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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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Hmm if Makaze was sk though would he really ask what an ITP was though. Just a thought.

Being given the name/role of SK doesn't mean he has the "ITP" label in the role PM itself. In addition, it's not hard to ask about a term in order to play for some "newbie vibe" cards to make the possibility seem lesser (of him being ITP/SK).

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The Real Questions ((By Darros))

-Is bladescape even alive?

-Cam, you said near the end of phase yesterday that your gut said Makaze was town. How do you feel about that read now? I still want to see what you had wrt Boron, which you never ended up reposting.

-Shinori, why did you not want to lynch Paperblade yesterday?

Also through ISO I'm starting to feel strange about Prims. With Prims/BBM interactions and BBM flipping town I'm not so sold on the idea of town!Prims right now. And I know Prims is a fan of bussing and wanted everyone on the Paperblade wagon yesterday.

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What kind of roles can do a second night kill? Does this mean we have a serial killer or can't we know?

Couldn't that be a survivor?

These two sentences strike me as rather odd, coupled with the bit of role fishing on trying to get me to explain how my role PM "implied" the ITP was hostile. Speculating about a survivor ITP when two kills had just occurred and someone else had outed the previous phase that a hostile ITP exists is weird and seems like trying to "play dumb". Either way, his behavior is definitely ringing alarm bells for me.

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Someone else brought it up first, you bringing up the idea of survivor ((as hostile ITP)) would make sense. Because town going after a survivor is an absolute waste of time and we'd be focused on 2 scum instead. Also self meta sucks.

Really? Who brought it up first? I thought I read at least skimmed every post from the start of the day.

@Sangyul: You have me on that. I'll try to keep it down.

Don't expect my play to become less chaotic on a dime though.

@Eury: I'm getting confused. Your vote on Psych makes a lot more sense than your vote on me. What makes you more confident about my intent than his?

I don't really care if it riles feathers, so long as they are the ones of the person I'm reading. See: My prod to you. It becomes an issue when my scumhunting makes people other than the ones I'm reading get all upset. It's anti-town to make myself a lynch target; logically, if I can't speak without hurting town, I shouldn't speak at all.

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Hmm if Makaze was sk though would he really ask what an ITP was though. Just a thought.

He could, either because he's not familiar with the abbreviation "ITP" or because he's trying to play dumb and make us think just that.

@Darros: I'm not sure if I buy Paper/Prims being scum just yet. I think that Paper could have survived D1, and that if scum!Prims believed Paper had a chance of survival he would've tried to push someone else for D1 instead. I wish he'd be more active, but I don't think he was bussing Paper.

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These two sentences strike me as rather odd, coupled with the bit of role fishing on trying to get me to explain how my role PM "implied" the ITP was hostile. Speculating about a survivor ITP when two kills had just occurred and someone else had outed the previous phase that a hostile ITP exists is weird and seems like trying to "play dumb". Either way, his behavior is definitely ringing alarm bells for me.

When I asked about a survivor, I was playing dumb. I thought it would help to hear how you knew it was an SK. I was fishing for anyone with info on the third party.

I also know practically nothing about mafia outside of the traditional VT/DOC/COP/MG setup. There are some bizarre roles in this game and I thought it could have been a night vig (if those are a thing), an SK, or some kind of special Mafia role, too.

I got the info I wanted but not because what I did was smart, as (I think it was Darros?) pointed out.

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Really? Who brought it up first? I thought I read at least skimmed every post from the start of the day.

Directly, Boron did. Then here, the next post, you asked about a survivor. It could very well be trying to get attention off the ITP.

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@Darros: I'm not sure if I buy Paper/Prims being scum just yet. I think that Paper could have survived D1, and that if scum!Prims believed Paper had a chance of survival he would've tried to push someone else for D1 instead. I wish he'd be more active, but I don't think he was bussing Paper.

I'm not saying it's certain, and I want to hear more from Prims first, but I wouldn't count it out. He's higher up on my scumreads I'll just say that.

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Gotta read up. I think early bussing is unlikely as this game only has 3 mafia if Boron is to be believed.

Actually even this might line up with scum!Prims. This type of logic would dismiss people who were voting Paperblade, including Prims himself. Hm. I'd still lynch Makaze/Psych over Prims though, but let's see how the rest of the day phase holds.


This means I won't be able to post as much tomorrow or Sunday because I'll be, well, working. And Saturday after work I'm going to my friends house after my shift to watch 21 Jump Street. I'll try to get a content post in between 5 and 6 tomorrow but I can't promise anything. Sunday I'll post when I'm home after work.

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When I asked about a survivor, I was playing dumb. I thought it would help to hear how you knew it was an SK. I was fishing for anyone with info on the third party.

Must … resist … urge … to … facepalm.

Fishing for info is scummy. People will have their reasons to out what they do and to not out other things they know. Also, I already outed all my info on D1.

