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Code Geass Mafia - Game Over


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Man I have a ton of homework today that I probably should have done yesterday so won't be able to do much.

@ Bluedoom reason why I hadn't mentioned blitz yet is because I wanted to see what he had to say for D2. My read hadn't really changed at all from D1 (yeah I read his response to eury D1) and I wanted to see what his thoughts were for D2.

@ refa I compared elies vote to mine because RD seemed to read me for trying to "protect" eury for my crappy consolidation vote and I compared elies vote to mine because his was equally as crappy ("I feel more confident in this") was pretty much his vote

@ Blitz.

How do eury's reads lack conviction? I feel that just comes out of nowhere and doesn't seem to be explained.
I also feel that you're misrepping eury on saying that you had a lack of reads

I'm assuming that this what you're referring to

Not really thrilled with this slot as a whole. Buddying factors with Proto, logic I really don't agree with on multiple levels, and doesn't seem to have many in-depth reads/thoughts on people. Seems more spam-happy than quality-posting, and the lack of content (for the quantity of posts he has) bothers me quite a bit. Leaning scummy on this slot.

​she doesn't seem to criticize you for lack of reads but rather how your reads lack depth (Putting my message in here because SF won't let me get out of the quote and scroll down so continuing my post in next post)

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okay so uh anyway

more misrep post 496 doesn't even call you scummy it just defends herself from your case and seems to be more annoyed at you rather than calling you

Also I don't understand your third point at all?

What's wrong with ISOing people? In the ISO you're still having to read what the player actually said?

@ Bluedoom

Where did eury try to push the baldrick/PB scum theory? I can agree though that I feel that she didn't say much about you in D1 and that would be cool if she could perhaps go into a LITTLE bit :P: more detail on what she got from the rest of your D1 posts.

## Vote Blitz

anyway have to do hw now.

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Eury did call Blitz scummy and vote him in #508, and he didn't make any posts in that time period. Why was Blitz voteworthy only in the latter post?

ISOing people alone is bad because you miss out on the context of the post. For example, she calls out Paper for Kirsche vote, and doesn't realise there was about 15 minutes left in the phase.

@mod announcement; Don't really like that RD is subbing out after getting a bit of pressure.

@Eury's reads'

She literally says Poly is either town or scum. We've eliminated the possibility of ITP, that's a start?

RD read is alright, but she goes about it defensively/passively. Says she's wary of the slot, and will wait for more content. It's fair to say this lacks conviction.

Blitz vote definitely isn't lacking conviction, but my problem with it is above.

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In addition to what Baldrick asked, why is Blitz suddenly worse than Bluedoom, Junk?

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@ baldrick, eh i'll straight out admit is because I'd feel like a dick for going " ## vote blitz, what I said D1 lol". So I think it's fair giving a person one content post after everyday. I feel this is also useful because we may be able to see how they react to the lynch in the previous day and see how their reads have changed and do they have any new reads.

@ refa Well blitz is a much stronger read to me and the only thing that has bugged me about bluedoom so far is his eury vote so yeah...

also i'm dumb and just noticed that RD requested a sub , Was hoping to get my questions answered :/

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@Junko Fair enough, I suppose. I'll reread your Blitz case, because I'm not at all bothered by his posts but maybe I missed something, I guess. Also I'm back. Wanted to do a little something before I finished replies, which is basically compiling everyones' scumreads (or at least my impression based on today's content only, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). This is more for me so that I can understand where everyone's coming from when I'm making my replies and then complain that they're scumreading the wrong people, but you can use it as well (yes, you).

Radiant Dragon- Primary Suspicion: Eurykins Secondary Suspicion(s): Junk

Baldrick/Paperblade- Primary Suspicion: Eurykins Secondary Suspicion(s): Radiant Dragon, Mitsuki (not sure about this, I don't feel like they've really pressure their secondary scumreads that well; also I thought at least Baldrick was scumreading me?)

