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It's Time To Duel!!!! Mafia [Game Over]


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Thoughts on Shin:

Starting from this post:

- Next post: Muddles more on da Bear and Scorri.

- Next one: More muddling over Bear and Bear Vote to compliment it.

- These two following posts don't do a whole lot of anything.

- Following post: Sudden swap over to GP/GP Vote. Given the timing of it all, it seems odd that, unlike the amount of time spent muddling over Bear, it makes it seem like this is a very easy vote switch and overall lacks the consistency of the constant tunneling of Bear prior. In addition, the wagon/suspicion on GP by that time was picking up, so chances are that joining in ASAP on the GP wagon would be the easiest/safest thing for a plausible fellow scumbuddy to do to avoid suspicions.

- This Post does little to explain/justify the above post, using Bear's wagon as means of saying that his GP vote was okay. For one, if GP and Bear are BOTH scum (along with you Shin), then you're going to lose one anyways; there's no additional loss from knocking out one scum over the other, especially if you're removing the one that's more likely to be lynched that Day phase anyways. If Bear is town, yet most people still suspected GP anyways, it'd be only a matter of time before GP was lynched/vigged, and had you spent the time defending her (GP), it'd just make your status as her scumbuddy all the more obvious. All in all, I saw your GP vote swap to be an easy one, and one meant to blend in with the rest of the crowd.

- There's something about this post that I don't like. (And after re-going over some of what Clipsey has posted during the last day phase, I'm willing to give Prim's notion of Shinoclipse being scum a second thought.) And try to think of me- the person who has to TYPE and re-read what I'm typing over as I'm making the post!

- WRT this post's arguments regarding Prim's idea being non-townie:

If he's as confident in his scum read as he says he is, nuking a townie for a scum IS worth it. As Kirsche said earlier: "catching scum should be your priority. Even if it means sacrificing your own life, if it helps to catch scum then as town it's worth it for you."

And last but DEFINITELY not least:


##Vote: Randa

I may regret this later, but there's no time like the present!

FAILING TO GET YOUR VOTE IN ON TIME EVEN WHEN YOU WERE ONLINE. And don't even BS saying that you were offline- I was actually watching the people online list on the main forum page and noted you were around for the last hour or so of the phase. There is absolutely no reason for you to have delayed that vote, as that no-lynch did absolutely nothing in regards to helping town.

All in all. You be dirty bro- best clean that slime off before you slip and trip down some stairs.

~More to come in a bit.~

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Blah, want to post more, but too tired. @_@;;

As of right now:

Main priorities: Shinoclipse, Randa, and Shin. (Any of these 3 are viable lynch options for incoming day phase).

Would leave alone: Scorri, Poly, and Kirsche.

Uncertain of (and will re-look into if I have more time): Prims and CT075

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Also, as a head's up, I picked up this insomniac card from D3 deck- Fourteen tools of the Bandit deck.

[if the phase ends early, I may not be able to get out another post. If it ends without the 12 hour cut, then I should be able to get in another post when I get home.]

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Just when you thought the game couldn't get any worse, you find out, yes, it can! Even the bonds of family, love and peace can't stop evil from reigning terror and desolation across this digital playing field!

What shame! It was so easy! I figured I'll just suck their souls right into the Shadow Realm...where they belong. All I had to do was give little Yugi a VHS tape and tell him to watch it. That's it! I didn't even write my name on the package! How silly!


Shin has died. He was...

Dear NekoRex Shin, you are Yugi Moto.

You are an average schoolboy with the spirit of an ancient Egyptian Pharoah resting within your body, thanks to the Millennium Puzzle. You're regarded as the hero, and always find a way to win your battles fairly.

During the day, your keen skills of the Pharoah allow you to see into the souls of the cards, and with this, you will be informed of what card is represented in each deck at the beginning of each day. You have no designated night abilities, but you do have your word and your vote.

Your Courage hand includes:

In short, you are the Town Seer.

You are aligned with the The Good Guys, and win when all threats are removed from the game.

But wait, that's not all! Guess who else has died!

Prims has died. He was...

Dear Prims, you are Grandpa Moto.

You are Yugi's grandfather, and run the card shop in his hometown. You are an avid collector of Duel Monsters cards, and boast quite a bit of historical knowledge within your aging bones. You owned one of the four fabled Blue Eyes White Dragon cards, before Seto Kaiba ripped it in half.

