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Why are you asking SB that...


Actually uh, wouldn't the Communication Device or w/e have shown up in BBM's flip if he had it?

I figured it got sniped.

Edited by Refa
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I don't think items show up in PMs, since they get stolen by the killers.

I'm asking SB because I don't trust you Refa, even less so given the tone of your posts in NOC this phase.

I meant SB over Walrein.

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No (as in, that's my answer). Pretty sure my conversation with Prims should have made that obvious (since I told him that Walrein didn't claim to me).

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Alright, Walrein should still confirm/deny though.

And about what SB just said, Prims also suspected Refa towards the end of N1 (he said he thought Refa was a good D2 lynch) so he may have changed his actions at the last minute. His target will probably be clarified when OC comes back.

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2lazy to check logs, don't really want to show any of the surrounding conversation so

[20/10/2014 13:01:31] 【Prims】: hm shrug
[20/10/2014 13:01:37] 【Prims】: im still not really convince although i guess he's a town lean [talking about SB]
[20/10/2014 13:01:38] 【Prims】: just not hard town
[20/10/2014 13:01:51] 【Prims】: Refa is probs a good lynch for tomorrow
[20/10/2014 13:02:01] 【Prims】: but eh

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I just doublechecked and his jokescan was about 4 hours before our conversation and I know he talked to other people in between.

Plus I figured his jokescan was just a way to draw scumkills since he already wanted to die, I thought it was likely that his role activated upon death since he did similar things in Healer as oracle where he constantly made remarks about how powerful his role was and how he was going to die.

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Anyways, it took me this long to fake logs with BBM wake up care enough to effort shut up, what's it to you? This is what I'm drawing all of my associative reads from, so other people can check...myself? before I wreck...myself? Wait nooooooooooooooooooooooo.


[10/16/2014 3:47:04 PM] RayFa³: i didn't even think you were in the game lol

[10/16/2014 3:47:10 PM] RayFa³: when did you rein

[10/16/2014 3:47:12 PM] RayFa³: uh

[10/16/2014 3:47:15 PM] BBM: lol

[10/16/2014 3:47:16 PM] RayFa³: re-in not rein

[10/16/2014 3:47:19 PM] BBM: a while ago

[10/16/2014 3:47:46 PM] BBM: I almost /outed after I subbed out of guitar but then paper beat me to it and I would have felt bad

[10/16/2014 3:48:08 PM] RayFa³: aha

[10/16/2014 3:48:14 PM] BBM: besides, now I can sub out ED1 out of Rein's game again

[10/16/2014 3:48:17 PM] RayFa³: so who is your CHARACTER

[10/16/2014 3:48:19 PM] RayFa³: hahahaha

[10/16/2014 3:48:28 PM] BBM: uh

[10/16/2014 3:48:30 PM] BBM: gray?

[10/16/2014 3:48:34 PM] RayFa³: because you rolled scum again and someone caught you out on it?

[10/16/2014 3:48:36 PM] BBM: lemme check

[10/16/2014 3:48:38 PM] RayFa³: gray?

[10/16/2014 3:48:42 PM] RayFa³: he's a character?

[10/16/2014 3:48:48 PM] RayFa³: what

[10/16/2014 3:48:49 PM] BBM: gray fox

[10/16/2014 3:48:51 PM] RayFa³: oh

[10/16/2014 3:49:02 PM] RayFa³: i'm refalver ocelot

[10/16/2014 3:49:04 PM] RayFa³: expected/10

[10/16/2014 3:49:07 PM] BBM: lol

[10/16/2014 3:49:26 PM] BBM: isn't he a VILLAIN ##Refa

[10/16/2014 3:49:45 PM] RayFa³: yeah but town is the villains

[10/16/2014 3:49:51 PM] RayFa³: man SB said the same thing JEEZ

[10/16/2014 3:50:14 PM] BBM: lol

[10/16/2014 3:50:17 PM] RayFa³: also what's randa's skypename i forgot it

[10/16/2014 3:50:21 PM] RayFa³: but he said i already addded him

[10/16/2014 3:50:27 PM] BBM: I don't think I have randa

[10/16/2014 3:50:33 PM] RayFa³: dammit

[10/16/2014 3:50:39 PM] RayFa³: i thought you had his skype from like SMT

[10/16/2014 3:50:53 PM] BBM: nah we didn't talk on skype

[10/16/2014 3:51:11 PM] BBM: I spoke to shinori on skype but that was after randa died

[10/16/2014 3:51:17 PM] RayFa³: aha

[10/16/2014 9:10:26 PM] BBM: your avatar is cool

[10/16/2014 9:11:14 PM] RayFa³: YEAH

[10/16/2014 9:11:15 PM] RayFa³: i agree

[10/16/2014 9:11:27 PM] BBM: THOUGHTS about game?