Refa- Primary Suspicion: Elieson Secondary Suspicion(s): Eurykins, Radiant Dragon

Elieson- Primary Suspicion: Refa Secondary Suspicion(s): Green Poet/Mitsuki, Proto

Polydeuces- Primary Suspicion: Radiant Dragon Secondary Suspicion(s): Eurykins, Proto

Bluedoom- Primary Suspicion: Eurykins Secondary Suspicions(s): Junk, Radiant Dragon

Blitz- Primary Suspicion: Eurykins Secondary Suspicion(s): N/A (I'm not sure, he hasn't pressed anyone else today besides Eurykins I think; hopefully his next post clears it up unless he somehow believes that Eurykins is a one man...woman scumteam lol)

Proto- Primary Suspicion: Bluedoom (yet didn't vote Marthipan because I'm not even sure) Secondary Suspicion(s): N/A (barely has a primary one...)

Junk- Primary Suspicion: Blitz Secondary Suspicion(s): Bluedoom

Boron/Eclipse- Primary Suspicion: SB Secondary Suspicion(s): Manix, Kaoz

Green Poet/Mitsuki- Primary Suspicion: Bluedoom Secondary Suspicion(s): Refa, Radiant Dragon

Eurykins- Primary Suspicion: Blitz Secondary Suspicion(s): Radiant Dragon, Polydeuces

Kay- Primary Suspicion: Lelouch Vi Britannia Secondary Suspicions(s): C.C., Orange

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oi Refa, before you vanish, could you explain why Junko is a obv!town read, cause that is the only part I couldn't follow in your post (the start of D2 one)

also, I haven't really outed any other major scumreads besides Eury (and since I dropped the Elie one, my only outed one is Eury)

will make an actual post in a bit

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oi Refa, before you vanish, could you explain why Junko is a obv!town read, cause that is the only part I couldn't follow in your post (the start of D2 one)

also, I haven't really outed any other major scumreads besides Eury (and since I dropped the Elie one, my only outed one is Eury)

will make an actual post in a bit

I was actually working on a post, but sure I can do this first. I'm starting from here because I was referring to end of day content when I mentioned that (pretty sure I listed a townread earlier based on his other content though. This line here ("I don't know why i'm having such a hard time coming up with reads that aren't blitz or refa (refa's a townread ) and I guess Eury :/. I feel like i'm just not understanding the cases and I can't seem to find much of my own.") seemed genuine and unlikely to come from scum, since they wouldn't want to admit that they're unoriginal? Also him being unhappy about lynching kirsche because kirsche didn't ever get a chance to respond. The only weird thing to me was when he said "yes one more!" because like...I don't get why you'd say that to a lynch you're unhappy about. Also don't really get why he's saying that the kirsche case was his when he basically sheeped Mitsuki's case. OK, so maybe not obvious as I thought on closer inspection. Most of his other D1 content seemed fine to me though, haven't really read through all of his D2 content for obvious reasons.

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Would like everyone else to give reads on Elieson or at least comment on what I said about "at least one scum is on kirsche's wagon" because I still feel like that's the case.

Missed this, sorry.

The "at least one scum on kirsche's wagon" doesn't say much, because half of the players voted for him. The statistical odds of at least one scum in that group is pretty good. I could say "there's at least one scum not voting for kirsche", and be equally right. Also, town doesn't want a NL during D1 (not with this ruleset), and scum would know that kirsche wasn't one of them, so the incentive to vote on both sides is there.

No. This explains Eury's actions, but doesn't address her content, which she'd posted before you posted that. It feels like you're voting her without taking into account what's she's currently done. Don't mind the Mitsuki read, do mind the fact that there's content reasons to vote Junko, yet there's no vote on him. I'm quite happy with where my vote is.

Sorry, won't be hearing from Refa again because I banned him for not reading my posts. :P: I'd put that in a code block, because it looks like a Eury wallpost gone horribly wrong.

After reading Elieson's attempt at a Eury wall (uh, stick to reaction tests, kthx), I've decided that even if his logic is completely contrary to mine, and his test was pretty obvious, he managed to get something out of it. Thus, he no longer belongs in the same category as Proto, who has no vote, and his last post offered no definitive reads. I'm not as concerned about RD, because even if his D2 info belonged in D1, he has reads.

I'm not interested in the rest of you yet. Probably because I'm not done with dinner.

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OK fine, I'll put it in a odeblock (I uh actually didn't think you made a post today, so I didn't look at your ISO for that). Also has Junk ever been scum before? I just realized I can't remember a single scum game he's had (so I'm basically townreading him for playing like he always has), so it'd be helpful from a meta perspective. If not, then I'll just leave my read as it is.

