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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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i read 15 pages of shit in one sitting to catch up, im so sorry if i only remember 1/8 of all that

i like voting for reasons and not just because i have to vote, votes without proper ideas behind them usually mean nothing but empty pressure weapons

ill make my vote when i feel confident about it

i'm isoing the people im most suspicious of to make an informed, not worthless vote

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k pussies im real tired and not being able to focus on the isos much (just got done with helios and was trying to read thomas)

To make you realize I'm serious, I'm typing in capitals. I'm sorry I can't put more time into this game...

Hopefully things will work out with time but right now I'm really busy. u.u I promise to make up for it on later days but right now I'm going through some Troy-worthy hellfire and I don't want to sub out!

##Vote: Taewoo

i know they just subbed out and were really sick but it was my original vote. just didnt like them very much, i'm sure i had reasons but i can't be bothered to remember.

again sorry for being a shitball

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Edited by Taewoo
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(It's my job to enforce rules so uh please don't personally insult people/antagonize people for fun, I don't want what happened a few weeks ago to happen again)

it's come to my attention that attacks on some players' intelligences are annoying them to the point where they're posting less so be careful please

Edited by Sentamos
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how could you kill me??????????

btw, haven't done catching up yet and I have a class in a bit

should be back in an hour and a half

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- shinori is fucking stupid but everyone knows this, not going to waste time on this slot. unfortunately most of my notes were about this asshat.

I'm fucking stupid and an asshat. Okay. I think the majority of your posts have solely had insults in them and only insults. That was basically all you did in this post, nothing helpful except call everyone stupid. GREAT WAY TO PLAY. No fuck you. I'll respond to you the way you responded to other players.

tbh even though what Manix did was super dumb I think lynching him is a waste of time until his action starts mysteriously being redirected to the same person or failing or "oops I targeted a dead guy lol!" and then like only one person can corroborate it after 3 days.

I second this.

"shit happens" is also a bad defense you doofus

XXXXX is a bad claim is also a generally stupid way to push onto someone for a lynch.

I think, like, one person really mentioned me. Prims, I'm noting down what I don't like, and if I think it's worth a vote, I'll vote. Otherwise, it's my observations, which may or may not be useful when people read backwards. I scatter my thoughts in my posts, because it's the only way I can help. While you and Paper reacted way too strongly to Manix's lame claim, I don't think either of you are worth a vote at the moment, because there's, like, way worse things ATM.

I'm not a fan of the current Mancer wagon (I wanted a commitment out of him, which he did), but that's not bugging me as much as the Rein block. Why is the miller getting votes?

The following things do not sit right with me.

> Helios is scummy

> vote SEG

> not thinking that Blitz is town

> votes BBM and says he's scummy and doesn't explain why

Another "so and so is scummy with no explanation" post

I'm fine with a Blitz lynch, so my vote stays. I do NOT like Kay's recent content, and am not averse to lynching her, either. I want to see what Psych does in Elieson's slot, and Helios is behind my current scum reads of Blitz/Kay.

You really don't seem like yourself this game, can you explain to me why you don't seem like yourself? I don't see you yelling at players who did something wrong or stupid, like my doc claim, and telling them how they should actually have done it. (Part of this was a joke so don't take offense) However the question is still there.

yeah but now blitz is clear and can still talk so actually I see this as positive

plus my role is confirmed though so

Your role isn't confirmed at all. That's horse shit and you know it, by all intensive purposes you could have hidden parts of your role or you could be scum doing the same thing.

i didnt think of a target right after some idiot shot the one i was pursuing? yeah fuck reading shit carefully, lets just vote

get lost

So what you're saying is you didn't have another target to go after at all? You didn't have a single other scum read? Or is it that you are scum and you didn't know which townie to go after right away that wouldn't make you look super scummy?

Get lost.

lmao u mad

ill just call your sub taewoo for the rest of the game for priceless reactions like this


Seriously, shut up. The majority of your posts have at least called someone stupid in some way shape or form or have tried to mess with people's emotions, which used be a thing I LOVED to do when I was scum. Just sayin'.

##Vote: Eclipse

I really feel that something is off with the scorri/eclipse slot. Fuck me for tunneling but Eclipse's lack of content, scorri's lack of content, and both of them being off in their game play irks me. Also That joke post Scorir made about being dead night 1 if she was town seems off and forced. I really don't feel like lynching Psych right now and I think that people who jumped on his wagon so readily might be scum.

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As for various other reads I have scum reads on eclipse and SEG but I feel the SEG is biased cause she is annoying me but whatever. Also FoS on mancer and I still don't like Meesh. I mean, where did she go? She vanished when I did except she made one big wall post and then vanished. Wut.