During the day, you may respond to your RolePM with ##Day X: Check my store for another [CARD]. You will take [CARD] that you previously held and played, instead of drawing from a deck.

Your Spiked Shield hand includes:

In short, you are the Town Clerk.

You are aligned with the The Good Guys, and win when all threats are removed from the game.

Sucks to be town, doesn't it.

Day 4 has begun and ends in about 72 hours (2:30 pm CST on 4/2/14...conversions are per normal, 7 hours earlier for Hawaii, 1 hour later for EST, etc etc).

With 7 alive, 4 hammers.

Card Graveyard is in the works, and will be in the next post

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[spoiler=N3 Card Graveyard][spoiler=Blank Card (Vanilla)]You are holding the Blank Card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Discarding Blank Card. You will toss the Blank Card to the Card Graveyard. This card has no hidden abilities, and is essentially a Vanilla card.

Once this card is successfully discarded to the card Graveyard, you will be rid of this card. Should you choose to discard this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Blank Card (Vanilla)]You are holding the Blank Card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Discarding Blank Card. You will toss the Blank Card to the Card Graveyard. This card has no hidden abilities, and is essentially a Vanilla card.

Once this card is successfully discarded to the card Graveyard, you will be rid of this card. Should you choose to discard this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Secrets of the Pharoah, Volume 3 (Setup Piece 3/3)]You are holding the Secrets of the Pharoah Volume 3 card.

This card cannot be played unless you hold all three Secrets of the Pharoah Volume 1-3 cards. During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Unleash the Secrets of the Pharoah.

If you do, and play this, you will learn the numbers setup of the game, as well as earn the right to ask one "Yes or No" question to the hosts, inquiring about anything with the exception of a specific player's alignment or general setup information.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Extra Hands (Day Vote +1 Enabler)]You are holding the Extra Hands card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Extra Hands on [uSER]. You will temporarily add an extra arm to [uSER], which can be raised and counted as a secondary vote. This vote will be applied to any vote made by [uSER], effectively doubling its worth.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Extra Hands (Day Vote +1 Enabler)]You are holding the Extra Hands card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Extra Hands on [uSER]. You will temporarily add an extra arm to [uSER], which can be raised and counted as a secondary vote. This vote will be applied to any vote made by [uSER], effectively doubling its worth.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Everygun (Strong Vig)]You are holding the Everygun card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Everygun on [uSER]. You it will target [uSER] with a powerful explosion, dealing so much damage that it will deplete all of [uSER]'s life points and remove them from the game. If used during the day, the death occurs instantly. If used during the night, the death occurs in typical order. This card bypasses protection from any cards that specifically mention protection against hostile attacks. This card can only be played if its holder possesses great Courage.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Light Barrier (Safeguard)]You are holding the Light Barrier card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Light Barrier on [uSER]. You will protect [uSER] from anything that would target them, unless it's hostile.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Switcheroo (Redirect)]You are holding the Switcheroo card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Switcheroo on [uSER1]. Make him target [uSER2] instead! You will force [uSER1] to aim any and all actions during the night to [uSER2] against their will. If [uSER1] does not perform an action, nothing will happen.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Copy Machine (Previous D/N Card Graverobber)]You are holding the Copy Machine card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Copy Machine on [CARD]. You will copy a card that was sent to the card Graveyard during the previous day/night phase. You will acquire one of [CARD].

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Thematic Check (Hand Theme Cop)]You are holding the Thematic Check card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Thematic Check card on [uSER]. You will learn the bolded theme of the hand held by [uSER].

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Switchup (Card Trader)]You are holding the Switchup card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Switchup on [uSER]. My [CARD] for yours. You will trade [CARD] to [uSER], and you will acquire the card most recently acquired by [uSER] from the daily draw.

If you are aware of a specific card held by [uSER], you may instead respond to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Switchup on [uSER]. My [CARD] for your [uSERS-CARD]. You will acquire that specific card instead. You must know the name of the card in order to play the card this way.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Radar Beacon (Voyeur)]You are holding the Radar Beacon card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Radar Beacon on [uSER]. You will learn all actions performed on [uSER], as well as all cards successfully targetting [uSER]. You will not learn who performed or played them.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Radar Beacon (Voyeur)]You are holding the Radar Beacon card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Radar Beacon on [uSER]. You will learn all actions performed on [uSER], as well as all cards successfully targetting [uSER]. You will not learn who performed or played them.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Insomnia (Insomniac)]You are holding the Insomnia card.

