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Ether's Mafia game thread.


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As the continent of Tellius sleeps,there are several meetings in session.

"We can take over all of the land,I assure you." Lekain stated extravagently,addressing Zelgius and Sephiran.

"These fools depend too greatly on that ragtag group,the Greil Mercenaries,so all we need do is kill them,and we shall be in a position of absolute power!" The man continued,chuckling at his own plan.

"If my lord Sephiran commands it,then I shall kill any adversary." Zelgius stated calmly,and the meeting was adjourned.


"The queen's time has come.She shall be overthrown,and I will take the crown!"

Heather and the 3-13 Archer sighed.Ludveck always got like this,when he thought of becoming King of Crimea,with lady Lucia as his forced wife.

The man was disgusting,but she had been promised free reign over Queen Elincia,more than enough incentive to follow this oaf. Heather reminded herself,before considering killing the obnoxious man.


Volke read the letter he had been sent.

"Kill everybody.Be the last alive and you will have completed your task.Enclosed is a sum of 1 000 000 Gold.I know you are the man for the job.


"Guess I better get to work." He said,before dissapearing into the shadows.



Each game day consists of the Day Phase and the Night Phase. These are usually 24 hours each.

Day Phase

The Day Phase is when everyone decides to cast a vote to hang someone (or hang no one, if you decide). You do not have to vote. Votes will be cast publicly on the forum in most cases. Votes must be bolded and obvious. If you change your vote and make a new post with a vote, unbold your old one. Remember, everyone (save for those who are dead) participates in voting if they decide to.

Night Phase

The Night Phase is for those with special abilities (certain villagers have these, as do the Mafia). The most notable part of this phase is who the Mafia kill. To do your actions, send the game moderator a PM on this forum. Make it 100% clear who you are performing your action to.


Everyone will receive their role in a PM. All roles are distributed randomly.

Rule 1: Unless otherwise stated, do not talk in the game thread after you die.This includes PM's.

Rule 2: Do not change your display name while you are in a game.

Rule 3: Do not pester people to reveal thier character name,and do not reveal your own,as it is tied to your role and will be used in flavour text.You may roleclaim,however.

Rule 4: PM's may be sent,however,I must be invited into the conversation.

Rule 5: No Editing your posts.

Roles:(Any role may be used on oneself aside from Dragon riding,Hooking,and killing.You may NOT vote for yourself.


-Chancellor- Acts as Godfather for the senate.Makes final decisions on kills and appears innocent to the Cop.Tactician sees him as a random role.

-Commandant- Performs kills for the Senate.Will survive one attempt to kill him at night.

-Councilman- Senate Role Cop. Determines if a player has a role or not.


-Rebel Leader- Acts as Godfather for the Rebels.Makes final decisions on kills and appears innocent to the Cop.Tactician sees him as a random role.

-Sniper- Performs kills for the Rebels.Can survive one attempt at his life at night.

-Hooker- Hooks one person each night,stopping any night action they would perform.They will not be told they were hooked.

Town Roles:

-Vigilante- May kill a person each night.Wins with the town,and has 2 kills.

-Wall- Will survive 2 killing attempts at night.Wins with the town.

-Doctor- May save a person from death each night.Wins with the town.

-Cop- May investigate one person each night to determine if they are innocent or guilty.

-Jack of all Trades- A multitalented person, they may do each of the following once.

-Kill a person

-Protect a person

-Investigate a person(Once for Role,and once for Alignment)

-Cast a secret vote

-Transport two people.

-Tactician- May investigate three people per night,and the role of one shall be revealed at random.

-Hunter- When Lynched,this person will PM me a kill order.This person will die with them,and this kill is immune to the wall/Commandant/Assassin's killblock.

-Secret Voter- May cast a vote in secret.This vote will take precedence over a posted vote.

-Dragon Lord- Each night,this player may switch two people. Any actions performed on these users is switched.

-Pure spirit- Every night,this person chooses someone to talk to.If the pure spirit is killed,the person they spoke to commits suicide in the morning.

-Masons- Masons know who eachother are,and are all innocent.They communicate via PM.

Third Party Roles:

-Assassin- Must kill one person each night.The assassin wins by being the last alive.He can survive one attempt on his life at night.


Lux Aeterna - Zelgius(Commandant) - Executed day 4

BK 201 - Volke(Assassin) - Killed Day 2

Core - Oscar(Secret Voter) - Killed Night 1

WoMC - Rhys(Doctor) - Killed Night 2

King Russell - Lekain(Councilman) - Killed Night 1

Dracohon - Heather(Hooker) - Executed Day 3

I Eat Tables

Ninji - Mia(Vigilante) - Killed Night 3

The Dragonslayer - Soren(Tactician) - Killed Night 2

Trompe Le Monde

Fayt Zelpher

Ulki - Shinon(Jack of all Trades) - Executed Day One

General Spoon - Sephiran(Chancellor) - Killed Night 4

MikethFC - Mist(Pure Spirit) - Killed night 4


Bizz - Ike(Cop) - Died night 0 of Gangbang

Balcerzak - Micaiah(Mason) - Died Night 3

Hikarusa - Volug(Mason) - Died Night 1

Champion Cynthia

Raymond - 3-13 Archer(Sniper) - Executed Day 5

Night 0 Start!

Note: King Russell is assisting me in writing a postgame analysis,and thus needs to know what is going on!Any PM's sent between players should include Both Myself and King Russell.

Edited by Ether
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The pure spirit role seems interesting. But it would be best for the pure spirit to NOT use its powers this early into the game. The chance of making town suicide is MUCH larger than the chance of making scum suicide. If possible, the pure spirit should hold off on using its power for a bit.

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-Councilman- Senate Role Cop. Determines if a player has a role or not.

Uhh... unless I miscounted, everyone has a role (assuming 3 masons)

-Sniper- Performs kills for the Rebels.May choose to kill an extra person up to two times throughout the game.

This is fine on its own... but with 3 kills a night and a Vigilante anyway, isn't it a bit excessive? You're looking at 3-5 kills a night, in a game with 20 players. Sorry for editing, there was no point making an extra post and the game hasn't started yet.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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I think it's fine, although I'm still a bit tetchy about the number of potential killing roles (Assassin, Hunter, 2 Mafia kills, Vigilante). In fact, the Vig has far too many bullets, IMO. I'd expect the game to be practically over by the time he shoots 4 times. 2 seems like a more, er, limiting limit. Then I'm completely happy.

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Whoo, Mafia!

Now, who to kill... Hmm, Balcerzak is smart, I'm killing him.

Anyway, you guys don't have a chance this time. My team consists of me, Spoon and Russell. We're so winning this.

I told him I wanted to be Mafia. So what does he go and do? Makes me some irrelevant role instead. Humbug.

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Anyone else got an opinion on the vig?

I agree with Tables; the game will probably be over before the vigilante could possibly even get four shots in, especially if he messes up and hits the town itself. Of course, it's true that there are several roles in this game that can survive one or even two shots, but remember that we're also lynching someone each day, which bypasses their protection entirely.

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Anyway, you guys don't have a chance this time. My team consists of me, Spoon and Russell. We're so winning this.

I know that the teams are completely random but it really wouldn't be fair if it was us 3. Toss in Bal vs. 100 townies and we'd still probably win.

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I think they'd figure it put sooner or later. Especially if they had a lot of doctors, watchers, trackers, vigilantes, and cops.

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