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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia [Game Over]


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no, I don't like the way he approached FFM vs Euklyd and thought his actual FFM push wasn't presented like an actual suspicion while his opinion on Euklyd was. The role doesn't really make him scummier, but provides an explanation for what's going on here.

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so that re-read I promised right

[spoiler=part the first]
Bladeslot seems town; I don't think that Terrador would sub like that as scum and the listpost felt like town.

Manix's claim isn't a scumclaim imo, and nothing about his play has bothered me that would make me reconsider that

I didn't really see anything up with SB beyond wondering about why he thinks I'm looking passive aggressive, and wondering what about Shinori's response to eclipse made him look town. Null here.

FFM’s post where he tries to narrow down possibilities is bad; he lists null out and then tries to PoE down scum in people who have posted, and then the Manix thing is really bad “It feels like Manix voted him in retaliation and then jumped on the chance to vote GP afterwards in a possible attempt to avoid attention. If only one of them is scum I feel like it's more likely to be Manix.” like wtf
his Refa scumread is lame (“he’s making scumtells”) and reads like he’s trying to find issues with someone that other people are already scumreading just so he can agree with them
pedit: “forced” is the word I’m looking for
the Shinori thing is okay beyond “acts all defensive when GP votes him” which he really didn’t I think. The way he finds Shinori scummy for being noncommittal and vague but says I’m null even though I do very similar things is scummy
and then the flip on Manix for no real reason is dumb
HOWEVER I feel like the claim is more likely to be town (unless his buddies told him to like append the “oh and this is including factional kills” to it because that wasn’t originally on there).
scummy, but the claimed role seems town. not sure here

Poly: is he even playing

Bear: is he secretly Poly

Refa: has been really passive/passive aggressive and generally more poking at play than saying that he finds things scummy, and he’s been doing a lot of defending people over minor points than disagreeing with the people making the points
the argument with SB over defending nullreads seemed like a dumb thing to find him scummy for, so that feels kinda forced
I’m not really sure why I thought his play was really ~scummy~ beyond general tone and attitude. the ISOs are okay I guess. still leaning scum here but it’s really nothing strong since it’s mostly just ~tone~ so ugh

Eury’s post is okay, but I’d like to actually see her give opinions on whether she thinks someone is scummy or not. Also what do you think is wrong with the town leader suggestion?
could use more activity here

Shinori could use some reads on the non- Refa, me, and FFM people in #269, and his lynch priority there (“Euk > FFM > Inactive lurkers = Refa > Other people.”) seems odd considering he had just been finding GP scummy.
He admits that he was rushed and didn’t pay attention as much as he should’ve when he voted SB, and that his logic at the time wasn’t the best, which I like. I really dislike the “I feel better about Refa because I'm liking a few more of his recent posts. Also my top two scumreads are matching up with his scum reads which gives him brownie points in my eyes.” which feels like a really vague and (first part) and terrible (second part) reason to feel better about someone.
The feeling better about Refa is probably the only thing I’d complain about here

I’ve been getting town vibes from eclipse’s questioning, although she didn’t say a lot about who she thought was scummy initially. There’s an element of complaining about people without actually saying whether she thinks someone is scum or not that I don’t like, but the generally being proactive seems like a town effort
also the “involves an ongoing game” thing was (for me at least) untrue; I was speaking about past games I’ve played with those people.
the “not responding to suspicions against him” thing against me is weird, but I feel like maybe I’m just not understanding it?
leaning town here regardless

Other people have already done a good job explaining which of GP’s logic has been terrible and why. The claim looks like a townclaim, although I think it’s weird that she’s only talking about dying because of a lynch (possible scumslip?).
The reason for voting me is really shitty, though. She seems to think my joke is somehow scummy beyond being “OMG A SCUMSLIP” in that I’m supposed to try to catch the ITP? (which admittedly I missed on my first skim and read it as sheeping Refa’s “wow look it’s a scumslip”, so -_- ).
Let me explain: I was pretty sure it was a reaction test, and I was already feeling kinda annoyed at that time, and didn’t really feel like “stringing along” someone who would just say “lol ur scum u fell for my reaction test; ##Euk” anyways.
so - why are you voting me, and where are your other reads?

also @GP we’re talking about FFTA not FFT; Ultima is a (rather annoying) boss who helps you out after you beat it, just like all the other Totema.