During the night, you may play this card by posting in thread ##Night X: Activating Insomnia. You will be able to post limitlessly during the night in which this card is played. Its effect is considered instant, but must be played properly in thread before having its effect applied.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Behind The Wheel (Drive)]You are holding the Behind the Wheel card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Behind the Wheel on [uSER1] and [uSER2]. You will cause all actions targetting [uSER1] to target [uSER2], and vice versa.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Incriminating Evidence (Framer)]You are holding the Incriminating Evidence card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Incriminating Evidence on [uSER]. You will cause [uSER] to appear as mafia-aligned under any checks of alignment on [uSER]. If successfully played, this card's effect will last until [uSER] dies.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Red or Blue (Alignment Cop)]You are holding the Red or Blue card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Red or Blue on [uSER]. You will learn the alignment of [uSER].

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

Edited by Elieson
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Oh, how could I forget!!??!?!
Today's Decks are:
  • Origins of the Pharoah Part 2 Deck
  • Swordsman of Starland Deck
  • Black Eyes Red Dragon Deck
  • Reborn the Monster Deck
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....WELP. Town is pretty much screwed, lol. Goddamn- who targeted who last night phase?

<- Obviously ended up using my Insomniac card, so kinda easy to tell what my night action was, herpderp.

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Guys we're in potential MYLO soooooo

Its better if its massclaim time now. I've already fullclaimed, the only things I need to claim are my action last night and the cards that I drew yesterday. I'd rather not claim that immediately though. Not until everyone else fullclaims I suppose.

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I'm kinda miffed by the fact that Shin was probably Strongman vig. (that card needs the courage hand and Shin had that hand)

Which is just lolwut because we have what, 2 vigs, an SK and a mafia NK. People should still fullclaim though. Dat kirsche clear will help :3.

I don't really have any proper defence for Randa's actions. His uncertainty with his GP vote I don't think is scummy(bias though what can I say I'm his hydra)? He's also relatively new to mafia, I think its more natural to be paranoid and want to be sure of your votes. I don't really see how not putting GP at L-1 before she claimed can be seen as scummy, I mean maybe he would've thought that a role would tell alignment better? I think that part of the case against him is unfair.

I can't really say anything about his Poly case yesterday because I myself didn't agree with it. I mean Poly isn't cleared by a cop but unless Eli is this GM who gave the mafia/SK an extra kill, I can't see him as anti-town. Nor do I have any idea why Randa used a ninja modifier N1. ;-;

I don't really have a good idea of his D1 actions and frankly its hard for me to read and see what the mess is about but even if I addressed it its not the same as he addressing it. >_>

tl;dr: Its hard for me to argue against the votes against my playerslot because I know I'm town but the causation of those votes is my hydra.

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Righto, there's probably 3 anti-town at this point, assuming 11/4/1. Thus it's 4/2/1. We basically need to hit SK or we're almost certainly out, hitting maf will likely make it kingmaker D5 unless SK hits maf.

That said ##Vote: Scorri most likely SK in the game. Action spec mostly because too lazy to read people fully.

I am a VT, my starting hand was 3*Hand theme check (used two of them), 1*character claim check and a vanilla card check. I checked Vhaltz's hand N1 and Shin N3 (couldn't target anyone N2). Thus my info has been useless aside from justifying my Vhaltz attack on D2 which was simply based on him going "I have no theme to my hand" which I knew was BS as I got a theme as a result.

Assuming town bear/cam based on roles because w/e, scum is between Marth/Poly/Shinori. I think scum!Eury would not bother with the Insomniac. Confidence goes Marth > Shinori > Poly but I still want to lynch Scorri for being the biggest SK candidate.

Poly whoisscum? Marth whoisscum? Want your opinions pre-rolespec.

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I'm not willing to clear Kirsche just yet, Marth. Unless the info I have was being withheld until later to avoid attracting attention from scum, Cam's lying about his actions, since he told me he idled in my HANDY DANDY NEIGHBOUR OC. I know Cam & Bear wouldn't purposely hold a clear away from themselves if they could unless they were scum; I doubt that they're even remotely that stupid.

Also, Randa's death tunnel on me is stupid and I think he's scum, regardless of what the fact that his hydra is actually not being ridiculous. I'd vig him, but if he flips town and it's 4/2/1 like Kirsche suggests, then we lose.

