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SFMafia's Greatest Hits - Day 6


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I want dandragon to do what zero did, and make posts about what he thinks of other people (like the guys on his wagon). He's been defensive (scummy), but weirdly consistent about how he does it (slight town points), so I have no idea what to make of it. Like, I can't really put a finger on why that type of consistency is town in my books, because usually I read it as scummy.

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Shinori you seem like you're voting Gorf because you're frustrated. granted you're prooooobably town over this but like is this really the first time you've seen somebody sheep a case?

waht do u think of dandragon

does afro sambas vote affect you're read on zero sabre????

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dandragon is a WTF read. . .he managed to transcend the scum/neutral/town classification I normally give people. This is normally reserved for earlygame Psych, but somehow, it's appeared in this game.

Since he's also getting info out of Gaius/Hannah and indirectly contributing a read towards dandragon, I'm not too worried about him yet.

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(4) dandragon: Omega, zerosabers, Lord Gaius, Prims

(3) zerosabers: Gorf, dandragon, MancerNecro,

(2) eclipse: Eurykins, Weapons

(1) Eurykins: King Gilgamesh

(1) Omega: J

(1) Eurykins: Elieson

(1) MancerNecro: eclipse

(1) Gorf: Shinori

(1) Not Voting: Hannah

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch. Shinori's birthday ends in 23 hours.

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@J: What lynch are you leaning the most right now? If you prefer Zero/Dand lynches, who would you rather vote? Do you have a read on Weapons?

You keep poking at eclipse, but I can't tell if you actually suspect her or are just trying to get more out of her. If you think she's D1 SCUMMY and are comfortable elaborating at this point then a case would be cool (I don't see scum intent in her posts but I've found her priorities kind of wonky).

Definitely in support of a Dand lynch>Zero. Zero I have no real reason to suspect her as scum and I disliked the approach of the attack and how fast the wagon appeared on her. At the moment, consider a pseudo-vote on Dand which I can switch since I am usually in thread very often if it comes close to deadline. Right now, I am O.K. with my YOLO vote from RVS which still is being there as a reminder to him that he needs to get himself in here.

Weapons I have no real read besides "semi-troll"? I have a plethora of gifs that could describe him if this behavior continues, but he would be my #1 candidate for a vig shot and not someone I am looking to lynch toDay. I would like more meat to his posts. He only seems to have a vote trail that we can follow later if need be.

To answer your Eclipsey question, yes. I am looking at her because I suspect her and I am trying to get more out of her. She isn't a good D1 lynch, but if my theory about Zero comes up plausible and Dand comes up scum, I would say she would make a good plausible answer to being on his scum-team. Especially from switching from Zero to Mancer instead of Dand when those were the two lynches currently. Then she provides reasoning that she still has Dand as a "WTF" scum-null read which looks like distancing. I am really going "...?" at the "his scummy plays is consistent so he has some town points!" because that is circular logic. Basically anytime Dand does anything scummy she can be like "it's consistent with his prior scummy play" which just repeats the cycle. She's left herself an out and I don't like that especially when her reasoning for pushing Zero was meh as well. Then she solo hops onto Mancer instead of making a stance on Dand? Seems like she is non-committal as well (as I questioned her about her stepping off of Zero when the lynch looked real *not including the Weapons vote*)

To sum up my Eclipse read, I dislike almost nearly everything she has done this game and her posts reek of bad vibes. However, my theories regarding her revolve on connections so I will say that my eye is very much on her.

FoS: Eclipse

IIf her wagon became more of a real thing for toDay, I would hop on. However, I do not think it is the smartest move. I think Eclipse could be scum but also could just be playing shady for a reason I can't tell. My theory is I need flips to read Eclipse for certain and that key revolves in lynching one of Dand/Zero.

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##Vote: Mancer

Turbo the inactive scum.

Also my Hammerer deactivates in *Ylo situations FYI.

Whoops, I think I was referring to this post and not zero's. Basically, I shouldn't mafia when I'm half asleep and super sleepy.


I'll be busy for the next hour or so but I'll be back in full force after that to make a read.

@Weapons: Why would you want to end phase early at all? I don't think it's worth the loss of discussion time just to prove a role (if that's what your intention is).

##Vote WeaponsOfMassConstruction

Gaius had already explained his role and your willingness to place zero much closer to L-1 and an accidental hammer reeks of scum to me.

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Just got home~ time to see what's been going on.

> Page 1: Only thing that sticks out as being remotely odd in the RVS stages/posts would be Weapon's notions (which Prims pointed out). I personally find the slight hypocrisy of the act/post a minor mar against Weapons, as it comes off to me as a veiled attempt to either do more RVS shizz or otherwise feign an attempt to get us out of it.

