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CYOU'RE - Game Over


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oh I have a question for Dormio

when you were unable to talk for the first 24 hours of D2 was that something you were hit with by someone else or was it related to your own role?

I was assuming the latter and that it was due to the switch you did N1 (dunno why I assumed that but eh) but that clearly wasn't the case since you did the same N2

cause if it was someone else the likelihood of a scum joat goes up


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Euklyd, why are you using the logic behind randa's lynch as a partial basis for a Mitsuki lynch? Are you trying to make me as paranoid about her lynch as you are

curses, you caught me

yes I'm trying to make everyone paranoid about her lynch

and I would've gotten away with it if not for you meddling kids!

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Can someone tell me why we're waiting for bear to make his next "unlike everyone else I have RL stuff going on so I don't have any content" post.

Granted, he might shake things up with a "forum ate my content post several times also I don't know what Microsoft Word or Notepad is also also I can't summarise the main points of my case" post.

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Gods... mah head hurts. :/

If possible, leave him at L-2 or something until tomorrow morning/early afternoon closer to the lynch deadline, please. I want to see a few things that's been said n' done before he gets hammered, and I wouldn't put it pass scum to just quick-hammer him at L-1 (or Shinori himself just self-voting to close things out).

*There's a few things I want to look through to verify various gut vibes I had in D2, but never managed to get to. IRL shizz away from Mafia shizz too strong. x_x

(Need to sleep for a few hours, but will post if I can in the morning.)

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##unvote (Shinori)

SB can replace my vote, if needed, since he's voting Mitsuki rn, but if Eury wants a chance to say things then she should have it.

also going to bed goodnight

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This day is still going? Still not rereading.

Dunno if scum would target Mitsuki, her role wasn't that good in the first place and there seemed to be stronger ones about (e.g. Marth's). I don't really get why Scumitsuki would fakeclaim vannilerised though when she was under very little pressure (me + SB + Marth kinda), especially when she'd try to make herself seem as useful to the town as possible, as no one goes "oh no a vanilla we shouldn't lynch that". Ugh maybe it's real, so unless it's a town vanillarise (if so claim?) I'd say it's probably real. Ugh I don't want to keep rethinking my reads stahp let me be lazy and tunnel you! Where's Shin when you need him.

Euklyd feels overly paranoid, almost like it's faked. Delaying a confirmed scum lynch is a really really bad idea, and if Shinori has a strong role or a 1-shot something it could buy him the time he needs to use it.

Nothing else to really say. Happy for a hammer whenever really.

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I don't know why a town vanillizer would target a claimed public-watcher. I can see scum targeting her with a vanillize since she's essentially a protective role? She was forcing scum to make non-optimal kill targets.

and I confirmed that my scans are reset at the end of the night if one of my inspects is nightkilled.

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Alright, I'm here. Getting a short post up in a moment- (not quite sure when the exact deadline is for the lynch, so if the time comes to a close before I can post, someone can feel free to hammer Shinori to ensure us a lynch).

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(Nvm, apparently the phase ends at 11pm PST- should be good in getting mah post out.)

1. 3 town dead; one Maf dead. Welp- could've been worse, but RIP townies. :[

2. I feel like this is an easy cop-out for Marth's laziness in reading/offering any insight on Kirsche.

3. This Euklyd post left some bad vibes with me. Namely wrt:

~ Has an odd tone to it- kinda self-conscious in a sense?

~ There seems to be a lot of splashing around/ "what if's"/ suspicions flying around (dat paranoia op) that feels more scattered than necessary.

~ The notion to consider lynching a "maybe might flip scum" to someone else who's being claimed/labeled as confirmed scum = wat?

4. Imo, it'd also make scum parties seem too predictable to aim at claimed roles, if/when they can just have it blocked instead (while targeting someone else with the vanillizer) if it's not too much of an issue for them. Who knows though- the whole vanilizer thing (as has been already speculated) could just be a farce, or hell- it could even be a scum/townie who had limited shots (now used up) and so technically can be considered a vanilla-esque player?

5. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=42#entry3459185 I feel like this is too easy of a bypassing of why you didn't scan Kirsche. You claimed earlier that "I tried targeting people whom I thought would survive for longer", which in itself is reasonable logic. However, your N0 target had yet to die by N1, and in addition, if you wanted an easy verification of how reads flip/results from your scans, all you had to do was hit the miller claim and see what you got as the result (and compare results with the other reads later). Not fully buying this train of logic/set of night actions, tbh.

6. There's something odd about Kirsche's latest posts; he seems to be flailing around in his content a bit too much gauged on what I've seen before from town!Kirsche.

TL;DR: I'm pretty confident we'll flip scum on Shinori read, because I doubt BBM would outright lie to us about a scan- town or not. If Shinori somehow flips town = Not quite sure how to approach that situation.

On the other hand, my other thoughts:

1. Shinori (given him being scum) is probably being handed to us on a silver platter/easily by the scum team because there's no saving his inactivity/poor contributions thus far. (AKA. May as well cut their losses and gain towncred at the same time- a scapegoat.)

2. I feel like Kirsche and BBM seem to be trying to play on the notion above pretty well, which is slightly worrisome. BBM will likely be coasting on a "Hey gaiz, I gots confirmed scum" cop claim (which we don't even know is actually true), and as far as things are playing out, I feel like Kirsche is going to hop on the Mitsuki wagon on the next day phase (as will the majority of those posting/have seen in the posts thus far in D3), which makes me wonder even moreso about how the interactions are playing out.

3. Also, the timing in which Kirsche votes for BBM/BBM appears later with his scan info/Kirsche then backpedaling off of him with a very "meh" attitude (despite his lengthy post on why he suspects BBM) = comes off a bit too... convenient for my taste. Feels more like a coordinated effort/planning to justify dropping the read/vote than anything else.

I'm guessing a Necro (dead)/Shinori/BBM/Kirsche scum team, based on their interactions come D3 (and beforehand as well).

However, given that Shin flipped as an SK earlier, and that "6 or more non-town" exist, I'm guessing either another SK and/or secondary scum/ITP party exists, unless there's one last scum I'm not pinning down within the above mentioned scum team (Mitsuki/Poly slots are liable to being re-looked at a later time in possibility for filling those positions, but not yet sure.)

Anyways, with that out of the way, time to vote~!

##Vote: Shinori

PS. Thanks for the notion/unvote earlier, Euklyd (and others)- it's appreciated. ^_^

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Night 3



Shinori - Yuno Gasai - Mafia Watcher / Strongman - lynched Day 3

It is now Night 3. You have 24 hours to send in your actions.

J replaces Mitsuki.

Fighting For They're Lives: (12)

Alive Without They're Vote: (1)
  • Randa - Dogi, Town Doctor, lynched Day 1, revived Night 1
In Over They're Heads: (8)
  • Quote (Via) - Stefan, Town Vigilante, killed Night 1
  • Sunwoo (Boron) - Shulk, Town Jack of All Trades, killed Night 1
  • Shin - Dio Brando, Serial Killer, lynched Day 2
  • Refa - Kiritsugu Emiya, Town Arsonist, killed Night 2
  • Reinfleche - Lord Jaraxxus, Town Hydra, killed Night 2
  • Paperblade - Max Bialystock, Town Motivator, killed Night 2
  • MancerNecro - Necromancer, Mafia Gravedigger / Roleblocker, killed Night 2
  • Shinori - Yuno Gasai, Mafia Watcher / Strongman, lynched Day 3
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