I want GP and Refa to explain whether they actually think that I'm stupid enough to claim scum like that or if they were making a joke (Refa) or finding a really terrible excuse to hop on a wagon (GP).


right now I'm fading I'll try to wake up early and finish it tomorrow

if I somehow fail to do so, then my apologies for a shitty game
I'm just really not feeling this game I guess it feels incredibly hard to read anyone

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I don't think Marth is scum because I don't feel that he would claim like that just to push a mislynch. I mean, yeah, it wouldn't be impossible to back out of an FFM mislynch but I just don't feel like it's a good scum move on D1. I don't think FFM is scum either because I don't think FFM has the confidence to claim by himself, and his buddies probably would tell him not to claim a mass hook if they had one.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Euklyd

Euklyd's last post was really bad IMO. His most detailed blurbs are on people he's ultimately townreading, such as eclipse, GP, FFM, and to a lesser extent Shinori. He'd stated before he began that post that he found FFM's claim town- why even bother casing him? Pointing out all the scummy stuff he's done isn't content if you don't find him scummy. At the end of that post I still find that his largest scumread is Refa for tone. And hey ~tone~ but for someone who finds passive aggressiveness scummy there's a lot of it in that last line about Refa and GP voting him.

Additionally, I have a feeling his claim is scum. Numbers + Neighbour PLUS an ability unlocked when a specific totema dies that's apparently also quite strong. Compare this to my role, which is Super Hated + role unlocked at condition, and unlike Euklyd I don't even know what the role I unlock is. And my condition is about the same in terms of difficulty to achieve.

Also, at this point with me, GP, AND Euklyd all having locked parts to our role, I'm beginning to suspect that this might be a theme of the setup. Are there any other people with locked parts to their roles?

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My role gets better over time although I have it unlocked to begin with. At least it's 60% better than super hated, I guess.

Actually /efforting to read now my net seems to have stabilized.

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@Euklyd, I guess passive aggressive is the wrong word, it's more just general anger I tend to see in your scumgame more than when you're town. I dunno.

I don't like Marth. His first post where he talks about FFM is weird as hell, he says he's townreading him because he's putting in more effort than one of his towngames which makes... no sense whatsoever, but then he says "wait nvm this bit is scummy VOTING IT" which just doesn't really seem natural to me? His Euk read is also half based on rolespec which is ehhhhh. I also agree with Prims about his lack of differentiation between the two and it basically looks like an excuse.

FFM's claim is null because strongman kills are a thing. Honestly I'd like to wait a phase or two before it gets used so any strongman kills are used up or lynched, and so we can use it to PoE with better lategame, so I guess I'm fine with not lynching him.

I am basically still good with lynching Euklyd. His last post is basically townreads and weak scumreads, which doesn't help my opinion of him, and I don't really see his claim as super townie either.

Not voting for him because he's at L-1.


##Vote: Bluedoom

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[spoiler=Moby Dick is creating Text Waves][spoiler=BEAR]

Shit I fell asleep while ISO'ing and lost the post to my comp running out of battery overnight.

I have to get going pretty soon so more reasons later but rn I find Shinori the scummiest for basically the same reasons as Blade (yeah I know this is lame).

##Vote: Shinori

Scummy - But I'm not sure indicative of scum-sided. Not enough info. Would like more posting pls


Now that's my headache's gone and I'm feeling more motivated, I'm gonna try doing something meaningful and actually analyse things.

Terrador/bladescape: He seemed overly volatile about people criticizing his reads and threatened to vote himself (surprised you could do that). Pretty bad scum play if he was mafia, with the whole, y'know, touchiness, and I can't see someone like Terrador acting like that if he were scum. Plus his replacement seems like a good asset for town: his posts are comprehensive and he's been contributing well. Leaning Town.

Refa: My reluctance to vote him was because of the numerous votes already on him, and I wanted to avoid looking like someone sheeping, as I got heat for appearing to do so in Almost OC. Regardless, I don't know what to think about his not very calm early responses. Maybe he was agitated over everyone claiming he was scum and was worried he would get lynched in his first town play in ages? He's played as scum many times before (and I think he enjoys it) and I'm sure he knows not to act that way. Apart from that, he does seem to commit quite a few scumtells in his posts (lack of commitment, etc, etc). Leaning Scum.

Poly: Nothing of substance (although not like I'm that much different dohoho). Although I doubt he would be as inactive as scum. Null.

SB: His first post of relative substance is a vote on Refa because of a lack of content despite admitting he has no strong reads either. He then acts unsure saying he thinks mostly everyone seems town (like I have room to criticize, lol) then votes and builds a case around me, maybe seeing me as an easy lynch target. Generally, his posts seem pretty weak and generic apart from his Terrador criticisms which seem nitpicky more than anything. Leaning Scum.