I'm also leery of the Shinoriclipse slot, since they haven't been doing much to hunt for scum or defend themselves. They just kind of... exist. Same with Scorri, but to a lesser extent. Kirsche, why do you think that Scorri is SK?

Only people aside from the obvious me that I'm not willing to lynch today are Kirsche and Eury. Moreso the latter than the former, because I can easily see scum!Cam trying to claim scanning Kirsche to clear suspicion off him.


##Vote: beartech

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Cam explain. Still would rather lynch you over Cam though as your absence yesterday was downright harmful considering you had a vig which we wanted to discuss.

Scorri is likely SK because COMMUTE EVERYNIGHT and commute is an obvious SK self-protection mechanic. Also she hasn't really been pro-town aside from lynching GP and lynching scum benefits SK to an extent anyway.

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Cam explain. Still would rather lynch you over Cam though as your absence yesterday was downright harmful considering you had a vig which we wanted to discuss.

What would have been the point of me using my suicide vig yesterday, honestly? That would have just put our numbers down even more and taken away the threat of a vig. With potential MYLO in effect, it's much easier to use it now.

I'm still thinking about my target, but I think I have an idea of who it'll be.

Still don't think anyone's really clear outside of Eury and myself, but for now I'm just gonna say 'fuck it' and give Kirsche & Cam a pass. That leaves three others: Scorri, Shinoriclipse and Marth (I'm not counting Randa because he's fucking bugged me enough).

As for why I'm considering the three for various reasons:


-RVS'd four pages in, then proceeds to act like a knob during his first half of his first "real" post in the game before dropping an apparently serious vote on Vhaltz without explaining why he disliked him

-Sheeps Prims wrt his case on Vhaltz, then for some reason goes onto SB for waffling. Also throws me on his lynch priority for no real reason (though, tbf, a lot of people were doing that D1).

-Says he has "high priority scum reads" wrt Vhaltz, then makes this weirdly small explanation before reverting to knob mode

I understand that this slot has been relatively inactive, but there's literally nothing good from this slot all game. I'm actually surprised I didn't suicide vig it last night, but I wanted to try and collaborate with the claimed rolecop to see if he had any other clears before I decided to take the shot.


Honestly, this is my weakest feeling out of the three that are left. Early content is good, but after that it gets a bit... weird, I guess? I dunno. To be honest, I'm not quite seeing where Kirsche is coming from aside from the whole constant commuting thing.

Randoom (okay, now I'm including Randa)

-First off, four page ISO. Smells a bit like content padding imo.

-Early on: nitpicking, useless prodvote on Neko, worthless Kay argument that I already touched on at that time, then proceeds to try and bitch about what I'm saying about him whilst sounding like a child

-When he gives his apparent full reads post, he seems to waffle on about half the game.

-Votes SB during D1 when he's not comfortable with his read on him at all. Related: also notes Psych as his biggest scumread, yet doesn't vote him.

-Immediately backtracks on about 3/4 of the things he says with minimal argument

-Unmemorable D2, don't really care.


I may be slightly biased because Randa's been a fucking idiot wrt myself the whole game, but I'm honestly thinking he's scum at this point, just trying to throw a power role from town under the bus. Plus, if he does flip scum, a case can easily be made for Shinoriclipse to get lynched and potentially win, unless Kirsche + Cambear are scumbuddies (which I'm not ruling out).

tl;dr, vig priority for me goes:

Randoom (mostly for Randa because he's pretty much only notable for trying to deathtunnel the claimed vig, which is fucking stupid) > Shinoriclipse (inactive for four days + content fucking blows for what little there is) > Scorri (why is this an option again?)

If anyone's got any objections, I'm gonna go off sometime soon, since I have the flexibility to use it either during the day or at night.

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-RVS'd four pages in,

I'm glad I'm technically a hydra and can post cause this simply just annoys me.

If you look at the amount of pages of people posting and where this game was. My 'rvs vote on page 4' would actually have been a NORMAL PAGE ONE RVS VOTE IF A NEW THREAD HAD BEEN MADE The first 2 and 1/3rd pages are all sign ups and no new thread was made. Thus looking at it if the game had been made into a new thread my vote would have been on PAGE MOTHER FUCKING ONE.

Okay going back to not playing this game.

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I don't count myself as playing in this game.

I am technically playing but I haven't read anything since I was subbing out honestly.

I just come to check phase updates and to mark this topic as read so it's not always like orange. OCD issues.

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