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Everything posted by Toa

  1. Ghast, no. 0x001 still reads Yes[.][x] Text buffer? Is 202A5B4 an offset? Because my ROM looks like it ends at 2003F20
  2. Hello. I was working on my hack and was testing a chapter and found that certain portions of text were broken, displaying what looks to be parts of the archer animation sheet while opening a speech bubble with question marks in it, followed by opening a shop prompt of some kind. None of that was in the text I inserted. Here is the text https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B9AUf9jC6FWsuyCzvdrZC92agsvJdzSLKPmG1Q2GRTw/edit It does similar things (currently it displays some text in the corner for a moment and then text appears at the top of the screen telling me what type of tile the cursor is on) even with different mugs loaded, at different locations(it started in 848), and with the simplest of events. No matter what I do, the game seems adamant on not playing this text. Any ideas?
  3. THEME/TOPIC: Biomechanics: Sprite a character/creature with (futuristic) mechanical modifications. Example: [spoiler=Rules] RULES: 1) only 1 entry per contestant, either in the Full Custom division or in the Splice/Edit division.(Animated may be a division if enough entries are in to justify it) -Please declare which division you fall under to avoid potential confusion. 2) No voting for your own entry! 3) Entries should be limited to 16 colors.(15 colors+ 1 background color) This is more of a guideline, but good to follow for style and challenge reasons. Colors may be custom or using GBA sprite palletes. 5) No posting previous/old works! This means no edits/recolors of something previously made as well. -allowing previous/old works would give an unfair advantage to certain entries, two weeks is a good amount of time to work on an entry... how fair would it be to have to go up against something someone spent months or even a year on? -creating brand new works, encourages creativity and artistic growth and development, kinda what the whole art forums are about... isn't it? [spoiler=NEW Voting and Winners] VOTING: Voting will be split into two categories. -Best in Theme -Best Overall Battle Sprite >Voting will run for 3 days If there are a large amount of entries, Best in Theme will be divided into smaller categories based on whether an entry is custom, splice, or animation. WINNERS: Winning placement will be decided by total number of votes across categories. >The winner gets to choose two potential themes either from a list or of their own imagination. >The winner and runner ups will vote upon the themes to select one. >The winner gets two votes in addition to theme selection. >Second place gets two votes. >Third place gets one vote. >Whatever theme wins the winner's votes will be used for the next competition. Note, votes can be split, if you have two votes they do NOT need to go to the same theme. [spoiler=list of sample themes] Avatar Adventures! Sprite your avatar. Man/Woman in the Mirror! Sprite Yourself! (proof optional) The Monster Mash! Sprite a Monster! The Great Gender Swap! Sprite a pre-existing character/class as the opposite gender! Baby Blues... Make a child/offspring of two pre-existing characters! The Reclassifieds... sprite a pre-existing character in a new class. Shades of the Emblem: Sprite a non GBA era character/class/creature. Heroes reimagined! Sprite a character/class/creature in a new way/design. Crossover Chaos! Sprite a pre-existing video game character in Fire Emblem style. Legends of Literature! Sprite a character from a book/movie/anime/television series The OC... sprite an original character! Pimp My Mount! Make a mounted unit Welcome to the Jungle! Animal spriting competition, no humans allowed. Modern Day Mayhem! Sprite a more modern day equivalent/design of a class. Mythological Madness: Sprite a mythological creature Legendary weapons: Sprite a character with a legendary weapon, of your own creation or preexisting. Terrors of the deep: Create an underwater creature, unit, or machine Death from above: Sprite a flying creature, unit, or machine. Heroes of the smoky skies: Steampunkify a class, character, or machine. Superheroes! Sprite a superhero, existing, or of your own design. R&D: Create a new class! Anthropomorphized: Sprite an anthro The Zodiac: Sprite a part of the zodiac History’s greatest! Sprite a unit or class from history End of the Line: Sprite a final boss-type character Puppets: Sprite a character with a puppet (the creepier the better!) --- Any further questions or concerns can be PMed to the current host! (Toa) or posted either in the feedback thread or within this thread itself. DEADLINE: Entries may be posted, and edited up until 11:59pm PST Wednesday, September 30th. October 7th.
  4. Read your PMs The shading on both of those is pretty chunky and pillowy, the first one has a lot of outline color too. The faces seem pretty good but the outfits could use some work, especially with the aforementioned shading. The lines don't look all that smooth on the outifts, which becomes really obvious when its the outline color.
  5. This a great set with a great theme, sad that there are so few entries.
  6. I'm paying attention I swear by Anthony N wins with 23 votes! Lenh comes in second with 21 and Toa third with 17. Good show everyone, winners will receive a PM shortly.
  7. Toa

    Smirks' Sprites

    I was thinking something like this.
  8. How old is he supposed to be? Because his battlesprite still looks like early teens. Not including the little bit of his hair that sticks up he is still 2 pixels shorter than the merc. His build is really similar to Nils' sprite actually. Unless he's supposed to be that young, I would make him merc height and broaden his shoulders and limbs. When you make him taller I'd stretch his legs more than his torso, but I guess you can do what looks right for you.
  9. Toa

    Smirks' Sprites

    Eugene is looking better for sure. I still think his eyes are a bit too round though. I like the textures on the beast, I like the gifs too.
  10. Interesting, is she an android or something? Blue electric looking stuff, pale skin and headphones(?) make me think that. If they are headphones I think the top should be slimmed down to just a pixel or two and the earmuff bits should probably bigger. I just thought it was a headband until I zoomed in. Right now it would have a fat strap over the top of the head. Not sure if the tattoo is supposed to be a specific design.
  11. Toa