> Page 2:

- Not quite sure what to think of Prim's Dandragon vote [at the time of this post, I didn't see much of anything that warranted Prims moving his RVS vote and putting it on Dan?], mildly confusing to me.

- Already put down earlier thoughts on Elie, and I feel that he takes too much waffling/time/posting on "Levity" things (why state the vibes, but then not really elaborate/state it until someone asks for elaboration?). Doesn't feel like usual town!Elie-esque posting currently.

- Minorly concerned about Hannah's post here. I'd advise to be careful with mentioning any sort of role-related information unnecessarily, and I'm not fully sure why this was brought up to begin with? ._. On the other hand, I can understand LG's claim of Hammerer (as it could've easily activated unintentionally on a quickly built wagon), and I'm okay with how he's handled the claim thus far.

- <3 ya too J :D

> Page 3:

- Pot meet kettle. You vote someone for inactivity, yet that vote post was the second post you'd made in-thread (with nothing else but an RVS vote behind it). Why pick on Mancer when you can't own up to your own accusations, Zerosabers?

>>> Even with the notions of "Right now I'm looking through the thread to try and find a real target" , why do you believe that the Mancer vote would get any sort of reasonable response when he wasn't necessarily around to respond at that time? Why not question/poke/ask around those who'd actually been posting?

- Dandragon's vote on Mancer with the assertion: "Mancer cause he's inactive". This is beyond easy of a vote, and a pretty bad one IMO.

- Zerosaber's unvote doesn't come off any better, as I don't see any sort of prod/pressure/responses from Dandragon that warranted him unvoting him. (If he REALLY wanted to get a response from Dan, was that one post/vote from Dan sufficient response/material for said vote prod? I have a hard time finding his reactions/posts worthwhile of a reaction.)

- I don't even know what to think of Weapon's No Lynch vote.

- Zero's revote on Dan makes it seem like she's only staring/noting what Dan says/does, and isn't offering much insight on anyone/anything else being said/done in the thread.

- While I don't necessarily disagree with most of Eclipse's notions/points, I can't help but feel that the vote on Zero feels pretty easy nonetheless.

> Page 4:

- Gorf's/African American's vote on Zero sabers, once again, comes off as like, srsly easy. In addition, there was no notions/reasoning posted with it, which makes the vote swap seem a bit random to me.

- Shinori's vote/notions are agreeable enough. No issues here.

- Few things in Dandragon's post here:

~ I understand that people have dumped votes on you, but even at 4 votes (in a 15 man game?), you seemed to squirm when the votals were posted. Why should it concern you all that much, when most of the votes being said/done weren't even super strong/backed by strong cases? Why so defensive?

~ Saying things like "all I feel safe in saying is that I am town once again and that I have never been Mafia in my entire SFMafia career" really doesn't help things, when that does little to nothing to justify what may/may not be said and/or done in a Mafia game (and honestly, never having rolled Mafia as of yet [at least IMO] actually makes it seem like a higher chance for you to finally break that streak?).

~ Voting Zerosabers in response to the post/notions against you makes it seem pretty bad, unfortunately, as well. Why not focus instead on looking through others, and less in defending yourself? There's much more to gain in terms of scum hunting and focusing on that, vs. trying to clear your own face/name by being defensive.

- Will agree with Shinori in saying that Mancer's Zero's vote was easy and kinda bad at the point/time.

- LG's post/vote seems alright to me and his notions seem fair.

- I'm getting minorly odd pings from A.A/Gorf's posts by this point. Reglancing back at his ISO, I'm seeing/feeling sparse questions here and there to people (which isn't bad), but I'm sensing a lack of delving deeper with his posts in terms of scum hunting. (It feels like his posts moreso skim the surface of the conversations and don't take the initiative to delve deeper into things, which is what's pinging me atm).

> Page 5:

- Once again, Weapon's post/vote (this time on Zerosabers) seems pretty bad to me. I'm not hearing/seeing much in-depth logic/reasoning behind the majority of the posts/votes made from this slot, and that bothers me quite a bit.

- Reasonable Eclipse reaction/unvoting, while I likewise dislike how Weapons is interested in playing with fire/risking a mishammer at this stage in D1.

- While I'm not one to bulldoze newer players to the forum, I do agree with notion that "Not knowing someone's meta" is NOT an excuse to not know how to scum hunt/otherwise contribute in a Mafia game (So I'm finding Hannah's notions with this an easy way for her to sort of skirt around the radar and try to get by with little to no effort/in-depth content with people).

