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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia [Game Over]


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nvm Prims is probably town because if the plan was to just bus FFM D2 the scumteam would have had him use the mass-hook rather than the drive on N1

I feel like Refa could be scum; drive targets are generally better as town/scum than town/town- allows you to drive away inspects and hooks and whatnot away from your team. Will consider and talk more to him.

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I meant to make another post hours ago gg self

Manix: Answer to the first question is yes, and wrt the second paragraph I understand how it affects your reads and kind of agree.

I disagreed with the Eury vote at first since scum!Eury could easily have used better reasons to jump on FFM's wagon today, but I guess it's possible she wanted to do it in a way that she thought would give her more cred by having a unique case? I dunno, it's possible but honestly that exchange just reads as weird overall knowing FFM's alignment.

Refa's role just seems out of place imo, there's too much OC with SMS messages, possibly some roles than manipulate them and the bearclaw/Euklyd neighbours going on top of that. MORE ROLESPEC I agree with the scum/town drive comment from BBM because why would scum want to drive two townies anyway? Blade is much townier than Refa too, and Refa's self-redirect so he can talk to everyone rather than using it for town leader stuff or whatever just seems kind of convenient to me?

Poly: while yes, FFM did mention me, you never state why that was supposed to be some kind of associative read there. This just kinda feels like it's throwing suspicion on me for no real reason? The "I think SB is town BUT HE'S GOOD AS SCUM SO WHO KNOWS" card is really weak as well.

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Refa's role just seems out of place imo, there's too much OC with SMS messages, possibly some roles than manipulate them and the bearclaw/Euklyd neighbours going on top of that.

not to mention it's likely that scum have awful fakes (see: ffm)
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poly: what are you're reads on eury?

I'm kinda getting this weird gut feeling from Eury, but there's not a whole lot to go off with her. I don't like how she never gave any definite reads on anyone, even if she noted a few things that people were doing beforehand. The only thing I really gathered from her posts was that she was suspecting Frosty a fair bit, which is a bit better in hindsight now that he flipped... I'm kinda null on her because I've got no clue how to diagnose her posts and tone this game.

It'd be a lot healthier for her if she was able to post more.

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BBM this game is LOC not NOC. Regardless, GET ON MY LEVEL.

I like how a bunch of people have said tIhey're up to claiming to me and I have one (1) claim.

between refa and sb (who seem to be the top suspicions) I find Refa scummier. SB isn't really that scummy to me, wouldn't lynch.

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i'm gonna say this (due to ~theories~)

bear you should probably pass on the claim list to a townread (or to a person the entire town agrees on) before the end of the day. call it a gut feeling off FFM's flip

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I claimed to bbm last cycle so you should probably have my claim bear

Also I've been having a fever for the past three days so posts are gonna be infrequent. Feeling kinda weak.

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I haven't sent the claims to Bear yet because I want him to answer something first- do you have more to your role other than Neighbour and Dayvig?

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send me the claims imo

SB looks the best out of the 4 for being on FFM all of Day 1 and I don't think he pushed with the harshness scum!SB would. Not really taking him letting FFM live on claim as scummy because everybody was doing that and as far as we were concerned it was the "proper" thing to do. Plus you guys are Implying Things about him. mostly tho I just think his posts are town-SB posts rather than scum-SB posts, yeah I'm hypocritical for bringing in META TONE GUT but who cares

Poly should probably not live to LYLO but the scummiest thing about him is that he's an unknown. I agree with his points on Refa 100% for whatever that's worth.

Eury's jump on FFM today was weak as hell and I agree with whoever said it seemed like a convenient bus, just because the reasons themselves had nothing to do with alignment and she had to later justify it with "well he was scummy D1". Except Eury never bothered to vote FFM D1 despite finding him scummy back then (sure, she hadn't read everybody, but I don't see why she couldn't have put down a tentative vote). Her actual D1 wall of text does a lot more reporting than scumhunting, too - you can hardly tell her conclusions from what she's pointing out - then when D2 comes around it's pretty much dropped.

Refa is doing the exact same thing FFM did; giving us a confirmable claim then ceasing all scumhunting to coast on it. If you look back to his D1... well you can pretty much read my post here which explains how he attacks and defends FFM at the Same Time. He jabs at FFM here but it's never clear why Euklyd is worse. Pretty blatant counterwagon push.

##Vote: Refa

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bbm: bearclaw claimed roleblocked. draw you're conclusion

also he's not a scumlord unless someone else is. and i doubt that person is, so

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Yeah, Eli games are kind of hard to diagnose roles-wise because he likes throwing weird shit in sometimes.

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After playing Mafia for two years I still don't know the difference between strong willed and strongman

also its ok manix elie games are still easier to rolesprc than in your games

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tbf I've never even seen strong-willed before this game

that's something I can't find in any medical textbook, that's for sure

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