[10/16/2014 9:11:57 PM] RayFa³: well nothing else in terms of scumreads besides what's on the thread

[10/16/2014 9:12:03 PM] RayFa³: i have a few townreads i guess but meh

[10/16/2014 9:12:20 PM] BBM: I have one kind-of townread but meh sums it up lol

[10/16/2014 9:12:26 PM] RayFa³: haha

[10/16/2014 9:12:46 PM] BBM: been too lazy to talk to people so I've pretty much only spoken to those who've messaged me

[10/16/2014 9:13:39 PM] RayFa³: i've talked to like 8 people i have on skype and i messaged walrein once

[10/16/2014 9:13:43 PM] RayFa³: and he was like EH

[10/16/2014 9:13:47 PM] RayFa³: so disappointing

[10/16/2014 9:13:47 PM] BBM: wow so good

[10/16/2014 9:13:59 PM] RayFa³: well most of them i just said HI CLAIM YOUR ROLENAME

[10/16/2014 9:14:05 PM] RayFa³: and then nothing happened

[10/16/2014 9:14:18 PM] BBM: I've spoken to like only 4 people

[10/16/2014 9:14:27 PM] BBM: idk is there really a point to claiming rolename

[10/16/2014 9:14:36 PM] BBM: afaict it has nothing to do with anything

[10/16/2014 9:14:43 PM] RayFa³: probably not

[10/16/2014 9:14:48 PM] BBM: other than flavour

[10/16/2014 9:14:52 PM] RayFa³: but apparently there are a bunch of genome soldiers

[10/16/2014 9:15:15 PM] BBM: are there?

[10/16/2014 9:15:21 PM] BBM: I got one genome soldier claim

[10/16/2014 9:15:23 PM] RayFa³: yup

[10/16/2014 9:15:28 PM] BBM: but that's a character name right

[10/16/2014 9:15:30 PM] BBM: not rolename

[10/16/2014 9:15:31 PM] RayFa³: yeah

[10/16/2014 9:15:35 PM] RayFa³: character name

[10/18/2014 11:17:11 AM] BBM: lol

[10/18/2014 11:17:13 AM] RayFa³: also what did walrein say to you

[10/18/2014 11:17:30 AM] *** RayFa³ has changed the conversation topic to "Encounter Mafia- Refa/BBM (...not broken maybe?)" ***

[10/18/2014 11:19:21 AM] BBM: one sec

[10/18/2014 11:19:28 AM] RayFa³: also fwiw walrein said like two lines to me but all i asked him to do was claim but idk

[10/18/2014 11:19:33 AM] BBM: me: So what do you think of people voting you?

[10/18/2014 11:19:40 AM] BBM: him: The only one to put up a legitimate vote on me thus far has been prims, and seeing as I have a legitimate defense I see no reason to be worried.

[10/18/2014 11:19:53 AM] BBM: me:If people have been able to talk to you, then you've been home enough to talk to other people as well. Okay, you don't want to claim to anyone yet. Fair enough. What else are you doing?

[10/18/2014 11:20:07 AM] BBM: him:I've literally been talking to people the entire time I've been home. Conversations with the 3 I mentioned in-thread took up pretty much all of my free time yesterday, considering that I was extremely busy.

What do you think of the eclipse wagon?

[10/18/2014 11:20:23 AM] RayFa³: are you asking me or is that part of the PM

[10/18/2014 11:20:25 AM] BBM: why is everyone lynching eclipse

[10/18/2014 11:20:30 AM] BBM: that's part of the pm

[10/18/2014 11:21:09 AM] BBM: imo this is town eclipse throwing a tantrum

[10/18/2014 11:21:21 AM] BBM: I feel like as scum she'd be too proud to wifom in such a way

[10/18/2014 11:21:36 AM] RayFa³: yeah i dunno

[10/18/2014 11:21:51 AM] BBM: and I don't actually trust prims at all

[10/18/2014 11:21:54 AM] RayFa³: so where i'm coming from is that she's acting like she did in badass (wrt to comments about mancer)

[10/18/2014 11:21:58 AM] RayFa³: and uh

[10/18/2014 11:21:59 AM] BBM: and don't feel like sheeping him

[10/18/2014 11:22:04 AM] RayFa³: there was something else

[10/18/2014 11:22:22 AM] RayFa³: ugh

[10/18/2014 11:22:22 AM] BBM: can you explain the badass thing more?