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… I'm pretty sure you're not going to get modkilled for that, but don't screenshot things in the game, Makaze, just link ;/

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#301 & #302 if the image doesn't sell you.

I saw. But I'm not sold. #301 didn't mention the ITP, 302 did.

And I'm pretty sure there's usually a rule against screenshots in normal mafia games but for some reason it's not in Shin's rules. He may want to get on that.

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Okay, my mistake.

Must … resist … urge … to … facepalm.

Fishing for info is scummy. People will have their reasons to out what they do and to not out other things they know. Also, I already outed all my info on D1.

You didn't out that it was a hostile third part, unless I missed it. That's what raised my brow--you added that the third party was definitely hostile and it didn't seem to fit your earlier description of the Numbers role.

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The rule is generally against screenshotting your role PM, Darros, although to be on the safe side people shouldn't be screenshotting things they can just link in-thread anyway.

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I saw. But I'm not sold. #301 didn't mention the ITP, 302 did.

And I'm pretty sure there's usually a rule against screenshots in normal mafia games but for some reason it's not in Shin's rules. He may want to get on that.

Uh... Yes it did. It was the very first thing in the post.

What kind of roles can do a second night kill? Does this mean we have a serial killer or can't we know?

Then I followed up when Boron said that we did in fact know that it was a hostile third party.

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Okay, my mistake.

You didn't out that it was a hostile third part, unless I missed it. That's what raised my brow--you added that the third party was definitely hostile and it didn't seem to fit your earlier description of the Numbers role.

She did, end of this post.

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(Also, something I forgot to out in my initial post. The flavor for my numbers highly implied that the third party in this game is hostile.)

I most definitely outed that the ITP was hostile back in D1.

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The rule is generally against screenshotting your role PM, Darros, although to be on the safe side people shouldn't be screenshotting things they can just link in-thread anyway.

Oh I know the rules, I'm just shocked it's not included there. You're completely right.

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(not playing)

And I'm pretty sure there's usually a rule against screenshots in normal mafia games but for some reason it's not in Shin's rules. He may want to get on that.

I guess you could say there was some

*puts sunglasses on*


(not playing)

EDIT Because I'm not playing I can edit my posts. ##moralvictories

Edited by Refa
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@Eury: I'm getting confused. Your vote on Psych makes a lot more sense than your vote on me. What makes you more confident about my intent than his?

I don't really care if it riles feathers, so long as they are the ones of the person I'm reading. See: My prod to you. It becomes an issue when my scumhunting makes people other than the ones I'm reading get all upset. It's anti-town to make myself a lynch target; logically, if I can't speak without hurting town, I shouldn't speak at all.

1. As of D1, Both of you were on my priority list for wanting to lynch.

As of right now:

2. Psyche has posted once this day phase. I already expressed/posted my concerns/bad vibes from that alone, so yes, that was bad. However.

3. You've posted much more than that, and every post you seem to make, the feeling gets worse. Quite frankly, my train of thought follows this:

~ You're more active than he is. If you're scum of any sort, you're designed to be anti-town by nature. Even if you're ITP as opposed to Mafia scum, your "scum-hunting" will only go so far until you purposely cater cases against townies (such as the notions you threw at me early this day phase), which is not something I want to see continued.

~ The specific word choices and vibes I'm getting from you are just chaotic. You are NOTHING like Town!Makaze in Training, and your gameplay is reflecting that a lot.

~ If the feelings are correct, and you turn up to be the ITP/SK, I'd rather have you removed over Mafia scum for a very good/obvious reason: "If we kill Mafia, there is still 1 Mafia + SK still alive, which means 2 night kills can potentially occur N2 (especially since we lost our Jailkeeper). If we kill the SK/ITP, there will be 2 Mafia scum remaining, and effectively only 1 night kill should occur N2." By this logic, even if Psyche flips Mafia scum, I'd rather get rid of someone I believe to be the ITP/SK at this point.

Thus, the vote change to you.

Also, the whole anti-town/"making myself a lynch target" comment just sounds bad.

1. You wouldn't have made yourself a lynch target to begin with if you'd scum hunted and had pulled up reasonable/solid cases. But once again, your gameplay has been erratic and otherwise lacks consistency (which can often be trailed back to scummy gameplay).

2. As a townie, you should know the fact that being silent as town is one of the most anti-town things you can do. The fact that you're even considering that, along with the fact that your comment itself is very self-serving (saving face/wanting to not be a lynch target) = Survival instinct/gameplay. Not a townie action.

As you so boldly stated yourself in Training Mafia:

If you are town, prove it.

By not contributing, you are drawing suspicion. Being town quietly hurts our cause.

Be a good town and put yourself out there. Investigate and interrogate people you think might be scum. Do not sit around.

So. Why is it that you're basically doing the things you openly called out/criticized in Training? Doesn't seem pro-townie of an act to me.

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