- If you're lurking, and seeing something funny (like a wagon) happen, why not comment on it sooner, Hannah? It shouldn't take someone asking you why you're not saying/doing something in order to get that sort of response/comment from you IMO.

> Page 6:

- You say that you're concerned about the wagon, yet I don't see you putting forth any effort/pressure elsewhere as a result, Hannah? Either state a case/notions/counterpoints against what you may seem as worrisome wagon, and/or otherwise offer us counter-cases to other people. Otherwise, this is just easy spectating on a bandwagon without you doing anything about it, which is pretty scummy in my books.

- Zero's 106 post wasn't terrible, and at least feels a bit better than just random voting prior.

- Weapon's Vote on Eclipse: Is that solely the reason why you're voting for Eclipse? Does the fact that our game includes people unfamiliar with the SF Mafia games in particular affect the Meta any on Eclipse, and why is she more liable to coach as scum than as town?

> Page 7:

- ...Okay, I admit, I'm not reading this page a whole lot. My brain's fried from work, and nothing huge stuck out to me on my initial skim. I'll cover this later, if need be, but otherwise, ending this post (since I figure it's long enough as is lol).

~ Overall Thoughts/Concerns ~

1. Dandragon and Weapons currently hold the highest priorities for me atm. Hannah and Gorf are actually the next tier of concerns, for the following reasons:

> Hannah seems to not be contributing a whole lot (and if what I read earlier was correct, then she's someone who's played/done Mafia games before, so "Meta" knowledge issues shouldn't be a real reason as to not scum hunt/contribute), and many of her posts feel like she's making excuses to not contribute (+ lacks the initiative/drive to scum hunt as a whole I feel).

> AA/Gorf's posts, across his ISO, seem likewise pretty sparse. He asks a question here or there, but as a whole, I'm not finding him to have put a whole lot of effort within his scum hunting. Willing to agree with Shinori's vote that not a whole lot has come from this player slot, and for the amount of posts having been made, I do not feel as though meaningful content has been yielded.

2. The only other person (who isn't listed above) that's pinging me is Zerosaber, based on the gameplay above. However, the explosion on the zerosaber wagon did minorly concern me, and the last post I noted from Zero actually didn't sound half-bad, which is more than I could say about a few others. Still doesn't feel like a great slot to me atm, but willing to set Zero below the others above in terms of priority, if only for today.

It's difficult to say whom I find worse at this point, between Dandragon and Weapons. The former has had some pretty bad posts/gameplay, but the latter does in different ways (opting to NL, but then wanting to quick-hammer a wagon, amongst other pretty random vote-swapping posts). While I wouldn't mind dropping a vote on the former, I do not like the idea of more vote stacking (especially given a Hammerer role floating around), so for now it will remain on Weapons. However, I'm fine with either being lynched today, and if not one of those two, then between the two below 'em.


##Vote: Weapons

Aaaaaaaaaand I'm off to League/PoE/other shizz for now. Will be around to respond for a bit though.

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^In fact, anyone can. I'm on the NA server as well. (sorry for being OoG in the midst of actual conversation).


Related to the game, what does the Weapons lynch net us? He's not done much of anything besides just throw his vote around. I meant *shrug* I just feel that avenue is not as juicy as others besides getting out someone who isn't doing much to help progress the game/etc.

Also w.r.t. Mancer, what makes him scummy over newbie townie? Mainly directed @Eclipse.

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Iirc, his playstyle still seems similar to that of past-Mancer play. He plays like this every game I have been in/read with him in it. So meta be damned, what makes this particular time scummy to you Eclipse?

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YOLOSWAG - Tone it down. There's some seriously humor-impaired people on this site, and I'm going to have a hell of a time justifying why I shouldn't warn you, if this comes up in the ticket system.

(end your friendly mod message)

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Just saying, for the benefit of Marshy, he's pretty toned down/not being that rude. It's just his vernacular. /insight

And I see you explained yourself, but I guess I am now just being like "I don't like that reasoning." So thanks haha.

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^In fact, anyone can. I'm on the NA server as well. (sorry for being OoG in the midst of actual conversation).


Related to the game, what does the Weapons lynch net us? He's not done much of anything besides just throw his vote around. I meant *shrug* I just feel that avenue is not as juicy as others besides getting out someone who isn't doing much to help progress the game/etc.

Also w.r.t. Mancer, what makes him scummy over newbie townie? Mainly directed @Eclipse.

It depends. He has sparse interactions- that part is true, but on the other hand the fact that he hasn't done much can be just as much of a condemning factor than not.