Name                    Primary Suspicion    Secondary Suspicion(s)
Radiant Dragon          Eurykins             Junk
Baldrick/Paperblade-    Eurykins             Radiant Dragon, Mitsuki (?)
Refa                    Elieson              Eurykins, Radiant Dragon
Elieson                 Refa                 Green Poet/Mitsuki, Proto
Polydeuces              Radiant Dragon       Eurykins, Proto
Bluedoom                Eurykins             Junk, Radiant Dragon
Blitz                   Eurykins             N/A
Proto                   Bluedoom (?)         N/A
Junk                    Blitz                Bluedoom
Boron/Eclipse           Bluedoom             Elieson, Proto (maybe not Elieson)
Green Poet/Mitsuki      Bluedoom             Refa, Radiant Dragon
Eurykins                Blitz                Radiant Dragon, Polydeuces
Kay                     Lelouch Vi Britannia C.C., Orange
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@refa; it's all I could do to keep up to date with eury and elieson's posts put me in the mood for anything but mafia. I'll admit I've let RD off the hook, but the Mitsuki read is based off one thing she's going to explain later, so I don't think there's much point in putting on pressure.

More of Elie's wall were points I agreed with rather than points I disagreed with, and his Mitsuki/Proto/Refa reads all seem solid. But I think the kirsche wagon was a logical place to scumhunt and I don't think you've been tunnelling on that wagon, so I wouldn't sheep you (if that's not what Elie's saying, then he needs to Better Assert Literal Distrust of Refa, I'm Confused Kevin). Also, to me your D2 posts is that you've been looking around and not found any nuggets rather than pretending to look and keeping all the nuggets for yourself, so not really interested in your lynch.

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@Eury, I will start off with your actual case on me

"Not really thrilled with this slot as a whole. Buddying factors with Proto, logic I really don't agree with on multiple levels, and doesn't seem to have many in-depth reads/thoughts on people(1). Seems more spam-happy than quality-posting, and the lack of content(2) (for the quantity of posts he has) bothers me quite a bit. Leaning scummy on this slot." (quoted from #508)

I can see how you can say that, cause a lot of people don't agree with me a lot of times. However, the other two lines are hypocritical because for

1. Having nullreads and not having a read on a person is almost the same thing. Your post is filled with nullreads and because you posted them in a fancy way by pulling in posts for both a good thing and a bad thing your nullread did and making a large analysis on it, doesn't change the fact that you couldn't actually get a read on the person.

2.As I mentioned earlier, you only ISO'd the players and as mentioned by Baldrick already

ISOing people alone is bad because you miss out on the context of the post. For example, she calls out Paper for Kirsche vote, and doesn't realise there was about 15 minutes left in the phase.

you missing that Kirsche's vote switch proves you weren't properly reading the thread and sticking to ISOs. You called me out for being spam happy and lack of content based on post numbers, but, did you bother checking what was going on in thread at that time?

I called your reads out for lacking conviction, but Baldrick outlined that better than I could have. As for your read on me, I already mentioned here, why you are wrong about most of it and it further bugs me that you didn't place that vote until #508, which makes me think you had to create your reads from scratch and place that vote on me, than actually having a scumread on me and placing that vote on me.

also, please give some specific examples of this (taken from your post), because I only saw Proto doing this (following what Boron and GP did) and from what I remember, it had ended there.

"PB had not only tossed out the idea of the hydra shizz to begin with, but was then drawing up the concept of "I know the scum's not within myself, so there's got to be one within Mitsuki/Boron slots" which in turn, was funneling down a lot of reads that were happening during that time. People seemed moreso worked up over "Mitsuki v Boron hydra slots" within their reads, and I found that slightly bothersome in the sense that their priorities at the time seemed more concerned with just those two slots, rather than the expanse of the entire player base."

basically, I am saying I don't remember it turning into an issue.

@Refa, thanks, though, I don't see him as obv!town, just probably town, can go either way.

@Junko, well, Baldrick already made a great post, so, is there anything you want me to respond to?

@Elie, I have a few issues with your analysis, starting with mine,

I think I would know for sure what had happened if I were scum last night. I posted in thread like after 7 hours and by then, I would know for sure as to whether scum was hooked or kill on target just plain failed and therefore be as confident as ever as well, if I were scum.