[10/18/2014 11:22:34 AM] RayFa³: like when she talked to grassbridger

[10/18/2014 11:22:47 AM] RayFa³: after she determined that she was scumreading him (or cultreading idr which)

[10/18/2014 11:22:54 AM] RayFa³: she stopped talking to him

[10/18/2014 11:23:01 AM] RayFa³: and that's what she did with mancer as well

[10/18/2014 11:23:13 AM] RayFa³: oh, i also didn't get why she was voting mancer

[10/18/2014 11:24:18 AM] RayFa³: also any reason you don't trust prims?

[10/18/2014 11:24:41 AM] BBM: well firstly his 'townslip' isn't very difficult to fabricate

[10/18/2014 11:24:49 AM] RayFa³: i agree

[10/18/2014 11:24:55 AM] BBM: secondly in every OC game he's ever played he's taken a position of leadership

[10/18/2014 11:25:12 AM] RayFa³: blitz said he was bothered by prims because he didn't step up to become leader himself

[10/18/2014 11:25:22 AM] BBM: yeah I was talking to him about that

[10/18/2014 11:25:42 AM | Edited 11:25:45 AM] BBM: I wanted to speak to prims in private but he's like never online on skype or irc

[10/18/2014 11:25:50 AM] RayFa³: really

[10/18/2014 11:25:57 AM] RayFa³: i've spoken to him in private for like

[10/18/2014 11:25:59 AM] RayFa³: a lot yesterday

[10/18/2014 11:26:13 AM] BBM: well at least not at the same times as me then?

[10/18/2014 11:26:27 AM] BBM: but if you look at life's OC game

[10/18/2014 11:26:37 AM] BBM: he made himself town leader through sheer forcefulness

[10/18/2014 11:26:47 AM] BBM: he didn't do a single townie thing

[10/18/2014 11:26:54 AM] RayFa³: was he scum in that game

[10/18/2014 11:26:57 AM] BBM: no

[10/18/2014 11:27:05 AM] RayFa³: aha

[10/18/2014 11:27:11 AM] BBM: by single townie thing I don't mean he did anything scummy

[10/18/2014 11:27:16 AM] BBM: but he wasn't confirmed town at all

[10/18/2014 11:27:24 AM] BBM: in SFMM2 where he rolled Mason

[10/18/2014 11:27:30 AM] BBM: it was limited OC and he made himself town leader

[10/18/2014 11:27:44 AM] RayFa³: i see

[10/18/2014 11:27:48 AM] BBM: in Haphazard he was also one of the leaders

[10/18/2014 11:28:02 AM] BBM: not "the" leader but he was definitely in that trusted upper echelon

[10/18/2014 11:28:11 AM] BBM: that was actively directing things

[10/18/2014 11:28:47 AM] BBM: at first I was thinking like

[10/18/2014 11:28:56 AM] BBM: but wouldn't he want to be town leader as scum too?

[10/18/2014 11:28:57 AM] RayFa³: so you think he's scum because he's taken a more backseat attitude after claiming townslipped?

[10/18/2014 11:29:01 AM] BBM: so I was unsure

[10/18/2014 11:29:22 AM] BBM: but I think since there are two mafia teams he might not want to put himself in a position of leadership

[10/18/2014 11:29:30 AM] RayFa³: yeah

[10/18/2014 11:29:40 AM] RayFa³: i didn't really think about that lol

[10/18/2014 11:29:47 AM] BBM: [saturday, October 18, 2014 11:29 AM] RayFa³:

<<< so you think he's scum because he's taken a more backseat attitude after claiming townslipped?basically yeah

[10/18/2014 11:29:57 AM] BBM: prims is not a backseat player

[10/18/2014 11:30:05 AM] RayFa³: kk

[10/18/2014 11:30:09 AM] BBM: in any type of game, whether it's OC or NOC

[10/18/2014 11:30:46 AM] RayFa³: how much time is left in the phase

[10/18/2014 11:30:46 AM] BBM: and this is also the first OC game that I've seen him in where he's been lazy

[10/18/2014 11:30:54 AM] BBM: not sure

[10/18/2014 11:31:04 AM] BBM: around 4 hours? I think

[10/18/2014 11:31:12 AM] BBM: 48 hour D1s in OC suck

[10/18/2014 11:31:29 AM] RayFa³: 48 hour D1s are rough man

[10/18/2014 11:35:38 AM] BBM: if you talk to prims before me can you not mention this stuff?