Kirche: Very few posts apart from a post on Refa which seems presumptuous (demotivated scum are ragey?) and skims over everyone else (which feels a little hypocritical since one of her points was that Refa had no scumreads despite pretty much having only one herself. Null/Leaning Scum.

Me: 100% Natural Scum Town

Eury: Few posts, except for a content-filled one...which only really covered the most suspicious players, picking apart everything they've said and then withheld a vote. Maybe to test the waters before voting? Should wait until she finishes. Null.

Shinori: Starts off with a few posts quoting posts he dislikes without elaborating much at all, then seemingly acts defensive when GP votes him? Later he skims over a few players and focuses on Euk, with his opinion of Refa improving because...similar reads? Basically non-commital and vague (again, like I have any right to say that). Strongest scumread right now. Scum.

Eclipse: One of the most active members and she seems to be pretty proactive. Also I thought the Prims/Manix exchange was bussing because they had the most interaction early on and that stood out the most to me. And it felt like most people were hoping on the Refa wagon because of his infamy as scum, not because of his posts. Again, wasn't feeling it yesterday. Leaning Town.

GP: Nothing she says seems out of the ordinary - well, for her, anyway. Nothing really jumps out at me. Null/Leaning Town.

bearclaw: I got nothing. Has like two posts. Null.

BBM: His hated role seems pretty towny, as others have said. Don't want to vote him and accidentally cause him to get lynched. Otherwise don't have much of a read on him. Leaning Town.

Euk: Seems proactive although seems to be spending a little too much time looking into Refa and backtracks a few times. Null.

Prims: Starts off with a few joke-posts then actually makes some good extensive posts without focusing on just one player. Leaning Town.

Manix: Goes along with Prims' joking (which looked like busing to me lolol *facepalm*) and half-claims his role. Whether he really is town or scum only revealing the most scummy part of his role I'm not sure about. Pursues GP and then puts his vote on me. Mostly reasonable. Null/Leaning Town.

Call me "wishy-washy" or whatever but now that I've seen anything Shinori gets my vote.


##Vote: Shinori

Err. This list feels 'wishy washy' to me but I don't want to comment too much on it because a lot of my reads on this kind've situation are meta based.

BUT I shall make a comment on what I like/dislike.

The 180 on Manix ... feels more town than scum. Compared to his 180 on Refa. This is mostly from the fact that he particularly notes he was being an idiot. Again, meta based which I have no right to make reads of.

Euk read, doesn't make sense to me. He's done so much more than that.

Some of the other comments were unnecessary. There isn't really much content for size and that bothers me.

I was trying to keep this secret (seems like a pretty helpful role that I would rather scum not know) but I'm Ultima, the 1-Shot Town Global Roleblocker. Apparently I've got "crystals" inside me and when summoned by a "Nu Mou" lead by Marche I cause heavy MP damage to all enemies, hence the roleblock.

Curious. I'd actually lean town on this one, no one who was researching a fake name to claim would go for one of the Totema.


I assume part of the thing you quoted is why you're leaning town on BBM; could you elaborate? also +1 joke.

How was that

a) hard defense

b) anything different than SB's defense?

Agreed on the dithering though.

Also sidenote: Refa and I go after each other in basically every game, especially (so far) when we're both scum - see also: Almost OC. Not that it's relevant here since I'm town. :newyears:

A few of your "I like/dislike this" could use to be better supported ("I both like AND dislike his throw at Pascal. I think I'm going to go with Townish Lean but I'm really tentative on that." for example) but other than what I've mentioned this feels like a pretty solid post.

Sidenote: Also it would help readers a lot if you could organize the quotes by person; if you need to copy/paste quotes to move them around, switch to the plaintext editor (click the top-left button, looks like a lightswitch) and copy/paste the plaintext.

[spoiler=irrelevant flavor sidenote]

The joke is that Marche is actively trying to completely destroy a world that the vast majority of its inhabitants are Very Very Happy With for a reason that isn't explained super well.

Glad you enjoy my humour. =P

1. Hard defense, lemme quote:

"Someone tell me how Green Poet's terrible forced case and lousy logic is any different than her normal town behavior" AND "

The only scumminess I see right now is probably the push on GP by players who should know better"

Oh, but bladescape, it's not a hard defense because I don't townread him!