Also, to answer another of your questions, I would rather be scumread than townread(until late game), cause being scumead also provides some serious benefits, lol.

Well, as for Refa, yes he has done a few weird things (being passive, having more townreads than scumreads, voting Mitsuki, not pushing scumreads enough and not having a lot of reads compared to normal games) BUT, I know for a fact I am guilty on ALL(other than voting Mitsuki) of those charges as well. I can see Refa's play exactly like my play. His start of the day thoughts was exactly what I was thinking and after last phase, I also was completely assuming Eury must be scum and had come to the same conclusion. I was also assuming the same thing he was in regards to a scum member must have popped up near the end and stopped us from lynching Eury. His avoidance of the thread isn't his fault either cause we are playing this game with nearly half the game posting like corpses. I can also see him jumping to sudden cases for the fact that the game isn't actually being played properly and him attempting to stay into the game that way.

Well, as for Mitsuki, Mitsuki doesn't react like normal people (and I always scumread her for that, if you don't believe me, read that mail I sent you before the game started). I just read her reaction and what I came across is definitely funny (can go either way based on rolespec, but I don't wanna rolespec yet). Based on how D1 went with GP/Mitsuki, I can't really see the slot as scum. I don't agree with her reads most of the time anyways, so, me not agreeing with her reads this game also doesn't mean much.

I should really start working on some actual follow up reads (because I am lazy and Refa outed me, lol). Will try my best before this phase ends, but would prefer if the inactives placed more actual content

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Elieson's off my scumdar, because he made use of his reaction test.

That's a much easier list to read, so thanks~!

I've been nodding along to Blitz's post (much like Eurykin's ones, but that's because I'm tired and need to update my LP), and the only thing that sticks out is this: You mention issues with Elieson's wall post, but what is your read on him?

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also, I haven't really outed any other major scumreads besides Eury (and since I dropped the Elie one, my only outed one is Eury)

more townreading him than anything else actually, but not agreeing with him in terms of his scumreads

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My brain's still not at full capacity and I know eclipse made some content posts just now, but here are some of the things that I do have to say right now:

Proto's still not really offering anything useful. If he has reads, he hasn't been clear on them at all, and he has no vote down. You don't like Marth's vote, but does that mean his vote scummy or do you merely not like it? Why? Also, is Elieson's reaction test stupid and scummy, stupid but townie, or just plain stupid?

Looking through GP's ISO I noticed she wanted to reread Junko and me in mid-D1 or so, but she never really got around to giving an opinion on either of us. I'm curious as to why she never followed up on that. Did you find nothing worthy of discussion, or did you just forget? I'm feeling better about her more so than I did on D1 (and Mitsuki's posts felt good to me), but I want to make sure I'm actually understanding her thought process before completely dropping this slot from my suspicions.

Marth, do you actually suspect Eury the most right now because I'd rather you vote for who you think is scum, not pressure vote at this avenue. Feels like he's not actively involving himself in the discussions and doesn't seem to have a lot of opinions either. I think eclipse put our vote on this slot, and if it is still there I'm happy with it.

I'm actually having a hard time reading Refa, nothing really seems to jump out at me but at the same time I don't see him as being super duper townie, so I'll do my best to get a decisive opinion on him soon.

Elieson felt really passive at the beginning of the game, then he went and dropped those WTF wall posts (and killed my motivation for several hours). Despite the massive amount of effort that obviously went into the wall posts, Elieson feels like he's not really … involved in the game, if you understand what I mean. It feels off and it's really bothering me, so I'm not nearly as happy with it.

That's all I can really get out of at the moment. I'll try to dissect the rest of the player base sometime before the end of D2 @_@

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Post to say that my modem got busted, dunno when we're gonna fix that.

I might need a sub tbh , playing mafia off of phone balance is just awful for me.

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Eli, are you claiming hooker or is this a one shot thing or something?

Hey Marth, what good does this question serve? (especially the underlined bit)

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@Green Poet

-Not game related, but SF autosaves your posts sometimes (in full reply, it's at the bottom of the post window thing as "Last auto saved: [some date]". You should totally like use that if you accidentally backspace.

-Why do you want Junko to pressure RD with you? Like, it's not wrong, but why Junko?