And your latter part/statement (bolded) is actually another reason why I've opted for some people's lynches in the past. If someone's not only blatantly scummy/doing scummy things from my PoV, but also proving to be a true hinderance to town-side (low activity levels, not scum hunting actively, or otherwise not putting in the time/effort/care to participate with the rest of the players within the game effectively, etc.), then I'd personally have them gone before we reach any sort of *YLO variance. Because those aren't the sort of people I'd want to see being relied on in order to hopefully win this game for us townies.

So in that sense, I see no issue in terms of selecting him as a lynch candidate.

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Yolo, can you give thoughts on ZerovDragon other than just choosing a side? Also Hannah certainly can handle herself in a game, I've seen her put up more content then what she's given. What's wrong with Gilgamesh? Your post is lackin ngl dude.

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Shinori you seem like you're voting Gorf because you're frustrated. granted you're prooooobably town over this but like is this really the first time you've seen somebody sheep a case?

waht do u think of dandragon

does afro sambas vote affect you're read on zero sabre????

I don't really feel frustrated? Idk. I don't think it's just a sheep though. It doesn't really seem like a sheep. It seemed like he voted someone and when called out on his bad vote he just decided to say it was a sheep. Iono. Maybe I am frustrated a bit but I still don't like him.

Dandragon hasn't done anything. It doesn't help anything. I'm pretty nuetral/null on him at the moment. I'm getting a lot of newb vibes from him and apparently he's fairly new i think? Still just hasn't really done anything. And he OMGUS'd Zero which screams beginner or dumb to me. So yeah, nuetral.

Who the fuck is afro samba?

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Hmmm. When I was reading through the thread, none of her posts overall stuck out horribly to me.

(I admit though, I didn't quite understand the odd convo wrt AA getting suspended over a "gimmick"? I might've missed something in the convo or whatnot, idk- I didn't think it was important to the in-game shizz though, so bypassed the matter.)

While I found her Zerosabers vote a bit easy (as were the vast majority of 'em IMO), it didn't feel as bad as the others, and she's at least given out more responses/thoughts on other people in the meantime compared to a few others.

Her reaction to Weapons pushing someone to nearly L-1 also seemed legit, and I feel like a lot of her posts nitpicking at various cases/notions (IE. Hannah not doing much, LG's arguments/stances on Elie/myself thing, etc.) feels more townish than not, given that scum could've easily gone along with Weapon's attempt to shove for a quick lynch. Granted, she could've been going for townie brownie points there, but I don't feel that it's likely at this point.

All in all, she's not someone I'd worry about atm- leaning townish.

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@Gorf: Talk to me about Eclipse.

seems too objective for my taste, a lot of bark not a lot of bite, but then again shes putting her neck out a lot more than necessary (like when she backed off of zero when she hit l2). not seeing a whole lot to bite into tho

@African Amerigorf: pls post your entire reasons for voting zerosabers because I'm not seeing it at all, saying you agreed with eclipse is weird to me too because her attack on zerosabers seemed like a non-case to me.

eclipse's 58 includes the following excerpt:

"Super-conflicted on these guys - they're both relatively new, but this seems way too aggressive for just-out-of-RVS" (note that "these" and "guys" contain hyperlinks to dand and zero, and "this" contains a hyperlink to zero's 55)

i thought that the over aggressive perception of zero's 55 was justified and worth looking into, so i went ahead and supported the wagon. seeing how zero's play has given me no reason to back off the wagon (and no play has jumped out enough for me to leave the wagon), i am still here.

I'm really feeling like more than half of African's posts are shit posts.

And this is kind of bad imo. You basically say you voted zero cause of Eclipse reasoning, which is fine and I can understand that. Going "I like this reasoning" And voting is generally pretty understandable. But the way you dropped your vote doesn't really imply anything at all. You just kind of vote. And after that I'm having a hard time deciphering what posts by yours even matter fucking reading. There's not much info or anything there at all nor is there really any semblance of scum hunting honestly. You haven't really been applying pressure or questioning people for the most part and as I stated earlier it seems the majority of these posts are shit posts. I really don't like Gorf at the moment.

I'm still not a fan of Zerosabers at the moment but I feel like Gorf is a bigger fish to fry personally.


##Vote: African


the implication exists because three posts prior eclipse dropped a vote on zerosabers, the first vote on the wagon. sure, vagueness is a tactic many players (including myself) like to use, but if you read just a bit into it its pretty reasonable to claim that my shameless post where i do nothing but add one vote to a wagon, which only had one vote, had something to do with the ONLY SERIOUS POST IN THE GAME which included a vote and an accusation against zero.

the rest of the post reads as blanket statement + overexaggeration + lack of desire to actually read me because you dont seem to have a funny bone so idk how to respond, if one is even necessary.

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