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CYOU'RE - Game Over


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Night 1

Randa (11): Reinfleche, dirge of swans, Paperblade, Mitsuki, Quote, Sunwoo, SB, kirsche, MancerNecro, Junk, Refa (LYNCH!)

Bluedoom (2): BBM, eclipse

Shin (2): Dormio, Polydeuces

Junk (1): Shin

MancerNecro (1): Bluedoom

Paperblade (1): Randa

Not Voting (4): Da Bear, Euklyd, Shinori, #HBC Larsa

"Aaaaaand that's it for the first day!" Sunny Day exclaimed. "Things are looking a little tough for Randa here - ELEVEN to TWO.", she continued in her chopped-up-voice-clip-ese accent.

Randa had gotten into a bit of trouble with the townsfolk - they seemed to have an irrational hate for him he just couldn't understand! He had fought off burglars and scum all while in a wheelchair, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't convince town of his side! Maybe it was because he also had the most debilitating handicap of all - only being able to speak dog. His cries of "ARF ARF" were met with a "NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND" from the townies as they strung him up.


Randa - Dogi - Town Doctor - lynched Day 1

"o", the voters said collectively. It certainly explained the irrational hate. RIP Randa, may you forever be swole and guard townies in heaven.

It is now Night 1. You have until 11PM PST on November 17th to decide on a lynch.

Fighting For They're Lives: (20)

In Over They're Heads: (1)
  • Randa - Dogi, Town Doctor, lynched Day 1
Edited by Prims
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Like, something about the way that a bunch of people decided to simply stop thinking and just voted for Randa citing the reasons that he's replacing out anyway while sheeping the general case on him seems like it was really :effort: to me and an easy way to get a vote out there.

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Alright, so Junk.
I'm not really liking the posts by him.
Most (read:all) of his content is basically recycled from others for the entire day.
For example with his first real post here (#187), he starts to get on MancerNecro's case but this is only after eclipse and SB have already built their cases on MancerNecro.
If you look at Junk's case on MancerNecro, it's really just a reworded version of what SB posted here (#137).
SB: "His posts read kind of like he's just agreeing with every point so far even if they conflict"
Junk: "I also dislike how mancer keeps on flip flopping on his dormio read. He quotes refa's post saying why he didn't think dormio was scum and says he agrees on it but in his next post he seems to be scumreading dormio?"

Junk's vote on Shin isn't spectacular either.
Like, from what I can tell, Junk's first thoughts of voting Shin originates from posts #242, where he states that he agrees with the arguments about Shin's point on my use of self-meta being bad, and #323, where he states that he feels as though Shin's case on himself is unjustified.
Again, half of his reasoning isn't particularly original and I don't like that he only decided to pursue Shin when it seemed as though interest in MancerNecro was dying down and interest in Shin was picking up.

It only gets worse with Junk's next vote, where he jumps onto the Randa wagon here. (#477)

As I mentioned above, the only time that Junk had mentioned Randa prior to this was in #475 where he said that he agreed with BBM's case and tried to press Randa with a few questions of his own.

I actually thought that this had occurred before Randa requested the replacement, but it turns out that it was afterwards which makes it that much worse in my opinion.

Like, I don't know about you, but this basically seems to me as though he's trying to look as though he's contributing more than he actually is by pushing questions onto a player that he knows won't respond.

So, basically, it feels to me like Junk was playing to appease other people by only following popular wagons and sheeping cases which seemed convincing at the time.

His poor attempts to either reword or add to the cases make me think that he was trying to make it seem as though he was thinking and coming to these conclusions on his own instead of relying solely on the cases of other players.

Also, the quote spam is really annoying.

Therefore I'll close this post with the following:

How is sheeping scummy?

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What about Paperblade then?

Like a few people have stated, his first vote on me (#73) wasn't particularly amazing.
I don't actually really care about this all that much.
What I really don't like though, is how he tries to excuse it in his next post. (#154)
He says that he was pressuring me in order to get me to talk some more but I don't really think that that was the case.
After all, wouldn't doing something like that usually involve questioning and the like?
All we have in Paperblade's original vote on me was that he thought my vote was sketchy because there was no real reason to create a miller claim that you could back out of.
Like, I dunno about you, but this looks less like creating pressure and more like just putting down a vote for the sake of it.

The way that Paperblade states that he's fairly satisfied with my responses makes it seem as though he deserves the credit for getting me to talk.

I think I see this as an easy out of my wagon, since that ship was sinking quickly at that point.

The rest of Paperblade's posts... don't really say anything at all.


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Alright, I don't really like Reinfleche's posts either.

His first real post is #135 and in this posts he expresses the opinion that my wagon grew too quickly and that some votes on me stood out to him more than others.

That's cool and all, but what bothers me is that he doesn't really follow up on this.

It's like, he says all this stuff and then he decides that his vote is probably best on Randa because he feels that Randa isn't really contributing much.

I don't get it. Like, it's basically akin to voting for a lurker which would be fine and all but that's not what it is.

After all, Reinfleche says absolutely nothing about the other lurkers or why people with little to no content should take precedence over people with actual content that he thinks could be scum motivated.

This continues throughout Reinfleche's posts and I just don't like it.

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Finally we have my favorite friend, Shin.

As I've said in my posts throughout the day, I don't like Shin's original case on me (#75) as I feel that he just made up weak reasons to vote me that he felt would be okay as there wasn't much scrutiny being placed on anybody that voted for me at the time.

