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Everything posted by Florete

  1. True, I forgot about shooters. Strategy games aren't better either way, though, unless it has more functions than can be mapped to a controller.
  2. A 360 controller (and maybe XBone? I wouldn't actually know) is the most easily compatible, but pretty much anything you can connect to your computer through a USB port can be made to work. Indeed. What kind of a game is a controller not better for, much less worse (as opposed to equal)? The only thing I can think of is, like, an MMO or something with abilities on hot keys.
  3. I caught the end of Jedi's set. Custom Villager is a real pain.
  4. I mean, if you watch his Pokemon runs (which I do), the nature of the game on its own necessitates that he's able to think on his feet. He's basically always incorporating some kind of backup.
  5. This is not a serious discussion topic. Honestly.
  6. I think the only song out of that list I know in the first place is Bonfire. I can name most of the anime used, though. Does that count for anything?
  7. Hm, I guess that's one way to see it. And I think I mentioned in my first post that the options are really awkward. But I don't think anyone is actually advocating for a sexual preference option in avatar creation, just to be how you want through choices made.
  8. Same here. It honestly didn't feel too professional. Then again, most of my favorite tracks aren't on either disc, anyway.
  9. There are things that can kill runs, but Werster definitely knows how to adapt for the unplanned. You can have backups. Particularly in these GDQ marathons, when a trick goes badly runners often resort to "time for backup strats." In this situation, if it wasn't a marathon, I imagine Bertin probably would have reset with how badly Str-screwed Seth was. But, well, no-reset run and all.
  10. Following both channels. As long as I'm around, I should be watching.
  11. This movie looks like an amazing comedy. I might actually see it.
  12. Doesn't mean new info needs to come from a direct. Besides, there can still easily be at least one more direct before its release, which would probably be a more suitable time for info.
  13. People have been expecting something about Mewtwo for every direct since he was announced, lol. Though I do think now is an appropriate time for some more info with the registration deadline fast approaching. I don't know what else to expect, but I'm not expecting any FE news. All I hope for is a new Metroid.
  14. At first I was wondering where you were seeing all this fanservice in KanColle, then I remembered it's a game and I only watch the anime.
  15. By being as active as Ike and eating a lot of meat. People really exaggerate the change in Ike's appearance since it's pretty drastic, but when people complain that three years isn't enough for that they forget that it's three fucking years. And it's not like Ike was some scrawny kid in PoR.
  16. For someone as active as Ike who also eats a lot of meat? One year is probably enough.
  17. Are you serious? I'm asking this honestly because I'm really not sure.
  18. >Puts it in the wrong board. >Jokes about doing so. >Doesn't answer the topic himself. Mod: *Locks*
  19. I don't think it will affect Fire Emblem at all. Fire Emblem isn't a series for the mobile market.
  20. This is a fanart topic. How many times do I need to tell people to stop having these long off-topic conversations before I start handing out warns?
  21. So on player phase, have him kill the ranged enemies. I don't recall there usually being more than one in a given area unless it's specifically a group of them (like I think there's a group of Crossbow Warrior reinforcements). It's not like Skrimir needs to be fighting alone, either, if Jill and/or Haar and whoever else is used are around.
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