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Everything posted by Ryuke

  1. 0 defence at all. (damn u green robin) What a weird week. Seems like everyone is getting smarter or putting Vantage on their Takumi.
  2. Yup. Missed it oh well. Thanks @Korath88 If I swap Ninian for Nowi (Blue Dragon).. is it feasible? Or is there a need for dancer.
  3. You should try it with your Ninian at level 40 and see if you get the same result
  4. GMT-4 (East-coast America): 7:15am-8:00am What the actual...f Too early. That being said.. I rather do the Western Time Zone (My Game do reset at 3am). It's the same global time. Kinda not fair.
  5. @MaskedAmpharos ... I keep forgetting to do that... I really should do it. Then again.. more level 40 may potentially help for these GHB...
  6. The only issue is ... (espeicially higher stratum) sometimes when you have one baby sit unit ... there's some unit that your unit cannot beat at all... (or you know .. deal 0-2 dmg and get rekt). If you move back... and let the level 40 comes in... they can either die "trying" ... or kill steal. Like at level 38-39 ... it might be better to train your level 39 units than 40.. and have some form of healer/dancer. So far. 4* unit is passable.. idk about 3*. My Hana is 3* at 38 ... because glass cannon ... but 3* level 31 Florina is struggling. (Yeah ... I need their heavy spear for one of these impossible quest last month)
  7. You managed to upgrade both Anna and Shareena to 5*? Ahh.. yeah I am one of these guys that send 4 units at once. To maximize effiency. Maybe for 3* I will try to send 2 units per time.
  8. The only problem is .. training at 3* to level 40 is pretty brutal. I am training a team of 4* (of 4) to level 40 ... and it aint going that well.. (Say 90% success rate per 8th stratum)
  9. Setsuna: When I practice at the range here, I nearly hit some guy named Alfonse. Usually, anyway. The face he makes! Setsu-bae I wish you actually hit Alfonse!
  10. But I didnt spend a single dollar as of yet... however these free stones tempt me to roll. Must resist the light side.
  11. In short -5spd is almost always the worst one. Unless you are the slowest fighters... chances are facing your counterpart (+spd) is very rare/
  12. Are there one unit that cannot beat their Perfect Boon/Bane counterpart? So far... all B/B have been an equal battle ... provided you attack first or play defensively.
  13. I love to give you a medal for all the money you spent to help us.
  14. I believe most of these hackers are banned by now. I do follow a hacking community and people did rage on ... getting banned in FEH sometimes early this week (or last week)
  15. Honestly. I have hacked (well coded) a script for a mobile game before... and only did so ... because it gotten to the point where F2P ... became P2Win. Never got banned (and they did ban people), I quit playing ever since Heroes come out. As for heroes, I havent start modding, I might for a secondary account. I enjoy Fire Emblem too much that I dont want to cheat this game (Also so far its easy...) .... I do however feel disappointed always being in the 30K-50K range for Arena. I was thinking, mod some Takumis and get 10K and keep the rest fair. However... life kicks in and well... with skill inheritance... it's probably not worth it. (Also they ban people pretty quick). Since I am a developer; I am completely fine with people modding the game... except ... like you mention... using it to gain complete unfair advantage to players. (Like I saw... 40+10 x4 Takumi with some crazy skill inheritance before it was released ... being shown up as a defense team deserves to get ban)
  16. I want to roll... but dont want to roll. I only want Karel but dont want the rest. Is the next banner really Michalis (because it really isnt much better than this). Pray for another battle.
  17. @Nazarre - like unique said. It isnt good... but it's translated bad.. Now that I realized serenes have a script... maybe I should chekc it out. TRS translation is also ... one of the few early translated project. It seems pretty good.. at least when I played it a few years back.
  18. No death run is pretty tough when you team is meh on top of FRobin 4.2K. (Ephraim, Nowi, Tharja, RobinF) People are getting better in Arena now... there's less defense result
  19. Thracia 776 do have a English patch IIRC. It's like a good 90% done. (Also the hardest one I have played to date.) Me too... been a FE fan for a long time... made an account a while back and never use much until Heroes. You should play TearRing Saga ... imo its one of the best ... (just me)
  20. How to make a +Spd Tharja stronger? Give her more attack or buff the def? Also.. how would anyone make a stronger Saizo (just asking)
  21. Got my second FCorrin.. I wish we got to choose what 4* Hero I want... IE: Someone I dont have yet.
  22. So no Takumi ? xD Yeah.. I would wait for JP to come up with a solid Setsuna or I might test her out sometimes in the future. I dont have a good Bow user with good Bow. Gordin/Virion comes with Brave, Silver... Since I am f2p ... I rather not yolo it.. though .. I do believe that speed is going to be a huge asset.
  23. Setsuna 37 28 37 22 23 147 [Super Speedy] Takumi 40 32 33 25 18 148 [Balanced - DEF Focus, Unique] -Darting Blow might be good. (Or maybe Atk+3 (Probably not), or that one skill that increases Atk when Setsuna is under 50% hp. - Assuming she doesnt get double.. its not OHKO but her speed is low) -She might need a new bow (Assassin bow to Silver Bow/Yumi or something) Tbh I havent done much research. I am planning to let the JP player plays it out. I am just glad Setsuna is going to be strong because of her Spd. As for attack, it's not like Takumi/Gordin can beat out armor knight (so... yeah no archer can take them out as of yet)
  24. Setsuna is god level now. Aside from the high speed.. throw distant counter and a few atk. you have a takumi that can double.
  25. Honestly. Adept have been more of a con than pro. Usually my team can survive hit from color they are strong against. Unless it's directed towards glass cannon
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