[10/18/2014 11:35:43 AM] BBM: I want to speak to him directly

[10/18/2014 11:35:52 AM] RayFa³: yeah

[10/18/2014 11:35:55 AM] RayFa³: sure

[10/18/2014 11:49:26 AM] RayFa³: what do you think about walrein's response

[10/18/2014 11:50:08 AM] BBM: sigh

[10/18/2014 11:50:23 AM] RayFa³: so sad

[10/18/2014 11:50:25 AM] BBM: this is why I hate OC I can't even lurk

[10/18/2014 11:50:41 AM] BBM: 2 minutes after someone posts WHAT DID YOU THINK ABOUT THAT

[10/18/2014 11:50:50 AM] RayFa³: hey

[10/18/2014 11:50:54 AM] RayFa³: i didn't use any capital letters

[10/18/2014 11:50:59 AM] BBM: tro

[10/18/2014 11:51:00 AM] RayFa³: totally different

[10/18/2014 12:07:09 PM] BBM: I could go for an elie lynch maybe

[10/18/2014 12:07:38 PM] BBM: haven't spoken to hm out of thread but his in thread posts seem to be actively ignoring things

[10/18/2014 12:08:26 PM] RayFa³: yeah

[10/18/2014 12:08:36 PM] RayFa³: only thing that bothers me is i'm not sure he'd be so obvious about it as scum

[10/18/2014 12:08:44 PM] BBM: troo

[10/18/2014 12:10:25 PM] RayFa³: also walrein posted telling me that jalmont would be more active as scum aaaaaaaaaa

[10/18/2014 12:10:45 PM] BBM: do you know why he's voting mancer

[10/18/2014 12:10:59 PM] RayFa³: elieson?

[10/18/2014 12:11:01 PM] RayFa³: no idea

[10/18/2014 12:11:12 PM] RayFa³: hold on i asked mancer to check lemme look

[10/18/2014 12:11:30 PM] RayFa³: [saturday, October 18, 2014 9:48 AM] Ashley Tay Wee Kiat:

<<< Alright

Oh, he thinks I'm scum for my lack of conviction in pushing things (like in Guitar, I'll stop talking about that game here)

Mostly a meta reason according to him

[10/18/2014 12:12:05 PM] BBM: so why didnt he post that in htread?

[10/18/2014 12:12:12 PM] RayFa³: idk

[10/18/2014 12:12:23 PM] RayFa³: i asked him what he thought about walrein and he hasn't responded to me

[10/18/2014 12:25:43 PM] BBM: why remove elie?

[10/18/2014 12:25:54 PM] BBM: because you're not sure he'd be that lazy as scum/

[10/18/2014 12:25:57 PM] RayFa³: nah

[10/18/2014 12:26:02 PM] RayFa³: it's more because of his claim

[10/18/2014 12:26:10 PM] RayFa³: i think he was pretty lazy in SFMM4 too

[10/18/2014 12:26:28 PM] BBM: I thought that game didn't happen...

[10/18/2014 12:26:35 PM] RayFa³: yeah i know i made it up

[10/18/2014 12:37:07 PM] BBM: so would you vote randa or proto?

[10/18/2014 12:37:14 PM] BBM: or eclipse

[10/18/2014 12:37:21 PM] BBM: or walrein

[10/18/2014 12:38:22 PM] RayFa³: yes

[10/18/2014 12:38:47 PM] RayFa³: to all of those (less sure about proto because blitz implied he wasn't even on SF)

[10/18/2014 12:38:53 PM] RayFa³: (and by implied i mean said)

[10/18/2014 12:39:08 PM] BBM: lol

[10/18/2014 2:19:16 PM] BBM: hey refa

[10/18/2014 2:19:30 PM] RayFa³: hey hey

[10/18/2014 2:19:39 PM] BBM: so SB kind of indirectly told me elie's claim and while it is provable

[10/18/2014 2:19:49 PM] BBM: as far as play goes I'd rather lynch him over eclipse

[10/18/2014 2:19:58 PM] RayFa³: well i don't want to lynch eclipse

[10/18/2014 2:20:03 PM] RayFa³: but i'm deciding between him and randa

[10/18/2014 2:20:04 PM] RayFa³: atm

[10/18/2014 2:20:06 PM] BBM: hmm

[10/18/2014 4:14:35 PM] RayFa³: also prims got on as soon as you said you didn't want to do any more mafia lol

[10/18/2014 4:15:04 PM] BBM: when was that?

[10/18/2014 4:15:23 PM] RayFa³: well his messages started showing up from yesterday like uh

[10/18/2014 4:15:30 PM] RayFa³: 8 minutes ago

[10/18/2014 4:15:53 PM] BBM: it shows him as offline on skype still ;_;

[10/18/2014 4:16:06 PM] RayFa³: try PMing him

[10/18/2014 4:16:15 PM] RayFa³: it'lll show the swirlly things if he's actually offline!