No. You literally dismissed every single reason to vote them. Sure, you didn't call them town, sure, meta reasons might mean that you're right in that case. But that doesn't change the defense of GP.

2. SB didn't immediately quantify his dismissal like you did.

3. Copypasting changed my font size lol.

Will do, wasn't aware of the plaintext editor thanks. ^^

so that re-read I promised right

[spoiler=part the first]

Bladeslot seems town; I don't think that Terrador would sub like that as scum and the listpost felt like town.


Manix's claim isn't a scumclaim imo, and nothing about his play has bothered me that would make me reconsider that


I didn't really see anything up with SB beyond wondering about why he thinks I'm looking passive aggressive, and wondering what about Shinori's response to eclipse made him look town. Null here.


FFMs post where he tries to narrow down possibilities is bad; he lists null out and then tries to PoE down scum in people who have posted, and then the Manix thing is really bad It feels like Manix voted him in retaliation and then jumped on the chance to vote GP afterwards in a possible attempt to avoid attention. If only one of them is scum I feel like it's more likely to be Manix. like wtf

his Refa scumread is lame (hes making scumtells) and reads like hes trying to find issues with someone that other people are already scumreading just so he can agree with them

pedit: forced is the word Im looking for

the Shinori thing is okay beyond acts all defensive when GP votes him which he really didnt I think. The way he finds Shinori scummy for being noncommittal and vague but says Im null even though I do very similar things is scummy

and then the flip on Manix for no real reason is dumb

HOWEVER I feel like the claim is more likely to be town (unless his buddies told him to like append the oh and this is including factional kills to it because that wasnt originally on there).

scummy, but the claimed role seems town. not sure here


Poly: is he even playing


Bear: is he secretly Poly


Refa: has been really passive/passive aggressive and generally more poking at play than saying that he finds things scummy, and hes been doing a lot of defending people over minor points than disagreeing with the people making the points

the argument with SB over defending nullreads seemed like a dumb thing to find him scummy for, so that feels kinda forced

Im not really sure why I thought his play was really ~scummy~ beyond general tone and attitude. the ISOs are okay I guess. still leaning scum here but its really nothing strong since its mostly just ~tone~ so ugh


Eurys post is okay, but Id like to actually see her give opinions on whether she thinks someone is scummy or not. Also what do you think is wrong with the town leader suggestion?

could use more activity here


Shinori could use some reads on the non- Refa, me, and FFM people in #269, and his lynch priority there (Euk > FFM > Inactive lurkers = Refa > Other people.) seems odd considering he had just been finding GP scummy.

He admits that he was rushed and didnt pay attention as much as he shouldve when he voted SB, and that his logic at the time wasnt the best, which I like. I really dislike the I feel better about Refa because I'm liking a few more of his recent posts. Also my top two scumreads are matching up with his scum reads which gives him brownie points in my eyes. which feels like a really vague and (first part) and terrible (second part) reason to feel better about someone.

The feeling better about Refa is probably the only thing Id complain about here


Ive been getting town vibes from eclipses questioning, although she didnt say a lot about who she thought was scummy initially. Theres an element of complaining about people without actually saying whether she thinks someone is scum or not that I dont like, but the generally being proactive seems like a town effort

also the involves an ongoing game thing was (for me at least) untrue; I was speaking about past games Ive played with those people.

the not responding to suspicions against him thing against me is weird, but I feel like maybe Im just not understanding it?

leaning town here regardless


Other people have already done a good job explaining which of GPs logic has been terrible and why. The claim looks like a townclaim, although I think its weird that shes only talking about dying because of a lynch (possible scumslip?).

The reason for voting me is really shitty, though. She seems to think my joke is somehow scummy beyond being OMG A SCUMSLIP in that Im supposed to try to catch the ITP? (which admittedly I missed on my first skim and read it as sheeping Refas wow look its a scumslip, so -_- ).

Let me explain: I was pretty sure it was a reaction test, and I was already feeling kinda annoyed at that time, and didnt really feel like stringing along someone who would just say lol ur scum u fell for my reaction test; ##Euk anyways.

so - why are you voting me, and where are your other reads?

also @GP were talking about FFTA not FFT; Ultima is a (rather annoying) boss who helps you out after you beat it, just like all the other Totema.

I want GP and Refa to explain whether they actually think that I'm stupid enough to claim scum like that or if they were making a joke (Refa) or finding a really terrible excuse to hop on a wagon (GP).


right now I'm fading I'll try to wake up early and finish it tomorrow

if I somehow fail to do so, then my apologies for a shitty game

I'm just really not feeling this game I guess it feels incredibly hard to read anyone

This feels so ... I used Wishy-washy already. Eh, whatever, I'll use it again. Two. Two beautiful wishy-washies, ahahahaaha.