    Smirks' Sprites

    Welcome back smirks! Eugene's face is kinda off. His nose doesn't stick out much so his face just looks flat. That and his round black eyes remind me of a horse. His smile and cheek shading is kinda weird too, I think it should be dialed back a bit. And where's the goatee! I do like his pose.
  12. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Glad you guys like the hair, definitely my favorite part. I'm having a lot of fun doing hair these days. Anyways, I think we're getting somewhere. Made a lot of face tweaks, is that better? I adjusted his collarbones and got rid of 1 pixel of neck so hopefully the neck is better now too. Haven't started any body edits yet besides making the green a little more neutral.
  13. There's a size comparison with the merc. It would make a really good little Ike ^^ You don't need fancy software to make an animation. All you need to be able to do is frames. I find having a program with layers can give you a good impression of what it will look like but definitely not necessary. Even if you're making gifs you can just save the frames and use http://gifmaker.me/or something to compile a gif.
  14. The battle sprite is pretty boyish, in that it he looks like a child. I'm not sure if that's what you were going for, but I think he needs to be bulked up, probably 3 more pixels of height and 1 or 2 pixels of width. Pretty good sprite, just pretty small. Are you planning on animating it?
  15. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    I made a mug! With a video! That didn't turn out terrible! probably because I actually knew what I was going to draw [spoiler=lol] I always find the shittiness of my original sketches hilarious
  16. Toa

    Fate of Fire

    CHARACTER PROFILE: Ajax Ajax is a leader of one of the many budding rebellions during the events of Fate of Fire. He is calculated and effective in his methods, whatever they may be. Backstory: Ajax is an Ithacan native, but unlike Aeneas has no ties to royal authority or any governmental power at all. He was born to a poor farming family along the western border of Ithaca. He spent his youth working his father's fields, but eventually grew bored of that life and looked for greater things. As a young man, he set out into the Badlands where he operated for some years and became a marauder of some infamy. He sees opportunity everywhere, and turmoil in his homeland is no exception. Ajax has returned to the Ithacan peninsula for a chance at greatness, and will do whatever he can to get there. Ajax uses axes in combat, a weapon he became adept at using in the Badlands. He is extremely strong, able to crush his enemies in a single blow. Ajax can be a valuable consultant to Aeneas if he chooses to take his advice into account. Ajax's decisions are rarely limited by emotions and morals, allowing him to suggest ideas that others would shy away from. Ajax is clever. He is effective. He gets results. Will he be the one to guide Aeneas on a path to victory? Will you join Ajax?
  17. All of them. Voting restarts every Tuesday until the end of the month The 8th, guess I forgot to actually write it down when I checker the calendar lol. I'm hoping we'll see more activity in the future as well, sprite forum has been mildly quiet lately though.
  18. THEME/TOPIC: Sprite a monster or beast! Remember, a monster could be anything from a Vampire or Zombie to an Eldritch Abomination! Example: --- [spoiler=NEW Voting and Winners] VOTING: Voting will be split into two categories. -Best in Theme -Best Overall Battle Sprite >Voting will run for 3 days If there are a large amount of entries, Best in Theme will be divided into smaller categories based on whether an entry is custom, splice, or animation. WINNERS: Winning placement will be decided by total number of votes across categories. >The winner gets to choose two potential themes either from a list or of their own imagination. >The winner and runner ups will vote upon the themes to select one. >The winner gets two votes in addition to theme selection. >Second place gets two votes. >Third place gets one vote. >Whatever theme wins the winner's votes will be used for the next competition. Note, votes can be split, if you have two votes they do NOT need to go to the same theme. [spoiler=list of sample themes] Avatar Adventures! Sprite your avatar. Man/Woman in the Mirror! Sprite Yourself! (proof optional) The Monster Mash! Sprite a Monster! The Great Gender Swap! Sprite a pre-existing character/class as the opposite gender! Baby Blues... Make a child/offspring of two pre-existing characters! The Reclassifieds... sprite a pre-existing character in a new class. Shades of the Emblem: Sprite a non GBA era character/class/creature. Heroes reimagined! Sprite a character/class/creature in a new way/design. Crossover Chaos! Sprite a pre-existing video game character in Fire Emblem style. Legends of Literature! Sprite a character from a book/movie/anime/television series The OC... sprite an original character! Pimp My Mount! Make a mounted unit Welcome to the Jungle! Animal spriting competition, no humans allowed. Modern Day Mayhem! Sprite a more modern day equivalent/design of a class. Mythological Madness: Sprite a mythological creature Legendary weapons: Sprite a character with a legendary weapon, of your own creation or preexisting. Terrors of the deep: Create an underwater creature, unit, or machine Death from above: Sprite a flying creature, unit, or machine. Heroes of the smoky skies: Steampunkify a class, character, or machine. Superheroes! Sprite a superhero, existing, or of your own design. R&D: Create a new class! Anthropomorphized: Sprite an anthro The Zodiac: Sprite a part of the zodiac History’s greatest! Sprite a unit or class from history End of the Line: Sprite a final boss-type character [spoiler=secret] VOTING ENDS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8
  19. They're still way too small. Have you tried splicing an unedited pair of eyes onto him?
  20. I'm up for an extension i haven't started yet. How about until the end of the week? I'm thinking Saturday so you get the beginning of the weekend. And wow, that really sucks about your car : (
  21. You just need to post it in this thread : )
  22. Stills are perfectly acceptable, in fact they're the norm
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