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Everything posted by Toa

  1. Cato's trim could use some work. The part around his neck is a bit thin and icky, I think it should be more curved. There also appears to be no skintone 4 in any of it. the parts where it curves back should be shaded a lot darker than the parts in the front. There's also a small bit in the front with the bg color. Faline's hair is weird. The split isn't really centered, I'd just use fiora or erk's hair. The edge's of her hair are also missing a lot of the darkest hairshade in their aliasing.
  2. Toa

    Mewmew Sprite Land

    Luffy looks super pro af, excited to see how the rest turn out! :O I'm all the way back in like sypeia for OP, but one day I'll catch up lol. Always a big fan of your sprites, love your style.
  3. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    King of heroes! I feel like the more I look at this mug the worse it gets T.T It has a video but I've made so many changes after recording I'm not sure its worth posting...
  4. What's up with Ilyana's colors? They're way whack, like the background green is all over her face and the lightest shade of her cloak isn't listed. Her main ear color also isn't listed. Her hair color is really light and her clothes seem really saturated.
  5. I'd be more than willing to host, I was just wondering if there were others who really wanted to do it. I figure I'm on enough to keep it going too. Thanks for the input guys! I'd like to try out my theme idea but if it doesn't work out we can go back to the old way.
  6. I couldn't help but notice that the Showdown died out after round 6, and seeing as Lt. Smirks hasn't been online in over a month, I don't see much hope of it coming back on its own. Since no one else has brought it up, is there any interest in bringing the showdown back? Not sure who would be put in charge since Smirks probably isn't going to name a successor, maybe Errant could choose one? Or just someone volunteer? That said, the last Showdown ended with a bit of unrest about themes and how themes are chosen. I have a few ideas about this. I think there should be a list of themes (either the one we made last time or a new one) that the victor then gets to pick a couple themes from. Then the other winners would get to vote on the one they like which would then be the theme. Got your own ideas? Post 'em down below! Post any themes you would like to see too! Also was unsure if this would be better in general or competition, put it here since the old ideas thread was here. Other thread for reference
  7. But I sumbmitted one *last* time we only had one mug Dx I'll try and get some more stuff in this week
  8. I didn't even edit the hair, I just did face and color stuff... His head is like 50% hair though
  9. Hope you don't mind, I tried my hand at some edits.
  10. I think the face looks weird because it isn't straight copied, the shaping is slightly off, especially on the jawline. I think FE8 colors might match POR colors better. Very cool project, good luck with the rest of the cast!
  11. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Christmas cavaliers? Try out Christmas mages! Capes T.T second one is a redux of this old and terrible mug Hooray for improvement!
  12. I also have the level cap problem, it happens to all playable units on all chapters.
  13. [spoiler=Thoughts] Prologue: Playing on the bandits side is interesting. I wish the fact that you have to talk to Lia was a bit more clear. I killed her twice at range before trying to talk to her. Chapter 1: This chapter is really bad... The level 2 level cap seems unnecessary and Jude is the only person who can carry his weight. Ralph dies in a couple of hits and can only deal 4 damage to enemies, and 0 to the boss. Lia has lance which puts her at a disadvantage against the vast majority of the enemies. The breakable walls appear to serve no purpose. The boss was a slog of RNG burning because the only person who could fight him was Jude, but he only did 10 damage at 50% while Batta did 17 also with 50. The healing boss was annoying and unnecessary, it just felt like I had to kill him twice. The map is also way too big, and the fact that the two south rooms don't connect means you'll have to run all the way around. Chapter 2: Julie's smile seems out of place. This chapter kinda sucks too. It starts off wounding the best unit down to 2 HP, and since I used all my vulernaries last level fighting the boss, I was kinda screwed right from the get-go. The enemies at the start will demolish you pretty quickly so I just ran away and let the green units do their thing. In the end I had to camp behind the mountains and snipe the enemies off as they came over. Once again the boss (who is apparently a cross dresser) required some RNG rigging. The level 2 cap still makes no sense. The level cap being level 2 seems like a weird decision, levelling is a major part of FE and in this hack everyone has the opportunity for *1* levelup.
  14. You also have literally nothing showing, not even like a plot synopsis. There is nothing here that would motivate me to want to contribute. You also haven't shown much commitment to anything, you post a lot of new concepts and apparently you already restarted this, though I'm not sure what there was to restart since it never looked like you did anything. Make some real solo progress first and generate some interest, then try and get some help.
  15. I think its fine to base characters off yourself and other people but straight up putting yourself in a game is kinda weird, unless the game is meant to be less than serious.
  16. To load it in tiled you need to open the .tmx file in a text editor and edit the path that finds the tileset. If you don't know where that is just open another tiled file and copy the path from there. So yeah, definitely a tiled thing no map creator.
  17. Something looks really weird about his crouching frames, especially noticeable in this one. He looks like he has an upper body but no lower body, and he looks like he's doing the splits. I get the sorta crouching pose thing he's doing, but it just doesn't read well here. I think his knee needs to be slimmed up and brought in closer to his body, right now it just doesn't look right. His head seems a little tall too. The animation is really cool overall though!
  18. In FEditor you can drag the frames for the mouth and eyes so that they line up. You don't need to find mugs that match your frames.
  19. Best Mini mugs ever. That's a lot of maps, especially for one guy :O
  20. Blushing Bram too kawaii o///o So tsundere to Malcolm. haha OTP Rapport looks awesome! Decision making is very cool stuff
  21. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Bounce Bounce Wag Wag I really need to get to work on FOF
  22. I started doing sprites like 3 years ago and eventually ended up doing FE stuff for reddit friends. I came to SF to get better at sprites and then also got interested in the ROMhacking section. I got inspired to try and make my own hack after last year's FEE3. Right now I'm working on making everything suck less. Mostly music atm and thinking about how to insert hella exposition.
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