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Day 2.2: You're slowly running out of time Edition

Paperblade (3): Bluedoom, Dormio, eclipse

SB (3): Mitsuki, Shin, Paperblade

Shin (3): kirsche, MancerNecro, Euklyd

Euklyd (2): BBM, dirge of swans

MancerNecro (1): Eurykins

Not Voting (6): Da Bear, Polydeuces, Shinori, #HBC Larsa, Rein/Refa, SB

There are 8 hours and 30 minutes left in the phase. With 17 alive, it takes 6 to lynch at deadline and 9 to hammer.

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I almost want to be lynched and revived but that's risky as fuck and kind of dumb as hell since idk how that role works (spoilers it's not me)

I should probably mention Marth's role isn't what I thought it was though.

Also Marth can you tell me what the fluff in my posts was?

BBM is weird because I feel like his D1 was good but his early D2 bugged me, then it got better again. tbh I am mostly bugged by how he's buddying up to me, and I can't really take the "As scum I'd lynch you if I could" at face value. Like I said, maybe I am just being paranoid, but he just feels... too helpful, and the weird way he was dismissing's Marth's case bugs me

SB is also interesting because he (and Marth) were pretty stubborn about me during the lynch, and his sudden 180 on me to primary lynch target was sorta weird imo. The thought here is like, if SB were a maflord, would he suddenly push that case like that, then drop it right now that it looks like I'm not gonna be lynched? I don't think his push on BBM makes sense as scum/scum

Basically, Shin's case on SB is what I'm getting at, SB's switch to me felt very sudden.

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##Invoke Eclipse to watch Randa

I almost forgot about this.

Apparently there was some discussion going on about it but I think I definitely want to watch Randa? Ok, he has no vote, but he can save other people.

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skimmed the thread and there are like no new wagons and nobody is voting Euklyd with me ;_;

I'm pretty convinced off the newest posts that Paperblade is town so dunno I may just vote Shin as the least bad option if people don't vote Euklyd before I get home.

I still think Euklyd has a good chance of being scum; his latest post was like a bunch of scummy things Shin did and then ending with 'but I'm still not totally sure about this' and it's just like ??? what more do you need to be sure about it? I get that you're never like 100% sure, but generally there's no point in saying 'I'm unsure' unless you're less than like 75% percent sure they're scum. Except then he votes Shin afterwards anyways under what just looks like pressure? Also he talks about Mancer's point against Shin about Shin not voting being valid but he himself hadn't even voted until that point, so...

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The thing about a Randa watch is that if he's killed it's basically the same as a no-kill anyway since he has no vote, and if the mafia is scared of his doc they're gonna be dedicating a hook to him every night

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yeah but they can't hook him because of the watcher

and if they kill the watcher and hook him then they have to keep wasting actions

getting sidetracked with homework and trying to meta people so post is coming slow, idek who i want to vote at this point

mafia sucks

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yeah but they can't hook him because of the watcher

and if they kill the watcher and hook him then they have to keep wasting actions

I meant if he's not watched they have to dedicate a hook, it basically vanilla-izes them

eclipse is probably a good target tho, and it's hard to lie about the results for this

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when scumteams don't fail to kill multiple times in a row and serial killers actually kill people numbers deplete pretty quickly though, considering multiple non-town kills (and potentially extra kills because prims has done those in 2hu/cy'or1) i think that actually having a chance of blocking them is important. idk.

who would randa watch otherwise anyway

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Shinori - Literally hasn't posted in a day phase (null, mostly) but the one "content" post he DID have reminded me 100% of his play in musical chairs and after reskimming his ISO there (it's like 5 posts or something lol) it basically seems like the same thing happened this game. Would lynch.

Polydeuces - Also hasn't posted since D1 wtf. He also has even less content than Shinori which is >.> but idk, I feel like he would care more about his image as scum rather than coming back at the end of D1 with a shitty Shin vote, if he was scum trying to distance from a ML I feel like he would've made his vote more substantial?