Okay, you talk about several things but in all the long things you come out with a general supportive response to them in general, as a read. I'm really articulate this evening. Ahaha.

This doesn't make me feel better. Also your claim earlier is meh.

Alright, fair enough. I'll have associative reads noted down elsewhere (usually in my role PM), but I won't say much about them until there's flips. Oh speaking of role PMs, you can copypasta the clock link into your role PM so you'll never lose it.

Ah. PMs are different here than I'm used to. It'll take me a bit to naturally utilise it. XD

Haven't gone over Blue this evening but I don't like him overall, no reasoning to that yet since I haven't properly in depth'd his posts, this is just the gut feeling after I was done reading. Not to be mistaken for an actual READ.

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WHOA I completely messed the coding up somewhere there. Apologies. Fixed below but quotes don't carry over so ugh.

[spoiler=Moby Dick is creating Text Waves][spoiler=BEAR]

Scummy - But I'm not sure indicative of scum-sided. Not enough info. Would like more posting pls


Err. This list feels 'wishy washy' to me but I don't want to comment too much on it because a lot of my reads on this kind've situation are meta based.

BUT I shall make a comment on what I like/dislike.

The 180 on Manix ... feels more town than scum. Compared to his 180 on Refa. This is mostly from the fact that he particularly notes he was being an idiot. Again, meta based which I have no right to make reads of.

Euk read, doesn't make sense to me. He's done so much more than that.

Some of the other comments were unnecessary. There isn't really much content for size and that bothers me.

Curious. I'd actually lean town on this one, no one who was researching a fake name to claim would go for one of the Totema.


Glad you enjoy my humour. =P

1. Hard defense, lemme quote:

"Someone tell me how Green Poet's terrible forced case and lousy logic is any different than her normal town behavior" AND "The only scumminess I see right now is probably the push on GP by players who should know better"

Oh, but bladescape, it's not a hard defense because I don't townread him!

No. You literally dismissed every single reason to vote them. Sure, you didn't call them town, sure, meta reasons might mean that you're right in that case. But that doesn't change the defense of GP.

2. SB didn't immediately quantify his dismissal like you did.

3. Copypasting changed my font size lol.

Will do, wasn't aware of the plaintext editor thanks. ^^

This feels so ... I used Wishy-washy already. Eh, whatever, I'll use it again. Two. Two beautiful wishy-washies, ahahahaaha.

Okay, you talk about several things but in all the long things you come out with a general supportive response to them in general, as a read. I'm really articulate this evening. Ahaha.

This doesn't make me feel better. Also your claim earlier is meh.

Ah. PMs are different here than I'm used to. It'll take me a bit to naturally utilise it. XD

Haven't gone over Blue this evening but I don't like him overall, no reasoning to that yet since I haven't properly in depth'd his posts, this is just the gut feeling after I was done reading. Not to be mistaken for an actual READ.

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Do you guys wait until I go to sleep before you start making posts, 4 pages in like 8 hours why. Reading through it now.

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I was trying to keep this secret (seems like a pretty helpful role that I would rather scum not know) but I'm Ultima, the 1-Shot Town Global Roleblocker. Apparently I've got "crystals" inside me and when summoned by a "Nu Mou" lead by Marche I cause heavy MP damage to all enemies, hence the roleblock.

Not sure what to make of this claim. I don't think I've ever played with a Global Hooker, is it usually town or scum?

since I'm at ~lots of votes~ (something like 6?) I should claim

I'm Famfrit, Numbers Neighbor; I have OC with Adrammelech. Also I have something cool that I can do when another (specific) Totema dies and it's strong enough that I'd rather not claim it. Keeping scum guessing is cool. I'm guessing it's probably a backup ability but I don't actually know, it might happen when a Totema with an entirely unrelated ability dies for all I know.

This claim could go either way for me, I already talked about the Numbers part and I've seen Neighbors of both alignments on SF. Agree with others that his play has been lacking, and he hasn't really pushed any cases or done much of anything since. Comfortable with my vote here.