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the main reason I don't think Psych's action is inherently scummy is that in previous games he's tried to use any kills he has asap

although upon further thought that seems to be more of a Psych tell than a towntell =/

I guess we could leave Psych alive and if there's a townvig, he can just kill Psych tonight, although that assumes there's a townvig.

in SSBBU, Psych had the ability to use our one shot kill and he wanted to use it immediately. If he is actually scum, I would expect his buddies to at least try and put a stop to it instead as in at least postpone the kill to a later day than just the first,so I think Psych is more likely to be town



this is freaking stupid

and don't mess pure luck for skill, you clearly proved you had no skill as a vig by making the shot on me on D1, if it were some other day, I might not have been so annoyed

what if I were not a ghost and was a PR like doc

how would you have defended yourself then?

if I know correctly, I gave no info on what my role might have been, so there is no way you could have known my ability and in a worse case scenario, I might have been a bomb, then we would lose two PRs instead, that is considering you were telling the truth.

since trying to talk sense into Psych is a waste of time, I would like to request mods to not give Psych a killing role unless you really want to Troll the game {I am not trying to offend the mods, I am trying to say Psych is too much of a lost cause}

also, if there is another vig {as a vig and not a Joat} please shoot Psych

1) I actually said it was ONE thing that I was misunderstanding; there were other things I didn't like and those I haven't had any sudden change of heart about, especially since they were independent of the "Prims unvote" thing. Hey hi read please.

2) Psych I dunno. A lot of people are bringing meta into it and I don't know Psych, but aside from that. I didn't like his shot. I think he's right, all things considered it turned out okay, but I think it was a rash decision to make and it's as facepalm-worthy as a few other things that have happened so far toDay. At the moment I'd rather not lynch him in retaliation, though. The shot in itself isn't an indicator of scumminess I think. That would tell me more when taken with other things he says so for now I'm letting it slide, vote-wise. (I mean if we rage-lynch Psych and he's telling the truth about everything, where does that leave us for the Day? Two town deaths? That's great)

BBM I'll have to reread but as of my last post yesterday I don't want to lynch him and I get more of a town read from him, personally. I'd have mentioned him if I thought there was anything I had worth saying in regards to him.

I don't like this post because of the bit in italics and I find you scummy

you write a lot of stuff, but you take no stance, seems like you are trying to play it safe

if I had a vote, it would be on Meesh

Translucent Vote: Meesh

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too bad the guy who was barely posting got the role which allows him to continue participating in discussion

look who is talking {oh and did I forget you voted me for voting you as well}

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I don't need to insult everyone because SEG's doing it for me. Of course, if you WANT me to tell you what I truly think of your actions so far, Shinori, that can be arranged in postgame. I'd like to clear something up with the host before I continue, 'cause I see a potential loophole.

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Oh that's bull eclipse.

Other people have done stuff similiar to what SEG is doing and that hasn't stopped you. That's a lousy excuse to why you aren't playing as you normally do. You also aren't posting as often as you generally do. Meta i know but going back to whats not meta.

Where's your actual content? You aren't memorable to me at all.

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and at the same time, keeping up with what is happening now

I see something going horribly wrong in the near future

what even is this post

clipsey is scum

not really. also she played similar to this day 1 of sfmm2 iirc. i think she's town

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what even is this post

me commenting on inane stuff that doesn't matter

so while I'm here, have some thoughts (to post #132)

- Prims is actually okay considering early interactions with me

- early Meesh posts are okay, don't see Shinori's point on them

- you should already know my opinion on Mancer (tip: indecisive passive-aggressive posting etc)

- Elieposts were kinda hard to understand tbh

- BBM's post here strikes me as really weird because he never did look into the people on the Shinowagon and this felt like a passive-aggressive threat

- Paperbalde is also alright enough

- Helios is kinda giving off the "I have my opinions but I'm being slightly vague about them" which is iffy

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I think, like, one person really mentioned me. Prims, I'm noting down what I don't like, and if I think it's worth a vote, I'll vote. Otherwise, it's my observations, which may or may not be useful when people read backwards. I scatter my thoughts in my posts, because it's the only way I can help. While you and Paper reacted way too strongly to Manix's lame claim, I don't think either of you are worth a vote at the moment, because there's, like, way worse things ATM.

I'm not a fan of the current Mancer wagon (I wanted a commitment out of him, which he did), but that's not bugging me as much as the Rein block. Why is the miller getting votes?

The following things do not sit right with me.

> Helios is scummy

> vote SEG

> not thinking that Blitz is town

> votes BBM and says he's scummy and doesn't explain why

Another "so and so is scummy with no explanation" post

I'm fine with a Blitz lynch, so my vote stays. I do NOT like Kay's recent content, and am not averse to lynching her, either. I want to see what Psych does in Elieson's slot, and Helios is behind my current scum reads of Blitz/Kay.

I voted for BBM to get a reaction and his reaction was good and so I moved on, too bad I can't do that anymore

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I refuse to support a Psych lynch

I actually agree with this

I would like to have an SEG, Helios or Meesh lynch

but then again, I have no power to say whatsoever

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