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Inception Mafia


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"beyond" implies any posts after it

prims, lrn2read

also people can be defensive if you say you have something on them, but when it turns out you don't, it looks like padding BS

yes, reaction tests exist, but this one, if it was one, is awful anyway

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General dancing around+this post:

is really bad. The implication is bad, the logic is bad, etc.

If it wasn't clear, that post wasn't intended to be accusatory so much as that I wanted them to give an explanation of their thought process behind asking me that so I could read them better.

If I was genuinely accusing them I would've moved my vote.

Asking questions ED1 isn't scummy, guys. I'm trying to move the game along so I can actually have opinions on more than 2 people!!

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If it wasn't clear, that post wasn't intended to be accusatory so much as that I wanted them to give an explanation of their thought process behind asking me that so I could read them better.

If I was genuinely accusing them I would've moved my vote.

I find it really hard to read that post as anything but an implication that only scum would ask that question. So like, insinuating that Bizz was scummy without actually saying so.

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also people can be defensive if you say you have something on them, but when it turns out you don't, it looks like padding BS

My accusation against Via can't actually be pushed as padding or backtracking without stretching reality, though.

It can't be backtracking because what was I going to say was scummy about them given that they had no content?

It can't be padding because there was no actual case. Saying "I think X is Y" doesn't satisfy other players so I'm not making my post look better by adding that.

yes, reaction tests exist, but this one, if it was one, is awful anyway

So how does that make me scum and not town who wanted a reaction from another player but went about it poorly (in your opinion)?
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random thought: prims how did you think of the redirecting problem with my role so quickly, considering no one else had thought of it, namely rein, who had been pushing my case?

I thought of it, just didn't say it. Town tailor has so many issues with it.

Basically Prims's whole shtick feels like fearmongering to me and reminds me of a time Manix claimed third party and he tried to get everyone believe he was SK and lynch him. He also doesn't seem like he wants to lynch Manix because he is scum but just because "ït would be beneficial to town" and that is like a HUGE Primscumtell to me I guess. Maybe I'm just dumb though.

Rein is also pretty bad for jumping on him solely for claim. Feels opportunistic.

This whole thing where you and Manix are being all buddy buddy should stop like right now. There is absolutely no reason for you guys to seem so buddy buddy and defensive of each other and it's poor. Manix defended you and you are defending Manix. Why do you guys seem to think each other is like definite town.

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I find it really hard to read that post as anything but an implication that only scum would ask that question. So like, insinuating that Bizz was scummy without actually saying so.

I found it scummy but wasn't necessarily convinced they were mafia, so I felt I needed more from them before switching their vote.

Basically although I think what they're doing is scummy I can see them doing this as town due to anxiety and whatnot. I want to know their thought process so I can decide if they're upset town or upset scum.

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Why do you guys seem to think each other is like definite town.

please enlighten me as to where i said via was town. there was a bunch of shit going on when via was asleep, so i call people out for BS. not hard

@prims: it looked more like an actual attack, over a reaction test, and the disparity between actions and intent is prevalent enough to think there's something going on.

actually also prims: why is shinori town? why out that?

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actually also prims: why is shinori town? why out that?

He's posting frantically and I'm reading it as town just saying whatever comes to their mind. His opinions on you were basically worthless and without conclusion but I think that's because he's #YOLOing it and not calculating his posts out beforehand.

I want to say something like "I outed it because I figured people would suspect him and I wanted to see how they'd handle my claims." but honestly I just said it so I could feel smug when he flips town. It probably wasn't necessary. Sorry !!

Why is this relevant beyond you looking for reasons to cling onto a bad case? Why am I a better vote than Rein?

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@Shinori I'm not defending Manix I think Prims is scum. Like I am 89% sure Prims is scum and I would think the same even if he had been attacking someone else. I don't know what alignment Manix is one way or the other, but his claim is VERY easy to attack and I'm just going off of that.

sorry but it gives me headaches when people accuse me of shit like that in games. please don't go there. it pisses me off.

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Then don't talk/speak in a way that makes it come off like you are defending him. Your posts in regards to Prims were heavily mentioning Manix and seemed like a type of way to defend him while attacking his attacker.

That's the way it came off to me. Don't get all touchy and pissy and mad because of my opinion of how I read your post.

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Also Prims's posting style is all over the place compared to usual and it just feels really off to me, if you want me to get into the vibes yadda yadda whatever

I do still think Rein is scummy but Prims is a better vote.

to answer Prims I guess: if it seems like I'm holding back I probably am and it might be for a reason unrelated to the game but unimportant and that's like hard to believe and shitty so I'll understand if you attack me for that lol.

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Shinori can we just play the game without bringing up personal relations or whatever because that's a sore spot of mine that I don't want to get into because this is a mafia thread.

This is over.

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Your posts in regards to Prims were heavily mentioning Manix

this could be because manix had just changed vote to prims and was i believe one of the first to do so

on that note ##Unvote ##Vote: Prims this is not set in stone, it's all swings and roundabouts innit

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After Via's recent post I think it's safe to say they were just being panicky about attacking me; they could still be mafia but I wouldn't vote them right now.

Also Prims's posting style is all over the place compared to usual

yeah you guys post a lot and I had like a million cuts so I made a quote wall. whatever

gonna take a break from posting cuz I feel like I'm clogging up the thread and I'm not reading people very strongly as is. I think Manix feels like he needs to keep his vote down on me though which is iffy and pretty dumb of him if he's town.

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Not sure who's pinging me more as scum, Prims or Shinori.

Also, heads up, I'll be gone for a good chunk of the day tomorrow. Moving into student res and whatnot.

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I think Manix feels like he needs to keep his vote down on me though which is iffy and pretty dumb of him if he's town.

What does this even mean? I'd assume Manix feels the need to keep his vote on you because he thinks you're scum.

This is generally how Mafia is played.

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What does this even mean? I'd assume Manix feels the need to keep his vote on you because he thinks you're scum.

This is generally how Mafia is played.

I think this isn't what Prims means- he thinks Manix is going out of his way to continue voting Prims over doing other things
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parrhesia is reading as opportunistic to me ATM. could just be returning stuff but I'm not a fan

I need to get a few things together and I'm tired rn but I might make a couple scattered posts

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parrhesia is reading as opportunistic to me ATM. could just be returning stuff but I'm not a fan

I need to get a few things together and I'm tired rn but I might make a couple scattered posts

is this post literally a parody, I can't tell

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on the off-chance it's not, are you shitting me

I've decided to go for you when you looked slightly more scummy than everyone else, then I decided to go for Prims now that he looks more scummy than everyone else, keeping my options open because I'm acknowledging it's a fucking crapshoot right now, the only opportunity I'm taking is the opportunity not to look like a fucking twat on day one with no solid information, christ.

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