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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Do you know what my name means without going to google translate and how much does it bother you that it isn't capitalised?

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*excluding the "executive" part of my name ;/

Edit: man I totally forgot this isn't the mafia forum and I can edit posts.

How do you feel about double posting and people who do it?

Edited by Executive kirsche
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Since there are so many categories I can come up with for this question, to avoid making this 2huge4u I will split this up into multiple questions and you can do one at a time~!


Between these types of scenery, which looks most beautiful/interesting to you???? (or order from most pretty/interesting to least pretty/interesting~)

CAVE scenery

FOREST scenery


MOUNTAIN scenery


edit: ok I wanna get a more clear image for the cave than that one~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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7. Favorite type of candy?

8. If you could go into the past and tell your past self one thing what would it be?

9. Ever been to my home state of Arizona?

10. Just how much do you absolutely adore Killing Floor 2?

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Do you know what my name means without going to google translate and how much does it bother you that it isn't capitalised?

i don't just pretend to be goodish at german, you dingus! i'm not terribly bothered by uncapitalized words, even german nouns. that would make me a huge hypocrite :P

How do you feel about double posting and people who do it?

when it's done for comedic effect it's hilarious, like when somebody makes a really obvious innuendo and then double-posts to explain it in glorious detail. when people do it for attention or waste space with it, god, very little is more annoying.

tea or coffee?


Since there are so many categories I can come up with for this question, to avoid making this 2huge4u I will split this up into multiple questions and you can do one at a time~!


Between these types of scenery, which looks most beautiful/interesting to you???? (or order from most pretty/interesting to least pretty/interesting~)

CAVE scenery

FOREST scenery


MOUNTAIN scenery


edit: ok I wanna get a more clear image for the cave than that one~

you have weird questions

mountain, garden, ruins, cave, forest

How did you get into k-pop?

my sister bought the girls generation first japanese album and put the cd in my car. one day i was driving to school and i was like "hey, i bet this has a good beat for driving to, let's put it in" then i was like "what the fuck"

...then the next day i was like "i should switch it out ...might as well let it run its course"

...then the next day i was like "MR TAXI TAXI TAXI"

and then i went off the deep end

Oh also I stumbled across this http://www.livingbiginatinyhouse.com/underhill-eco-cave-house/ would you like to go here someday???

With no electricity in the house,

that makes me sad but i would still want to BUILD that someday into our hill

7. Favorite type of candy?

8. If you could go into the past and tell your past self one thing what would it be?

9. Ever been to my home state of Arizona?

10. Just how much do you absolutely adore Killing Floor 2?


8. past me made a pure string of really good decisions tbh. maybe i would tell past me to not stop playing everquest 2?

9. when we left vegas we overnighted in arizona so yes i guess! or maybe we drove through arizona en route to an overnighter in nm, i don't remember

10. 11/10, it's already essentially perfect and it's in early access

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you have weird questions

I have my reasons~~~

whether you like them or not I will be satisfied as long as you answer them

mountain, garden, ruins, cave, forest

hmmmmmm good, good of course I predicted that last one ^o^ but I guess just about anybody would have that at last compared to all the rest

also I will ask more later

that makes me sad but i would still want to BUILD that someday into our hill

YOU SHOULD but then target practice would have to move oh well

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9. when we left vegas we overnighted in arizona so yes i guess! or maybe we drove through arizona en route to an overnighter in nm, i don't remember

the overnighter was in arizona

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11. What part of Arizona :P

12. Would you help me with steam trading cards. I almost always finish a set but never quite manage it.

13. If you were to put an avatar in a previous FE game before the concept was invented. Which one would you add it to and why?

14. Has your badge ever not been Laura?

15. Opinions on the final fantasy franchise as a whole?

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11. What part of Arizona :P

12. Would you help me with steam trading cards. I almost always finish a set but never quite manage it.

13. If you were to put an avatar in a previous FE game before the concept was invented. Which one would you add it to and why?

14. Has your badge ever not been Laura?

15. Opinions on the final fantasy franchise as a whole?

11. [15:56:27] Ike: where in az did we even stay

[15:56:32] Balls, Deep In My Heart: flagstaff

12. totes ma gotes, you have my steam

13. fe5, and you get captured/killed in the escape from manster and come back as one of the dark lords later on. i still think this would be an insanely legit idea.

14. barring the time before laura was a badge, yes. i've flirted with the echidna, l'arachel, and marisa badges, among others.

15. i enjoy it.

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when did you first meet my mom

late summer '95, it was a night to remember ;)

Which of your LPs that you hosted here was your favorite to share with our community, and why?

might and magic 7! i think there was a lot more i could have shown off (hindsight, right?) but i feel like that one had the most interest from users, which made it more entertaining for me to make, plus it was the only time i think i've gotten the timing on video recording/showing off more-or-less right.

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why did she leave you

i bailed on her when she told me she was pregnant

wonder how the kid's doing

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i bailed on her when she told me she was pregnant

wonder how the kid's doing

I'm doing we-- I mean what you fucker

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What were some of your favourite game series growing up?

What is one of your fondest childhood memories?

So what makes Laura from FE10 and Cynthia from FE13 some of your favourite characters?

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When do you think you'll be able to give Wales a visit?

What one thing would make you even happier right now?

What were your impressions of me when you first joined up to now?

Your favourite alcoholic beverage?

The Rugby World Cup is in September-October. Not a question, but just a reminder.

Tits or ass?

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What were some of your favourite game series growing up?

What is one of your fondest childhood memories?

So what makes Laura from FE10 and Cynthia from FE13 some of your favourite characters?

probably mechwarrior, warcraft, and gradius. more, too, but i played a lot of vidya

when i was a lil teg, the hickam BX had a raffle to decide who got the right to buy their (tragically undersupplied) PS2s and i won that :D

laura's just the cutest thing ever, it's almost totally superficial. cynthia is that, but also has the best lines & voice in, hell, the game, plus second-generation units like that appeal to me a whole bunch cause i get as invested in them as i did their parents + however much they deserve.

OK not usually cenotes but that cenote picture is amazing

i'll go ocean, cenote, waterfall, cavewater

When do you think you'll be able to give Wales a visit?

What one thing would make you even happier right now?

What were your impressions of me when you first joined up to now?

Your favourite alcoholic beverage?

The Rugby World Cup is in September-October. Not a question, but just a reminder.

Tits or ass?

"when" is a WEIRD question because my long-term plans suck at sticking, but i want to take kate to germany in the next two years, so i could accidentally happen to stop by wales for a day or two pending fundage

kate actually living here instead of going to be living here. i'm not a patient man!!

it's basically been a steady climb from "colored font jerkbag" to "cool dude, would have a beer with" though i'm a little salty you don't skype party anymore because your voice is luscious

good old fashioned beer. my current fascination is kinda trashy: the sam adams' seasonal porch rocker, but i'm a fan of IPAs in general.

good, thank you. i won't even be swamped by work this time (theoretically hurrr) so i will endeavor to watch games with or without you.

it's allllll good, man. if i had to choose, probably ass.

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