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Everything posted by Toa

  1. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Thanks guys :D A shadow is a good idea!
  2. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Zeppelin for BBSSIV. Made some fixes to the side wing after recording. [spoiler=Video!] No music because lazy. Also there's some random breaks, because lazy.
  3. Toa

    Lenh's Locker

    I feel so inspirational :D I agree with Solum that the head proportions are a bit off. I also know what you mean about recording interrupting the work flow! Normally I work on a sprite for a couple minutes at a time, but you can't really do that if you want to record.
  4. The beard would transition into the face a bit better if you pulled some of the bulk off and added a bit of tapering. Take a look at Dozla and some of the other bearded folk. Right now it looks like it goes from really bushy to gone.
  5. I'd say matching style can be pretty objective, the rule you broke doesn't really have much room for interpretation, though you tried really hard to twist it in your favor. You really need to just let Errant run the comp, it seems every entry that's even a little different you start complaining for it to be DQ'd. It's getting pretty annoying.
  6. Toa

    Boops on a Canvas

    Her hairline looks like it's creeping down again, ref Alpha's placement of the hairline.
  7. Toa

    Icer's Mugshots

    If you click them it takes you to the actual full image. I recommend using an image hosting site like Imgur to post images straight into comments.
  8. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Finished a mug I guess, his far pauldron might need a bit more work.
  9. There are tons of free gif makers online, Idk what you're talking about. Custom battlesprites are harder to make than splices, should we ban those so everyone has an equal chance? I for one support our new animation overlords, if you have the skill you should by all means use all of it.
  10. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Battle sprite comp entries. The fire birds are real. Not sure why, as both fire and birds are hard for me to draw :P
  11. Pretty cool. I agree with errant on the axe angles, and it's also pretty weird that she makes the sheathing motion, and then immediately undoes it.
  12. Toa

    Smirks' Sprites

    I don't know about that Ross... His face looks really squished, his eyes are really animu, and it's hard to make out where his mouth ends. The shoulder armor looks kinda lumpy and the shading doesn't fit his style of armor at all, it's far too shiny. His back leg looks broken in that pose, I think his thigh needs to turn to (our) right. The unshaded parts looks like a good base, but the shoulder area and up has issues. Are these referenced freehands or traces?
  13. I've been working on mine since day 1 and still haven't finished lol (damn you, civ!) I'll (hopefully) get it finished up by tomorrow (today?)
  14. Toa

    Smirks' Sprites

    He looks a lot more surprised is the sprite than in the OA, which looks more serious/determined. I would remove the shines in his eyes and maybe slant his eyebrows a little more and bring them closer to the tops of his eyes. I think the mouth could use a couple changes to make it less :O and more like he's shouting something, the eye changes might help that tho. His nose seems a bit off as well, yours has a large, rounded end while the art has a more angled nose. Rest looks pretty good, but I feel like you might use a bit too much of the darkest shades.
  15. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    [spoiler=sketch power, activate] You could slice bread on that chin. Big bad armor is like this but with trim. Go ahead on editing MehFC, he needs a lot of help Dx Oh dear, my horrible base lines are showing lol. Looking at it now, those lines are pretty much completely totally wrong O.O I'll work on fixing the base lines up and see if that makes the body drawing easier. I like how he's going too, mainly working on the head right now. Now that you mention smallness, I think the reason his head looks tall is that his face got scrunched down onto a normal size head. will fix. Thanks for the advice, hopefully I can actually satisfactorily finish something
  16. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Meh FC. I recorded this one, but it isn't great so I don't really want to put a video together :P This gives me an excuse to make a WIP dump though! The WIPs, from left to right: Big bad, I actually have a design for his body, but can't seem to get it to look right. Count Mondego from the Count of Monte Cristo. Girl whose hair I can't get right. Super old WIP that I can't seem to get right. Redux of one of my old splices that is going slow. (his head looks is so tall lol) Comment on anything! I need to make some progress!
  17. Here's a nice torso anatomy guide thing http://tincek-marincek.deviantart.com/art/HOW-TO-Male-Torso-Anatomy-495748782
  18. His abs look pretty drawn on and the definition on the biceps is way extreme. the torso under the pecs is pretty flat looking too. Upper third looks pretty good. I'd lighten up the shading a lot on his near arm.
  19. Get hyped! I've been following this for a while and am excited to finally get to play :O
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