eclipse/Bizz fight doesn't really give me any feelings about their alignment one way or another. They both could have gotten in that fight as town and scum equally I think.

grass does kinda seem to be sheeping bizz a bit his last few votes, but he's also been at least trying to give his own addition to those views, so I'm not too concerned with it right now.

Weapons is screwing around but since when does he not do that. I would like to see some reads from him that are actually well explained, but he's not scummy because he's been acting this way so far.

Euklyd's OMGUS on me is... still feeling a bit off to me. I've got a small scum read here because of that, and the fact that his posts so far are pretty empty. He's been posting a decent bit and claims he's going to give reads a couple of times, but so far he hasn't actually said who he thinks is scum or town, he's mostly just asked people to clarify their views.

The other person I don't really like and where my vote's going for now is Refa. He's done a lot of talking about the lynch and if no lynch should happen and then in two of his more recent posts talks a good bit about a lot of people including a good chunk of stuff on Wallcrab, two whole lines on Weapons, one of which says that his playstyle is null and the other which says that weapons is scum for not talking about anything other than boron, then votes Weapons for his arguments. Meanwhile, Weapons has said all of like... two lines on Boron and his one argument for why Boron was scum was pretty facetious sounding. All in all, it feels like a pretty easy vote since Weapons is real easy to vote in mafia. That, added in with the fact that most of Refa's posts haven't been reads and he didn't even try to explain why Weapons' arguments were bad are leading to this.



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