But, you know, to be honest I don't really read Shin as being all that scummy anymore.

Like I said in one of my earlier posts, I do like how Shin actually started reading and commenting about other people and that's cool and stuff.

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Huh what why me

Well, if you say so! I just woke up and will have my hands tied for the next few hours because school sorry about that

Iiiiii feel bad about the doc lynch sigh

I've actually tried to read Rein better lately for scum intent because I haven't been really paying attention to him like I should be

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ALL RIGHT HI SORRY I'VE BEEN REALLY BUSY I know I have like a couple hours left or something but give me a sec I need my coffee

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yeah I still have a few hours okay hold on before I go to the coffeehouse I'll say this first

Mitsuki's role is proven, I know that says nothing about her alignment but I got a notification at the end of the day that my night action was locked into watching Refa. I don't have a night action which is why I asked Mitsuki to target me.

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my favorite part of my life choices is when I require coffee to concentrate on basically anything including mafia so I decide to go out in -12 degree weather and buy a warm latte because SUCH A GREAT IDEA (I am lactose intolerant)

now I am dying irl and cold

pre-thoughts before I start looking through isos

Am I the only one getting the impression that Euklyd is busy scum posting half-assed content just so he'll look like he's putting enough effort into the game to make up for how busy he is & hope that make him look town?

I'm reading back on the last half of the Randa votes and I'm actually starting to feel a bit worse about Boron again because her reaction to his subbing out seemed more forced than it should be I guess.

SB's vote doesn't feel scummy. it reads more like apathetic town/itp but that's just me

Iiiiii actually think I would probably like a Mancer lynch/vig tonight at some point because I still think he's scum

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ACTUALLY STARTING WITH ECLIPSE bc I was getting a town read on her but I started skimming her posts as the latter half of the day came around and someone idr made a neat point on her so I'm going back jic.

This probably sounds kinda stupid since we often do stuff like this in SFmaf but eclipse's comment on how she wanted Junko vigged for being hard to understand (from what I remember??) didn't seem very protown and bothered me.

I'd be more comfortable with a vig shot on Junko, TBH, just because I can't follow his train of thought (and I don't have high hopes for his responses to any other votes). I'd rather lynch someone who'll at least attempt to respond to votes.

I understand the sentiment but I can't tell if she thinks Junko is scummy or just really hard to follow and therefore not keeping around. She at least explains why she's not voting for him, which is cool in my book, but I dunno. This post/exchange bothers me for some reason idk.

It slightly reminds me of Mancer's proposition to lynch Junko for ... being bad town? She at least gives the implication she thinks Junko is scum but Mancer doesn't and I don't know if I see town!Mancer doing that and coupled with how I felt about him before I really think there's scum here.

I kinda would like to see a Junko flip at some point just so I can see if these people going "wow Junko doesn't make any sense must be scum" were pushing an easy case because I'm getting that vibe here. I'll admit that I haven't read Junko thoroughly (yet) but the cases I remember seeing on Junko from D1 read lackluster compared to some of the others?

I'm still looking through eclipse but I think that's probably one of the only things about her that bugs me a bit (aside from her opinion on meta which seems to compose a good chunk of her later content or at least I'm getting that impression) so I think I'm... still good on eclipse... I usually can't read her (although I've pegged her as scum like one or two times) but I'm still... feeling good about her?

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That last post was probably kinda hard to follow sorry, I'm really trying to collect my thoughts a little better but I dunno if it's really working.

Wanna throw out there I am in fact paranoid that at least one or two scum is hiding in the inactives and I still have a gut feeling Euklyd is one of them. e_e

For the record I think Junko is town but I'm trying not to let that influence what I think of the cases on him too much. There were a few posts that struck me as heavy town though and I'm looking for them ... actually I'm starting to think the thing between he and eclipse might just be a playstyle difference. He asks multiple times for clarification and the confusion doesn't strike me as scum being confused idk. Junko also had a legitimate case on Randa, yeah borrowed from BBM but at least he took the effort to look back through posts and comment on them.

Junko posts that I think are townie: #242 , #378

The Mancer post quoted in the latter I find another reason why I think Mancer is scum because 1. Junko's been... around, and he seems to imply he's been completely inactive which suggests he hasn't been reading the game thoroughly which is odd for Mancer?? 2. He says he wouldn't mind lynching either Junko or Shin but implies Shin is scummy for his vote on Junko so...... are they both scum??? is Shin bussing his scumbuddy for no reason?? I don't understand

sorry if I remember things wrong btw this game is huge and there might be things I'm missing even if I read through all the way

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"Mancer hasn't been reading the game thoroughly" "also sorry if I forgot things this game :D :D"

world's greatest hypocrite over here Vote 4 Quote 2014 (see it rhymes now you have to do it)

I am SO TORN on BBM I don't even know what to do about him UGH. His Randa case was good but it was the driving force that got him lynched and the wagon activity was strange after that. But then it's like would scum!BBM fabricate a case like that and then get all his buddies to switch on him quickly I don't find that likely

Finally reading Rein right now MY READS ARE SO SHIT THIS GAME. I was so sure on Randa tbh and now I'm all fucked up. I think Mancer is pretty much definite scum and then other people are variations of "I think they are town because [content]/good FEELINGS" "GUT SCUMREAD BARGHABRGH" (eclipse and Junko being in the former, Euklyd and to an effect BBM in the latter... and Paperblade's starting to come back there again because he kinda dropped out of the game AAAAAAAAAA)

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