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CYOU'RE - Game Over


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This post strikes me as very odd because most of the votes on Dormio are pretty similar and amount to "don't like kirsche stuff" + a bit more sometimes.

I said that. *insert emoticon here* My point was that they were all based on the same things, but had their own interpretations and reasoning for why that was. Unrelated to my reply to Rein, but if you (in general) expected any actual content from me at this point, then well don't. Gotta learn 2 drive, but figured I might as well respond to people who replied to me because there was like one comment anyways so I CAN TOTALLY DO THAT.

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"guys I'm shitposting and tired as fuck"

"Wow Paper where's the INSIGHT you maflord"
"Why aren't you posting while asleep"

There's no reason for living with a broken heart, I'm gonna commit sudoku

I voted because it's "RVS" and I had nothing better to do. There's not really a point in just letting stuff slide this early because

A. Sometimes mafia do tryhard cases, pressure people who you think will react
B. It's a good way to get discussion started

So get pressure on people, people on streets. I'm fairly satisfied with Dormio's responses

Also BBM lied to me, damn canadians

Also there's too many people can I just afk for like 3 day phases and come back when half of you are dead?

I'm reading over Mancer since he's accruing votes and something that stands out is he attacks Mancer but then says it was possible kirsche was joking? Isn't cases like this what Dormio was talking aboot. Mancer/Shin wagons suck because I can't read them well. Like, I didn't get any bad feelings from what he said but I tend to think Shin has a pretty flippant/carefree attitude so he says stuff that sounds more extreme than it's meant to be? Boron help

I keep thinking Refa is Kay, your avatar is too Kay-ish, voting you until you change it ##Unvote, ##Vote: Refa

also ftr i while dormio's case is forced, i dont think scum would have reason to force a case this early when they could've just let town RVS for longer and stay hidden in the pack of nonsensical spam.

People say this every game and it gets proven false all the time.

Randa kinda bugs me, I feel like he is not really taking a stance on most things? Even his vote is wishy washy if his other posts are any indication. Also he voted me so I am obligated to vote him back* ##Unvote, ##Vote: Randa

@Quote: The trick to not spamposting is to just write everything you normally would but don't post it til you're done (spoilers this is what I do)

*This is a joke

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@Quote: The trick to not spamposting is to just write everything you normally would but don't post it til you're done (spoilers this is what I do)

yeah but that's too hard )':

ok leaving bbl

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I don't really have issues with Randa, he has content and opinions, even if his posts are kind of hard to extract them from. And @ eclipse, Randa is voting Paper and expressed suspicion of Shin for his Dormio vote, so I don't think your vote makes sense?

Content: Sort of. If it's passive to the point where I miss it, it doesn't help. If someone's dogpiling on my townread, the last thing I want is for my logic to be lost in the noise.

Also who the hell is dirge of swans?

Oh, wait, it's eclipse, isn't it?

Yep~! All content/logic will be under this account, for ease of ISO. I'll also note the alternate account's vote in my own posts, should it change. The anon account is my role - mostly because the last person who had this awesome role SAT ON IT. Two votes and two voices is cool~! Remembering to switch accounts. . .not so much, but I'll live with it~!

I'm reading over Mancer since he's accruing votes and something that stands out is he attacks Mancer but then says it was possible kirsche was joking? Isn't cases like this what Dormio was talking aboot. Mancer/Shin wagons suck because I can't read them well. Like, I didn't get any bad feelings from what he said but I tend to think Shin has a pretty flippant/carefree attitude so he says stuff that sounds more extreme than it's meant to be? Boron help

Clarification, kthx, I can't parse this.

Recent content: Hasn't changed reads.

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First things first, I should respond to Shin's posts. (#125/126)
With regards to the first thing about playing the victim or whatever, I'm just saying that when somebody is put into the spotlight this weird mob mentality kicks in and weaker cases go through without being looked at too much.
Which is what I think that your vote was.
For the self-meta thing, I don't really know what to do if you're going after me for correcting something that was wrong.
Like BBM said that the latest instance of me doing something like this was when I was scum when it wasn't.
And then, for #126, I assume that you're referring to this post? (#72)

I said that I don't know how to respond to that post because I really don't. MancerNecro stated that I was being contradictory and I failed to see what part of my actions were contradictory and therefore said as much.

Is this your only example of me supposedly avoiding discussion?

I'm still happy with my vote on Shin for now.

Randa's posts confuse me. I'll be reading and posting more about other people after I grab some food or something.

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Eclipse just have the anon account open on another browser or on another user if you're using chrome. Also, can your accounts vote the same person? And does the second account affect the total number of players in the game?

I forgot to say this earlier but everybody going 'man Paper is lurking he's playing to scum meta' is being lame; you can't decide someone is lurking like 12 hours into D1. Criticizing him for a weak Dormio vote is valid but the meta point is stretching it. I think Via (this is Quote, @Dormio) is the worst offender here because their entire suspicion of Paperblade is based on this and doesn't even mention his vote being weak. And then they talk about how they always let Paperblade slide for lurking but then he's actually scum... so then why aren't you voting Paperblade?? That being said I like some of the other stuff they said, so MEH

I also don't really like Marth's Paperblade vote because he's just like 'Paperblade wouldn't make a vote like this' but doesn't really say why, at all? Honestly my gut feeling is that he just wanted to pick at people on the Dormio wagon. Picking at people for wagoning just out of RVS is almost as easy as wagoning just out of RVS.

also marth the staring thing was literally qualified by 'not flavour', so...