[10/19/2014 1:26:06 PM] RayFa³: hey bbm did you ever end up talking to prims

[10/19/2014 1:26:19 PM] BBM: not really >_>

[10/19/2014 1:26:25 PM] BBM: I messaged him and he was like

[10/19/2014 1:26:26 PM] RayFa³: lame

[10/19/2014 1:26:31 PM] RayFa³: "i don't feel like mafia"

[10/19/2014 1:26:36 PM] BBM: so what happened with the elie lynch I thought people were townreading him

[10/19/2014 1:26:44 PM] BBM: and I summarized it

[10/19/2014 1:26:47 PM] BBM: and he didn't respond back

[10/19/2014 1:26:51 PM] RayFa³: huh weird

[10/19/2014 1:27:00 PM] RayFa³: he didn't even ask me about the elie lynch i think

[10/19/2014 1:41:37 PM] BBM: btw

[10/19/2014 1:41:39 PM] BBM: you should like

[10/19/2014 1:41:55 PM] BBM: make sb or mitsuki or me a backup leader

[10/19/2014 1:42:04 PM] RayFa³: haha

[10/19/2014 1:42:08 PM] RayFa³: probably

[10/19/2014 1:42:17 PM] RayFa³: how do you know i haven't already done it

[10/19/2014 1:42:21 PM] BBM: drats

[10/19/2014 1:42:30 PM] BBM: that's why sb isn't asking for my role!

[10/19/2014 1:42:37 PM] RayFa³: whoah!

[10/19/2014 1:42:46 PM] RayFa³: but yeah i probably should do hat

(not related to the game, but if your real name is here and you'd prefer it not to be, just uh let me know somehow)

The only read I got out of it was that Walrein isn't a scumbuddy but maybe you guys can do better. He spent most of his time talking about Prims and I'm inclined to think the bit at the end was WIFOM.

EDIT Had to edit in strikethroughs, what kind of messed up world do we live in nowadays anyways?

EDIT 2 That space between the spoiler tag and the disclaimer underneath was really bothering me. ;/

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Wait fuck, I just realized something while looking over my spreadsheet.

So uh, I have reason to believe that Prims was killed by a Ninja. Walrein should probably claim anyway though for safety.

I have no idea what this NOC shit means so I'm going to bed >.>

Someone claimed an ordinarily active role (or at least, what I would consider anyways) to me and said it didn't count as a visiting role. If said person was the Ninja, this would clear Proto (I think? It would mean he wasn't on the kill, at the very least). EDIT Would like some thoughts on whether or not I should out this person; I'm leaning towards yes.


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first off, who do you think is a better night kill target, me or Prims?

as in a greater threat to immediately get rid off wise from N1 perspective

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You. Can you answer my last post, this is kind of a big deal for me.

EDIT Also since Walrein claimed anyways, I'd like him to claim his character.

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yeah, I didn't tell anyone this little piece of info before, but I had a BPV, lol

this is also the piece of info I was withholding when I said I won't share a question for town and scum

actually it isn't lame, cause if it was alt, we would have to find like 8 scum members IMO

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actually it isn't lame, cause if it was alt, we would have to find like 8 scum members IMO

EDIT (the quote is also part of the EDIT): What are the chances that scum will consistently crossfire if they can communicate with each other though? Actually...if scum could communicate with each other, why would BBM get shot on N1? Surely they'd want to coordinate as many town kills as possible on the first day. I dunno, starting to think that Proto isn't as obvious scum as I previously assumed.

Makes sense for Liquid Snake haha. Anyways, I was going off of the assumption that there'd be alt night kills which would make this whole thing a lot easier. ;/ I'll have to rethink things, but a question to the mods first.

Paging Reintime: Would BBM's vengekill count as a visit?

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@Refa, read the thread properly

It doesn't. Strictly speaking, it's not an "action", it occurs between phases.

so, BBM doesn't visit while killing

this reminds me, I would like to request SB to target me tonight cause I don't want to die, lol

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Votals (thanks kaoz)

Proto (3): Euklyd, Mitsuki, Mancer

Walrein (1): Rapier

Mancer (1): Dorian

SB (1): Walrein

Not voting (10): Polydeuces, Xinnidy, Jalmont, Proto, Kay, Larsa, Blitz, Vhaltz, Refa, SB

With 16 alive it, takes 11 to hammer. Day 2 ends in about 31 hours.

also i added music to N1 and D2 phase starts because music is cool

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