Junkykins - Great name. Reading Junko's ISO will probably be faster than reading a single Eury post so um... Yeah. His play looks pretty similar to British so I don't really feel comfortable lynching him and it looks like he was asking questions to further his scumhunting and stuff so I think he's town atm.

Euklyd - I think his play isn't great on its own but off of meta he's obvtown. He basically seems a lot more decisive as scum whereas here he isn't even confident enough to commit to a vote until deadline gets near despite it giving people easy reasons to attack him? Idk.

bearclaw and Larsa have basically nothing. I feel like one of my active townreads must suck or something because there are way too many people I don't think are scum or whatever. I feel kind of terrible about this because I really don't know who to lynch without just defaulting back to BBM or something so >.>

Rein and Refa have my claim (I've had OC with them since N0), if I'm in danger they can out it for me but I'd rather that didn't happen. I might wake up JUST before deadline but it seems unlikely and I've got homework and shit to do. This feels like a bad place to leave off (might try and be back later? idk) but I have other stuff I need to do so yeah. Rip me.

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I've made a post detailing why I think Shin is scummy 4 times now and every time it's been deleted somehow before I could post it. I'm getting kind of mad and my mom needs the computer so I'll just

##Vote: Shin

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Likely my only post before tomorrow.

I know she does it was town too which makes it even more annoying. There's nothing more irritating than having to look at blatently scummy content and think "Is this their meta or are they scum?" so my compromise is to keep a close eye on them.

- We shouldn't lynch Shin today IMO because I feel like he'd be another scapegoat lynch and we do not want that.

What does this mean? We shouldn't lynch Shin because he gets mislynched often? That's dumb stop. Speaking of which

##Vote: Shin Time to coast on this for another phase. Also still happy to sit on Mancer although apparently he's super town according to Refa (???). PB doesn't look great either. Happier with Dormio after his night performance.

Requesting sub for Randa so that we have a doctor (unless revival is temporary and lame).

My gut still tells me that the way Mitsuki claimed is fishy, a role where you have to publicly force someone to forgo their night action is surely something that needs to be outed and considered asap. #469 and #471 are fair defences though, and I can't really fault her elsewhere. File her in the same bracket as eclipse. BBM kinda came into D2 and told us that he'll look into important stuff tomorrow which isn't helpful.

Scum: Shin > Mancer >> Paperblade

Maybe-scum: Mitsuki, eclipse, BBM

Still town: Me, Junko, Refleche, Marth

I'll ISO Shin/Mancer/PB tomorrow.

If Bluedoom was indeed roleblocked then Mitsuki should be town. She's probably a town pseudo-Roleblocker meant to allow town to match up to the scum team.

I think scum might have left Mitsuki alive because they might have thought that it'd be easy to work around her role since her role command has to be made in public. So, the fact that she's alive means nothing about her alignment. That said, she leans town-null to me because of her role.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Shin

I think I'd be okay with a Shin lynch today. He basically just waltzed into the day with some of his suspicions and reads but does nothing about them (no voting his scum reads or prodding them). This is scummy to me because it pings me as a distancing attempt. If Shin flips scum, I might want to look at some of his scum reads' behaviors for associative tells.


I also hate Kirche's "Time to coast for another phase." Comment. It's awful. And no one has yet to explain to me why a shin lynch is good.

I don't see him being scummy. Like holy fuck why is he even a wagon I don't understand the logic from this.

I'm not gonna post a wall I'm just gonna like post shit as it comes to mind. I'm too lazy and too impatient to read up everything and post a wall.

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Feel like some of the AtE and frustration is coming from a townie perspective. Haven't read the meta games in reference except I tried reading fakeclaim and he was more focused on clearing himself by rolespec I think.

Feel like claiming after someone said something because my role's now obvs ;-;

##Vote: BBM

As I said before I could go with Euk/Shino lynch too, and after consideration, Shino's a better lynch since even when he posts his content makes no sense (like the random vote and unvote of me LD1) but Euk would be easier to get a majority on since there are already 2 votes on him. Shin's just w/e for me, the people who are voting him haven't put in much effort D2 anyway( Euk/Mancer) but kirsche yeah

Annnnd cut by Shino.

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