Also seriously guys I'll admit I forgot that Dormio actually makes RVS cases as town too (I haven't played with town!Dormio for a while okay) but as he himself said, he does it as scum too. This is how he plays, so really, don't give him towncred for being the first one to start stuff.

I can get the Mancer case but he's not giving off scumvibes to me; not enough paranoia and mudslinging. Will read Shin again in a little bit.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Marth

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my Paperblade suspicion is not strong enough for me to vote him rn compared to the other guys

everyone else I said I'd vote (such as: the person I am voting right now, Mancer) all have way more shit I can vote them for

I know the way I worded it sounded like I thought Paper was the most suspicious of the three but I meant it as a sort of "this better not be what's happening AGAIN" because BBM this has happened to me at least 3 times in games here pls understand

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I should be able to vote the same person with both accounts, as I don't see anything that says I can't. I'll have to ask whether or not it counts as an extra person. While I can have both open, I'm invariably going to forget and post with the wrong account, which would be most embarrassing! Since I intend on using the anon account solely for voting, it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Also seriously guys I'll admit I forgot that Dormio actually makes RVS cases as town too (I haven't played with town!Dormio for a while okay) but as he himself said, he does it as scum too. This is how he plays, so really, don't give him towncred for being the first one to start stuff.

First thing from BBM that I don't like. It feels like a very subtle way of saying that Dormio's sorta-scum despite the meta inaccuracy. The meta part doesn't bother me, the fact that I feel like this is a very roundabout way of holding on to a Dormio read bothers me. What IS your current read on Dormio, anyway?

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I don't really agree with the Paper meta cases at all? Paper has a weak earlygame regardless of alignment and I don't think his posts this game have been particularly objectionable? The activity thing doesn't really hold up either, Big NOCers and Fakeclaim are counterexamples for each alignment of what Via said too.

BBM, why are you so concerned that people aren't townreading Dormio? I agree that the point is null, but your insistence on it is weird.

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The kirsche vote still bugs me because there isn't actually scum intent in what kirsche did; Dormio was making a way bigger deal out of it then it needed to be. Yeah scum can be vague but there was no reason for scum to be vague in that context. People don't ED1 claim Miller unless it's been given to them as a fake- it's a role that's used too often. The Shin vote is okay so he's getting better I guess, but it bothers me that people are giving him a free pass for something that is not townie in ANY case, because a few extra hours of non-RVS on Day 1 don't really make that much of a difference. And it's even worse in Dormio's case because that's just how he plays all the time. It would be like people giving cred to Elie for doing dumb stuff to get us out of RVS, for example (not really an up-to-date example but whatever).

Reread Shin; I agree with the case but have nothing of note to add there so I don't particularly see a point in voting there right now. I'd rather try to get Marth to post more. But he's probably sleeping right now, sigh.

bbl shower

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Also I'm not sure what's confusing you eclipse, can't clarify if I don't know what's wrong ;_;

I'll tell you what I see, and you can fill in the blanks!

I'm reading over Mancer since he's accruing votes and something that stands out is he attacks Mancer Dormio but then says it was possible kirsche was joking? Isn't cases like this what Dormio was talking aboot. Mancer/Shin wagons suck because I can't read them well. Like, I didn't get any bad feelings from what he said but I tend to think Shin has a pretty flippant/carefree attitude so he says stuff that sounds more extreme than it's meant to be? Boron help

Original tidbit, with Dormio put in the proper place so it's a wee bit less confusing.

Mancer - attacks Dormio, turns around and says that kirsche was joking?

Dormio's next mention - how does that fit in with the Mancer thing?

Shin - can't read him well, and then I can't figure out what you're trying to say about him.

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The kirsche vote still bugs me because there isn't actually scum intent in what kirsche did; Dormio was making a way bigger deal out of it then it needed to be. Yeah scum can be vague but there was no reason for scum to be vague in that context. People don't ED1 claim Miller unless it's been given to them as a fake- it's a role that's used too often. The Shin vote is okay so he's getting better I guess, but it bothers me that people are giving him a free pass for something that is not townie in ANY case, because a few extra hours of non-RVS on Day 1 don't really make that much of a difference. And it's even worse in Dormio's case because that's just how he plays all the time. It would be like people giving cred to Elie for doing dumb stuff to get us out of RVS, for example (not really an up-to-date example but whatever).

So. . .is this a minor scumread on Dormio?

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ugh fakeclaim

"guys elieson is obviously evil and lying"

"stop tunneling on the neutral!!!"

I'm useless, but not for long

My future is coming on

I have a couple townreads but don't feel like outing them

I'm voting Randa, Refa thing was a joke (although his avatar does confuse me)

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