-I can get your issues with Bluedoom's Eury vote (and honestly, it is very in keeping with his scum meta), but his explanations well...aren't. Like yeah, having a pressure vote on D2 is suboptimal and blah blah, but the reasoning is good. Actually I thought the whole reads post was pretty good, because generally when he reads as scum, it tends to uh...feel more superficial? Also most importantly, at least for me, is that he definitely wouldn't dismiss me as town mayor if he was scum. He like fucking tunneled Randa in QProgue Mafia (Randa was some weird ITP mayor variant), and in general he likes to go after ITP's as mafia. So if he thought I was ITP, he'd be trying to lynch me lol.

-That's what I thought too honestly (uh...context is that Scum Eury would've voted her counterwagon), but I mean she should have done that as town as well. So if she was actually on (I believe Eury when she says she was super out of it) and voted Kirsche, it wouldn't really be alignment relevant.

-I voted Kirsche for consolidation, but I wouldn't be voting him if he made it to today. I don't think that RD doing the same thing is bad, however the lack of scum reads is a bigger issue. Honestly, the only thing that makes me hesitant about RD is that he was super busy apparently, so maybe he just didn't have the chance to read the games. Really the optimal solution here is to have Manix sub in for him. Also Baldrick's point ("I noted that RD's reaction to junk attacking his Eury read is "I'm not voting her"? He called her scummy so even if it's technically correct, that's an odd defense.") was good.

I think assuming that there was at least one scum on Kirsche's wagon is wrong. Sure, statistically speaking it's likely, but I think we have no reason to assume that was the case and taking that as a startpoint to get reads may just lead to bias.

On Elie: I think he's town on gut. Similar to what Paperblade say, he seems too easy going to be scum and his conviction feels real and townie. He seemed super obvtown to me during deadline shenanigans D1, and this in particular seems like something only town would say (and I was thinking exactly the same):

If yesterday's wagon had no scum on it, this is the worst town ever.

Fair enough regarding him being easy going, I guess. I mean, I got the same impression in some of his earlier posts, but not really from his later posts (haven't actually read his super huge posts yet). That post isn't obvious town though, it just shows that he can't understand Blitz's logic; if that was obvious town, then everyone in this game would be town (including Blitz).

I think this post by Marth is scummy. He's answering to Paperblade, except Paperblade was clearly not waiting for an answer, so it feels weird that he did answer, specially considering that he's not giving thoughts on other people's reads overall.
Now look at Paperblade's post. If I'm interpreting it the right way, he was undecided on whether to clear Poly or not based on the claim. Then Marth suggests a possible scenario where Poly might have claimed miller as scum.
I see this as Marth trying to shoot down other people's (potential) townreads, specially considering that he had no real thoughts on Poly.

But that's not all, as I think he's doing exactly the same here with Elie.

I still think Refa is scum on gut HAHAHAHAH but I'm probably going to wait until I get reads on everyone else so that I can PoE him as either alignment.

I don't get why Marthipan answered Paperblade's rhetorical question either, but that's not scummy, just dumb. He gave thoughts on reads in like, his very next post? If you have issues with those thoughts, that's another matter, but you're just kind of objectively wrong here. It's like...none of those are actually townreads he's shooting down? I don't get your Bluedoom scumread at all.

Man, if you're scumreading me, at least say "sorry if you're town" like you did last time so I can feel morally righteous until postgame.


-Yeah, that makes sense. You need at least three decently sized posts before I start getting bothered by your lack of hard analysis.

-Bluedoom didn't have anything about Eury's recent content as well, right (uh...context is where you complained about him not mentioning GP/Mitsuki despite still scumreading them)? I figured it was just because phoneposting rather than him switching his scumreads at the drop of a hat.


-What is your reason that Eurykins would not show up as scum late in the phase? I know you wanted to wait for RD to answer first, but he's uh...not available.

-Made a good point about Eury that she could've pressed Proto for a followup (I'm assuming he's talking way back in ED1 here?) instead of just leaving it lying down if she wanted more information out of him.


-Why is Eury super scummy (especially considering you haven't read her wall posts)?

Regarding Proto, I didn't respond to him directly in this post, but I'm feeling worse about him. Like, I dunno how to explain it, but he just seems to be capitalizing on the fact that people will give him a free pass for certain things (lol like me), but he hasn't actually made a serious effort to do anything all day.

Elie's posts get their own post and analysis. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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