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Elieson's "actually keeping up with these" Votals

Euklyd (7): Refa, Shinori, bladescape, eclipse, Prims, Green Poet, BBM (L-1)
Pascal (2): Curly Brace, Bluedoom
Shinori (2): bearclaw13, Pascal
Bluedoom (2): Eurykins, SB.
Prims (1): Polydeuces
Refa (1): Euklyd

Voteless (0):

Day 1 ends in approximately 13 hours and 30 minutes, which is at 2200 GMT-5 on 5/3/14 (11PM EST, 10PM CST on 6/3/14), or if a player reaches the daily hammer requirement of 8 votes before then.

Edited by Elieson
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btw I heavily dislike Marf's inability to differentiate between FFM and Euklyd because their circumstances across the game have been different so it should not be hard to figure out which one you think is more likely to flip scum, even if they both look bad. It's not like we're juggling two lurkers who haven't posted since RVS (shout-out to Polydeuces tho). Town should want to pick one that seems scummier and vote accordingly.

I feel like scum!Marth would've voted Euklyd by now for the potential towncred instead of being very wishy-washy about it. Don't really get why people are bothered by him, and his partial claim seems pretty pro town to me (like why would he do that as scum ever).

Also, at this point with me, GP, AND Euklyd all having locked parts to our role, I'm beginning to suspect that this might be a theme of the setup. Are there any other people with locked parts to their roles?

Closest thing I have to that is getting roleblocked if I don't fulfill my PR.

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i can't remember the last time i saw a town masshook tbh, but i know they definitely can exist

i've used one of a scumrole way back but that's me. (remember i'm the guy that puts shit like masstailors in his games)

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There was a town mass-hook in Chilean Musician Mafia.

@Bladescape- generally in games where flavour is widely-known, the host gives character fakeclaims for the mafia to use, because catching scum based off their character name is dumb.


##Unvote I didn't realize that Euklyd had so many votes.

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okay i need to desperately sleep, considering it's 2am

i don't want to push euklyd back to L-1 until i wake up, and as already stated i don't want to lynch ffm today


##Vote: Refa

an vote that is more useful. i'm null on shinori/marf, and refa's early play still irks me. his recent play aside from the iso stuff wasn't terribly great either off hand

(also elie kirsche/marf are the same slot. fix the votals)

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So I got a message from our dear host not to be apathetic. ;/

This theme should be changed to My Little List Post Mafia: Walls of Text are Black Magic And Why Do We Care About Inactives.

I don't like the inconsistency between me/SB (as we both didn't have a lot of explicitly stated scum reads early on). If you're going to use that as a reason to find me suspicious, you'll also have to list yourself, because your list has about as many committed scum reads. As for what I said about the ongoing game, it holds true for what I'd argue about it, and still does.

with all these claims i feel like i got the short end of the stick in a sense. o well.

Stand in line.

Refa, after all those pages you talked about. . .that's all you had to say? ;/

. . .and now the reason why I bothered to log on is to announce that SOMEONE sent me a message with the words "lynch bodyguard" in it.

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Refa, after all those pages you talked about. . .that's all you had to say? ;/

. . .and now the reason why I bothered to log on is to announce that SOMEONE sent me a message with the words "lynch bodyguard" in it.

Go back and read those pages and tell me all of the important topics discussed. If you got more than roleclaims, a reads post from Euklyd, and more roleclaims, then let me know because I must've missed that.

we had a scum!global roleblocker back in folgore rangers that trolled our team (THANKS CAM)

Based Cam.

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Also have we decided whether FFM is going to use his mass roleblock today or save it for later? Honestly with SB on this one, if there is a Strongman then using the mass roleblock N1 will be more detrimental for town than helpful.

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Go back and read those pages and tell me all of the important topics discussed. If you got more than roleclaims, a reads post from Euklyd, and more roleclaims, then let me know because I must've missed that.


1. How the hell did you miss Euklyd's wall post, especially when you're mentioned in it?

2. Speaking of Euklyd, he has a bunch of posts, your vote is on him, and you've done NOTHING with them.

Can we lynch both Refa and Euklyd today?

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Elieson's "Air Render is too OP" Votals

Euklyd (6): Refa, Shinori, bladescape, eclipse, Prims, Green Poet (L-2)
Refa (2): Euklyd, Curly Brace
Shinori (2): bearclaw13, Pascal
Bluedoom (2): Eurykins, SB.
Prims (1): Polydeuces

Pascal (1): Bluedoom

Voteless (1): BBM

Day 1 ends in approximately 8 hours and 50 minutes, which is at 2200 GMT-5 on 5/3/14 (11PM EST, 10PM CST on 6/3/14), or if a player reaches the daily hammer requirement of 8 votes before then.

Edited by Elieson
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